Mature and responsible students make totally rational demands (including free fabric softener) from their university

92  2019-03-12 by anonuser3991


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I've been alive for 19 years but you owe me for 50! And we are angry!

They have a point. The loss of the entire diversity department affects their job prospects

Stop breaking character, you’re ruining my immersion

What character?

We demand the college provide free hair relaxer and no less than three Korean nail technicians to be located in the Barbara Walters Center so we can get our nails did every week. Yass qween slay.

Imagine going to Sarah Lawrence and then having anyone take you seriously.

I don’t think I could ever hire, let alone respect, anyone who attends a university named after a woman.

This post but deleting everything but the word women

I don’t think I could ever hire, let alone respect, anyone who attends a university named after a woman.

I'm unironically a little pissed at just how entitled these people are. Ship them to a 3rd world county and replace them with said 3rd worlders, I'm sure they'll be a lot more grateful and contribute more to society.

we could probably trade 4 of them for each mexican immigrant and still have a net positive effect on america

Doubtful. I have a camp of Mexicans (either immigrants or horse jumpers) outside my building. They sit and drink all day, yelling at each other, pissing in the street and just being a general nuisance. Really wish we got that wall so we could throw them all over.

Still better tbh

To be fair college is really freaking expensive. And if the tuition and parking isn’t enough they still make up ways to ask for money from students and their parents.

Got my first phone call about donating like 2 months after graduating. Unironically seethed.

Yeah how bad with money do you have to be that you still need donations after moving a class of like 5,000 paying 20k a pop each year. But colleges are woke so who cares

Then don't go to a private university.

It doesn’t matter to me, I have the gi bill.

My school is also public, anyways, and tuition is still about 20k per year.

Those are needs based and not everyone will qualify. Also, you’ll have to find the money to uproot your life and move somewhere else.

>private university

Can someone give me a tl;dr what the fuck are these future parents home residents so agro about?

From what I could gather they were upset that there were some cuts made in diversity departments. Okay, fine, that’s a normal thing to be upset about.

But they also want free housing for every student in the winter, 2 free meals a day on weekends and breaks included. Dry goods for everyone from the pantry? I’m guessing the pantry is kinda like a food bank for impoverished students, so I thought all students already had access to that. If their access was cut off they were probably taking advantage some how.

They want free laundry detergent for staff and students.

These people don’t seem to understand that college is about learning to be independent and take care of yourself financially. It completely defeats the point of college to be mommy and daddy for another 4 years.

Alex, I’ll take completely bankrupt for $400...

Wait, are they effectively trying to turn college into a late-term boarding school? How the fuck can one be so childish

if you ever find yourself unironically publishing a “list of demands” you just may be a terrorist group.

Coming with demands requires you to hold or have something the other side wants. Bet that labor or money or hostages it’s something. These QWEENS have uhhhhhhhhh twitter followers?

The College will designate housing with a minimum capacity for thirty students of color that is not contingent on the students expending any work or labor for the college. This housing option will be permanent and increase in space and size based on interest.

It would be easier to just pay reparations at this point.

Pretty sure it would be even easier to ignore them.

If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk.

Minority hiring quota, lower STAT score acceptance, affirmative action, welfare distribution, crime rates..... aren’t we already paying that?

Yeah I used to stay at a lot of trap houses myself.

What's with leftoids and their lists? First it as Commy Mommy and now these retards.

At least they haven't gone back to having lists of people yet.

At my college they actually have a food pantry for students and I imagine it probably does have free laundry detergent.

We demand a mandatory first-year orientation session about intellectual elitism and classism.

tell them we’re not retarded!

It’s called trade schools, not like anyone making these demands would actually want to work though

Fabric softener is a human right, chud.

The following administrators will sign this document agreeing to attend the talk back on March 13th, the meeting on April 5th, and see that further negotiations are scheduled until all the demands have been processed to their fullest extent.

TL;DR on the demands, but this struck me as hilarious:

support students’ right to protest without repercussion.

The context being they want to be exempted from assessments and allowed catchup material for classes they miss, and where they are working they 'demand' they be allowed to miss shifts without punishment.

That's not how civil disobedience works. You break the law, you go to jail, that's how protests work. If it's not worth getting a fail grade or getting fired over... guess what? It's not worth anyone listening to.

Maybe if they stopped dismissing their profs because they happen to be white they'd learn.

Rights and needs are not the same thing.

You do not have a right to something that someone else had to expend their labour to make for you.

They make concessions on their own demands on their very first point. Sick negotiating guys

fucking wypipo

thanks obama


2 Reject Funding or Involvement from the Charles Koch Foundation and Koch-Affiliated Organizations

From 2010-2017, Sarah Lawrence accepted $89,500 from the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation. Professor Sam Abrams is an alumnus of the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) at George Mason University (GMU), of which Charles Koch has served as chairman of the board for almost four decades. The IHS is linked to the League of the South, a neo-Confederate hate group that proudly “dared go to Charlottesville in August 2017” for the infamous white supremacist demonstration that resulted in the murder of 32-year-old anti-racist protester Heather Heyer. With this company, it is unsurprising that the Koch brothers wield their corporate influence to fight against free speech and progress, as documented by activists including the group Transparent GMU and news publications including The New York Times and The Washington Post. The fact that Sarah Lawrence utilizes money from the Charles Koch Foundation, at best, demonstrates a passive condoning of the violent ideology of the Koch brothers and their efforts to maintain the institutionalization of oppression against marginalized people. Accepting such money completely violates SLC’s “progressive” values and displays a gross indifference towards the suffering of marginalized students and faculty. Sarah Lawrence must confront how the presence of Sam Abrams, an anti-queer, misogynist, and racist who actively targets queer people, women, and people of color and is an alumnus of an institute with direct ties to a neo-Confederate hate group, affects the safety and wellbeing of marginalized students. Additionally, Sarah Lawrence will forfeit donations and interactions from the Charles Koch Foundation and never hire alumni from the League of the South-aligned Institute for Human Studies in the future.

How unreasonable.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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