K-pop star retires from music after being charged with supplying prostitutes

59  2019-03-11 by CommonWrongdoer


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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Retired and pimppilled.

Wtf I love k-pop now

tbh wouldn't be surprised if the entirety of that group gets metoo'd over the coming decade and more generally if K-pop gets crusaded against considering how thoroughly fucked it is top-to-bottom from the corporate level down to the ridiculous fan """culture""" that ranges from psychotic incel/femcel nationals to psychotic twitter mayos

The depravity of the KPOP industry is obscured behind a facade of opulence and decadence. There will be more scandals and obstinate, indignant Mayo fangirls. Retribution for destroying their venerated saints of KPOP will be glorious for drama in the fandoms; the BTS fandom already made an incendiary remark about BTS's superior morality and integrity. V.I.Ps on Twitter retaliated with disparagement of their dancing proficiency which is like profaning their God.

Soliciting proposition could also constitute how they procure female kpop idols, it's implicit knowledge that aspirants deign to have sex with the upper echelons of corporations in propitious arrangements.

>novelty account




What do you have against novelty accounts?

they're gimmick accounts held by mentally ill mayos very stable geniuses who are too lame to even run shitty Instagram meme accounts but still have digital point inferiority complexes

Most Korean men fuck prostitutes and beat their wives anyways. Not sure why people are surprised.

Is it better to be a prostitute or a wife in Korea?

what's the difference?

My girlfriend is obsessed with this guy and the group and is denying any wrong doing on his part

I'll never get this Asian shit

Lol, people have known for a while that some kpop and jpop stars are forced into prostitution by their managers/agencies.