223  2019-03-13 by YeetGoblin


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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This is your brain on MAGAutism

What do (((Wohl))) and (((Jussie))) have in common? Is it their opinions of daddy?

or maybe... something else?

every right wing retard must be a SOROS paid Jewish false flag

C 😂 P E





nah dude, just guys who do this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0YFAkKXgAA7Shg.jpg

oh and


I didn't say that, I was implying it's in a kike's nature to do this.

This is some ♿️️ MAGA ♿️️ levels of cope i swear 🤣🤣🤣

You're acting like she didn't literally target Israel, and like this guy didn't literally say any politician who fucks with Israel is on notice.

if you paid attention you'd know there's been a lot of dissent in daddy-town (TD) and naziville (/pol/) because many are sick of Daddy white knighting jews even harder these past few weeks.

so really, if anything it's nazi cope, but given the facts laid out in my first paragraph, as usual, the nazis are right.

Don't sperg so hard, goy. Here's your SOROS bux since you can't seem to wait for Yang's NEETbux

╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅₪(̲̅1000)̲̅₪]

no fuk yang NEETbux

You're acting like she didn't literally target Israel

I sleep


Rookie mistake

imagine coping this hard.

imagine being willfully blind to typical jewish behaviour

Did you get cucked by a Jew recently? The hate seems kinda personal 🤔🧐

thankfully i don't think I've even run into one since I was back home for christmas break. not in my family, just in that city.

not many around where I am now.

This is like reading Kaczynski's thought process in real time

prove him wrong

I understand that, where you're from, even a New England suburb can seem like a metropolis but Hicksville, Meth County doesn't cont as a city, Cletus.

hahahaha nigger i guarantee I come from a bigger city than you.

I realized it's not that amazing and fucked off to somewhere else.

Deal w/ it.

what city are you from

leaf metropolis


you don't have to tell me

Paris, Idaho isn't the same as Paris, France.

and thank mayo jesus for that

Ben is that you? Easy on the Fent buddy

Shocking that you've never met a Jewish person. Well that's life as a smooth brained pussy for you

nigga i come from jewronto, I had this one jewess co-worker of this seasonal job over two years who was thirsting hard for me and splooshed her jeans when she saw I came back for the second year.

i left her hanging.

no silly, not that way!

Awww you kids are so adorable.

Her name? Albert Einstein

unironic happy merchant posting in drama

I agree, build the wall and throw the mdefugees off of it



lol the power jewish "conservatives" have at making people believe they're actually on the right blows my mind.

no seriousposting faggot

nah dude, just guys who do this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0YFAkKXgAA7Shg.jpg

so almost all right wing commentators and many of their evangelical followers if the spergout about Omar's comments are any indication

He's not retarded, it's the jews fault

(((Jessie))) was a false flag but (((Wohl))) is a false false flag!!!

Did Jews fuck your mom or something?


What? What on Earth do they share? I'm not a Burger so I'm not knowledgeable of your retard politics.

a tribe, dingus

the tribe

Didn't realise Jussie was mixed tbqh

Now I see he is of the most patrician stock: the raw sexual intellect of the Jew, mixed with the constitution and will to power of the PoC.

How can one man be so bad at everything? He's the Wile E. Coyote of Trumptards.

> man

I hope he gets married to loomer

How can one man be so bad at everything?


Late stage mayo

Malignant and terminal

*any stage conservatism.

Rightoidcide when???

Wohl and Baked Alaska are very possibly democratic black propaganda agents.

There👏it👏 is👏

I'm centre-left and think they'd have to be retards not to field black prop.

That's racist

his family is rich as fuck and he's never had to actually try to do anything well his entire life, because money just makes things happen for you

He orders everything from кульминация.

Who are these fucking nobodies and why is their retardation news?

Who are these fucking nobodies

fucking nobodies.

why is their retardation news?

it isn't.

... why is their retardation news?

Because r/Drama wants drama and will not be stopped.

Because r/Drama wants agendaposts and will not be stopped.

it's agendaposting when my side is retarded

When a thread is full of "xxxxoids cope!"

I'm a centrist you faggot. I want to laugh at these people not discuss politics with you.


Nah, that's just Edcel coping hard because he went bust on AOC futures and embarrassed himself by picking the wrong side with Covington.

/r/drama's ability to dunk on bofe sydes is what makes it so much better than SRD or CA.

This is true but the agendaposts are what attract edcels.

Who are these fucking nobodies

Jussie's the fag who made up a hate crime attack on himself recently. Said that he was attacked by two people screaming about MAGA country and hanging a noose around his neck. As it turns out, the attack was just him trying desperately to stay on his show that he was being written out of, and the "white" attackers were actually African guys who'd moved to the US recently and were friends of Jussie and extras on the show.

Wohl's the spergy kid who tried to form his own company by faking it til he made it, but failed at that when everyone pointed out his "company" was basically stock photos on a website saying he was a big deal. He then tried to claim that Robert Mueller was a rapist in a press conference he held from a hotel lobby, but the key witnesses didn't show up and said they either didn't know Wohl or that Wohl was a liar and they had no part in his tomfoolery.

why is their retardation news?

because it's funny and dramatic. The right wing conspiracy kid tries to pull a move from the left wing crazy actor (because taking a move that failed is a great idea) but somehow makes it even worse and gets caught even faster due to his complete incompetence.

I mean, come on. That's at least a bit entertaining, don't you think? Better than boring agendapost link to a no-drama article #2374, at least.




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Don’t forget the phone number he used for his fake companies was his mommy’s. His idiocy is truly awe inspiring

Smollett got caught because the police investigated. Wohl got caught because he used the same fake twitter account to send himself death threats and as an example of his fake twitter accounts he's making to try and influence the election.

Both kikes

more like oath bikes



Jussie called himself the gay Tupac.

This guy is the greatest genius since Mozart.

I'm surrounded by geniuses.

This boy's got passion, but man is he thick as a brick.

He's just trying to follow in the footsteps of that ACORN attacking fake PP video making tardo, I forget his name, but it's something that sounds like he's drunk all the time.

James O'Keefe

Pass the Guinness!

He will get hired to the whitehouse any day now.

Based and horsejewed

It is always Minnesota God damnit

gay Hispanic diversity coordinator

"Harassed" by a @Women_4_Schultz account that he created

I love how these boogey men people are the inverse of Smollett's

Good. I want this downie to be unable to show his face in public.

But then we would miss out on the drama!

He's just so damn insufferable. I guess if it's good for dramacoin I can just hold my nose though.

Literally who?

magacel zoomer who keeps trying to set up false flags and fake news to own the libs.


Yeah he's pretty entertaining.

Every time I want to see daddy's newest twatter spergout this guy is always a top comment. He's always licking daddy's ballsack. Every, single, time.

He’s banned now and looks to be using his dads account to post.

Lol, what a retard. I'm starting to think that both sides are hiring people that can look like they belong to the other side to do these embarrassing things. It seems like the side that ultimately wins is going to be the side that best keeps their retards from doing this kind of shit. We're in 🤡🌍 now where politics are such a way that the best thing that can happen for your cause is some retard wearing the opposing teams Jersey runs over a bunch if retards wearing your jersey


Who the fuck are these people


Is this the guy who did the fake intel agency?

Amongst other things, yes.

Just realised this is the same faggot who tried to #methree le Marine lawyer. How can one man be so incompetent?

I think what's important to remember here is Twitter accounts are free. For 0 dollars and 0 cents Wohl could have made a different fake twitter account to send himself death threats than the one he showed everyone on TV as an example of his fake accounts.

Also this is the next generation of the intellectual right.