Autistic tranny meme stirs shit in alt-history autism sub. Hot takes galore.

44  2019-03-12 by KonoFaggotDa


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Get smashed under the treads of the tranetariat.

>lefty memes

Every goddamn time

CMV: leftist memes are always boring, 5 paragraph bullshit that's inaccurate at the end, rightoid memes are either cringy boomer shit or something that's been done on 4chan 5 years ago, therefore nonpartisan memes are best.


watch Contrapoints

trans rights

The predictability is amazing.

when your meme has more text than the pamphlets at the Planned Parenthood you found yourself in this morning

alt-history universe building

Why? Even the semi-entertaining ones on are derailed when fans beg to have their autistic input added in.

It's over

Its already a popular mod for the Strategy game Hoi4, but for whatever reason it seems to attract losers like this

Imagine being unironically against the state monopoly on violence.

lol did they really make a cj sub for a fucking mod for hearts of iron

its a mod where germany wins, and theyre surprised at the fanbase

Virgin Wilhelm II vs the Chad Otto von Bismarck

Wow another mentally ill communist making a long agendapost in a Paradox sub, then sperging out in the comment section when people call them out on it. I'm shocked.

This is even worse because it's a circlejerk sub (lol?) for an alternate history mod. Every reply is like a copy paste from the previous threads where they do this shit too.

The tranny question desperately needs addressing.

This subs users are unironically censoring "trap". Incredible.