Tuck gets Cucked

13  2019-03-11 by Strictlybutters


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lol oh no he made jokes guyz

Like James Gunn or Roseanne

fox ain't the mouse


Just jokes tho right?

doesn't really matter, the power of a woke twitter mob is now at it's least threatening it's been in years.

not to mention tucker's got the top show on cable and the overlap between his viewers and said twitter mobsters ain't much. that's too much exposure and moolah for fox to throw away to ruin their whole lineup.

and let's be real, the amount of times you hear the word "pedo" when it comes to anyone in the Republisphere lately, it always turns out to involve willing 16-17 year old girls that would be past the age of consent in 90% of places.

Most girls that age have more sexual experience than all of r/drama put together (myself excluded, jewnova lent me /u/ladyvetinari and I racked up my score).

in b4 i'm now darqwolff + KIA

Nice sperg, retard 🤣

The only retard here is you, you braindead srdine

t. sperging newfag 🤣🤣🤣

"hehe... hello girls (rubs hands clammily)... I know you young ladies have more.... sexual experience than the reddit forum, tee hee... I too am a world and broad-minded man, tehehehe.... I have many sensuous graphic novels and cartoons from exotic lands..."

Nah there was no joking when he admitted defended warren Jeff’s and decided to rant about how there’s nothing wrong with being a cult leader who marries 27 year old men to 15/16 year old girls.

He was only pretending to be a libertarian!


I don't see the issue.

he'll be fine

Especially since he was smart enough not to apologise.

He . . . called journalist Arianna Huffington a “pig,” and labeled Britney Spears and Paris Hilton “the biggest white whores in America.”

Did this even qualify as a "hot take" in the early 2000s?

Like most pedo

63% upvoted

it isn’t just me, right? has activity in the MDEfugee model gone up lately?