Autist Artist Makes Cool Guide But Y'all Can't Behave

217  2019-03-11 by chestertons


Thank FUCK I’m a Canadian woman with rights.

Why do canadian redditors never shut the fuck up about being canadian

Serious question: what’s the difference between Americans and Canadians?

Americans do not fear the Day of the Rake.

it draws closer with each rising of the sun, inshallah

Day of the Liposuction shall follow shortly after. Mark my words, my burgerian friend.


Canadians are just Americans that inexplicably think they are superior to other Americans.

Americans are self-deprecating, while leafs think they're actually special.

Our champagne socialists are on a whole different level. You find them crawling out of any major city, but Toronto and Vancouver especially, and they take purity tests very seriously. Anyone failing to conform is wrong and scum

That's how I got this username actually! Despite voting liberal all my life, smoking Trudeau's shitty weed, having a degenerate sexuality, and being a visible immigrant, I'm still constantly accused of being a "biggotted republican" for defending farm subsidies and tax cuts for the middle class

TLDR: we have the same fart huffers as yall, but ours consider themselves "intellectuals" for keeping track of US politics

Who can see these idiots on both r/Canadapolitics and r/onguardforthee. Many consider on guard the worst but from what I've seen they aren't the worst. The Canada politic guys are the worst and it all started with the Trans Mountain Expansion. Nothing but hippies and British Colombians there along with actual socialist.

The day of the rake can't come soon enough

Rake me daddy 😳🍁🍁

Pretty sure the average sanfranciscan can still outretard any leaf.

Free Healthcare?

If you consider a 60% tax rate 'free' then yes.

60% > emergency healthcare bankruptcy

No doubt.

If you don't need to either whore yourself and your family or sell your kidney because you broke a toe, it's "free".

Marginal tax rate in Canada is 37% at a half mil.

Leafs get the rake, burgers the fentanyl. While the methods vary, the end goal of mayocide remains the same with both.

Americans are dumb.

Canadians have a specific kind of dumb where they are economically, militarily and even culturally dependent on America, yet they have in their head at all times this imagined elevated position to Americans the same way a professor might have towards his students. In my experience with Canadian snowbirds and Canadian travelers, this imagined position almost always results in autistic comments while in the United States about how any given thing (food, store, legal policy) is better in Canada.

Let's just say we should be preparing the world's largest rake.

It's a minority complex. Similar to how flyover country feels towards the real parts of America, they constantly resent them because they're jealous of getting less attention. And they invent a litany of reasons for why they love their trailer in Oklohama so much and how lucky they are to have been born there and how if you walk into a city literally immediately a black will kill you. Meanwhile we're busy making paper and the Republicans they vote for out of spite just wind up serving us in the end anyway lol.

Take a yank, make him 20% more british and then take away most of the patriotism.

Canadians are smug Chinese knockoffs of Americans, who despite all living within 80 miles of US borders, think they are culturally unique.

Canada has a greater selection of cheeses.

First time I've ever read this. Non-Canadian and non-American and I get fking sick of Canadians chiming in about how special, magical and different they are all the time. It's even worse when the circlejerk of an American and Canadian calling each other "brothers" and telling each other "we've got your back" begins.

wow the comments on that post go dark real fast.


Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

After reading through your islamophobic and anti-semitic post history, I realize that neither American English, nor reading comprehension, are on your skill sheet.. So here's a literal fact, I called the OP's post history racist, not this post.

If you're going to challenge me to a battle of wits, at least make sure that you're armed.

New snappy pasta?

How dare he actually point out facts about Islam and cite these facts in such a way that there is no way to dispute this is what they actually believe!

Feels > Reals

Holy shit that sperg has literally spent the last 10 days practicing his "battle of wits" in the thread.

This dude really quoted Heimerdinger

"This rock is too small! This rock is too big! This rock is juuuuuuuust right!"



Are you asian?

Sounds fun tbh lmao

>you will never smoke shisha then go to the local stoning grounds with the lads and dome fatimah in the head for being a whore

Honestly can’t wait for white shariah lads

even better than the original

Wait what? We can't stone people?

Not yet

Says something negative about how badly women are treated

Called an incel because it was Islam he criticised

Yikes y'all

Incel has lost all meaning.

I said 5'7" was short and got downvoted to hell, told my height was all I had going for me, and that I was an incel.

To be honest a lot of 5'7" are living kickass lives these days. I had a friend that was 5'7", he's a pilot now.

Brings able to fit in an r/c cockpit must help.

I heard he's a Scientologist now

Do they pay him extra for gas saved?

Go away, I'm baitin!

Yeah, it's not the death sentence it used to be. With modern medicine many manlets can live rich, fulfilling lives.

lol, no-one cares, incel.

That's how reddit works

I think he was called an incel because he posts to /r/braincels.

Only one of the people calling him an incel made a reference to his post history.

Islam is pretty much the ONLY thing first world mayo middle class feminists love.

All cultures are beautiful.


On that note, do you have a cool guide for the proper Christian punishments?

We would probably have to be looking in African or Latin American countries, if we were to fill this request.

That would be racis', too.

Christian punishments are along the lines of not being invited to game night or having your potluck dish placed at the far end of the buffet table at Wednesday night supper.

The inquisition tho

But yeah it's been a really long time since then

There are probably Christians in the US extreme enough to write a guide for, but How to excommunicate LGBT members from your community isn’t exactly engaging infographic material.

To be honest, those gay conversion therapy stories are pretty horrifying sometimes.

Still, it isn't state enforced and probably on average less barbaric and horrible than shit that happens in iran.

Lots of redditors defending stoning in there ("it's only 2-10 people a year"). Nice!

“And just in Iran!”

Also that dude doesn’t say per year so he makes it seem l8ke this has only ever happened 2 to 10 times ever.

I was about to comment on that post until I saw it was 10 days old. But yeah.

It’s not just in Iran at all. In 2008 a girl was stoned to death in front of a crowd at a football stadium in Nigeria.

Stoning thots >>> maroon 5

They'd have to kill me before that white shroud goes on because fuck that, I'm not going to be stoned peacefully.

So many people are insensitive to other cultures just because they're different than theirs. Imagine you're a normal Iranian guy, you just had a hard day at the uranium enrichment facility you work at. The Americans & Israelis broke all your centrifugres with a computer virus so now you have to hold rods of uranium in each hand and spin around in circles with your arms outstretched all day. So you leave work, tired and irradiated, and go home to your screeching garbage bag of a wife who's burned the nân beyond recognition. Tired as you are, you beat the fuck out of her before heading out back to have some tea and try to relax. That's when you hear the call to the stoning. You excitedly drag your wife towards the village square so she can watch, and find all your friends there. You laugh and joke as you compare stones and wait for the moment of truth. When the order is finally given you land the perfect stone right into the whore's head with the perfect throw. Everything is right in the world. Inshallah.

new snappy quote plz


I like that if you confess, you can go free if you wriggle out. Adds a bit of sport and keeps the condemned hopeful.

And they bury the men a foot shallower than the ladies so they have a better chance. You wouldn't want one of those jezebels getting loose to wreak more havoc. They really thought of everything.


I think if I were a priest at one of these gatherings, I would start the festivities by reading John 8: 3-8

If you're all going to brigade me, at least try. Most of the comments in getting are from school children who can't even spell...

edited two minutes ago

What? A judge issued a moratorium on it and they just ignored it and still do it anyway?

islam gets attacked

soy team 6 is first to the rescue
