Rich kids don't give a shit about you and your proleteriat lifestyle but for likes and eyeballs. Another "shocking news" at 11.

68  2019-03-13 by newcomer_ts


womp womp


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This must have been one of the kids from the story about Rich Parents buying their way in?

She is.

What's fascinating to me is that people feel personally offended.

Which is what happens when you dont kill your "idols".

Imagine idolizing an internet celebrity lmao

imagine idolizing any celebrity ever as though they arent all pedophiles and rapists

Mr. Roger did nothing wrong. 😭😭😭

probably fingered kids

I did say he did nothing wrong.


You are supposed to kill the kids afterwards to avoid perpetuating child abuse.

to avoid perpetuating child abuse.

Sound dangerously like virtue signaling to me, tbqh fam.

OK, to avoid competition from the next generation of abusers then.

The only reason to be personally offended is if you got cut from one of these schools in place of these kids.

If you were smart enough to be that close to getting into Harvard, you definitely dont have enough time on your hands to be blue checkmarking on twitter about social issues.

This is just jealousy.

i would be if she took my elite club spot

I don’t know if it’s camera angle but her head looks too big for her body like Mr Mackey.

It's a combo of "she'd be fatter and uglier if she was poor". Makes lollipop head and graphic 5-head.

it's the cheek implants making her face look enormous

Her hands look like Skeletor

another young victim of Tila Tequila Syndrome smh

when are we going to get serious about a cure, scientists? ⏰🔬💉🤷‍♀️

Im honestly starting to hate poor americans

Lol I've never seen such terrible fucking people as these commenters lecturing on how she "stole a spot for for a hard working person who is immensely disappointed and lost the ability to earn a living"

Like, honestly, I'm glad. I hope they fucking starve, too. All these outraged twitter users are far more entitled pieces of shit than these affluent kids and they don't see the dizzying irony in it

poor people mad at a literally retarded rich kid making it into an esteemed college on a lie are entitled

this is a mega-sized galaxy-brain take right there

Not like those poorfags could have afforded it anyways.

i mean yeah you're not wrong.

they should be mad at the college for not opening up another spot lol

what is the difference between good genetics and this? same thing. if i was born 8feet tall and amazing basketball abilities i could get a full ride scholarship. these kids were born into wealthy family. u have no argument against this.

That may be the dumbest thing you've ever said, and there is so much competition for that

that is not a rebuttal at all. just an attempt ot character assassinate me. cmon... give an argument big shot. if it is so dumb that should be easy for u...

8 foot tall kids are special and talented by themselves, give them to a tall or short family and they still shine. Rich kids aren't, if they had a poor family they'd be mediocre

that is ur big argument? .. lol.. they got luck of the draw just like the rich kids. no difference between born with talent n born into wealth. both lucky. if he was born 4ft he would have no basketbal career.

Yeah and if you were born with a regular amount of chromosomes you wouldn't be dropping such hot tautological takes.

sigh..yet again petty attempts to attack me instead of arguin my point which still stands undefeated...

Unfalsifiable is not synonymous with undefeatable.

> durrrr just because i can not disprove what u said n it is a good point i am still not wrong!!


Spiked the bait with just a tad too much artificial flavoring, Randy.

i am literally not jokin and i thought it was a good take

Ya being good is not just about genetics, a nerd who never played a sport would have that opinion. Making it to the top at high-level sport takes dedication, hard work, shit loads of practice and sure maybe genetics helps. Messi is 5'7 and the GOAT of the biggest sport in the world, there are so many other examples.

you are talking about all time greats. i am talkin about genetic freaks who get scholarships.

Lol you don't get born with 'basketball abilities' you gimp. Being 8 foot tall means nothing being that lanky usually means you can't control your gangly limbs because they're so fucking abnormally mutated. Those genetic freak also work hard, practice and all that other shit to get their scholarship you nerd.

lol keep ignoring the fact there is people who are genetic freaks dweeb. it is not all “they work hard”. pathetic

Are you just realizing there are people born taller or smarter than others, that's a sick take. Your initial point was that being a genetic freak was all it takes to get a scholarship. No, it doesn't it takes a lot more then lol genetics to be a good enough sportsman to get a scholarship.

You need to work on all attributes I already mentioned to be good enough in high school to get the scholarship in the first place.

my point has not changed retard. i said theres no difference luck wise. bein a genetic freak will get u a scholarship with no effort. another example: women who look like models without tryin getting big high payin modelin jobs. let me know if im movin to fast for u....

It's not just luck ffs that's the point. Genetic luck is never enough, try googling talented athletes who never made it then consider all the millions of other examples never documented.

you keep talkin about professionals. like a complete retard. im sayin scholarship. for the 100th time. dumb bitch.

I clearly mentioned highschool you moron maybe you're forgetting your ADD meds today.

"People" who start posts of with "sigh" are to be the first in the gas chamber.

Yes, that's how humanity works. Rich kids aren't bad because they're lucky, they're bad because they don't have good qualities outside of others who they leech off of

i am very wealthy n very nice! ur prob poor n i can already tell a chore to deal with. also very boring takes. not fun or charmin

just an attempt ot character assassinate me

Your character was stillborn

Yeah but you're looking at the situation, I'm looking at the absolutely neurotic tirades these worthless goobers are slinging at someone totally irrelevant to them. It's so disgustingly, transparently because of their trash self-esteem and seething jealousy that someone GOT SOMETHING THEY DIDN'T DESERVE

We should arm everyone involved and have them fight to the death.


Wasn't she one of the kids who didn't know?

lmao at those prols in the comments saying "well you'll have to learn to live on a budget now" and "maybe you'll see things differently when your mom goes to jail." Imagine thinking that her foid mom is going to go broke or go to jail over this. This kid probably isn't even going to get kicked out of school.

Meritards BTFO.

What the fuck is wrong with her hands? Isn't she like 19? Her hands look like she's 50

Holy shit is she ugly.

Kill all socialites

How do u download gifs from twitter?

right click

It's not working. Do you have to isolate the tweet or something?

oh i just assumed it would work like pics work, my bad, you may just have to use google fu to find teh original gif

If you inspect (ctrl+shift+I) and select the element aka gif (ctrl+shift+C) it should show you the source in the blue highlight.

Hahahaha look at those grandma-ass, bake-you-kids-some-cookies-hands

Is it too "pointy elbows, would not bang" to say that I expected Aunt Becky to produce a much better looking daughter?