Someone at ResetERA plays a multiplayer game on Xbox and is in a group that is generically referred to as "boys". This was literally the holocaust.

128  2019-03-14 by Genderless_Nipples


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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thanks bussy i needed that

womp womp


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Acceptable quote

This is why we need to stop persecuting “y’all” and have every English speaker use it. It’s all inclusive, it’s easy to say, and can never mean something else other than “you all”

Y'all posters are the worst of all humanity

Y'all needs to be turned into some kind of slur.

In my book it already is.

y'allkes? y'allyos? y'allggers? y'allpics? I don't fucking know.

"we don't take too kindly to no y'allards round these parts."

just get poodepy to say it

what a fucking ya’llposter

It already is a stereotyped word that only fat sassy proud african american women use.

Is that why they say it? Wow, appropriating my culture for that.

Fuckin’ right? As a southerner, I get a bit steamed when these assholes use it for such a dumbass reason when you damn well know they’ve probably ridiculed us for it in the past.

our accent sets us aside from coastal yallposters, bring on the yallocaust, we will be spared.

Hey Coonass, do you, or have you at any point lived in New Orleans?

i try to be aloof with my personal details on the internet but yes i have/currently/will live(d) in nola

Fair 'nuff. I'm going for the first time in a monthish. I have a low tolerance for tourist shit but am a huge soul food afficianado. Any recs for eating?

literally most things are good, there are classic places in the french quarter that are actually good, but a lot of the new or less touristy good shit is in uptown, especially along magazine street.

There are a lot of great restaurants in New Orleans East. I definitely recommend checking that part of the city out.

Go to Frenchmen street for a touristy experience. It like a less well know, less annoying version of Bourbon St.

Eat boudin from a random gas station outside the city for authentic poors food.

Pretty sure ya’llposting initially became a thing as an ironic device to make fun of southerners. Like all things that get too widespread on the internet, it’s initial meaning became detached from it and now it just gets used all over the place by trend followers.

Forgive the seriouspost, but WTF even is y’allposting?

When somebody inserts “ya’ll” into a post to sound folksy and relatable.

Basically something done exclusively by non-southerners.

Ah. I’ve definitely seen it. Half the time I see “y’all” online, I brace myself for whatever bizarro far-left idpol shit is about to follow.

my culture

collared greens or cousin fucking?

technically both + meth.

my man

Bring on the y'allocaust

Y'all posters are appropriatin' my southern culture

I remember when we made fun of people who said y’all like it was a redneck thing. Who knew woke posters would appropriate Trump country.

But we can’t count on y’all.


Cause y’all can’t behave.

Whenever somebody types "y'all" I instantly know they're either a Reddit mod or a Twitter power user. Yikes y'all, there's a lot to unpack here because this ain't it y'all. Locking this thread because y'all can't behave. Yikes yikes yikes.

r/drama poster?

they're appropriating southern culture reeeeeeeeee

I propose we replace y'all with youse. Its more authentic.

So retards can sound like Philadephians, which is just a fancy name for retard?

Second, but spell it "yuze"

Stupid bitches in one of my classes think using “you guys” to include males and females is bad

Clearly you guys have never been to the midwest

Truths. Women use "you guys" all the time. If they are drunk women, they sub in "you skanks / sluts / bitches".

I'm overseeing a team of 8 men and 1 women at work right now. I honestly say "you guys" all the fucking time and since she hasn't complained or anything I'm assuming it's ok.

Then again burgers are weird as fuck so maybe she did complain but my boss didn't give a fuck.

Thread has derailed my life... I want to actually have some down time tonight too. Leaving the thread for now, please read through if you have any questions as I may have already answered them.

If not, please feel free to PM me with anything. I will not be working back on replies ITT later.

PLEASE ALSO READ Threadmarks - top right of the thread. I'll add posts that I think are reverent/answer a lot of common questions. Quoted posts under my OT - for posts I think deserve a lot more exposure, I'll both TM and add below.

Okay, let me start by saying I'm non-binary. All my life I've struggled with my gender identity, being told I have to conform to the standard when I felt like something else. I know many others like myself too, and while, personally, mis-gendering doesn't harm me, I know it harms others, make them feel like their existence is being denied. It's harmful, it shouldn't happen.

And the "boys club" issues of gaming is something that's still not resolved despite making some good progress in the industry.

Girls/Women, non-binary, gender fluid people play games. They're not boys. The word boys doesn't cover them and feels as though you're excluding them immediately.

I just asked a person to not use the word in a discord chat. They told me they were using the word "boys" to speak to everyone, that to them "boys" means "all". When I explained why I would prefer it if they didn't, they told me "sure, but I'm rolling my eyes pretty hard".

Boys doesn't mean "all". Even if to you it does. And it has the immediate affect of being an excluding term. And this is before we get to the conversation that are used to describe male humans become so prominent that they eventually get absorbed into public consciousness to cover everyone (see: guys). Let me say, I'm personally fine with the word guys, but some are not. I try to avoid it for that reason. But this is about the word "boys".

Boys doesn't meant girls. Boys doesn't mean non-binary. Boys doesn't mean gender-fluid. Etc...

"let's go boys!" "Where we landing boys?" "you boys ready?"

Terms like these are all over the gaming side, even in topic titles.

I can't speak for all of these folk, but for myself I've spent my entire life feeling ashamed of my identity because, whenever I brought it up in conversion growing up, it was met with mockery or hostility. Even many of my friends who were understanding of it overall still made fun of it.

Even to this day I don't correct certain members of my family or people I meet because the battle exhausts me and I know many people will react in a hostile way. Hell, I know people will read this plea and do everything from roll their eyes to condemn me for being a mentally ill snowflake, but whatever, it needs to be said.

Please, when speaking to ALL, don't use BOYS. For some of us it feels like a stab in the gut every time, not just for ourselves but for the many people this kind of exclusivity harms.

It doesn't take much for you to think about this and correct the use of a word, but it could go a long way to making many of us feel welcome.

Thanks for considering.

I may have just face palmed myself harder than I do at a lawlzcel post.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

My god look at this bot!

Some day soon the conspiracy theorists will be right, there will be some nation-state that hacks the Gibson and crashes the entire internet. On that day, these people will have to crawl out of their Mountain Dew and cum stained lairs and actually face some real sunlight.

sites that enable this kind of degeneracy should be blacklisted before porn

Faggots have ruined the internet

It's not even real fags doing this. Those guys are cool. It's fake ones.

Don't worry, I've already called the police on you and the rest of the commentators here that have RAPED her with your words. Imagine your favorite gangbang hentai, except it's rape, they're standing around in a circle raping you with improper pronouns. Oh wait, you can't because you have no fucking empathy. You just better hope nobody ever rapes YOU with the wrong pronoun, it won't be so funny then.

You’re trying too hard

It's ma'am

This post has derailed my hope for humanity.

Thanks OP

because, whenever I brought it up in conversion growing up, it was met with mockery or hostility

I fucking wonder why.

*clicks link, first words i see are:

Thread has derailed my life...


Its utterly pathetic imo

absolutely D E R A I L E D

This is your brain on video games

Everyone with a RetardERA account is a lolcow.



"Let's go boys" just sounds like how canadians speak, stop shaming our culture

Jesus Christ