Latest Capeshit movie makes a ton of money, surprising absolutely nobody. Rightoids are SEETHING.

16  2019-03-11 by IAmAN00bie


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Imagine varing about capeshit.

Frankly, I couldn't vare less.

KIA on suicide watch 🤣🤣🤣

They're coping so hard they unstickied their megathread

I care. I want capeshit to die.

Democrat here.

You sound like a fucking shill. It’s an average ass movie with a preachy identitarian message. It’s no mystery why a lot of people disliked it.

If everyone was so sexist, Alita wouldn’t have been as successful as it was just a couple months ago.

This is just like the Ghosbustera debacle. Everyone calling the critics sexist when meanwhile those same critics were praising Annihilation. You pussies can’t take an ounce of criticism without blaming it on sexism/racism/etc.


Democrat here.

I have no idea who you are talking to here.

Are we talking about How Stella Got Her Groove Back II or the new Marvel capeshit?

The real travesty is that some capeshit movie actually made it to #1. Mayocide when?

Wouldn't it be mustardcide since china is giving most of the money?

lamo the people who were screaming go work get broke over Solo (which was a total disaster fucking no one wanted to see) should learn to not assume a trend based on a single movie from this, but we all know they won't.