This is your brain on Chapo: [Men should show] each other more solidarity; perhaps Chad doesn't have to fuck that particular hot girl, if he knows some other man has a hopelessly intense crush on her? Perhaps we can form a union amongst ourselves to help us cope with all this.

129  2019-03-13 by tsetnocamrak


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Life-fuel Marxist-Rogerist-cels

Commies are trying really hard to get laid that they want to reorder society to have a better chance.

she can't turn you down if you're a member of the politburo, which of course all chapoposters would be a part of, undoubtedly.

not being herded into the gulags for being noodly-armed insults to the working class

Are you insinuating that suicidal, college-educated NEETs who refused to participate in the revolution because of their sadbrains despite advocating that people go to war on their behalf wouldn't be beloved by the proletariat?

Yeah but you end up getting sentenced to death by Steve Buscemi.

If you can't be an alpha alone, you can be alpha together

Wonder how many chapos will it take to be an alpha.

about as many Elizabeth Warrens needed to make a native




Considering how they're all thirsty hogmongers I don't think they want to be alphas.

Its springtime for Fascescels

Together they will be a mighty faggot.

Chapo gets funny once you realize it’s a bunch of NEETs with daddy complexes that day dream all day about wanting to line up all their high school bully’s against the wall and that give what little(or in the case of trust fun commies, lots) money they have to some hipster comedians in brooklyn who run a podcast.

Terry Crews was right

Reordering society so they can choose different winners is all the modern leftist is about, tbh.

Government mandated girlfriends.

These aren't commies though, they are Rationalists. Rationalists are in favour of free market economies everywhere, except when they lose, which is not how a correctly organized world would treat a Rationalist.

Rats aren’t chapos you chimp

Some Chads should get behind this, build it up, then fuck their crushes.

I'm on it

after fucking them

For a slim portion guys (cough cough, 20%, cough cough), this means tons and tons of sex with some of the most beautiful women in the world. For a lot of other guys, it means not getting to fuck a reasonably pretty girl until they're rich and can betabuxx; for a minority, it means never having sex at all.

I do not know to which group I will eventually belong...

Pretty sure the rest of us can make an educated guess though

Can we get odds?

Government Give Girlfriends guy get on chapo

for a minority, it means never having sex at all

non threatening black guy at a liberal arts college has no problem getting laid

You have to be either chad or rich to get laid

Hmm, where have I heard this before



By 29 years old, about 97% of American men have had sex. The guys who post this are the 3% who want to feel better about themselves so they say it's a common problem.

Probably more if you factor out people who literally can't have sex or are seriously disabled somehow.

You mean OUR gussy. Communism is all about sharing the means of reproduction.

The fuck is that sub about lol

Angry nrx nerds debating

its the new home of the r/slatestarcodex weekly culture war thread

Vote Yang

Get the Bag

Rent Stacey (crack whore edition)

There is only one future my friends


You just triggered the chapotards

Are prostitutes the ultimate rent-seekers?

if they would spend the time working out instead of writing these retarded essay posts they might not have that problem ....

That whole "“the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women" study was done by some cringy ugo who said he used tinder for finding "females to make out with"

His data also came from a fake profile he set up which he used to ask girls their swipe rates. Not anything official.

In summary the numbers are probably bullshit.

but if it isnt true how will redditors cope with being unable to get laid

Being fatties.

I don't doubt the numbers on tinder are skeewed toward women getting tons more matches but that supposed study was done with about 20 women self reporting their swipe rates to a single fake profile that the author of the article made. There's no way that's accurate data.

Also the author of the study also admitted he couldn't get any matches on Tinder. Which says a lot.

People been saying that 80%-20% shit since before Tinder was invented

the author of the study also admitted he couldn't get any matches on Tinder

none? over what timeframe? that's pretty incriminating.

there's half a dozen studies on this.

and every person alive can compare the success they have IRL with the success they have on tinder. it's not a tough nut to crack.

You have another one of those studies then? Every single time I hear it, it's the source from the same nerd who used shit data.

There's a couple that have been posted, and none that I've seen that were even slightly credible really supported it.

I don't care if that's real or bait. Either way it's glorious.

I didn’t read that but who sits there and writes some shit that fuckin long


Redistribution of gussy: this but unironically

I guarantee that >80% of online political extremists are incels

Only a douchebag with no friends would ever say something like this. Maybe I’d do this for my best friend, and him for me, but other than that it’s every man for himself when it comes to getting pussy.

Yeah this sounds like some petty middle school drama. Only 13 year old girls get upset over ‘stealing’ boys from each other lol.

They’re sooooo close to coming up with Muslim style rape gangs.

Chapo? That incel is posting in the subreddit spun off from /r/slatestarcodex because their culture war thread was closed down due to it being routinely brigaded by "race realists" and gamer gator types always screeching about SJWs. Everyone there is some kind of "dark enlightenment" loser too autistic for the rational autists.

That incel is also an admitted member of the Swedish Democrats, a right-wing nationalist party, ie. Sweden's alt-right. He is literally a magacel.

I suspect the MDEfugees are making a concerted effort to undermine Drama's radical centrism by pretending that alt-right degeneracy is centrist and that up is down and right is left.

Incel demands are no different from communist demands, just applied to sexuality.

"From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs."

"I wanna fuck Stacy and Stacy has the ability to fuck me therefore she owes me. Politburo make it happen! Redistribute the means of reproduction!"

What is this subreddit? RedPillLite?

r/slatestarcodex spinoff

Literally bug people.

Are they really trying to unionize sexuality?

I can't read that nonsense anymore, I don't get that righteous indignation dopamine rush that 90% of the internet gets, I just get frustrated and annoyed by shit I can't change.

I'ma dip out.