For fucks sake build a wall before the rightoids turn this place into another MDE or CA.

2  2019-03-11 by IDFSHILL

Rightoids are roaming this sub in packs, like wild animals. And I've noticed the average intelligence level of our native rightoids is dropping as well.

Why is it dropping? Rightoids are interesting creatures, when you have a few of them alone they don't get too uppity but when they start taking over a sub they get more and more confident and reveal their true retardation.

We need a culling of the rightoids on this sub, right away, before the sub goes to shit and our native rightoids devolve into their natural form.


Are terfs left wing or right wing? What about Muslims

Terfs are left wing because the want to dismantle the patriarchy, Muslims are right wing because they want to practice their hundreds-years-old religion..



Lol, didn't you just get let back in here last week, you filthy Yangposter?

I unironically find rightoids less annoying when compared to lefties. Less smug, less condescending, less self-righteous, and most importantly less likely to try and get me to change things about myself.

Fuck off, rightoid.

I'm a centrist 🤔 Why you batting for lefties?

Pizza just wants the NEETbux and can't stand drumpf hasn't been defeated yet

Waiting for a handout as an able bodied man is fucking shameful. Why do you think we get access to all the really cool high paying dangerous jobs? Grab your boots, Pizza. You're getting sent off to the oil fields.

Stop trying to make rightoid a thing. You're cringe

Ok, rightoid.



There’s more leftoids sperging here than ever, but I agree on the wall.

Remember when you got BTFO for not understanding how landlords work?


I remember easily beating like 3 rightoids, and I remember a few rightoids being uneducated enough to trick themselves into thinking they had won something.

Also why are you worried about rightoids?

Supposedly in your delusion, the GOP is going to wither away into nothing on its own, so why do we're have to do anything about it?

Rightoids are like roaches. They infest and destroy every sub they're allowed to.

At least 50% of the rightoids on this sub need to be purged to maintain the culture.

Why do you care about so much about reddit?


I can link the thread if anyone wants to see how delusional Pizza really is

Not a single counter argument was presented for anything I said.

Literally I can sum the rightoid argument up for anyone here, it's the same one they use for healthcare, food stamps, welfare, education, etc etc.

"That works there, but it won't here, because reasons."

You really need to stop being so angry about things and just be happy and relax. Good things will come your way, pizza man.

I don't really have a dog in this fight but I wonder what someone would argue with other than 'reasons'?

I mean they never have any arguments of substance. They never present actually reasons, but "just because."

Most of the time they talk about scaling, yet never present any empirical data showing that scaling would in fact be a problem.

I looked at the thread everyone’s arguing about and when you asked for a reason you kinda were presented one.

But otherwise yea people make stuff up on reddit all the time because winning internet arguments are all they have going for them.

Let me see it.


this post seems like its a response to pizzas meltdown in the mexico abortion thread

"melt down."

it didn't have to be like this pizza, we can still go on thot patrol, together, who cares if mexico outlaws abortion or allows it.

Yeah this was unironically bad. You had escaped, fent'd up boomers unironically screeching about 'MUH BEBEH MURDUR' and abortion and other such nonsense. How did they even find their way here?

Mods need to step up or risk impeachment.

Jesus christ that thread is bad. Looks like we might have to flare up our autism tanks


Jesus Christ, since they let you back in you've been nonstop whingeposting. Just vote for Daddy Yang, enjoy your neetbux, and stop pretending.

Go back to the MRA shtick.

I’m concerned about your lack of RADICAL CENTRISM.

There is not nearly enough “both sides” in this post.

We need to cull serious-posting fools first

They're becoming immune to things like ridicule and rational thinking. At a certain point we will have to cash in, collect our chips and go private, hopefully we do that before the sub is overrun

I got here by accident and not familiar with local slang.

Do you mean rightoids are the people who are politically lean to right ideas (such as building a wall on a border between USA and Mexico)?

Doesn't your call for wall building make you one then?