How old is everyone

8  2019-03-14 by ObsessedAussie

Im between 35 and 40. Go.


103, check my bussy, nothing but cobwebs

Vintage bussy, noice

Click Noice

Mid 20s

Good age, stay there.


Young grasshopper you have much to learn. Millhouse is not a meme.

Nice try /u/trappysaruh or however you spell your name


22, old enough to drink, not old enough to kill myself

Age is but a number

Mid 20's, wasting my time here

Aren't we all my good friend

20s but perpetually a loli.

Yamatecels gonna stalk you now

This is how I lure them and put them in castration camps.


Hmmm. No comment.

That's what haggard white women say when they hit 35.

--I'm 29, but I'm basically underage by the looks of me, right?

Yeah, sure, ya wrinkly skinnyfat.

Iā€™m Asian though lol

Oh, yeah, then you're gonna be looking like a loli up to 35, then you're gonna wake up one day looking like you've farmed rice for 80 years in the Chinese sun.

What I'm trying to say is that all women become ugly (except godnegress Iman), so you should transition into a hunky ricechad before it's too late.


Inside or outside?

Inside I'm a 12 year old.

Inside a 12 year old. Got it.

šŸ˜” I'm offended that you think I would ever have sex.

900 yr old dragon loli




im 12