Celebrities discovered to have paid people to take tests so their kids could go to elite schools. Aunt Becky from Full House brought up on Federal charges

371  2019-03-12 by leparsdon


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Some of the politically purest and funniest shit to come out this year, Drama needs this

They've been pulling this shit for years, otherwise on pure academic merit every single top level college would just be a bunch of nerdy Jewish guys.

Nah you’re got a ton of AA to

Well the government pulls this shit for them.

Sure the worst Koreans but there are those other ones that have no idea how to take a break and end up dying at the age of 43 due to stress don’t accept no government handouts

Biology prof my freshman year of college talked about how he's tried to retire 3 times but ends up coming back everytime

I'll give you two nuclear guesses what race he was

Probably Worst Korean. It’s a shame you don’t see all that many Best Koreans walking around

When you do, they're getting assassinated.

I'll give you two nuclear guesses what race he was


Dumbass. They love the handouts and they think we're stupid for giving them away

Imagine how many more Supreme Gentlemen we'd have if college was nothing but Jews and Asians.

/r/hapas in shambles

They might have to recruit judges from, dare I say it, a state school.

Are you forgetting the orientals?

If only we could

The poos tend to do very well also

1.5 billion of em a few gotta be smart

Also, dude, oriental is not the preferred nomenclature.


lmao yeah purely academic merit

muh nipootism :(((

are you trying to pretend its not real and jews are just smart lol

not smart enough to stop getting kicked out of countries or hold off on the blood draining for a few generations

white privilege y’all smh kangs

Blacks have low iq

patriarchy smh y’all

men and women are different. Stop ignoring science, races and genders have measurable differences.

jews are very successful

uhh uhhh

yeah but blacks having low iq and women being dumb is empirically proven and nobody actually believes jews are smart

Nobody actually believes jews are smart

This is a boat load of cope.

You realize there are studies on this right?

oh, studies, i guess thats cool then

theres also studies on phrenology and jewish phenotypes if you love studies so much

ok, I do love studies...

Yeah they’re morons they just own governments, the media, corporations and billions of dollars.

When you kill jews lmao

Bottom text

Not an argument

Peak mayo cope right here

Yet smart enough to rule the world, according to you, I'm guessing

No no no you dont get it the jews arent smart he's just a moron

They're smarter than all white people and rule the world yet are worse than white people and have been kicked out of 143 countries in world history and also they made the Holocaust happen so they could get Israel yet the Holocaust didn't happen though it should have totally happened oy vey it's anudda shoah gas the kikes race war now ironically only unironically ;)

no I totally get it

lmao how are you this confused

they dont rule the world, they just want to and think they deserve to so they give other jews jobs and free money

thats kinda the problem most people have with them fyi even leftists

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Maybe there's nepotism in play, but the fact of the matter is that they objective do have higher IQ.

no they dont lol

the autistic juden are literally the ones doing this though lmao

if it was merely academic merit it would be 50% slant eyes

The best is Donnie Jr weighing in on it with a severe lack of self awareness




Eric's not sure where he put his collage.

Aunt Becky about to become someone else's bitch.

Couldnt they just write a check to the colleges?

How retarded are their kids lmao?

If you look at how the guy who ran the whole thing describes it there's the front door (merit), the backdoor (big time donations), and the sidedoor.

This scheme is the sidedoor, which he says costs about 10x less than making a big donation.

So basically this is for rich people who are too cheap to go with the socially accepted bribery route like most rich people, so instead they go with a smaller amount of bribery with a little fraud thrown in.

Excellent explanation.

Fuck, this is a better explanation than any of the major news sites.

/r/drama truly is the finest place on the internet.

Low bar

Imagine being such a shit parent that you have to bribe people for you kids instead of teaching them right, and then being such a jew about it that you want to fuck up even more just to save some shekels.

Sounds nostalgic tbh.

Some paid 6.5 million dollars to get their kid into college, imagine being so dumb that you it requires this much money to get you in. I wonder which celebrity child is so stupid that the regular fee to buy you a fraudulent college entry isn't enough by more than an order of magnitude.

I hope the honorable journalists of TMZ figure this out soon I need to know.

William H. Macy's oldest daughter was one kid who benefited from these arrangements.

I don’t get why anyone other than old money would opt for this over sending their kid to be King Shit on a state campus and get a decent education. Didn’t one of Tom Hanks kids go to northwestern and just be a douchey frat guy who made shitty rap music in his spare time??

Tom Hanks kids go to northwestern

Chet Hanks, lmao. He looks like a douche.

Oh boy do I have something special for you


My sides

The internet was a mistake.

If we didn't have the internet, it would be much harder to find such amusing retards. You're local retards are only good for so long before they're out of material.

lol did Tom produce this music video?

Why does he have to menacingly close in on me at a gradual pace? Daddy Hanks why.

His dad named him Chet, he never had a chance.

The budget 'Chad'.

I don’t get why anyone other than old money would opt for this over sending their kid to be King Shit on a state campus and get a decent education.

Big name colleges are still relevant to old money.

I like how people think this is a new thing.

I'm curious how they got caught though. The news says that the kids didn't know, so someone snitched I guess.

They seriously got live updates and the guy at the center of it faces 65 years in prison 😂😂


damn, thanks for the link.

I read that Loughlin's daughter made a video saying she didn't even care about school. lol Mannn hows shitty is it going to jail over your spoiled kid's school bribe and she doesn't even care.

None of these people are going to jail. These people will get a stern talking to and pay a fine.

Homie one of the charges is mail fraud and your local postman does NOT fuck around.

Commit a millions regular frauds, and you get a fine. Commit one fraud that uses the postal system and the USPIS will break your fucking kneecaps.

Postal inspectors are NO FUCKING JOKE. They got Jussie. Remember that

He'll go postal ?

Only the poor sap, who got 1.5k per SAT he took, will go to jail for any amount of time. Well, also the ringleader who made bank off these idiots.

These are federal charges, so the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines are going to apply. (These are technically non-binding, but most judges will generally follow them unless there's a very compelling reason to depart.) I played around with the guidelines calculator here and was getting recommendations in the 6 months to 2.5 years range, depending on what particular enhancements might apply (how to characterize the amount of the loss is probably the trickiest aspect).

That's what money and privilege will get you, minus common sense.

People who don't care about school have always pissed me off, even when I was in Middle School. There's millions of children out there who can't go to school, some girls who risk getting killed if they go to school, and these spoiled brats just threw it away.

65 years for this is ridiculous.

Tbh who cares about the guy at the center, I’m more pissed at his consumers.

The best part is they didn't just fake the test scores, they got these kids admitted as athletes, sometimes in sports they didn't even play or that their high school didn't even have a team for.

And the kids had no idea! One kid showed up to orientation at USC and his advisor was like "oh, so your the tack star" and the kid was like "WTF are you talking about?"

"oh, you're the tack star I heard about" and the kid was like "WTF are you talking about?"

when you're too dumb to let your kid in on the scheme

Other way around. The kids are dumb as shit and are barely literate.

If they needed mommy to spend $6 million on college entry, I guess you have a point

their parents are retarded too, they just could have gave a public donation to the college

That’s a lot more expensive than this was. Bribes are for the lower class elites.

Bribes costs 6 mill at the most usually.

These dumbasses just think making the plan even more complex means people won't find out.

You need to donate more than $100,000 to get the attention of well-endowed private universities

There's a video of one of the girls that got in this way and she said all she wants to do at college is party nothing else.

She just wants to ride the cock mobile



Imagine being so mediocre that your parents have to pay half a million dollars for you to get into USC

Some kids also got into Texas and Wake this way. Imagine being such a failure that mommy and daddy need to drop several mil to get you into those schools lmao

Fuck that's embarrassing. There are dozens, if not hundreds of small private schools that are solely there to give fuckups from wealthy families a 'unique, student centered liberal arts education', and it doesn't hurt their career chances much because employers see 'private liberal arts college' and think it's good. Why not just drop your kid off at one of those and hope that they don't party hard enough to get kicked out?

They want the midsized to large college "experience" (ie party scene) that you can't get at small liberal arts schools.

half a million dollars for you to get into USC

That was my first thought as well. The place is already nicknamed "the University of Spoiled Children" and they had to pay extra to get in. And they had to commit fraud to do it because apparently the admissions office was like "nope, not even with a $500,000 donation."

At that point, just go to UC Santa Cruz or something. I've met a bunch of people from there and they certainly seemed to know how to party a lot and never attend class.

That doesn’t score mommy and daddy points at the country club though

hey man i resent that, i went to class sometimes

So it's like that one rich kid on the football team that nobody is allowed to tackle, but on a college scale.

Imagine spending all that money and taking all that risk, and you still go to USC. 😂

I thought you donated a new wing to the library or something and thats how you got your kid in. Seems a lot less complicated.

There's only so many wings a library needs. Guess no one was willing to spring for the international airport.

Go big or Becky goes to state college.

She was paying to get into state college....

Who needs airports when you can have secret underground sex dungeons.

"Well, Yale could use an international airport"

"Well, Yale Y6le could use an international airport"


I’ve seen this around a few times now, where is this meme from?


A little too pricey for all these literal D-tier side character actors

That’s the more straightforward and more expensive method.

These are middle tier rich people who can't afford to pay the big bucks for library wings or new buildings but are rich enough to pay a dude to fraudulently get their kids in with fake test scores.

Idk, whoever dropped $6.5 million to get their kid admitted through this method may just have more money than brains.

And kids have no brains

this scheme is 10x cheaper

Funneling it through a charity for a tax deduction is like the dumbest thing they could have ever done.

They’re the kind of people who have to pay half million dollar bribes to go to college. Of course they think it’s smart to file their crimes with the IRS.

I had no idea that Celebrity children were so unintelligent and unable to achieve a college acceptance.



is there a bigger celebrity than Aunt Becky from full house?

no, of course not.

The biggest of them all. She was on for 9 whole seasons!!

Its funny because they could just as easily leverage their personal connections to get them the best jobs and educations. . .

Ohhh, I want a piece of this kek.

That entire article is an amazing argument for a 100% estate tax.

Unsurprisingly, her subscribers questioned her comments, and Olivia quickly followed up two days later with an apology video titled, “im sorry.” “It’s a privilege, and it’s a blessing. And I’m really grateful,” she said of attending college. “I think a lot of people obviously like to attack me because I’ve grown up a different life, and again that’s not me. Everything I say I’m like walking on eggshells because I’m freaking out about saying something wrong.”

When someone I know admitted she cared more about partying than studying, her mother cut her college funds once she started performing poorly.

That should have happened a long time ago.

Olivia, according to court documents, did not complete her own application. Loughlin allegedly told a cooperating witness over the phone that Olivia “has not submitted all her college [sic] apps and is confused on how to do so.” The unnamed witness responded, saying they directed an employee to submit Olivia’s application of her behalf.

Imagine being so clueless you can't even fill out a college application.


Couldnt they just donate quarter of million dollars to the university and get their kids admitted. I mean Daddy's son in law gave couple of million to Harvard.

Aunt Becky was hot

This drama is purer than north korean meth!

50 people were charged in the criminal investigation that went by the name "Operation Varsity Blues."

The Feds got jokes. Also, as rich as these people are can't they just get their kids the best tutors possible to get their score high?

If your kid is dumb as a brick even the best tutor can't do much.

IIRC, the empirical work on SAT/ACT test prep (Kaplan and other places) shows that it -- on average -- raises the test scores of rich white people from good high schools very little.

I guess that makes sense. The kids going to those kind of schools are already being given ample resources to academically excel to their rough potential. For me, just taking test after test from ACT practice books helped.

These people cheated the system and haven't actually earned their place at a prestigious university based on merit. Haven't black people been doing that for years?

It's over for affirmative-actioncels

Felicity Huffman

Didn't she play a transwoman in the comedy/drama TransAmerica (presented by The Weinstein Company and IFC Films)? And the more stable one in Desperate Housewives.


