TwoXChromosomes poster abuses alcohol for several hours, causes a scene, and passes out. Writes public thank-you letter to the two women who treated her male companions like rapists. Is now convinced that the bartender drugged her for some reason.

962  2019-03-12 by GonnaNutInYourButt


Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


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Bonus points for openly admitting to cheating on her husband.

Sounds about TwoX.

She took a drug test that came back negative. She is convinced that the drugs would totally cause her to pass out, but weren't taken in great enough quantity to show up on the test.

I didn't read the whole thing but parts of it sound fake, however apparently she was prescribed blood pressure pills - she didn't take them with the drinks ALLEGEDLY but the mix of alcohol, her blood pressure issues and her being in her 40's probably means she just passed out.

Why would bartender fix some old foids' drink when she's there with 2 other men.

Also lol at the investigators, this is a pretty good rebuttal. They helped nobody, just stalled, if she had a real issue they would do more harm by costing her time.

She also took 3 of those on an empty stomach, AND continued drinking after eating.

“I was really full from my huge dinner of a 3 oz salmon fillet and half a salad”

I was on blood pressure meds (propanolol) at one point, and drinking even a few glasses of wine had me swaying and feeling extremely groggy.

Basically, she's mixed alcohol with medication that you're specifically told not to mix with alcohol, and now is claiming she's been spiked because she passed out.

Propanolol and propanolol accessories

Did she specifically mentioned propanol? That’s a beta blocker and it’s even used for minor performance anxiety, there’s moderate interaction with alcohol, to exactly what described happened.

Jesus these people are dumb.

Jesus these people are dumb

Duh! What part of TwoX didn't you understand?

beta blocker

Lol the opposite of what the twox hambeast needs


Nah, sorry, she just said blood pressure meds and I mentioned propanolol. I was taking it for performance anxiety, but it's more commonly used as a blood pressure med, so I assume (from her reaction) that hers are either the same drug or a very similar one.

Even her own account states that she began to loose memory prior to the drink that she claims she was drugged with though...


Does it matter if you take it with drinks? I assume when doctors say “don’t take it with alcohol” they mean “don’t drink alcohol while this medicine is in your system”

I dunno because I don't have experience with blood pressure meds, she said she took em like 2 says prior to drinking and I have no clue how long they stay in your system.

Pharmabro here. Depending on if she was taking a diuretic, betablocker, Ace inhibitor (the 3 most popular blood pressure meds), alcohol would affect you differently. Most work 4-6h but if she took them before going out they would definitely be active during here ordeal. I would assume there would be a drop in blood pressure, regardless of which she's being prescribed. At the least she would feel extra drowsy at the most she could have orthostatic hypotension and syncope (pass out and act like a retard all night). So technically she's right, she was drugged, but only by herself.

Well here's some more info, direct quotes from her


(taken) 48-50+ hours prior to the trip

Nice. Verapamil, a calciumblocker, would fall somewhat outside of the duration of action (about 8h). But could either have been taken closer to the drinking than she's willing to admit, or she could have been vulnerable to a blood pressure drop because of the rebound effect. All in all its probably got something to do with the 8 drinks she consumed.

Free my ni🅱️🅱️a shkreli



I'm on quite a few medications right now that I've had to be careful about mixing with alcohol. I mean, it wouldn't kill me but it definitely makes me groggier and dizzy as long as the medicine is in my system. Which it is all the time since its a daily medication.

What the fuck is a foid

Just say woman you imbecile

Yikes, no need to get mad because you don't use the meta terms of the sub sweaty.

just leave


be gone femorrhoid

Cringey 12 year old insult

first of all I am not an incel. I literally went on a date a week ago, so I’m not incel. Second, you don’t even know that there are different extremities of incels. I want an egalitarian world, not a gynocentric world. Third, there is a common misconception that all incels want is sex. Yet I am not even ready for sex. Fourth, don’t assume someone’s ideologies based on one thing they said. Just because you can’t handle the truth doesn’t mean you should go out and say “I’m wrong” without validly proving your point. I was mainly going off of science, and apparently most people in the world don’t agree with science if it doesn’t fit their ideologies, even if science is true. That is like even if Trump appeals to you and you agree with his viewpoints on issues, you still vote Clinton because you call yourself a Democrat. So if you could kindly educate yourself a lot more about Incels, TRP, and other related topics before you say stuff, I would appreciate it. But as I know of how stubborn you are, you won’t even consider looking deeply into topics and act like you know so much about them. This is what separates people like you and people like me. I look at both sides of every argument, and choose the one that is most rational, not go off of what other people say is “cool”. I rationally choose what I think is best for myself, my family, my community and my country. If you would like to know more about what I believe in, ask me (I know you won’t and you would still make stupid assumptions about me that aren’t true) in what I believe is right or wrong and not just say random shit that doesn’t align with my ideologies. Ya so please stop saying shit about me that isn’t true.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Ohhhh shit

Explaining that you're not a incel instantly makes you a incel.

I'm with you, these metacels are faggots

MGTOW, more like men hiding in the closet amirite??

No, MGTOW are enormous faggots right out in the open

She posts on 2X

She’d need a couple darts of elephant tranquilliser to put her out for a couple hours.

Methinks you underestimate her girth. Make it 4 darts.

You can't penetrate it with darts. use a harpoon.

Out of my way boys, my fishing level is 86 😎

fishing whales

BETA CONFIRMED. You probably just ask "Cod we be friends" to the whale.

Buddy I’m talking about runescape you’re off yer fuckin rocker

I was merely pretending to be autistic.

Gamers = pedo

runescape player = gulag

A literal SRDine,Cringe, and Games poster tries to gulag anyone R O F L M A O 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey dude not cool, fishing whales is a time honored tradition among, Urban Youths. He could be a cool melanated brotha, not some beta

Fuck man how can you barb fish that long?

Aye. We be whale hunting.


Most cases of being "drugged" the only thing that shows up is alchol

The only exception is in the gay scene. Sodomites are already so hopped up on party drugs that nobody thinks twice about taking random pills. Couple that with the naturally high levels of depravity among gays and their proximity to other extreme fetishes and it’s almost inevitable that someone who gets off to simply violating someone is going to drug and rape you, even if they knew they could get laid voluntarily.

Sure, sure, it's only the gays who date rape people. Despite the fact that they can get laid much more easily than straight guys. And despite the fact that it only ever seems to happen to women.

God I wish they'd bring /r/MDE back so you'd all just leave lmfao

No it’s just gays who drug people.

“date rape” in straight relationships mostly refers to a girl going out with a guy, getting too drunk, sleeping with him, and regretting it the next day. Gays just call this Tuesday.

There's bias towards your in-group, and then there's "literally no-one within my in-group, which consists of nearly 3.5 billion people, ever drugs anyone in order to have sex with them. Despite a substantial number of people ins aid group taking sex by force if they have to".

Sure buddy, all the gays' fault.

Who do you think has access to GHB? It’s not a part of the straight party scene.

Sorry pal, I don’t mean to hurt your delicate sodomite sensibilities but these facts don’t care about queer feelings

Literal brainlet take, unless that GHB is being produced in gay labs and making its way through a network of gay drug dealers, instead of being sold on the darknet and by drug dealers like... every other illegal drug.

You can pretend all you want that date rape is a gay problem, but the fact remains that the vast majority of reported date rapes are by a man with a female victim. It is absurd to pretend that this never happens among straight guys.

Oh great a sodomite worshipping “Straight” ally lol.

I don’t think date rape is exclusive to gays just the drugs people use to incapacitate someone(other than alcohol which is the number 1 date rape drug by a factor of 1000).

Retard take

outside of guys who literally go to gay chemsex parties.

So vanilla

I want MDE to leave.

Fragile Sodomite Redditors can’t handle a bit of banter

"Could I be wrong? No. It's everyone who argues with me being gay."

Everyone can tell the difference between banter and unironic agendaposting, you're not fooling anybody

Neither are you, reprobate

no u




Hey, sodomy is rough.

The butthurt is real

They just drink too much and think there's a non-existent bogeyman. Women are mentally 10-15 years old, they never really get past that stage.

"Woman mature earlier than men"

Unfortunately some never mature beyond 16 mentally

Yeah, they mature faster but generally hit a much lower ceiling.

It’s why female swimmers are generally faster from like 8-10 years old but after that are slow as fuck in comparison to guys.

Unironically posts in MGTOW.

Yikes y’all we have a confirmed faggot here

Wtf, I'm not a faggot. I don't enjoy it at all when my husband and I kiss.

Who drugs 40 year old foids?! lol

Guys that are out of their league apparently

I think those guys would be kicked out of any bar she is allowed in.

This is just her trying to convince herself she’s still got it.



GHB actually fits the bill, but you would have to drink 4 grams of basically salt for it to work.

I said the same. Someone said it's GHB but the amount needed to impact her like that is not small and it's fucking salt water lol.

It was the booze, drug test showed that. She just is unaware how alcohol can produce variable effects at different quantities depending on a ton of other factors.

Also a “cocktail” can be like 3 drinks depending on the bartender. She may have had anywhere between 4 and 12 drinks by her own description which is more than enough to black out some food for a couple hours.

Exactly. Unless you mix your own drinks you don't have a fucking clue how much you're actually getting

The infamous "I only had one long island ice tea!".

That had about 8 shots of booze in it.

Plus as you get older you do not react the same. Any moment could be the time your body says fuck this I'm out

Exactly right. My favorite professor I ever had at university told us that no drug is ever predictable. You could take Tylenol every day for ten years and suddenly have a different reaction one day. That's always stuck with me, especially when there are stories like this

Even still wouldn't most of those RC's give you're drink a bitter taste since they taste like shit anyway? Or would the bitter flavor from the few drops just mesh in with the regular alcohol taste?

I don't know, there are thousands of them.

I just wanted to include it as a possibility even if it's unlikely. Honestly I don't think it matters much if someone accidently knocked themselves out or if they were drugged by an unknown third party.

I think it's a good thing that someone double checked a situation where a clearly vulnerable person may have been in a dangerous situation.

Hopefully the same courtesy is extended to all people in a bad situation & as we do more of it I hope we get better at it as a culture. We used to just let dogs die in hot cars, now we intervene and that's a good thing. Unfortunately some self righteous people take it as an opportunity to be a hero & break a window even if it's not appropriate to the situation.

If I was one of the guys in the situation I would have been glad someone was looking out for someone I care about, I wouldn't have enjoyed the experience mind you, & would hope that I was treated respectfully & compassionately throughout & not treated like a rapist caught red handed until proven otherwise.

GBH tastes disgusting. It isn't easy an easy taste to hide. Even after 3 years of drinking that shit nightly, you don't get used to it.

It's prescribed as a sleep med for narcolepsy. I have narcolepsy. Makes for a hilarious conversation starter on dates.

What’s your dosage?

I’ve used it recreationally at about 3 grams & it tastes like Jesus semen.

Therapeutic dose is 6g?

I know you can get ghb as different salts & they are comparatively less nasty but I doubt they are all fda approved.

GHB should be more popular & could replace alcohol in a lot of circumstances.

4.5g twice nightly, taken about 4hrs apart. There's lot of myths floating around about why sodium salt was picked for the RX version, but the real reason is simply because research has shown it to be the most stable and effective salt for treating narcolepsy.

I'm very active in the narcolepsy groups and I couldn't imagine the wider population using it recreationally simply due to how many people I see having a shitty time with it even at low doses. Side effects that appear randomly, inconsistent experiences, some people developing a tolerance insanely fast, etc. We're using it for different end goals, but I'd like to chat with you sometime about your experiences with it. When it works for us it's a damn miracle drug, so I like learning all I can about it. Doctors are usually no help with troubleshooting initial problems we experience with GHB so it's become a peer support situation.

Yeah. I’m comfortable taking publicly.

I’ve played with it a bit recreationally, and also used it to sleep.

My tolerance was low so 1 or 2g for recreation & 3 for sleep. Over the course of a year I used 50 grams or so before i got sick of it & never had any bad experience or problem with tolerance.

Once or twice I may have gotten nauseous or felt shitty, but in truth I was always more inclined to partake when I felt shitty.

Sucks that you can’t sleep through the night. I only have trouble falling asleep, not staying asleep.

LIFX day & dusk bulbs helped a lot with my own sleep problems. They can change color temperature to match the sun & this helps reinforce your circadian rhythm. Whatever sleep disorder someone has they can absolutely help with sleep hygiene.

I’m honestly amazed this person is in her mid-forties and somehow has less maturity than your average middle-schooler.

That's what being constantly white-knighted does to a person. You lose the ability to take care of yourself.

A lot of people don’t really understand urine drug screens - a negative result really isn’t conclusive proof of a lack of a substance. There’s timing, metabolism, and concentrations to think of.

However, this situation is ridiculous.

Hair tests pick up GHB for weeks

True, but she said:

I went and bought a 14-panel at home test kit even though it's been a day and a half and even though I only had a little bit and then spilled the rest, but it came out negative for MDMA and benzos, etc.. so I don't know what to think.

Flunitrazepam is out of your system faster than most benzos. Also, note that she didn’t say “negative for everything” just listed two. They test for: Amphetamine, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Buprenorphine, Cocaine ,Ecstasy, Marijuana , Methadone, Methamphetamine, Morphine, Opiates , Oxycodone, Phencyclidine,Tricyclic Antidepressants, Propoxyphene.

In the UK they did a study where they drug tested women who thought they'd been drugged. Turns out not one was drugged, and all of them drank too much.

Well maybe burgers are just much more likely to rape each other than Brits, I mean just look at their president

You're just too toothless to rape someone you just met at the pub

Any studies that show people being unknowingly drugged are all based on self reporting. There are no studies based on empirical evidence that show any real probability of being drugged while out drinking.

I had a buddy who blacked out on 151 rum because he didn’t know that 151 was the alcohol content not just some cool logo. If he was a foid he could have said someone roofied him cause “there’s just no way I was blackout drunk after just 4 drinks” which were really 8 that he drank in under an hour.

Any studies that show people being unknowingly drugged are all based on self reporting. There are no studies based on empirical evidence that show any real probability of being drugged while out drinking.

There have been a few cases that have been proved in court. It's a rare crime that gets reported far more often than it happens.

Being “drugged” with alcohol happens all the time but because of the roofie urban myth people always want to blame the one drink with that was “spiked”(with nothing but Jameson) rather than the 5 shots they did earlier in the night.

Turns out not one was drugged, and all of them drank too much.

Hmm, what a surprise - women blaming other people for their lack of self control. I for one, am totally shocked.

She took a drug test that came back negative. She is convinced that the drugs would totally cause her to pass out, but weren't taken in great enough quantity to show up on the test.

She was at a concert. I wonder if she did any recreational drugs, combined with the alcohol.

I've found that any kind of stimulant combined with alcohol is a ticket to Blackout Island.

Wacky, I'm the exact opposite, stimulants wipe out all the effects of alcohol until they wear off. Nothing like getting all sped up, drinking for a few hours with no effect just to have it all hit you at once when the juice wears off.

I'm exactly the same.

That's why I wondered if she might have been on stimulants:

They mask the feeling of booze, and then you get hit like a wrecking ball.

Every single time I've gone to Blackout Island, it was from mixing booze with stimulants. Basically you think you're not that drunk, then you blackout. And you're still conscious, you just don't remember what the hell happened the night before.

tfw alchohol is a drug.

I had something similar happen to me and my ex while we were a couple hours away from home at a concert. She got sloppy drunk and when we were leaving she stopped to use the restroom then came out with 2 more sloppy hoes who started drilling me about who I am and shit. These chicks were so drunk that everytime my exgf said he's my boyfriend they'd forget in 15 seconds, hit the reset button and start interrogating me again. My dumb drunk gf ended up running them off because they were super annoying.

What was their endgame though? Like were they gonna drive my exgf home a couple hours? Turn her over to the police who would arrest her for drunk in public? Bitches like that don't care about repercussions, they just want to do some shit like that so they can post about it on social media

It's pretty fucked up when strangers are deemed as safer than a person who actually knows and is with the person in question.

thats because all men are rapists, unlike women

100% facts right here boi

u/Women-Warriors approves

Men will rape at any given opportunity this is a commonly known fact among women. This is just another reason why I always tell women to never drink alcohol especially around men. Alcohol is legal date rape drug and should be banned!

Lmao, I love how batshit fucking crazy you are regardless of whether or not you're a troll account

The fact is that the interfering women in this story might also have had bad intentions, for all the boyfriend knew. In fact, the woman who wrote this does not know for sure whether these women had good or bad intentions toward her, which makes it more arbitrary that she would take their part. She knows for sure that her men friends have no bad intention toward her, but she doesn't know the same about these women. They might have been intending to steal from her, for instance.

There was a husband on another sub who recounted how both he and his wife hit up a lesbian bar. His wife went to the bathroom and had to fight off aggressive groping by women. Just because someone is a woman doesn't make them an automatic good person.

Maybe they were trans-women. In that case, very transphobic of your wifey. The right thing would be to blow their female penises.

Indeed. Very well said.

I wouldn't know it wasn't me, I think it was in KIA. I think they were friends with some lesbians and went to a gay bar.

This is apparently not uncommon, even the queer activists admit it.

they had no endgame. they were just drunk and annoying.

I went on a date with a type 1 diabetic (qt type, not landwhale cheeseburger type diabetic) who unbeknownst to me had an extreme low blood sugar episode.

At the restaurant, she passed out during the non-alcoholic meal and I freaked and decided to drive her to a nearby hospital. Our waitress literally helped me drag this unconscious women out of a restaurant and into my car.

What I’m saying is, how many foods get dragged out of restaurants that waitress stop thinking it’s unusual?

In fact, If you think about it, it's all the husband's fault.

It doesn't make any logical sense that it's his fault, but it makes good emotional sense

Shouldn't demand emotional labor if you don't want to get cheated on.

Not even any real reason to, either. Story doesn't really change much if she's just there with two male friends instead of her bull and a third wheel. Explaining that she's cheating on her husband does allow her to write additional words, though, which I have to assume is the point of this story--to write as many words as humanly possible.

Throwaway or not I'd wager this post gets her outed, if it's real. She gave up way too many details for someone wishing to keep her anonymity.

Is there a CliffsNotes version of that blathering text wall? I simply can't. There is no possible way any story needs to be that long. I bet I could tell that story in a paragraph, whatever it is.

Just read the first quarter of it. After that she just says thesame stuff with increasingly worse evidence

Holy shit your username lmfao

NATO was too kind to Belgrade

Also, if someone says they were drugged, they most likely weren't and just drank too much.

Isn't it like 90%+ of people presenting to ER as drugged are really just drunk


People often think "if I drink this much alcohol I'll get this drunk" without taking into consideration how much they've eaten and other factors like medication and medical issues. She's in her 40s, if you don't take care of yourself your bodies responses to substances can be unpredictable. I'm in my 30s now and hangovers literally ruin me, its pretty much why I've switch either straight liquor or mixed with soda water

Something I learned hitting the same kind of wall with beer hangovers, and I like beer, is to never drink anything from a tap. The lines are so rarely cleaned they build up mold, bacteria, etc that can make you sick and think it's just the hangover. In my youth my body/immune system could deal with it but not anymore. If I stick to bottled or canned beer I'm usually fine.

I appreciate this helpful information.

every weekend at my college there would be girls claiming they got drugged and i never heard of a single instance that was actually proven

Also, if someone says they were drugged, they most likely weren't and just drank too much.

As an alcoholic, I can state with certainty that when you're drinking, it can take time to kick in, and if you're increasing your drinking hoping it will kick in, it may all kick in at once.

Not for me though, my tolerance is sky high.

do you want to talk about it or something

Thanks for the offer but I think I'll cosplay a foid and post my story on TwoX.

if you cut your dick off I hear they'll make you a mod

Pretty sure all you'd have to do is show it

It's 2019 fam, you don't have to cut off that wonderful feminine penis ❤️


GallowBoob says you lied

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Yep, the real killer is arriving late and playing 'catch up' and wondering why you're not drunk and then suddenly throw up all over a taxi floor.

Also, if someone says they were drugged, they most likely weren’t and just drank too much.

Tell me about it. I know a girl who got drunk as fuck and drove home on the wrong side of the highway. She hit someone head on and killed him, leaving his three kids without a father.

She’s in prison now, but the story her friends and family tell is that she got slipped a mickey in her drink, felt weird, and tried to drive home. What they always fail to mention was the fact that she blew a .30 in the fucking breathalyzer.

At least she went to prison, justice fucking served. Normally women are never punished.

she blew a .30 in the fucking breathalyzer.

Unironically the people who get this drunk and then drive deserve the noose. I hope she's in there for a long fucking time

There is no excuse with uber nowadays. If you can afford to go out and drink you can afford 20+ dollars in cab fair


^ eh. Almost. Noose for hurting someone else. Otherwise permanently stripped of licence.

Isn’t it the act that deserves punishment, not the consequences? The drunk driver that killed someone and the equally drunk driver who happened not to kill anyone did something equally bad. I see it as a funny flaw in our (and I’m pretty sure every) justice system that we effectively reward people who do something equally bad based on consequences outside of their control.

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I dont even know how you can get that drunk and decide to drive. Like, at .3 I would be struggling to stand up let alone drive a car, not to mention if I was that drunk I would have no problem passing time to sober up by just passing out on my back seat

Lol I went on a 1st date Saturday with a chick who told me she got arrested because she woke up on the side of the highway piss ass drunk with her car totaled. Of course she was "drugged", and her DWI conviction was oppression.

Side note, the crazy chicks from apps always seem to dump their worst traits on you during the first date. Some chick told me she fucked her Uber driver. I was joking about it with the next chick I dated, and she was like "Lol I prefer Lyft drivers". I thought she was kidding, but she clarified that she actually did fuck her Lyft driver once. Imagine being a ride share driver and getting to fuck drunk, trashy foids on the daily.

Right. Sure. Never happens.

“The in-house drug dealers would explain to undercover cops what amount of the date-rape drug was needed to “dose women.”

Well we can use these neat brain things in our heads to understand things, like that given lets say like 50,000 bars in America that a non-zero number will have creepy, rapey bartenders. But your odds of running into one of them and furthermore having them target you and furthermore having them slip something in your drink are astronomically low. So surprisingly you pointing to one example of a bad establishment has absolutely no bearing on the 'lady's story on 2X.

most likely

never happens

most likely

never happens

☑ Illiterate

☑ Retarded

☑ Too stupid to take 5 seconds to try and double check what he's talking about before he condescendingly "corrects" someone with the wrong information

Sounds about right

How much do u weigh?

Can I have my Pulitzer for investigative journalism? Tyvm

Reddits fun huh

No the fuck it was not. I made that post and you can scroll and see it's still there. She DID delete the whole text of the post though.

Alright man, it wasn't yours but there was A post that was removed for having the audacity to call out the cheating. No need to chimp out.

Oh fair lol, mine was the first one to reference it but I should have used common sense

Do you have the original post? I saw someone mention cheating but she took her posts down lol

Also, if someone says they were drugged, they most likely weren't and just drank too much.

I'm sorry, what the actual fuck?

The mods are literally against cheating-shaming now, there's no shame or harm in it

Welcome to 2019 where cuckholdry is out of the closet.

(Late to the party, but still)

Also yeah I'd be mad af if some strange white mayo started asking me things and making me prove things to her, fuck that shit.

The most annoying thing is that the OP does not even realize how rude she is to her male friends. Next time they should just call the police and let them handle her drunk ass.

Foids. Not even once.

The heroines of the story must have smelled the male-feminist pheremones eminating from her rapists beards.

the male-feminist pheremones eminating from her rapists beards waxed mustaches.

What's up with waxed moustaches?

I have no idea. They probably saw a picture of their great grandpa in a bare knuckle boxing pose and said "I want to be manly, but I am scared of taking a punch. I know what I can do!"

I don't get it. Are they waxing off their moustaches or making so that they look like they have moustaches?

They wax the ends so that it looks like this

Oh, I see now.

High Maintenance 🙄

and she's 40+ too. big YIKES

“One more for the road” “I’m ok, I just want to dance” Get chucked out the taxi or Uber because they’ve been sick everywhere (and all over you) on the way home. Drunk people are annoying and drunk, not drugged.

Anyone who has ever been drunk should be launched into the sun. It's soooo haram.

Include anyone that’s been high or enjoyed any activity that doesn’t involve Reddit tbh.

The last roll if the dice before the HRT starts

There's no saving her now.

There's no way I'm reading all that but I'm absolutely sure that she's a slut who was asking for it, whatever it is.

She was there with her boyfriend (left her husband at home). Pretty sure he gave her a little something so that he could take the hershey highway.

How do these people write so much while saying so little? Bitch, that story is not that fucking interesting that you need to make a novel out of it.

They are that important!

seriously, that is one of the longest posts I've ever read

could just summarize it in one sentence: "i don't know how to handle my alcohol so i'll just blame men"

Holy fuck your username lmfao

It's a sign of guilt. trying to convince herself of something.

Yep. The minute I saw 52 paragraphs I said "here comes a metric shit ton of self rationalization."

they went to the David Foster Wallace school for writing convoluted prose

DFW had a keen mind. The average TwoXer is as sharp as a beach ball.

DFW had talent though

It’s over for infinite jestcels

Her Pulitzer is in the mail?

Because it's fake.

For all the jokes about women getting liberal arts degrees, you'd think they were taught how to write coherently.

Ever read recipes online? These people are the authors.

i just go to allrecipes and pick the most popular ones; they're all in nice card format.

I just scroll down to the ingredients and start there

Yeah that’s where I realized it was all a cry for attention, all the small details that nobody cares about and making yourself as much of a victim in as many ways possible (omg I’ll never wear white again). It’s sad more people can’t see she’s just an attention whore and ignore her so she doesn’t keep doing this shit. Grats on the ex husband for getting away from that wildfire.

The sub is a circlejerk, people dont care if its fake as long as it fits the agenda


How do people read all of that?

I doubt more than 2% did lol

Because it’s inspiring and restores faith in hu(wo)manity

Better yet, how do some of those overdramatic threads get fucking gilded?

Because they're literally there for the attention.

That sub has become the go to place for toxic feminism.

It's like Thomas Mann, except all the seemingly unnecessary details actually really are unnecessary.

The best is prologue that is completely unnecessary but rambles for 5 paragraphs

the multiple bolded paragraphswalls of text really defeats the purposes of using bold for emphasis.

They don't read it, they just clap and give her $100.

Nah, it's just the nerds over at r/relationship_advice getting bored of gf/bf stories migrating to TwoX for some good ol' fashion strong independent woman stories.

This shit's curated by the mod for fuck's sake.

When people lie they tend to talk too much and add unnecessary details. So....

I can't even imagine being this pathetic. I'm trying to picture myself being this helpless and I can't.

I mean, you're already browsing Plebbit and posting on /r/Drama, of all places, so I'd say you're at least halfway there.

OP confirms that she is not divorced and is in fact, cheating on her husband. Lol. Absolute state of the westerners. This is why you guys need sharia.

Yass kween slay that dick 🙌

The reason why I sad that REPUTATIONS were an issue and that I couldn't tell my family or anyone else who knows me personally is pretty simple:

I was a VIP guest of the headlining act and their agency. I do not need to be representing these people while being fall-down drunk in public, right? right.

Unless and until I know for sure what went down, I'm not bringing this up, because the band will somehow get named in association with what happened to me and THIS ISNT" THEIR FAULT. AT ALL.


Totally buyable explanations. She isnt oddly aggressive at all

Someone must've drugged her again.

It was the two men typing out that long ass post

No man would use so many words to say so little

Clearly you've never been on /r/menslib lmao

He said man.

Why more words when little words do trick?

Women are drugged 24/7 out of their minds on retardedness 😎😎😎😎😎

Username checks out

take my name out yo mouth bichhhhhhh

I’m just amazed how little self-awareness some people have.

How can you not type out that comment and wonder if you’re the rational actor in the story?

the guy should cheat on her with a younger girl to get back at her

Dating younger women is creepy, didn't you see the DiCaprio Excel spreadsheet?

It's not as creepy as it is plain fucking weird. What kind of person in their forties wants to spend that much time around a 22 year old? How much can they honestly have in common? Have you heard the stupid shit that comes out of young people's mouths?

Have you heard the stupid shit that comes out of old people's mouths? Boomers are like an army of chubby toddlers.


You really think he's spending his time with these gorgeous early 20s supermodels for the intellectually stimulating conversations?

This but ironically

For all we know all DiCaprio wants is to bang super models in their mid twenties. I honestly can't see what's weird about this.

I honestly can't see what's weird about this.

Dating them costs a lot of money for minimal additional benefit. He's Leonardo DiCaprio, he doesn't need to date them to fuck them.

The only people who pretend not to understand the appeal of fucking 20-year-old models are aging foids.

I don't think DiCaprio is doing much talking with these ladies.

They're hot lmao. Why would I want a 30-something dog-face lady when I can get it on with an early 20s one that probably won't pester me about starting a family?

Have you heard the stupid shit that comes out of young people's mouths?

Do you imagine the stupid shit coming out of yours is any better?

Yeah. Let's give you a few hundred million and a roaster of 22 year old models and see how long you last.

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

t. salty boomer

I'm honestly surprised it's that high, I thought he'd date them maybe for a year after turning 18 and then get a new one

This is why you guys need sharia.


Stole the words from my mouth.

that's why we had to cut off his hand :(


I was going to put that detail in the OP but I thought it might be over the top, and I like to encourage dramanauts to enjoy discovering new details for themselves.

Cheating has become a pretty normal thing in "Yass Kween!" group. They don't mind that as long as it's a woman cheating on her husband.

I don’t know if she’s separated from her husband or just outright cheating on him, but there was literally no reason to add that detail into the story. Zero.

Yeah, seems to me that the story is fake and is just a bait.

But somehow it's financial abuse if you cut them off after discovering it

In just about any other community she would almost have to, but this is 2x. They’ll believe and upvote literally anything.

She admitted it in her very first comment, then left nastier and nastier comments as I debated other people as to whether it was true and as I kept repeating that cheating is shit, then backed off her first comment and gave the completely unrelated "muh band" explanation.

Good job generalising on one post the entire west. Fuck you and sharia.

West needs to be destroyed and rebuilt in accordance to sharia.

Change my mind.

You have strayed from the path of Teemo and more importantly you have strayed from the path of ALLAH, you will be punished righteously, inshallah.

I pray you find Mohammed pbuh before you find an eternity in hell 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر

Cry harder, faggot 🤣


Funny, every time someone brings up fucking goats, I think that is the absolute state of middle easterners. You all need Jesus. At least Jesus doesn't tell us women are bad and we are only allowed to fuck goats.

Virgin Jesus vs Chad Muhammad

One got nailed on the cross and the other nailed a child.

Astaghfirullah, what is this shirk??? Jesus is a prophet in Islam too, habibi.

Doesn't matter, akhi. He is a virgin when compared to Muhammad PBUH.

Jesus is literally just a pussy Muhhamed


Yer going to deepest pits of hell you filthy methodist cuck




This is why you guys need Sharia.

An older white woman abused alcohol and forgot her blood pressure medication and passed out? Quick, destroy democracy!

This but unironically. The only stoning in Sharia will be via actual stones.

I agree

Alcohol is haram, infidel.

I don't drink but I don't understand why you guys love Sharia law. I like keeping my head attached and not being pushed off buildings.

Lol should all of our phones come with the track-your-female app installed, also, you backwards twat?

Thot patrol will be much simpler than that under Sharia. Women will simply be confined within homes.

within homes

How liberal of you to allow your women freedom to roam throughout your home. In my home women are only allowed in one room in the basement.

Sharia is harsh but also fair. If women are confined to only basement then how will they go to the kitchen and cook?

Easy. I have a secondary kitchen installed in my basement.

We need innovators like ASAP when Sharia comes.

We chip our dogs, why should the bitches get special treatment?

Subhan Allah akhi, that is a good one.

I would like to receive my Pulitzer for my AAA-class journalism in getting her to admit that. Thanks

She nuked her whole entire post. This day shall live in my personal hall of fame.

Did you get banned from twoX yet?

I doubt it since this made it on Popular for all of reddit to see, but I'll make sure to update

They removed all your comments though.

Did they? I can still see them just fine but I don't know what that means. Can you see my main comment here?

Nah, they removed that as well.

And you can still the removed comments if they are yours. Others can't.

Hmm, didn't know that. I didn't get banned which is very very surprising considering how hard I hit the nail on the head. She even took the time to change the nuke-edit from "you're all toxic" to "a large part of you are toxic." "im not mad. im not mad. youre mad. im not mad."

I'm like 90% sure that the story is made-up. But you never know.

You're gonna love this. So I've never interacted with Drama before the TwoX thread, and I came here to comment on the thread after all my stuff got removed. So AFTER I reacted with that thread and started talking about what happened THERE over HERE, the TwoX mods ban me for "brigading". How is it possibly a brigade if I've literally never interacted with Drama and wasn't even subscribed until after all this went down? How can I be directed to cross-comment when I didn't even know this sub existed lol. I mean technically Drama could ban me for brigading if you think about it too hard but the other way around makes 0 sense. Textbook strawman ban.

Getting banned from twoX is a rite of passage for every decent Reddit user. Congrats. Now go do the same with TrollX.

How dare you bring up my past, you sick son of a bitch. I had $80k in savings with my boyfriend, and he gambled it all away. Then when he quit gambling, he found a new addiction: prostitutes. He also has abused me and left bruises on me countless times. You bringing that up to me is beyond sick, it’s beyond evil. I just barely had the strength to leave him this past month after four years together. It makes me sick that he couldn’t change and be the man he used to be. So thanks for bringing that up to me. You’re cruel as fuck. I would hope that you lose your job, I would hope your marriage crumbles, just so that you can feel even a quarter of the pain that I’m feeling right now, but I’m better than that so I won’t wish that upon you. But you’re cruel for bringing that up to me. All over a stupid Reddit comment. You’re petty as fuck, and cruel as fuck.

Idk if that's a copypasta but it should be.

Edit: The number of triggered MDEfugees replying to this comment is worrying me about the state of this sub. How are you tards so dense?

We need a new jihad

Edit: The number of triggered MDEfugees replying to this comment is worrying me about the state of this sub. How are you tards so dense?

Oh my god a whopping 4 comments. Clutch those pearls harder

4 MDEfugees are 4 MDEfugees too much in this world.

Inarguable fact. You killed him

Cry harder, faggot 🤣

Lol, the mods nuked it

Oh boy I never scrolled so much on my phone to read the comments, my thumb is sore

Tap the little arrows button over on the side to automatically go to the comments or skip a comment chain

Wow they are hardly noticeable, thank you.

You can also hold down on it to move it around and put it anywhere on screen

Damn, drama saves another poor soul, cheers.

Put it in my mouth. I'll make it better, daddy.

You do need help... professional help

Bets as to whether her drinking habit is the cause of her being a cheating whore?

It’s a convenient excuse. You can always tell who the most insufferable people are by them saying”aLcOhOl mAkEs MeH wYlD teehee” when in reality all it does is take the edge off.

aLcOhOl mAkEs MeH wYlD sTaLlYnS

The negative drug test doesn't really mean much

Whoever is running this simulation, please end it


Why are you afraid to name the Jew?

These ()()() might come in handy. You know what, I’m feeling a bit generous. ()()().

“fuck it, arrest the bartender anyway”


lol the simulation was the mistaken belief that women would take personal responsibility for their actions

you are just seeing reality with no filters now

why do you think pretty much every culture in history kept a tight lid on their women?

A lot of people don’t really understand urine drug screens - a negative result really isn’t conclusive proof of a lack of a substance. There’s timing, metabolism, and concentrations to think of.

However, this situation is ridiculous.

IIRC something like 99.99% of the time someone thinks they were drugged, they just drank more than they thought

lmao foids

Sounds like fanfiction

It does but how far on the spectrum would you have to be to write fanfic this long and even respond so many times in comments? And even say you have blood pressure issues in the comments, like that just undermines your story.

Typical 2x attention-whore

"STOP OPPRESSING ME!" cries the foid as it CUCKS you

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

Always someone else is to blame when a foid gets pissed and makes a twat of herself. Sounds like a right cuntflap.

(I'm a girl.. well, a woman in my 40s to be exact, and my friends are guys in their 30s)

This was written like it's the memory of a sorority girl but this is much worse

I wouldn't say memory... Most of it is a reimagining of a story she heard from friends, filling in her vague memory, reconfigured to fit her "I'm not a slut" narrative.

"STOP OPPRESSING ME!" cries the foid while it CUCKS you

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

friendly reminder that this delusional fanfic subreddit was made a default reddit sub

Its a fucking default now?? Jesus, and I thought those couldnt become worse...

Not sure if it's still a default, but I fondly remember the time when the Reddit admins had to step in and politely tell TwoXers to stop sending themselves fake death threats in order to get the sub taken off default..

any links to this drama?

Thanks. These people are retarded.

I don't think defaults are a thing any more. But yes, for a time Two X was a default.

And some of them actually believe spez supports the altright

Woman in her forties gets drunk, falls down and makes a fool of herself, and to cover her embarrassment and save face, writes a long and unnecessarily detailed post about it on the internet to try to turn it into some sort of feminist empowerment narrative.

You know it's a crock of shit when someone writes something that detailed, you see it all the time on /r/TIFU

fuck, I bet shes white

I bet she smells like Malibu and Kools.

Some 40 year old whore has 8-10 drinks before heading to a concert and having more drinks. Acts a fool and claims she was drugged. Boring.

Op: “there's no way I had 8 drinks but that suddenly a sip of the last one floored me. I've drank this much many times in my life, this is not a typical reaction to JUST alcohol. and those tiny little cups were like toothpast rinse cups at the dentist. doubt they could fit that much in one tbh. but I'm still never going to drink 5 in one 24 hour period again.”

7 drinks and then one more for good luck, then she’s surprised that she’s drunk by the eighth. These sheer amount of backtracking she does is pathetic and why I think two X is a trashcan sub filled with bubble headed idiots with no room for anyone to disagree with the hive name.

This is the purest form of toxic femininity.

"It only takes me one drink to get drunk, I just can't remember if it's the 7th or the 8th."


Some Boozehound

Op: “there's no way I had 8 drinks but that suddenly a sip of the last one floored me. I've drank this much many times in my life, this is not a typical reaction to JUST alcohol. and those tiny little cups were like toothpast rinse cups at the dentist. doubt they could fit that much in one tbh. but I'm still never going to drink 5 in one 24 hour period again.”

Eerily accurate. I'll tell you who the alcoholic in my family is if you tell me whole the alcoholic in yours is.

My uncle, 3 DUI’s and several destroyed or smashed up cars later and he still likes to say “I only drank a little.”

Lol I have no sympathy for alcoholics, they’re a shit show.

As promised, it was my father. Huge alcoholic for ten years. Got too drunk and caused a scene. The next day he bought a bunch of Gatorade and said "it's all Gatorade for me now!" The next day he was drinking again. I drank all of the Gatorade.

He has since quit, but yeah, that was an interesting time.

Grats that he was able to kick it, some people let it consume them and then try to justify it.

What kind of gatorade was it? Better not have been that crappy grape flavor they make.

It was one of those old mixed packs from the 1990s. Orange, red, yellow.

Its me.

The alcoholic in my family is me.

Yeah, it’s 1000% more likely that she drank too much as opposed to getting drugged by the bartender, especially if her drug test didn’t reveal anything.

>Be 40 years old

>Take blood pressure medication

>Have eight fucking drinks

>Pass out and hit head, likely getting concussed

>"I must have been drugged!"

Blood pressure meds openly cheating on her husband ”nO jUdGiNg” that fucking wall of text

|| The average wahmen redditor ||

This chick was only “”drugged”” on her own fat ass and strained organs 😂. My 60 yr old parents are still years away from that shit lmao

"fuggin men amirite"

She probably just forgot to eat dinner.

She also says shes totally familiar with her alcohol tolerance but has never blacked out.

Bitch, how can you know your limit if you've never hit it?

She was drinking before she went out. She said she had "a drink" which implies one, but could have been a big amount she spent the night trying to maintain, riding a line between coming down and staying up. Easy to get wrecked if you drink before you go out.

'One tequila, two tequilas, three tequilas, floor'

You sure needed to emphasize your boy did >nothing wrong. That strikes me as you trying to >convince yourself more than us. Just my $.02.

her reply:

my boys weren't even there. I didn't bring my >children to the show. And for the record, they're >men not boys, both are over 18.

and in case it isn't clear, I'm well aware that's >not what you meant.

Very odd infantilization attempt of my >boyfriend, but it's not going to fly. You braincels >scumbags need to stay over there with your >own kind.

using slang = incel

You sure needed to emphasize your boy did nothing wrong. That strikes me as you trying to convince yourself more than us. Just my $.02.

her reply:

my boys weren't even there. I didn't bring my children to the show. And for the record, they're men not boys, both are over 18.

and in case it isn't clear, I'm well aware that's not what you meant.

Very odd infantilization attempt of my boyfriend, but it's not going to fly. You braincels scumbags need to stay over there with your own kind.

using slang = incel

The dumb bitch referred to herself as girl lmao, the endless double standards and hypocrisy in her posts are hilarious

Here's a fun reply regarding cheating.

And here is my subsequent ban.

If you need to keep your relationship hidden to protect reputations, as she has stated in the post, it's 100% not a complete separation.

This entire thread is a fucking joke

Holy shit did anyone actually sit and read any of that?


This woman literally just sat for hours and typed out a self obsessed dissertation that blatantly showed off how much of a deficient and insufferable human being she is... and apparently then she ends it with an equally self righteous and inane acceptance speech/rant in her edit at the bottom.


The real mystery here is how she even landed a husband in the first place, because I can't see how even the most cowed and desperate manpets could possibly endure that, let alone handcuff themselves to it.

Go check out menslib and you'll be able to find her husband most likely

No wonder her marriage fell apart

Holy shit did anyone actually read any of that?

i tried but goddamn that woman types too much

The only people more pathetic than women are men

jesus christ, look at all those words

Yea, some bartender at a concert decided to drug a 40 year old land whale. I'm guessing his plan after that was to leave his position, find her at the concert, and then drag her 300 lb body through a crowd of people so he could rape her. I mean the guy said he liked her shirt, Idk how much more clear all of this could be.

The popular theory on TwoX currently is that they were going to drug and sell a 40 year old land whale into sex slavery.

It cracks me up that they talk about action movies causing toxic masculinity but it's pretty rare to see a movie have the impact on the entire gender the way Taken has had on women.

BirdBrain Box, starring 2X posters

Bro they took her TWICE!

Nothing terrifies 40 year old fat women more than sexual slavery... unless his name is Christian Grey.

unironically based

As an alcoholic, I can state with certainty that when you're drinking, it can take time to kick in, and if you're increasing your drinking hoping it will kick in, it may all kick in at once.

Not for me though, my tolerance is sky high.

Fuckin' bold move of that bartender to attempt to date rape a 40 year old when he probably had another 3 hours of his shift left.

Can't trust men these days smdh.

Men are so brazen they'll literally rape a woman in one of the most public places imaginable in the middle of work

Writing this many words


I think that if those two women read this they’d know that being confused and incoherent is her natural state and not the product of being drugged

While you describe that this amount of alchohol should have been ok for you and the time long enough I will say it is objectively a large amount for a woman even in that time frame. And in my experience while alcohol taken slowly will get you slowly drunk I have had several times I drank like you or even slower, felt and acted pretty much sober than had another drink and it felt like I got wasted instantly.

The description you typed there is what i feel the most likely alternative is to drugging... I'm petite but did eat plenty. But still.


Dumb drunk cunt does typical dumb drunk cunt stuff. Snooze.

She also got a titjob.

She deserves to be drugged and raped just for her writing style. A complete mess, stream of consciousness, literary diarrhea spewed onto the page full of trite details, meandering and misdirected paragraphs full of nothing, a true masterclass in dark the art of feminine verbosity. It’s borderline malicious to write this much and say so little.

Only a completely corrupt soul full of contempt for everything beautiful in the world would write this. All the demons in hell would struggle to come up with a post this painful to the reader.

The things post-wall gussies have to do stay somewhat relevant are pathetic.

Can we save this sub for actual drama? Just because y’all disagree with some poor woman on whether or not she was drugged doesn’t make this drama. Neither does the fact that she might be cheating on her husband. People cheat all the time and this isn’t even that dramatic of a case, even if she actually is cheating instead of just having a boyfriend while she’s going through a divorce. This is a sub for real drama not a place for you guys to shame some woman because you don’t like a few choices that you’ve decided shes made. Regardless of if you’re right who tf cares. Stop whining


I have never lost interest in what someone had to say faster.

LMAO the absolute state of white knights.

Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all Y'all

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Which southern state are you from? If you are not from the south you cant say yall, it is cultural appropriation.


Lmao nigga, go back to latestagecapitalism lolololol

Everyone laugh at this faggot:


JFC these comments are even more of a dumpster fire than the garbage in the OP.

My thoughts exactly

Never seen the term "foid" used this heavily


Did this post hit the frontpage or what?


What a day to dwell in moms basement for dramatards, but a bad day for foids.

Is this yamete's new acct?

And they wonder why Reddit has a reputation for being a woman-hate circlejerk. We should just start referring to men who use 'foid' as 'moids' imo.

I mean the thread that the OP linked is pretty dumb but dowsnt call for generalizations or idiotic made up terms

It's Reddit, the only appropriate reaction to anything, trashy or not, is "FEEEEMALES ARE ALL EVIL SLUTS AMIRITE please give fake internet points now"


The moid in its natural habitat. Observe how it reeees when feeling threatened or needy for attention.

I'm a foid dummy. OUT!

Oh, sorry, I’ll adjust it.

Observe, the legbeard in its natural habitat. Notice how it seeks male approval and attention by being not like other girls teehee.

Oh now that isn't very progressive, criticizing another woman's choices by insinuating she's doing it for male approval. Work out that internalized misogyny, sis! Lmao nah, shitposting is just a hell of a lot more fun than the thing you're doing

You're the one who stumbled into this sub and started getting your panties in a twist so O U T REEEEEEEEE

NiceGirl™️ SLAMS feminazi with


everybody claps

Yasss Kween 👌 👑

get those orbiters 👏 👏 👏

There ya go, now you're getting it! Keep doing that and you'll fit right in

That's already a thing, see r/trufemcels or whatever. But it would be cool if it caught on with the 2X crowd. Very good for dramacoin.

That's hilarious, I hope the term catches on.

i don't think anybody in this subreddit is going to get upset over being called a moid

Here's an interesting fact: You're a blackout drunk. bf asked our friend to run see if anyone on the staff could help, and he came back with two women (mother and daughter I believe he said to me later, but I'm still honestly kind of fuzzy and out of it even though it's been a day and a half now). This is where the thread title stuff happened --

Apparently these two women took charge, and immediately remarked that they felt certain that I looked drugged, not drunk, and I guess they told my bf and friend something like "no offense, but we don't know that she's even here with you guys of her own free will, and that you didn't drug her yourselves" and made them provide proof that we were there together. This is the most bad-ass, amazing, important, validating-my-worth-as-a-human thing that I think any stranger has ever done for me. Complete strangers, a mother and daughter, told two men who came to them for help, that they would help ME, yes, and that part of that help was ensuring I was safe from THEM.

Would the fact that these two men approached them for help not give the women a teensy-weensy clue that they were not culpable? Why on earth would you drug a woman and then go and ask two other women for help?

You would if you were playing 4D chess, and wanted to make yourself look innocent.

or offer them drinks while you ponder this whodunnit mystery together.


Complete strangers, a mother and daughter, told two men who came to them for help, that they would help ME, yes, and that part of that help was ensuring I was safe from THEM. I'm so appreciative, I can't even find words to emphasize how important this gesture was to me. I will never forget it.

k, but...

I was drugged and don't remember anything.

Me and another friends once had to help our severely drunk foid friend back to our residence. We looked pretty sketchy carrying around a small thicc blonde girl that was pretty much unconscious, thankfully no one accused us of being male feminists.

Ha this happened to me too, but some bitch did in fact lose her shit and accuse me of 1 count of attempted “Respect for Womyn”. Luckily another bro of mine shit this hysterical bitch down with some Classical Misogyny which assured her that we definitely hate women too much to rape them.

blessed story, FUCK FOIDS

This seems like a very trashy thing to do.

Holy fuck she sounds completely retarded. So actually like a normal TwoX poster.

Women watch all those stupid horror movies and crime dramas and just think they live in a movie where they are the star

that post is like a billion words long

how do you even type something that long? longpostbot would short circuit if it saw that post

I'm still technically married and he's my bf not my husband... So he tried to protect both of our identities and reputations etc by only telling them that I was a friend who drove hours to be here, and providing proof that we were staying together in the hotel, and had tickets to see the show together.


What is this toxic ass comment section jesus

Wrong saloon, chief

See what happens when you encounter a thread where independent thought is common place and most contributors are critical thinkers? You panic, become outraged and cry. Stop drinking the koolaid, or at least gain some self awareness and realize you indeed, drank the koolaid.

Glad you deleted that /r/trashy post. It was pathetic and I was embarrassed for you. Hahaha

Admits to losing huge swaths of time things both before and after that last drink, but somehow is sure the exact number of drinks she had during the whole night.

That part made me roll my eyes so hard.

"I forgot a lot of what happened before I even got the drink I'm claiming was drugged, WHICH IS SO WEIRD, what could have caused this??"

Maybe because you've already guessed that you "maybe" had one drink per hour, which people who have a handle on their alcohol intake tend to know how many drinks they have while at a single concert. Before it's even started.

She ignored her limits and blacked out. Fucking dumbass.

Two intrusive strangers do not immediately imply benevolent intentions and a vigilance against nefarious men. Human traffickers use women to procure victims due to a woman's propensity to trust each other; women are susceptible to duplicity from fellow women because films and insipid stories like this perpetuate ingenuous conduct.

Judicious alcohol consumption is more reliable than dubious women.

Heh, the calling card of that sub is "men bad, personal responsiblity NOO GOOD!"

And a lot of femanazi back patting.

I read the post expecting what everyone is describing, however I don’t have a deep rooted hatred for women so this is disappointing.

Right? As soon as I saw the word "foid" used unironically, I knew this comment section was going to be a dumpster fire.

The most plausible theory for what happened to this woman seems to be that she fainted while drunk (possibly due to a blood-pressure drug interacting with the alcohol), hit her head while falling, and got a concussion. It's odd to me that no one through this process thought to call the police, but a lot of people are afraid of ambulance bills which is understandable.

get out normie! reee

Sorry, I'll go back to my safe space.

out OUT OUT!

Funny, I openly comment as a woman and have yet to be banned. It's almost like you can disagree and still not be an ass.

That's what you get for belonging to such an idiot hugbox sub as r/fuckthealtright

Lol, I was honestly really confused what I was missing about her post.

I thought some things seemed odd about her post. At first she said she was there with two friends, later she says one is her boyfriend and even later it’s “technically still” her husband. I also don’t get why she accuses the bartender, he seems like an unlikely person to try to drug you. People there know his name and he has to work.
It also seemed weird that she omitted being in the VIP area.

Overall really weirdly written, way too drawn out but I don’t see anything about her cheating and the story doesn’t make it seem like it was just alcohol.

I don’t see anything about her cheating

The 'boyfriend' is not her husband. She's still married to a man who was not present in this story. I think you misread the post.

Then I read it as she’s “technically married”, meaning by law as it takes a while to be divorced, but she is no longer in a relationship with her husband.

I'm a woman who is raising a woman & thinks the term "foid" is pathetic and juvenile, but that other post is exactly what was described in this sub and then some. I certainly don't have a "deep rooted hatred for women," nor do I believe you need one to have common sense or to recognize toxicity in other women.

OP for the TwoX post is a fucking idiot who didn't stay within her limits of alcohol consumption, and even admits to blacking out before even receiving the drink she claims was drugged, and her comments are full of defensiveness to basic questions and solid points that are made against her post, as well as vague, baseless, irrelevant accusations against her ex husband.

I’m referring to the comments. I never defended her, so I’m not sure as to why people are acting like I am, I was just referring to the comments people were making, and how they followed a pattern I’ve seen my entire life, but I guess that’s what I get for being on reddit.


is there a particular reason why people in this sub don't believe people get drugged?

Context clues, evidence, shaky story. You know, the usual reasons.

Yeah this story is definitely sus.

Now that's not to say people don't get drugged. Just this particular post doesn't have very good footing.

the comments i read left me under the impression it was in general but after reading 2% of that book, i understand the comments.

r/drama and it's highrony is so strong sometimes I don't even know what going on, but at least with this post I can see where the opinions come from.

i'm very very new to this sub, still trying to figure out the community

Just lurk more and assume everything is ironic but not

Is there some reason you do?

because i was drugged a little over a year ago

(i didn't get the memo to post it on reddit tho)

Studies show it's pretty rare. It's more common that women who claim to be drugged just drank more than they thought.

We're talking about two different things: you article only presents a number from surveys asking people if they have been drugged vs. my article which also includes similar surveys but in addition the results drug tests of those who claim to have been drugged. As one article puts it:

A study of more than 200 students revealed many wrongly blamed the effects of a "bad night out" on date-rape drugs, when they had just drunk excessively.


Earlier this year, Australian researchers found that nont one of 97 young men and women admitted to hospital over 19 months to two Perth hospital claiming to have had their drinks spiked, had in fact been drugged.


I think we should celebrate the fact she wasn't raped. Imagine this retard's genes propagating, or even worse: her raising a child.

99 times outta 100 when a woman gets drugged she drank too much too fast

In her 40's and still dumb as fuck.



Well this thread is a tad bit of a dumpster fire.

3,589 words 18,349 characters

This post is more words than Stephen King and Jack London write in an average day combined

She drank 5 cocktails with one meal to break it up. Her body probably couldn't handle it. Cocktails aren't just a beer. I'm admittedly not a big drinker but I know the alcohol content is higher for cocktails.

Why would the bartender drug her? What purpose would that serve when she was with two guys? For shits and gigs?

There's just so many issues with this story.

I can't believe that she tried to say that she made a throwaway in a selfless act. Bitch, maybe you were trying to protect whoever you're representing, but you're trying to protect yourself too.

Every study done on the subject shows that ~90% of women who swear they were drugged, have nothing in their system other than alcohol.

Gussy is incapable of ever being responsible for anything that goes on their lives. It's always someone else that's at fault.

Yeah. Those bartenders are always looking to score with washed up 40 year olds. Secret rapetenders wouldn't go and drug a good looking 22 year old when they had that OPs radiant beauty on their bar.

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Thatslike a 20 paragraph post!! That ust looks like a nutjob wrote it.

BTW, when i used to go out a lot, with a group of friends, there was a 1/3 chance one of thegirls would say they got drugged. Seriously, i must have heard that 15 to 20 times when actually they just severely overestimated their limits.

Edit: Oh God... there are people in this thread using "foid" in a serious way... how did i end up on this dark path???

not sure, but please dont come back

What the fuck how long is that damn post

Honestly I don't believe anything that makes it to r/all from that sub. Earlier I saw one with the title being "I finally did my laundry" or something like that. And I sarcastically thought I bet she got raped. Thinking there is no way these two things correlate but if any sub post is going to climax from laundry to rape that's the one, and no joke glancing through that's exactly what happened. Idk if I can guess this kind of stuff, then there is obviously a formula and if there's a structured formula then it's not organic. I bet a lot of the people that post on there are men that just make up stories. To gain whatever currency they're looking for: sympathy, support, internet points, etc.

Honestly I feel pretty cynical about most subs and their content. I think most is just planted satire.

who are these rich nyc bartenders willing to throw drugs at random chicks in hopes to get laid

Did anyone else catch her vague comment about her husband abusing her and facing life in prison? Why is anyone considering what this woman says to be in any way credible, with such an idiotic statement on top of everything else she said?

Who actually thinks anyone cares enough to read all that?

Wtf are u even saying?

edit - you can all go fuck yourselves. this community is toxic as hell. thanks to the nice people, and good fucking riddance to the bad.

Hi, I'm the poster who called out the cheating. I hope someone got the whole thing on archive, because The entire text of the post has since been removed and replaced by the above quote. This edit was made very shortly after I sent this message to the OP:


Guess the bluff I called was 100000% correct.

Reading that, made me want to gain 45kilo. Get painted green and spanked like an angry avocado.

The full story is no longer up😪

Except in this scenario, your wife would tell her boyfriend, not you.

Cucked. It's funny how she's calling people toxic, when it's pretty clear that she's a garbage human

40 year old OP said she was worried about being human trafficked.

Lol. Bitch please, what makes you think you're worth being trafficked?

Peak Foid lol

>drinks a shit tonne of alcohol

>passes out and feels like shit the next day

Omg I've been dRuGgEd!

The state of modern women.

Got banned from 2X for suggesting that OP was an alcoholic. The mods of that sub are "cool" aunt winos, you just know it.

The fact that everyone is automatically assuming they are already split/divorcing makes no sense.

Hopefully they will soon.

lmao, "thanks to the women who - rather than acting urgently whilst I was 'drugged' - instead decided to waste time going down my boyfriends phone and corroborating a 10 year friendship; because that was clearly the priority at that point in time. Especially thanks to them considering it was my boyfriend who went to get help, and as we all know, every rapist enlists the help of a friendly mother and daughter.".

Thank you posting is the worst kind of posting. Of course it's always gussies that post like that.

What a twist it would be if it had turned out her companions were black males and she was white and the other two were white and it was filmed. They'd be on the front of every news website, including reddit. what delicious drama that would be.

Im almost certain this is the case, and thats why she is so offended by the use of the word "boys".

If I were taking care of a very drunk girl friend and some random women made me "prove" I knew her, I would ignore them like a normal human being.

It’s insane how grown women can’t handle their shit and get praised for it

you can immediately tell when we go on /r/popular based on the absolute pounding they give the report button.

Average woman