Take this bag and shove it

307  2019-03-13 by Momruepari


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Snappy we needed the Barron Trump pasta


because no one else will lol

I don't know I think $1000 in NEETbux could buy them a hooker or a Nevada partybus trip.

All the money is taken away by the VAT lol

Especially with the wild hooker inflation it would lead to. If you are a prostitute in the age of yangbuxxx and not a millionaire than you just aren't trying.

this tbh

Andrew "a hot thot in every cot" Yang.

But they give money, its like selling votes but you know legal. Besides imagine the things you can do with 1000 bucks. I know trump memes were funny but did they give money? Money speaks men. I mean im not gay but 5 dollars, is 5 dollars.

Ok that is epic

I've said it before that he can't be president because zoomers are the only generation who weren't raised on "Me Chinese, me make joke, me take pee pee in your Coke" rhymes.

Wait, so the lack of racism will stop him from getting elected?

The opposite. Zoomers are the only generation that don’t find it socially acceptable to mock Asians in pop culture jokes.

Oh, right, zoomers can't vote yet.

And it will take a generation for them to be regular voters.

Shut the fuck up, boomer

We were definitely raised on those stupid rhymes

Maybe your country ass was but educated families have raised their children properly. I’m not a boomer btw. I’m a millennial.

Millenialcide now

ok boomer

nah, I live in a suburban town near Albany

a suburban town near Albany

So I was right.

I want my NEETbux for my monthly triple 8 balls. It’s a constitutional right. Fuck u mang


no sweaty

You signing all of your dalit tier iq postd is so fucking gay

Dude why do you have a fucking signature this isn’t gamefaqs

This but unironically

muh $1000

i like the idea of getting free money, but the memes are so bad and the people are so annoying that i may have to oppose him just for that

But bro think of the 1000 bucks

Imagine being so poor you care about 1000 bucks.

NEETbux are still NEETbux

I mean, I’d take it if it happened I guess. But it’s crumbs, wouldn’t notice if I lost to the couch cushions.

god this is sad, and you come to drama to do this lmao??

guys look how cool rich and apathetic i am lol

Imagine imagining

You must be one of the poors. Jelly?

I won't be when daddy Yang gives my my free NEETbux. You can keep being a wageslave at that point if it still makes you happy.

Well, my work here is already done.

Dumbass, the point is to endorse the lulziest candidate. Literally nothing else matters.

the memes are so bad and the people are so annoying that i may have to oppose him just for that

Young people deserve to have staplers thrown at them. This is why Amy 2020 is the only rational choice.

Its just that the memes look natural and forced, rather than just in your face thought provoking, but Yang vaporwave seems to be a good aesthetic for him. Yang isnt really ridiculous unlike trump so making memes out of him is quite a challenge. They need to taylor it like ben shapiro memes, not like trump memes if they want to make it good imho.

It's actually a really bad idea because it spreads welfare benefits from the poor to the rich, while instituting a massively regressive VAT. It won't stop wealth inequality, it'll give it Syria

Bernie bros only want free shit

-sent from my NEETbux 6s

I only support yang because hes the worst candidate

actually pretty baste

It's what America deserves

Nah I don’t care what politics people hold. I care when people call me a nazi for not appreciating them shoving their politics down my threat. Guess who is who.

Imagine unironically not having $1000 per month.



GOOD content.

May God forgive me for these harsh words but they have brought a plague of serious-posting upon this sacred place



Pick one

Yeah. A bunch of rapefugees are so triggered by this new forced meme that they have to seriouspost their shitty economic take on this shiity economic policy.

I'm sure you'll be able to donate your thousand bucks towards paying down the national debt if you feel so strongly about it

Even neets are better than yangposters.

Same thing

give us your tired. your hungry. your huddled masses and gib them 1 grand monthly gib money. everyone immigrate into the us NOW. especially from VENEZUELA, EL SALVADOR and HAITI. THE WALL AINT GETTING BUILT YOU CAN JUST WALK IN.

I'm just here to downvote the fat man

what is inflation lol

Missed opportunity for take this $1000 and shove it

I have an urge to ban you for this but i wont

No one cares. Why is this stickied?

because i wanted to sticky it?

You're like Lawlz but less funny


Negative level humor

Ban both of u

could you please stop stickying, you’re not funny and just annoying at this point

Like if this wasn’t stickied it wouldn’t be that bad, but that’s not the case here

you’re not funny and just annoying at this point

That's the goal sweaty

staaaaaaahhhhhpp banning people tay

I have never banned anyone in my life


Are you really a rural drug addict?

Technically I was, but most of those days I lived in the ghetto tbh. Reformed, but at heart I’m a rural drug addict

I have a soft spot for drug addicts and the name Kat, so I always find your presence on /r/Drama confusing and not very believable

Why not believable? I got banned at one point bc I was super fucked up for weeks and on a max shit posting bender. Also I’m the original katbot on reddit*

Not believable because there shouldn't be anyone on /r/Drama with more than one trait I have a soft spot for at all.

I don't know anything about the original katbot on Reddit tho

She’s a Peruvian girl that posts in discord only. Soft spots are good! I need a mod on my side, I have a tendency to rub folks the wrong way tbh

remember this can all stop if you take me up on that offer



Im here for the yangbang

Nice watermark lol

Fine dude, don't vote for him. More $1000 for the rest of us.

Yang gang that bitch love do cocaine. $1000 hits skrrt skrrt

I just donated my pupper's college fund to Yang who will match me



Momruepari I actually love you now


"If only I had a knife", I muttered to myself. Living in the UK had definitely taken its toll on freedom. The spoon and even the lube had to have a bloomin' license to buy from the Allah Akhbar Emporium (almost as large as the Mallwart chain in the USA).

Why did the grand old US of A have an incredible President? Yang gave out free money every month. What did we get? Daily inspections of our license repository. Penalties included imprisonment and even death if one didn't uphold the "Law".

But all that changed, as I slathered the lube over my shaven, grotesquely gargantuan body. War Time had come. The Great License Burning of 2026 had begun. Little did we know this would stoke the fires for WWIII - The Final War.

absolute state of bongs

Anything distortedEd is involved in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

yeah pretty much


This isn't going to age well, I pity you.

Wtf is with the watermark?


It is like the official nintendo seal of quality for memes.
