Wewooweooo damage control wewoowewoo

17  2019-03-12 by caliberoverreaching


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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What did they do?

Apparently another youtuber wanted to interview them over PopScience and how it can lead to wide spread misinformation. They delayed the interview and used his questions to build a surprise defense video ("Can you trust Kurgewhatev?")

So the guy is mad because he thought this was going to be his big break into YouTube fame?

yeah, he played it straight up and got rolled by the established channel

Did you read Hari's book?

Of course I did. After reading it, I very enthusiastically emailed him and asked him to collaborate on the video.

Just out of curiosity, did he collaborate on the video?

Yeah, he wrote most of the script. Which is the reason why it has such a big overlap with his Ted Talk.

Why's he saying that the way you've presented the whole topic is Stupid and dumb (his interview with coffee break is at the end of his video)


His answer to this question will be pretty decisive for me.

It sort of feels like the following happened.

  1. Something happened between K and CB and we don't know what.

  2. CB made a video showing one side of the argument, and painting K in a bad light.

  3. People saw the video and ran with it.

  4. K comes to addresses it, and we are exposed to what happened between K and CB before CB's video.

  5. We are shown that CB seems to have been in the wrong by sensationalizing the issue and inferring that K has been malicious, without any proof. Furthermore, it seems CB has been twisting the truth to help his case.

  6. K does a slight admission (that they apparently "stall but not the degree said in the video" [https://www.reddit.com/r/kurzgesagt/comments/b0bgvj/ama_2_can_you_trust_kurzgesagt/eidk6je/]), nowhere stating that they were doing it to stall CB's video, simply that they stalled.

My opinion on 6.: This is not a problem. CB would have been wrong to rely on K. K doesn't seem to mean to stall to get their video out before CB, it could be entirely feasible that they did so to be more thorough (they mention talking to youtube friends). K wouldn't have been "in the wrong" to race CB's video anyways, as it is obviously better to come out of your own accord than to do so when called out, which I don't fault them for doing. They don't owe CB or anyone anything, and I don't think less of them for wanting to come out about their own problems, which they've apparently been working on for 2 years.

  1. Some people see point 6. as K being malicious. Things escalate.

IMHO, K is in the right, CB was trying to be a sensationalist to gather views, it worked.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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typing all that shit about JewTube



Extra juicy ending of the video when CB calls out K for "co-owning" the "smart youtube mafia" and throwing a bunch of of recognized channel's thumbnails on screen: https://youtu.be/v8nNPQssUH0?t=803