
514  2019-03-11 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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This bot always fucks with me for a second before I see the username.

How is this a bot. I refuse to believe it.

Snappy achieved sentience back in 1993

Democrats would never run an Asian. That’s like running a Jew.

Lol, they should run a jew and call anti-Semitism every time someone agrees with her.

They had their chance to run Sanders already.

Hillary converts to Judaism confirmed.

Chelsea married a Jew

unironically I think a lot of anti-sanders dialogue is implicitly antisemitic but Dems are sneaky enough to give themselves plausible deniability when you call them out

a couple years ago I saw several blue checks comparing Bernie to Judas or saying he "stabbed the Dems in the back" by not supporting Hillary with enough enthusiasm

I think there was some official merchandise sold at a Clinton event that depicted Sanders in a similar manner to Nazi anti-Jew propaganda.

Daddy Bernie lost though

But doesn’t Bernie have a high, un-ironic, early following? I will predict it now that Bernie is who the Democrats run for 2020.

His following isn’t likely going to sustain itself. He jus jumped in really and people are just following up on what he was in 2015.

Harris is the most likely candidate as she’s been steady and well, black. This is unless Biden jumps in. If he does he’s most likely an auto-win because he would only do it if he got Obama’s endorsement beforehand. Which would clinch it for him going into the primaries.

Harris didn't look Black at breakfast club.

This but unironically. I didn't even realize Harris was black till people mentioned it online.

Her last name is HARRIS, how did that not clue you off.

I'm neither an American nor someone born in the west, so my 'name recognization skills' are just barely enough to say "SomethingStein = Jewish, McSomething = Irish, Daquanay or some shit = Black"

She said the N word like 20 times over the weekend, literally smoked hash with Snoop and Tupac. Here's a picture of them chillin in college.

I take pride in not having known that 🤗

are you retarded?

Yes, people that don't follow the minutiae of foreign politicians are retards.

I have not clue who she is either, but look at the picture

"SomethingStein = Jewish, McSomething = Irish, Daquanay or some shit = Black"

You've pretty much got it

when will gussy realize that pearl necklaces make them look older?

I still don’t believe she’s black, I’m pretty sure she’s just pulling a Dolezal

She's half Indian.

Call me sexist, but I don’t see a woman winning in 2020. After all of Trump’s campaigning of Clinton being “crooked,” it will take an extraordinary woman to regain whatever may have been lost in the 2016 election. I do, however, see a woman having a high probability of winning in 2024.

Haley 2024

Thanks, I hate it. Kirstjen Nielsen 2020, I heard that's why she quit DHS.

We need Haley 2020 to fulfil the superpower by 2020 prophecy

Id vote for Tulsi Gabbard. Too bad the rest of the left hates her

Thanks, I hate it. I won't vote for a fucking Narcotics officer. I bet she'll be unironically wearing a wire in the oval office and bust her help for smoking weed and little crimes. She needs to have not spent her career putting minorities in the clank and not charging Steve Munchkin with financial crimes.

but nobody likes Harris. she’s less popular than O’Malley was

And you wouldn’t even be able tell Harris is black if she didn’t say so

Bernie is in a similar position to Trump at the beginning of 2015: probably the front-runner, but opposed by most other candidates and written off by the media as a long-shot.

With a wider field of candidates, Bernie has a much better shot than he did last time. However if he can't appeal to older black voters and blue-state moderates better than he did in 2016, I don't think he has a serious chance.

He's not winning in the polls Biden is. He's more like Ted Cruz. Though Biden could be a Jeb. Or maybe he doesn't even run again.

Biden hasn’t even announced yet

Or maybe he doesn't even run again.

ohh, he was Biden all along

Democrats would never run an Asian.

Can you seriouspost for a second? Is there an actual political reason for this, or are you just joking?

Asians count towards white privilege now. They’ve been known as model minorities cause they stay out of trouble, conform to American culture the same way most Europeans do, like the US as a country and are pretty successful.

So if they run anyone not black they basically lose 30% of their core black voting block just from the primary.

Asians count towards white privilege now. They’ve been known as model minorities cause they stay out of trouble, conform to American culture the same way most Europeans do, like the US as a country and are pretty successful.

I heard about the controversy at harvard where asians are suing for being discriminated against.

So if Dems run anyone not black they basically lose 30% of their core black voting block just from the primary so there’s that too.

Come on, they can't be THAT petty. An asian guy is worse than a white guy in their eyes?

According to college applications, yes.

What's the minimum SAT to get the nomination?

this is an extremely retarded interpretation

this entire thread is extremely retarded

Do you seriously want an educated reply in this sub?

Do you seriously want an educated reply in this sub?

Come on, they can't be THAT petty. An asian guy is worse than a white guy in their eyes?

No, they are BETTER than white guys, so they have to be discriminated against.

C'mon blacks wouldn't vote for a white Republican over an Asian Democrat, especially one offering $1000/month

What they hate most is when someone gets out of shitty and poor areas. Those typically tend to be Asians and Jews.

Seriousposting for a sec, but the Asians = white people is 100% righty cope

but they ran a white last time. so why not an asian?

A take so hot it burned the roof of my mouth

Orientals are white. Infact they're white and not mayo, which is worst.

Asian's are too successful to be a minority by the standard of the "progressive" left. They're basically white people, so an asian man is just really a white man and oof, yikes, gross.

They redefined People of Color to not include Asians.

Which is going to make it awkward given that Indians are the next group up that fit the bill.

Kamala Harris’ mother is Indian. That might count her out.

Aryans will finally be recognized as white.

They redefined People of Color to not include Asians.

...who’s “they”?

Take a guess.

I was gonna say commies but

since when do commies get to decide anything

The whole intersectional thing is a leftist communist tactic to seperate a population into competing groups and make an argument for larger government controls to ensure everyone has a place in society.

wait why would “communists” want to “separate a population into competing groups”

that seems like kind of a contradiction lol

In the US there are those who do well on average: whites, Asians, Jews, Indians and those who do bad on average, black, Latinos etc.

They use race as a surrogate for class divide. It’s just to lead up to a class argument which takes over once the race, sex and regional divides are filled.

Basically it’s saying that the top races are the oppressors of the bottom.

They use race as a surrogate for class divide.

That’d be a pretty shitty surrogate, though. Most members of every race are proles.

It’s just to lead up to a class argument which takes over once the race, sex and regional divides are filled.

So wait, does this imply the “separating into groups” is a temporary step intended to subside into general class consciousness?

That’d be a pretty shitty surrogate, though. Most members of every race are proles.

Yes but as I said, minorities are overwhelmingly in poverty. So that creates a pseudo-class system to pull politics to the left.

So wait, does this mean the “separating into groups” is a temporary step intended to eventually subside into unified class consciousness? Or am I misreading this?

To build something up you have to tear the existing social fabric down. They use the have and have not divide that’s present in racial demographics to push socialist policies, which they hope will let them pull further to the left to communist policies.

They use the have and have not divide that’s present in racial demographics to push socialist policies

Wouldn’t it be a little easier to just use the have and have not divide in general, though? Seems like an unnecessary intermediary

They do! Every white person regardless of status has white privilege.

You see how they start working it in? Whites regardless of what they have not will always have. That’s how they rig it to say people in poverty I.e. blacks and Latinos, need intersectional politics to address systemic problems. And one primary way to fix that? Socialist programs. Which is a stepping stone for communist programs.

They want to tear down the system. That system is oppressive because its capitalistic. Capitalism is controlled by whites with the privilege in the US and this needs to end.

They do! Every white person regardless of status has white privilege.

But all white privilege gets you is decent starting odds, an initial assumption that you might know what you’re talking about, and probably not being shot by police. It doesn’t work as a stand-in for class dynamics any more than “first-world problems” does.

Whites regardless of what they have not will always have.

But what they’d have would be lesser than what they have not.

That’s how they rig it to say people in poverty I.e. blacks and Latinos, need intersectional politics to address systemic problems.

Well, they do. But whatever solutions they’d propose to address the systemic problems of black and hispanic poverty would necessarily have to address poverty in general, including that of whites.

In any of the schemes I’ve heard, “solving” systemic racism wouldn’t immediately solve the poverty enabled by it, it’d just prevent it from being perpetuated needlessly— poverty as its own systemic issue would need similar, separate attention. And most of the mechanisms of systemic racism also negatively affect poor whites, albeit usually at a much lower rate.

Capitalism is controlled by whites with the privilege in the US

But only some whites control capitalism. And while they maintain the largest share domestically, these days they have to share it with vampires of all colors. It’s no longer sufficient just to share it with Persians, Jews and the occasional North African.

White privilege may be derived in large part from capitalism, but it doesn’t grant people control of capitalism. Only money and guards can do that.




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But they yellow

But the Democratic Party is full of white men

Not enough Asians to pander too. Most Asians vote conservative. Black people still have a problem with Koreans.

Black people still have a problem with Koreans.

what lol? no korean ever called Ali “ni🅱️🅱️er.”

is this about that one guy who brandished a shotgun on a rooftop 27 years ago? that’s not exactly on a lot of black people’s minds these days

Asians are high up the privilege ladder, and the white woke base gains nothing from using them as tokens to advance themselves socially.

The two frontrunners rn are a Jew and a white guy.

The only thing that matters is who’s there when the smoke clears.

So, two white guys?

You do realize that this is literally just a /pol/ PsyOp?

They have been grooming and trolling this poor guy just to piss on dems and for lulz.

YangGang is literally an inside joke about Nazbol (National bolsheviks.)

$1000 is a reference to "free money" or "magic government money."

His only real fans are disenfranchised centrists abandoning the bipartisan system, adn those are a really fringe minority. Rest of his fanbase is just frog-worshippers stroking his ego and trolling him along exactly where they want him.

You must be beyond stupid to shill this guy.

He might hadYou do realize that this is literally just a /pol/ PsyOp?

They have been grooming and trolling this poor guy just to piss on dems and for lulz.

YangGang is literally an inside joke about Nazbol (National bolsheviks.)

$1000 is a reference to "free money" or "magic government money."

You must be beyond stupid to shill this guy.

He might had chance in 2024 but eating this bait now has probably cost him that too.

You're giving them too much credit, /pol/ is not that smart; they are nihilistic neets who just want gibs

/pol/ is never the cause or effect of any political movement. it's right in between- the figurehead for all avânt gárdę politics that normies don't realize they identify with yet

/pol/ is not that smart

Coming from the people who easily eat up /pol/ memes like this.

I'm not giving them credit. /pol/ is not smart, everyone else is just stupider

pol claims to be behind anything that seems like it disrupts a system because their whole board is basically that anyway. Along with hating blacks, Jews, Muslims and anyone from south of the equator including Australians.

How stupid does it make you to buy into a /pol/ manufactured meme?

The meme war is not a joke, le maymays are srs bsns.

Australian shitposters deserve the ire though. Only thing is a Leaf, may Allah forgive me for uttering the word.

delet this

the trump train started with memeing on retards too

“psyop”? did i miss something? does this “Yang” guy exist outside of /r/drama?

They would, however, run an Asian Jew.

I'd pay good money to see Yang beat the shit out of Trump.

I doubt you need martial arts to beat up a fat senile old man

Tbf half of reddit would break a bone if they did that.

Half of Reddit would brag that they couldn't knock the other guy to the ground.

Hes so alpha that McMahon fell before he even touched him

Aren't orientals white ? Even more so. Can't have privileged types.

Yanggang ft Lil Pump

$1000? Thank you Yang Gang, very cool!

1000 reasons #yangang

Absolutely based and 💵pilled

The good part about yang is now everyone on the alt right can admit the left was right about trump

Theres a lot to unpack here

kinda. it started mostly from twitter, most of the people are half serious half joking.

Keep your eye on the bag.

need those NEETbux ;0

Yang dresses like he works the CIA and is looking for a Masketta man.

Smee, Mimen, Doctor Pavelhier, Budd Donly, Juan Hovieu

YANG GANG let ya nuts hang

Unironically the only candidate I would consider voting for so far other than Trump.

thanks for sharing. how far does $1000 go in child grooming, if you want to buy the kids toys and shit

Like 1/75th of the way to buying a Lamborghini for the girl I love but she's over 18 now so idk if that counts as child grooming

she's over 18 now so idk if that counts as child grooming

Ahh so i see youre coping with having to move on now thats shes legal now.

I don't move on, that's pretty much the first fact about me, it's astonishing how you people don't even know that much and you still believe whatever random shit you make up about me like it makes you experts

Question: How old is too old for you? 18? 16? What if you're in Europe and the age of consent is like 14? Do you see a 15 year old that you fancy and after asking for her age, do you go like "nah, too old for me"?


So this girl you "love". When is the last time you hung out with her?

she's over 18 now



Two 9 year olds do not count as over 18

All the gibs aside this dude seems un compromised to a certain extent, but the only truly based progressive candidate is tulsi gabbard. Look at how much the establishment has smeared her already. There are already been Russia truther fake news pieces worries by nbc linking her to the kremlin. She’s the real deal, and smoking hot too

The only way I'll vote for a female candidate who isn't completely physically repulsive is if she attends the Presidential debates as close to nude as possible. There is no excuse for living a life of feminine privilege by America's divine will and then hoarding your tits while asking Americans for their votes unless you're some pug creature like Hillary Clinton who never could have gotten much feminine privilege to owe America for to begin with. Someone like that is exempt from being judged based on clothing, she just didn't get my vote because she was a retarded psychopath.

Clinton was also ugly af, which is the main reason I didn’t vote for her. I agree female candidates should have full disclosure and show tits before they announce their candidacy. All I’m saying is tulsi unironically is the only female candidate with hot tits worth looking at.

But she's not going to show them, and therefore she doesn't really care about this country.

Your based logic and reasoning has me wanting to look more into this yang gang. Asian tits are best tits!

we've got a big surprise here, known pedophile and avid Reddit user supports Trump.

Ubi is a failure in every country its been tried


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.

You have 4 links and not one of them is to information


I also have no qualms against UBI that arent any general opinion against unfair taxation and its cost. Im pretty sure you could gleam that from like maybe a majority of the articles.

I don't like big numbers so let's just keep the world shitty and not worry about how we live, please guys?

Nice strawman.

So can i walk into an electronic store and take whatever? If a TV costs too much can i just steal it because i want my life to be better?

Name one successful UBI program then? I still stand by my statement that they all failed.

Nice strawman.

You said UBI "failed," not that it wasn't successful. There is a subtle but important difference and you know it, because your goal with the word "failed" was to imply UBI had been given a chance to succeed to begin with and it was its own fault it never worked.

We arent a post scarcity civilization. We will never be. The only thing that is infinite is human desires. Lotto winners a year down the line are just as happy as the avg person.

Also i didnt use a strawman and UBI was given a chance to succeed. Your arguments are incredibly emotional as well

We arent a post scarcity civilization. We will never be

UBI was given a chance to succeed. Your arguments are incredibly emotional as well

Again, you're a dumbass. These are retarded things to think or say. Have fun losing in 2020

I really hope you are trolling. That or you are the avg r/drama user

Shut up you dumb faggot. If you have any desire for your candidates to win or not seem like a delusional pipe-dream, shut the fuck up.

I could say the same to you with the key difference that I'd actually be right.

Retards who project pedophilia on internet strangers aren't a key voting demographic, trust me.

Says the dude who talks online about fucking kids then says he's only being humorous

Yeah, fucktard, what seems like a big deal about that to you? Is your long term memory so bad you can't even remember when shock humor wasn't a political thing? How are this many of you this severely mentally handicapped and so few willing to stand against it?

It's not really shocking nor humorous to say you fuck kids, just gross and not surprising cause it's the internet and Poe' s law. If social interaction isn't your strong suit( I know i am hazarding a gues here with this one), just remember that this makes people laugh at YOU, not with you.

Yep, you literally have such a bad memory you can't remember a time when you weren't brainwashed to think shock humor is unfunny.

If it's just gross and "not surprising" to you seeing a comment like the one you're talking about, that's not because of Poe's "law," that's because you're retarded. Incidentally, the #1 most common reason "Poe's Law" gets mentioned is because some retard with no social skills needs an excuse for their complete lack of intelligence or social skills, which is funny because it subconsciously made you need to start talking about social interaction as a "strong suit" immediately after to detract from you doing that and then you still couldn't think of any wittier way to sell that projection than to regurgitate the old AtYouNotWithYou.txt

Yep, now that I’ve thought about it, you’re right. Saying you fuck kids is really funny and idk why you don’t already have your own netflix comedy special

Shutup and vote for Jeb! you fucking traitor.

I would say that Bernie and Yang along with Warren to a degree are genuinely who they portray themselves as. I'm a Bernie supporter but I'm also supporting Yang as well for transparency.

I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

It is no coincidence that Yangchad looks like Kim

He only looks like Kim if you’ve never seen another Asian person before

Yang's Plank: "human-centered Capitalism"

I think we tried that already ...

I recall, the slaves were unhappy.

Where's muh money?

Orang man bad indeed.

Also, op is a yang gang shill confirmed.

Please daddy Yang gimme my NEETbux so I can buy more tendies

is that kim jong un

all u need is

trump: is literally mentally retarded

yang: will give you free money