Alita-cels cry out in terror as Brie Larson commences the mayocide.

61  2019-03-12 by Ghdust2


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


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KIA is absolutely S E E T H I N G these days 🤣🤣🤣

is Alita a loli tho?

During the first half of the movie, then she gets a new body and they even comment on her no longer looking underage, it's fucking weird.

They're in full cope mode.

They're still fucking whining about a fucking superhero movies, how pathetic can one group be

I’m convinced this is astroturfed by Disney to drive feminists to see the movie multiple times, increasing sales by 30%.

Imagine getting cucked this hard by capeshit made for little girls

I'm seriously leaning toward the idea, this is all a setup.

But then some dudes seem to take it in a wee bit over the top, unironically.

Like, during summer, bar owners would pay a professional stripper to mingle around girls next door for a wet shirt contest and once the stripper starts taking clothes off, it's a mayhem...

Lol no one has to pay rightoids to sperg out over some inoffensive off the cuff remark in an interview.

Sure but what I meant is that everyone needs a little nudge so a small investment in astroturfing pays off as the fire spreads.

Is someone paying you to COPE?

Oh, shit... you cant have an experiment without being in it, eh?


Acting like you don’t know that that guy is one of the most autistic rage babies on this sub

Wait, women will take their cloths off just because another woman in the same room took her cloths off?

Maybe women really can't consent if they can be mind raped this easily

This is an oldest trick during Spring Break.

We're talking about the gender that bases mate selection on what their peers are attracted to, and consequently keep sniping with each other and ruining friendships over dudes they previously didn't give a shit about.

w*men are pretty much bipedal sheep.

But then some dudes seem to take it in a wee bit over the top, unironically.

I follow the official Star Trek group on Facebook and I'm assuming these are the same dudes who had their lives RUINED by CBS making a new Star Trek and not making it to their specifications. They've also had their lives RUINED by fans who have utterly FAILED to realize how BAD the new stuff is


Everything is a referendum nowadays.

Is this a chance for me to bring up horseshoe theory 😏

Alita has fucked up anime eyes, that's why nobody saw the movie. The absolute state of KIAcels.

That's exactly why I didn't consider seeing this movie. Saw the preview was like "jesus wtf is with her eyes?"

there's not even any reason for it.

even in the source material it's not like alita's enormous eyes are her key feature.

it's her lips. and they didn't do those right at all. 0/10.

They give a reason in the movie tho.

oh good thing they rationalized and fixed the problem that they created for themselves with some bullshit when they could've just not made her look like a monster in the first place

You seem really upset about this.

some of us aren't dead inside and still have feelings about things we enjoy.

I liked the movie. Give it a shot. If you end up hating it you're right where you are now anyway less two hours you would've wasted anyway.

i'm a big fan of the source material and nothing they do in the film is ever gonna meet my expectations. i might watch it just so i can shit all over it, but more accurately and with reference points.


Also I haven't seen the anime or read the manga, but went in with vv low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Some scenes are shot for shot out of the source material too. Others... not.

i've read the first manga series a couple times over now. it's one of the few bits of weebshit i'll defend. my big complaint is just the designs of the characters overall and them packing what are a few fairly big parts of the early story into one movie.

Yea after seeing the movie I wikipedia-ed some of the source material. Definitely some major chronological divergence particularly with regards to Motorball which, as I understand doesn't come up till later.

Still this is far an away the best adaptation of a manga/anime I've seen and and action sequences are awesome. They did a good job bringing the anime aesthetic to live action too with the exception of the aforementioned eye gaffe.

Like I said, give it a shot. Either you'll surprise yourself and like it, or have more specific points to shit on.

motorball is midway through the series, yeah, and the confrontations with zapan + alita's development during the two are large build-ups that i just don't feel like a 2 hour movie could properly go through.

that and there's no sign of Desty Nova, though i figure they'll make a part 2 that introduces him. from then on the series gets gruesome and insane so i'm curious how they'll do it.

how gory is the movie? Zapan straight up takes dudes' heads off, rips off his own face several times, etc. there's a lot of body horror in it too.

I think Zapan is combined with another character from the source in this movie. He's also played off a bit clownish in the movie, I don't know how he was in the anime/manga. Its PG-13 so not gory because most of the violence is cyborg on cyborg. But there is one pretty brutal part but most of the gore is off screen.

Nova is in it, albeit more in the background, but is definitely set up as a central character. The fighting and motor ball scenes are consistently good and they don't really waste time with Alita 'figuring out' her abilities.

You are right that a lot of the interpersonal arcs are cut short and the one with her love interest isn't great. The actor sucks. Still enjoyable movie and hopefully sets up even better ones.

Some parts may drag for you top since you know the source where I didnt so the exposition scenes weren't boring for me.

man, Zapan is one of Alita's central antagonists in the first part of the series. he's absolutely brutal and fucked up. if you liked the movie i'd honestly recommend checking out the manga, it's not really typical weebshit.

it sounds like they kinda glossed over some shit in favor of flashy fight scenes. the action pieces in the actual series are all really good but they're also tight, short and not really super frequent. the series has a lot more actual introspection into what it means to be a human.

that and the second series has alita fighting in an intergalactic MMA tournament against all sorts of crazy shit, including a giant robot made by blobby Venusians, with a giant rocket dick that shoots laser ejaculation.

Sounds pretty wild. I like Cowboy Bebop, FMA and Hellsing but beyond that I kind of struggle. But I'll put it on the list to checkout.

i'd easily put it up there in quality with all of those. also dick robot for reference.


Isn't $160m like really shitty for a marvel flick? Transformers regularly boxes $1bn

It’s been out for half a week moron

Opening weekend is like 70% of the total earnings.

This but actually. Unfortunately for the KIAcels its not going to flop and unfortunately for the femcels its not going to be remembered by anyone in a few months.

Looking forward to it getting consigned to the dustbin of history the next time Bob Iger needs everyone to conveniently forget its existence in order to pretend the next stronk female movie is somehow unprecedented.

Think the 160 is domestic only, and 160 is on the higher end of mcu domestic openings

i'm curious about China. they're not exactly pro-wammen, so i wonder how it's going to do over there.

On the one hand:

-Explosions and capeshit

On the other hand:

-Brick-headed white woman and non-Will Smith black dude as a main character

-Chinks aren't gonna cash in on 90's nostalgia as "Remember Blockbuster? Remember Radioshack?" means literally nothing to them.

So it's a tossup.

That's domestic 3-day lmao. Domestic + international 3-day is $455 which is extraordinarily high. It's projections were optimistic and it exceeded them.

captain marvel can trample me too

tfw Captain Marvel had an entire scene where she storms a ship barefoot

You know the fucking memes have gone to my head because the first thing I did in that scene was check if her feet were deformed.

we can fix that in post

I guarantee you that at least one of the guy's in this thread has commissioned art of himself getting his balls stepped on by Larson while she eats out a black guy's ass.

The question is, was it someone who claims to hate this movie or someone who claims to love it?

It’s bizarre that both KIAcels and SJWs were/are using box office numbers as a metric of quality.

It’s amazing how one minute people will look down on the stupidity of the general population, and the next hold up their consumption habits as proof of quality.

CM was always guarteened to make a brazillion dollars. KIAcels were delusional if they thought an MCU movie that ties into the excessively hyped finale storyline wouldn’t destroy at the box office.

SJWs are retarded if they think the fact that CM is a woman has anything at all to do with the film’s success.