Femcel COPE after guy couldn't get it up

185  2019-03-12 by POST_BUSSY


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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I'm a 25 year old woman and so far I'd say about 1 in 4 guys around my age seem to have trouble getting it up from what I've seen. It's so insulting even though I know it has nothing to do with me.

I've decided to not date or have sex with anyone for now. It only rewards their pornified existence and makes them think they can watch porn and still get laid. I no longer wish to contribute to that.

Holy shit you weren't kidding lmao

Porn is unironically damaging to men but I somehow doubt porn caused this specific example.

Porn is unironically damaging to men

in general i agree, but I also think there's sort of no going back at this point. The fact that hentai is such a huge thing now kind of made me come to that realization. The unreality of porn is precisely what a lot people want, and whoever is drawn to that sort of thing is never going to be tempted back to a normal sex life.

not liking hentai

Lmfao what??

most of it is trash

You watch your whore mouth, before I slap you with this Futanari Dick

Only a knot can satisfy my asshole uwu

Knot me, doggy.

What even is pornified body?

I think its femcel code for "attractive"

I was thinking the fake tits and tan kind of porn

Yeah, a fake tanned MILF with fake boobs and duck lips.

The bleachiest of buttholes

If your gf does't bleach her asshole for you, she does't love you.

real man bleaches his woman's asshole with his tongue

That's super unattractive though. I find it offensive. Au naturel, baby, that's how I like them. Swing low, sweet chariots

- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

You and every other guy. It's only women who think that women look good with fake tits and tattoos.

Fake tits work best for women in interactions where they are clothed, and those are more important to them.

I never considered that :O

Makes sense though!

They still make that shit? That’s like early 2000’s Kerry Sable era porn we past that a while ago

the surgery where they cut the lips off

Breast implants. (mentioned further down).

Personally I don't find that sort of thing attractive

You don't find shitty boob jobs attractive. A good one is really hard to spot.

Even the best implants you can tell. Not that you'd know what they are like because your idea of the female body comes from gonewild and instathots.

Not that you'd know what they are like because your idea of the female body comes from gonewild and instathots.

Kink shaming is against r/drama rules.

🤮🤮Serious posting ever 🤮🤮

Excuse me my idea of the female body comes exclusively from /r/femboys

I don't find large "porn boobs" attractive - real or not.

She's got fake tits, probably fake lips, maybe a fake butt, probably had lipo.

Fake lips are the fucking worse. If you're not born with luscious lips such as I have, then why even live?

Yeah, perma-duckface is never a good look.

Chad literally has giant lips.

If someone can do this to you without you having to stick your bottom lip out, you deserve it.

it never even began for lipcels

Kardashian look with fake tits and ass

that caught my eye too. I think its bullshit to cover that shes a huge hog

*plus size stripper

She had a shower that day and shaved earlier that week

What even is pornified body?

I used to live with a couple of strippers. Here's what happens:

Basically a 'girl next door' type will show up at the club and start working as a stripper. Guys LOVE the 'girl next door' look, and she'll make a bunch of cash, right off the bat. Strippers are really competitive and often bonkers, so they'll try and figure out how to undermine the new girl. They'll try and get her to quit.

90% of the time, the older girls will simply scare the new girl off. If that doesn't work, they'll encourage her to do all kinds of stupid shit to her body that no man wants to see:

1) cut her hair off

2) dye it black

3) get stupid tattoos

4) get stupid piercings

5) get cheap breast implants

After a year or two they basically look like a plastic Suicide Girl

All of those except 5 is good tho

Absolutely haram.

Women are evil to each other

Bolt on tits and shitty tattoos

Porn is unironically damaging to men

Imagine actually thinking that

I watched porn once, its not for me.

Anime/weebshit/hentai is the REAL™ degeneracy that needs to be dealt with tbh

And you don't see the relevancy of that to porn?

You think in the 1960s hentai/weebshit would have caught on?

No, we went down the slide of degeneracy that started with hard core porno and is going to end in sex bots and VR pedophillia

I can't fucking wait

It is, though. Porn messes with your brain's reward center, and overstimulation of your dick can cause you to develop "death grip".

Cope harder Boomer.

Im going to jerk even harder tonight.

Go for it. You're only hurting yourself.



Porn messes with your brain's reward center

Does masturbating to pictures of you mother do the same? I hope not, because that's exactly what I'm going to do right now.

Nice, care to share?


Imagine not thinking that.

I think it because it is objectively true.

No it isnt

It is. You just have to determine if it's something that truly damages you, similarly to booze.

jerkin it to porn is now as bad as being an alcoholic? Imagine thinking this in 2019

I am comparing porn to booze because overconsumption is unhealthy for you while moderation still isn't objectively good but as a society we've said "Ehh, fuck it."

Pull your head outta your ass.

How are you going to know how much time a man spends tugging his dick to porn to say they are overconsuming?

The only people that this supposedly would even begin to "harm" is women who find that men no longer care about wifeing them up and "acting like a man" I say good riddance to the whole thing.

How are you going to know how much time a man spends tugging his dick to porn to say they are overconsuming?

When they do it to the point of ED not even reaching 30 it's pretty overconsuming, if you ask me. Been there, done that, now I watch porn only twice a day.

I wouldn't trust the words of a woman like that who doesn't even think she's the problem to be able to diagnose ED. I know a man who thought he had ED, turns out he just wasn't physically attracted to his wife and doesn't like having sex with her.

This isn't simply the words of a woman, it's reality:


-This thing is bad for some people, like this other thing.

-those two things aren’t the same though.

Are you mentally impaired?

Porn isn't bad. You are stupid if you think it is. If comparing it to alcoholism is what you retards think is logical then I feel bad for you

It might be true that porn isn’t bad. But when someone said porn is bad for specific people like alcohol, you said that they aren’t the same. You are dumb for thinking that was a relevant response.

No u

Eh, some people can dedinitely over consume. People on nofap report jerking it 4-5 times a day. Thats probably too much.

I mean, some people even pay for it theyre so out of control

John Kellogg is smiling down on /r/drama from heaven 🙏🙏🙏

Imagine telling men what is good for them, but not being able to tell women that

This is how I imagine incel deconstructing lives of others.

Good job.


- विश्वस्मादिन्द्र उत्तरः

The mere fact at how much people will defend it and attack you for this post shows how powerful it is lol

That group actually had a presentation at my uni recently. Wanted to go and pick up the free shirt.

to degrade the relationship between men and women in society.

It's more of an upgrade, considering the state of western women.

Don't link to the sauce as some retard wandering in here might fall for it lol

TBF i knew a chick who hit all those identifiers but was smoking fucking hot. My ugly ass friend smashed her on a pile of trash and said she was a fish tho.

she was a fish tho

Starfish, sprat or angler?


Bassed dude.

Fuck this dumb bitch lol


being a witch is like being a redhead

it makes you way hotter or way more disgusting.

Imagine never having heard of whiskey dick.

Not to brag but I’ve given guys boners just from them sniffing my hair 💁🏻‍♀️

Does she not see the common factor in the equation?

I’ve given guys boners just from them sniffing my hair

chink "women" are ugly af. Imagine larping on r/drama as anything but an ugly chink nigger

Go ahead and dial the "try" meter back down from 11 there chief

Imagine getting offended by a fucking r/drama comment 🤮🤮🤮🤮

"you're trying way too hard" isn't indicative of offense.

Why did you delete it? lol

Why the hell are there so many CAnimals as of lately?

He’s right, oriental WHORES need to realize that just because a bunch of FAGGOTS on /a/ /jp/ and /g/ want to settle down and make a bunch of Elliot Rodgers does not mean a PROUD mayo man like myself wants to have sex with their 2x4 PLANK, RICE FUELED, BAD BACK FROM WORKING ON THE RAIL ROAD, ENGRISH, NO TEETH BRUSHING, CANADA GOOSE WEARING, CONSUMERIST, COPYING WHITE HAIR, PLASTIC SURGERY HAVING, COLONIZING VANCOUVER ASS


I’d kill myself first before resorting to date a mayo 🤮

I’d nuke your people again before scooping up some used toll payer 😩😩😷😷🤧🤮

Fucking lmaoooo

yellow fever incel cope

hey, can I sniff your hair too? 🤗🤗🤗

I'm not black tho

Being black is cheating anyway, they have naturally higher testosterone levels

My wife sometimes lets me lick and smell and worship the balls of her bull. I swear, one sniff of that powerful musk made my little cock start leaking in it's cage. It's absolutely overwhelming.

but hardislife says she's a twoxchromosomed Asian


Can I sniff your hair?

What a hypocrite. She used to be a stripper but she’s slating some guy for watching porn and having ED.

A hypocritical foid? I do not believe it.

I know. I was shocked! Shocked I tell you!

Humans without dicks insisting they understand how they work, part 8572.

Is there a /r/badmensanatomy?


Huh, 21k subs

Truth is, government sterilisation programs have long since been rolled out, porn is but one of the symptoms. Also iirc 1/4 guys are actually below the US average for men experiencing erectile difficulties, so she should feel flattered if anything 😁

Burgers are sterile because they sit on their asses all day and eat their body weight in processed corn everyday.

Not wrong

I was just shitposting, but you're probably right tbh. Them folks sure do love their soy/corn based foods

i watch a lot of porn and can still get it up and easily cum in less than 20 seconds. so explain that bitch.

Imagine lasting more than 10 seconds 😂

if you've pumped more than 3 times and not cum yet, your just fucking gay


1 too many claps buddy. better luck next time heh heh








It is almost like ED mostly cum from physical causes like being fat and inactive.

A friend of mine theorized that it has something to do with smartphones sitting in pockets all day, and that the radiation from the phone was screwing with sperm count. Combine that with endless porn and it's really no surprise that ED is so common.

She’s friends with Jill Stein?

wifi is making the dicks limp

love this comment

hate this comment

What kind of fucking retard thinks sperm count has to do with getting a boner?


oh right lmao

Americans have an Hollywood induced steroid problem.

A lot of younger guys seem to have low T (or at least a lot of guys post about it). Hopping on some test might do wonders for their sex life.

What a comically narcissistic cunt lmfao

I wonder how many more men would exercise if porn weren't an issue. They no longer have to work to obtain sexual pleasure - they just have to open their laptop and type in whatever they want. Imagine if they actually had to impress women to have a sexual experience with one - they would likely work a lot harder to do so.

It's hilarious they think men should exercise and work to impress them when they are literal landwhales.

I like how it's the men's fault they can't compete with Palmela Handerson. Even though pussy feels way better, men would rather do themselves than these women, which is clearly because those men know they could never get a woman like her.

Even though pussy feels way better

Sex havers OUT

That is actually a legit criticism of porn. But youre right, too many fat ass american women expect chad-10s to blow their tinder up all day. We need enforced monogamy so the 4s stay with 4s and the 5s with 5s and the 7s with 7s.

That is actually a legit criticism of porn

No it isnt. If the only thing keeping you from working out is jacking it, thats not porn’s fault

Well if you strawman the argument just enough, yah it doesnt make sense. But if you think for 5 seconds on the motivations for a man to work out and how easily accessible porn might disrupt that motivation, then no, your comment is retarded.

Gay men work out the most and have easily accessible bussy on tap. Your argument is retarded.

all gay men work out

get out of your mom's basement every once in a while, bud

I know like three gay dudes and all of them work out.

Out of every other guy I know, only like 4 of them do.

I'm gay and lazy as fuck. It's literally been at least a year since the last time I did any type of exercise other than going for a walk. We're more common than you think.

The existence of gay men who do not work out would not disprove the assertion that gay men, as a group, work out the most. This is not rocket-science-tier thinking FFS.

Well yeah, they're their own little in circle. Women are expressively dismissive in fucking everything. These idiots want to meet someone nice, but can't get over their resting bitch face in public long enough for anyone to even want to approach them. So many people wear a "don't talk to me" face outside of this internet bullshit.

Watching porn is not the same thing as having actual sex. If you connect working out with how much you masturbate, Idk what is your issue

So why have sex when you can just masturbate?

Because sex=/=masturbation. They're two completely different acts with completely different purposes. Also, you act like masturbation was invented alongside porn. Masturbation has always been something people have been capable of doing. It didn't replace sex then and it isn't replacing sex now.

Cause a hand isnt a penis or a vagina? Sex is fun and enjoyable more than jacking off

Incels "take xyz away and women will sleep with us".

So many women on reddit continue to use incel talking points.

IMO, it's other way around. Incels, partly, are disgusting BECAUSE they use women talking points.

True, it's just deliciously ironic. So many comments and post from women on reddit word for word use incel talking points or mentality. It just goes to show that women don't view men as their equals. They will always hold them to a higher standard than they hold themselves and once many of these mgtard types realize that there is no fairness or fair play when it comes to dating women, only then will the resentment start to go.

That's because incels are actually female brained. Their suffering would end if they just accepted themselves and transtitioned into cute girls


incel trannies


A bunch of manlets with no masculine features

and $)


What part?

Just check out the sub and read a few posts. The “joke” listed above is actually frequently listed as a reason for transitioning plus being attracted to their own form.

I unironically am starting to believe MtF transgenderism is the incel final cope.

Is it really a cope if it actually fixes all your problems

It's hilarious they think men should exercise and work to impress them when they are literal landwhales.

Hilarious, but also infuriating. Most oppressed group of people, ffs.

If all guys had to do to get as much sexual pleasure with a real life woman as they wanted was to work out, the average guy would be buff and 10% body fat. The problem is that fitness is only a fraction of what is needed to be desireable as a guy.

That retard knows we discovered masturbation (probably) millions of years ago, right?

She's a terf, rational thoughts are forbidden to her cult

Wow who hurt you?

used to be a stripper

Oh it was a lot of people, and probably your uncle and/or stepdad

I basically became a stripper as soon as high school ended and have struggled with finding/maintaining another job, and also struggled with alcoholism ever since.

Why do I keep attracting narcissistic partners

My mother quit drinking when I moved out

I'm casting spells to bring me money because I'm a witch

As part of being a stripper I had a bunch of plastic surgery

And then, for the grand finale, ladies and gentlemen...

I know it has nothing to do with me


Imagine curing your mother's alcoholism by merely fucking off.

Maybe she cast Lv. 3 Sobriety on her.

I'm casting spells to bring me money because I'm a witch

literally a witch

Common for feminists. See /r/witchesvspatriarchy, full of /r/Trollxchromosomes posters.

Next time he should just tell the foid he has an headache

We upped the game. Not tonight sweetie or the next 12 months got a migraine, could be a brain tumour.

1 out of 4 men? Nah shes just ugly

I have had a few cases of ED in my life, every single time I told the women it wasn't her fault I just wasn't feeling good or got a leg crap or something.

Every single time that was a lie and it was either her smell or how she looked with cloths off that killed the boner

So when she says it's not her fault I "believe" her

Also, WTF is death grip? Is that just a strong hand after years of tugging or what?

The obvious solution is death pussy.

death pussy.

this is just normal pussy though

So vaginismus then?

I faked ed once; but that was a weird situation where two other dudes would have been watching.

1 in 4 guys can't get it up that she's seen? How many dudes has she fucked? Is she a prostitute?

If she has 20 notches on her bedpost, at least 5 of them should be a frowny face

It would take a woman with a hook for a hand for a rub and tug had that high of a failure rate, and rub and tug ladies aren't "pornified"

1 in 4 guys can't get it up that she's seen? How many dudes has she fucked? Is she a prostitute?

She's a stripper and she says that she picked up a guy at a concert.

My guess is that the guys are on-board at first, because "free sex", but then they get nervous because they're worried that she's promiscuous. Men are really squicked out by promiscuity.

A combination of porn addiction and "death grip" is a real problem for men of your generation.

Seems more like a problem for the women of the generation, the dude beating off so often he needs to vice grip his dong is probably pretty content, it's the OPs of the world who can't get laid now.

Also the fact that even after ED and ditching her, she adds him on instagram makes me think this is just a case of a chad and a not-stacy lol

What is it about porn and pibbles that turns this sub into unironic crackpots

vague statement about a general group of people to appear morally or intellectually superior

MmmmMmMmm that’s good smug right there

Eh backup. This sub (pure drama) or THAT sub?

That sub keeps impressing me with how retarded the posters are. Being a protected class of incels really does a lot to your brain. At least braincels has wacky memes

(I used to be a stripper and went through a plastic surgery phase)

gurl u aint as hot as u think, ur titties probably cock-eyed and nobody likes to see ur implant scars.

dude could tell she was made of plastic and noped out hard.

1st generation sex dolls just not cutting it.

The cope in that thread from virtually every poster is incredible. Their willingness to blame men for not wanting to fuck their "pornified" selves (100% LARP btw) extends all the way to claiming that if men would give up video games, porn and work out more, then they'd want to fuck them. lmao.

But this one takes the cake (literally.) Fat foid is mad at other foids for thinking they're attractive, and is so insecure that she writes a full page on the subject, coping by claiming to attract (but fail to arouse) 10/10 Chads.

You're … applying the hegemonic male gaze to your own body to determine how attractive you are.

Who knew applying the male gaze was a poor way to determine if you’re attractive to men?

Just a heads up that sub will ban you for being "pro porn." Or, as they apparently call it, being "pro rape."

I got a 72 hour mute for that also. I guess they can't handle conversation.

Keep your pro-rape liberal bullshit off our radical feminist sub, thanks.

They aren't liberal? Wtf even are they?


Death grip is the biggest meme ever told to sell fleshlights.

1 in 4? Death grip? What. Lol 25 yeard old gets hard from feminine smile My bet on pussy smelled like dumpster.

I'm 31 and the right glance will still do it. I'm gonna guess her weight starts with 2.

"He was embarrassed about it and rightfully so" Wew, imagine the outrage on that sub if the post had the roles were reversed with a woman being unable to get wet. I respect her honestly but the fact that there would be hysterical screeching if the tables are turned is funny. Also, I have seen some gross strippers and the fact that she posts on gendercritical makes me think that she probably strips for minimum wage and doesn't really have to worry about claiming tips on her taxes.

Even having correct idea on the trans question can't redeem TERFs, they are manhating mayo landwhales

Now their son is ugly

wtf, rude

It's not rude, all children are hideous.

Porn is probably fucking up men's brains, but it also is keeping them horned up enough that they are more willing to fuck a fatty than 30 years ago.

A literal disgusting fat chunky mayocide, extra mayo

These stupid cunts turn me unironically misogynistic.

I'm wondering if one of the pornstars was actually in the room with him if he'd have the same issue because she's now in human form and not just a video on a screen.

That's really interesting. Would like to hear more of your thoughts on it. Do you think porn has also conditioned men to associate sex with a sort of digital voyeurism, as well as endless variety?

Only one way to find out 😎😎😎😎

(I used to be a stripper and went through a plastic surgery phase)

Maybe he was just turned off by your comical watermelon tits.

It's so insulting even though I know it has nothing to do with me
