Destiny fan is absolutely seething and tries to whiteknight some 3/10 chick destiny fucked.

49  2019-03-14 by PINGED_BY_RDRAMA


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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10/10? Why the bar so low, fam? lol

He watches streamers. He’s desperate.

Imagine whiteknighting for some chick someone else fucked.

Imagine making a post about my comment on another subreddit, then say I'm the mad one. Glad to hear I live rent free in your head. Your inner monologue btw:

"S-she's just a 3/10. I could totally bang her but she's too ugly. elbows are too pointy, would not bang. heh, at least I have standards, unlike this white knight. The fact I haven't had sex since that one pity fuck in highschool is irrelevant."

Holy shit, triggered!

I'm not the one writing mountains of pasta on some ugly mayoid your guy fucked.

I thought destiny fans were supposed to be intelligent. Well, I should be ashamed for expecting much out of a fan of a twitch streamer.

No, your the one making a post about the guy writing moutains of pasta. You're like a girl on tumblr writing a fanfic. Maybe you should watch more twitch streams, it sounds like you could benefit from living vicariously through someone else's life.

Holy shit, that's a lot of cope. What sad life you must be living to think that people are going to benefit from watching manlet twitch streamers. Literally makes me barf, lol.

"literally everything is cope because I don't know what that word means"

What sad life you must be living to think that people are going to benefit from watching manlet twitch streamers.

Nah, I was just saying that because you seem like you don't really have a life so living vicariously through someone else would maybe stave off suicide for a couple of years.

Unironically thinking I want to stay on this planet for a couple more years

Do you think I'm sort of fag like you? Nigga, I've got plans ready after the I reach the afterlife. I'll be impregnating 10/10 angels in heaven while you'll still be stuck on reddit defending the honor of women desperate enough to fuck destiny.

The irony of this post.

You're unironically a user of this sub. Yikes.

Destiny is a short faggot and you're still more pathetic.

No u

You go on too many pill forums

Watching twitch streams is the ultimate form of faggotry cmv

Nice cope, limp dick.

imagine being the kind of faggot who watches destiny

get a job, NEET

Being this involved in /r/drama that you find yourself commenting on a 37 upvoted post

calling other people NEETs

Lame. You try too hard.

you're a fan of some manlet gamer who "debates" other gamers online

i rest my case.

Just for the record, I think it was very brave if you to speak out in defense of Destiny. Personally I’m also a big supporter, and I’m very glad that he got to have sex with that lady.

Imagine caring where another man puts HIS dick.

You have to keep it low if you want manlets like Destiny to reach it

10/10 is subjective, maybe she's 10/10 for him? If he means the blonde girl form that recent clip, she was cute, not like 10 of 10 but cute still.

Out of interest have any actor or celebrity you'd say is 10 of 10?

Shes not even CLOSE to a 10

She's not a 10 to me either, actually after quickly checking out her Insta I find I thought she looked better in the short clip, but maybe she's to him? Like I've had some people tell me who they thought was the most attractive woman to them and often I find them not that great but the same might be true for what others might think of my taste

Closer to a 10 than a 3.


shes pretty

“Gussy pretty “


ha you said the thing

As a Destiny dickrider, I think that DesTINY is generally really good for dramacoin.

Chapocels will push him to centrism inshallah

If he really becomes a centrist he will rustle so many jimmies. La ilaha illa Allah.

Jesus how boring can your lives be tofor anyone give any shits about the lives of these nerds that just sit around getting plaid to play video games.

watching 4 very ugly autistic dudes argue on twitch about who gets the most pussy, and its pretty much epic

GTA V online chat is a bunch of dudes arguing about who is and isn’t soy.

Because you know gamers are known for their sexual prowess.


I'm out of the loop, what happens in the clip? It's missing a lot of context for people who aren't upto date with destiny's autism adventures.

I only linked to the autist sperging over people disrespecting his waifu. What happens in desTINY's stream is of no concern to me.

As context for the clip, Destiny is a Video Game Streamer that recently flew to New Zealand to have sex with some poly chick.

In the clip, Destiny claims he's the only one in the stream that doesn't need the stream to get laid. Someone else in the stream then says "yeah you just have to fly to new zealand for that".