TwoX Mods won’t let 148 lashes dealt to a women’s Rights Lawyer get in the way of political correctness

25  2019-03-13 by tdvx


Are these comments automatically removed by some sort of filter or is there actually someone so pathetic that they go through a thread and delete over 1500 comments?

Are you actually asking if a Reddit mod is pathetic?

I get that they're bringing “locked because y’all can’t behave”. They're encouraging mob mentality and echo chambers. They're NEETs. But some, I assume, one of them at the very least, some, are good people.

I'm not autistic enough to be a mod, but i think they're able to remove all responses to below a certain comment tree with one click. They're probably just mass removing like that.

[removed too quickly to be archived]

It’s top tier moderation.

88% deleted

What’s the point of mods if they’re this far out of touch with their community?

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Holy fuck someone save her

Hmmmm, that's called New Imperialism honey 😘😘😘

Unironically I'd love to get GC into my "Pro-Iranian Regime Change" coalition.


“muslims are peaceful people and woman can 100% chose whenever they want to remove the hijab”

Also TwoX

“all these right wing trolls using this one isolated case to push their agenda that Muslims need to be persecuted. It’s Iran’s fascist toxic masculinity government doing this, not their beliefs.

I'm torn. On the one hand, this is rather extreme. On the other hand, beatings HAVE been shown to be an effective cure for feminism.

Is there some way to get the fastest-growing religion to grow even faster?