r/TrueOffMyChest complains about how shitty being an adult is. Chapo and hipsters come out of the woodwork.

65  2019-03-14 by GodOfSleep_Air


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


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Imagine living in a first world country in the 21st century and saying this.

Isn't that just propaganda? "We're the best most luxurious country that ever was"

I hope you're just pretending.

Pretending what?

To be retarded.

What in particular makes you think I'm retarded?

The op said first world but you read America. Also you think the difference between 1st and 3rd world countries is just propaganda. It's ok though, I'm also retarded.

Retards rise up ✊


Where’s the lie

People who feel comfortable like to guilt trip rabble rousers and hostiles

tell me, are you hungry?

I'm always hungry

I sympathize with OP. I feel a lot of his feelings were voiced in The Sopranos opening scene.

to paraphrase:

"I had it better than my father, and better than my uncle, but I feel like I've come in at the end of it. Do you ever feel like your best days are behind you?"

Being an adult sucks, because everything is permanent. Everything as a kid is permanent, too but you don't realize it.

As an adult I often feel like it's all just a game you have to play.

Sure, I enjoy a lot of it- dealing with women and playing for real stakes(money, jobs, etc) is exciting but damn if I could be 14 again I would.

Just my take.

then you're a retarded fight club loving 16 year old

I do love fight club, and I think it's excellent, as long as you see it as a parody of what it is depicting.

It's not saying go out and do crazy shit or wreck things, it's saying that life is boring but that it's OK.

Get a Passion then.

Oh I have a passion, like I said I love my life I just can accept how life really is.


...do you honestly believe I'm going to click your youtube link breh?

i'm- i'm not clicking the youtube link breh- i- i just don't care enough breh- have a good one m8

wow ur so cool

Fight Club was a good movie. Change my mind.

Fight Club was a great movie. The retarded thing is actually wanting fight club to happen

that wasn't the point of the sopranos quote. the point was that tony wanted to achieve something great, but it seemed like all the great accomplishments of the mafia were done by his father and grandfathers generation. even though he had more money, it just wasn't a glorious as the old days.

tony literally has no idea what it's like to do a 9-5 grind so that can't possibly be what he's referring to lol. he wakes up at like 10am, then hangs out at a strip club all day, and apart from that lives a life of utter decadence, cheating on his wife with hot girls and getting wasted all the time.

Isnt offmychest just an sjw nest?

Dude adulting is so hard bro. Why can’t I smoke weed and watch marvel movies all day?

Fuck capitalism.

Imagine being a random citizen of the city of Urgench under seige by the Mongols who are about to bust in and mercilessly murder your entire family and friends, but before that having to listen to a random person from the year 2019 complain about how hard life is in the safest and most prosperous era in human history.

right before 26 arrows from Mongol horsemen pierce through your entire body.

More like (paraphrasing from Dan Carlin) the Mongol horseman kills everyone you've ever known, then makes you kneel in front of him so he can cut your head off, but then he realizes his blade has gotten dull from cutting off a dozen other people's heads, so he calmly tells you to wait there while he leaves for ten minutes to fetch a fresh blade from his friend, and then he comes back, thanks you for your patience, repositions himself, and cuts off your head.


Or the Mongol horseman makes you sit and watch as he rapes your mother and daughter for hours on hours, as you watch then slowly succumb to the superior male, and eventually get addicted to his cock. After a while, said Mongol horseman gets bored and decides to finally cut your head off.

Or your city took the offer of surrender, only suffered mild looting and now you enjoy peace and prosperity with safe trade routes into countries your parents considered ancient myths.

This post made by the Kubla Khan apologist gang

Imagine being one of the 3 billion doomed starving souls today and having to read that post

But life today is so hard.

26 arrows from upvote, lmao

ye but at least they got to die

"Other people have it worse so don't complain" has got to be the shittiest argument ever.

You're not wrong tbh

Kaczynski gang

The industrial revolution and its consequences

have been a disaster for the human race.

“14 words, 88 letters. Say them and I’m yours” 😍😍😍

There is hope........ yang 2020

imagine complaining about how little time you have while writing this novel on an internet time waster. God redditors really are the bottom of the barrel denizens.

Pathetic pindoses.

Oh no, I have to work 8 hours a day. Things used to be better when you woke up at 5, worked for 12 hours, spent the rest of the day beating your wife, then repeating.

Well, that sounds at least 33% allright to me.

Nothing sadder than this, it's like they're on the cusp of recognising the true reality but can't escape it, because for all their bleating about how the system sucks they can't really see themselves outside it, and the idea scares them.

They're the losers that bitch about not having free time ti "enjoy life" but 99% of them spend all weekend playing video games and compulsively masturbating. They dont actually have dreams, goals, or desires above id level placating of physical senses.

Brave New World is a utopia to them.

he's right though, being an adult is boring. being a kid is the only time you actually get to enjoy in life, like there's so much you can experience with others, lots of new things. Unfortunately I had a boring childhood too, probably why I'm depressed.

At least well all be dead soon, then it doesn't matter, maybe I'll watch some movies in the meantime I or something.

People who find life boring are usually just boring people themselves

It's not that I find it boring, more of the opposite, so many things I'd like to do but so little time ...

I haven't given up on my dreams though.

Either marrying some rich old woman so I don't have to work ever or becoming a PT sexpat in China to teach the way of the squat to hot chicks there.

Unironically just start hiking lol

I might but it's not like I don't get outside, I cycle occasionally. Also some say exercise is good when you feel depressed but I exercise regularly and it doesn't seem to do much

an hour to get ready

Are you a snail?

Future Ted Kennedy right here.

Dude wishes he could be as cool as Brother Ted.

To be fair, I totally understand where he's coming from. Fulltime work weeks suck.

I'm in my last year of college, and I dread having to work 40 hour work weeks for the rest of my life. I already start becoming a mess after doing that for just 6 months. You spend all day at work and in commute, then the rest of the day you're too exhausted to actually have fun.

The commies and Chapotards have the wrong idea, though. Under communism you would have the exact same problems.

Just don't waste money on dumb shit, get enough money for long term permanent expenses (house, car) and when you got those covered start working part time

"8 hours a day is so hard"

wait till this pussy finds out that jobs exist where people work fucking 12 hours. jesus christ, i'm super happy with an 8 hour job cause it's the minimum.

"an hour to get ready, an hour to get there and back"

an hour to get ready? the fuck is he doing? even my ex gf didn't take this long and foids have to put on make up and shit. an hour to drive there? that's why don't get a job an hour away from where you live retard. most of this time loss is him being an idiot.

"you have to sleep for 8 hours"

you can sleep for 7 or 6, arnie basically said he trained himself to only sleep for 6 just to have 2 extra hours to get shit done, but then again arnie wasn't a whiney pussy.

"17 hours for chores."

jesus christ i don't need 17 hours a week to clean a whole apartment.

not even going to address the rest of the post cause it's just whiney bullshit about how he buys things but isn't happy because he's too dumb to think about what it takes to live a happy life, even though he has a good job and a wonderful SO.

but honestly most of his bullshit comes from poor time management. i remember having jobs i had to take one and a half hours just to travel to, i just budgeted the rest of my time efficiently and still got to fuck around and do dumb shit like play games everyday.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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They're also complaining about a bunch of shit unrelated to a job. If the only reason you bathe, get cleaned up, and mop your bathroom is because of your job, youre a disgusting human being

Itt: teenagers and loser 20-somethings who think being an adult is being a hardass.

Mind if I bullet point these?

  • Failure to correct for fluctuation in currency value leads to inflation, which then causes reduction in purchasing power per individual. Capitalism survives on that individual purchasing power; without it, it falls apart.
  • Oversaturation of markets with extremely samey products that don't really do much to demonstrate one of capitalism's greatest strengths: placing advancement in the hands of the people.
  • A checkless capitalist system (an entirely free and uncontrolled market) results in indentured servitude and child labour. A minimum wage is an explicitly socialist policy; this is policy in most places.
  • It absolutely does not work in industries where you can fabricate demand, such as the health industry. Disregarding the moral impetus of a country to look after its citizens, private healthcare has a slew of problems that a public system simply sidesteps (strong issues with management and cross-provider communication, lack of incentive to fix an ailment rather than gouge someone to stave it off etc).
  • Big issue with an individual's capacity to succeed based on their background. A rich kid has a much better chance of getting a company off the ground than some guy from a ghetto; the point of capitalism is that merit = success, but doesn't account for individual history.
  • Monopolies. I don't think I need to say anything else on this matter, beyond small entrants just get sucker punched by ones that already have an iron grip on the market. They're a huge issue and they keep cropping up.
  • Extremely large concentrations of capital in the hands of corporations results in undemocratic influence on the political stage. Lobbying is not a thing that should exist: it's basically legal bribery. Those are a few that come to mind.

What a retard. If you don't know anything about capitalism why bother commenting?

I'm so glad socialists have no chance of getting elected in America. Modern day Europe wouldn't even exist without American capitalism, but these retarded euros will never get that.

Must be real awful in America, being the primary innovator around literally everything.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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I am so sick and tired of these fucking kids. They have it better than 99.99999% of people in history and it still isn't fucking enough.

Ban millennials and zoomers from the internet.

Im going to start collecting unemployment soon and the thought makes me fucking miserable

I fucking love being an adult, being a kid is absolute garbage. Can’t drive, have to sit in school 8 hours a day, have to eat what you’re told to eat, go where you’re told to go, can’t watch or read what you want, don’t have any money that your parents didn’t give you, I’d rather die than have to be a kid again. Any adult who whines about how awful it is to be an adult on fucking reddit is probably just a miserable bastard who’d be unhappy no matter what

Agree. Unless you're poor being an adult is fucking amazing

LMAO just don't be poor

Adult life is shit if you're poor

What’s the over/under the OP is being crushed with massive debt they could have avoided?

Am I the only functioning adult on this fucking site that really enjoys my job?????