Triggered Yankees buttblasted over inbred, Dixie-blaring hicks crying about limp-wristed soyfaggots whining about boomer-tier conservautist meme posturing against city dwelling mayo leftoids who don't believe in personal responsibility. This is the thread to feel superior to all of them
72 2019-03-14 by TheRootinTootinPutin
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-14
I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TheChtaptiskFithp 2019-03-14
Now this is a civil war I can get behind!
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2019-03-14
Post about how dirtbag, radical, or extremist you are about being a centrist here
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2019-03-14
I celebrated Robert E. Lee's birthday and MLK day on the same day this year
1 TheChtaptiskFithp 2019-03-14
unironically a civil war would mostly be leftist infighting and rightist infighting with not much fighting between the actual "sides."
1 orr250mph 2019-03-14
My eyeballs got cut on all that edginess x>/
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2019-03-14
Thank u for ur support, every comment helps
1 NormanImmanuel 2019-03-14
Imagine being an Ameriburger.
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2019-03-14
Imagine not living in a Yang-ful country
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-03-14
WTF I love being a burger now
1 SlightSafety 2019-03-14
Imagine living somewhere that america could take if it wanted to.
1 Mypussylipsneedchad 2019-03-14
I imagine that's how you feel living with your mom
1 MikeStoklasaAlcohol 2019-03-14
Sherman should've finished the job.
1 Momruepari 2019-03-14
this tbh
1 chunk_o 2019-03-14
Sherman’s dislike of NBA players makes him a based centrist.
1 Coonass_alt 2019-03-14
based LSU chancellor owning the (((slaveowners)))
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-03-14
Now this is the hot take.
Matues49 on his “I’m not mad ur mad” tirade
1 Cho-Dai 2019-03-14
Civil war now! I can't wait to dance the Carlton over the bodies of my vanquished foes.
1 Momruepari 2019-03-14
1 hungarianmeatslammer 2019-03-14
Meta-C O P E
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2019-03-14
It's cope-ver for cope-let-cels
1 911roofer 2019-03-14
We are four levels past sane here. Let's see if we can go for a fifth.
1 [deleted] 2019-03-14
1 KingWayneX 2019-03-14
I aint reading any of that shit, but a1 title sir.