luke turner, insufferable british "artist" who gets anyone who criticizes him banned from twitter, shows up to do an impromptu AMA on stupidpol using an extremely obvious alt

42  2019-03-14 by thebloodisfoul


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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That photo of Stav always makes my day 🌈

I think that we all can agree here that /r/stupidpol should not be using Bordiga's image on their subreddit banner considering that they are all milquetoast social-democrats and misinformed Marxist-Leninists. I mean who can forget when he said:

In any Situation, the Party refuses at the same time the idealist and utopist outlook which makes social transformation dependent on a circle of "elected" apostles and heroes; the libertarian outlook which makes it dependent on the revolt of individuals or unorganised masses; the trade union or economists' outlook which entrusts it to apolitical organisations, whether they preach the use of violence or not; the volunteristic and sectarian outlook which does not recognise that class rebellion rises out of a series of collective actions well prior to a clear theoretical consciousness and even to resolute will action, and which, as a result, recommends the forming of a small "elite" isolated from working class trade unions or, which comes to the same, leaning on trade unions which exclude non communists.

I'm always left to wonder why those troglodytes insist on using his image. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who has.

actually our greatest subreddit subscriber overlaps, besides cth/cumtown/redscare, are with leftcom subs. you retard.

Only because users from /r/stupidpol started coming to /r/leftisthottakes because they all thought they were left-communists for some strange reason.

no, it's because leftcoms are anti-identitarian almost by definition

lol 'anti-identitarian' is utterly meaningless. i think it's been proven time-and-time again that the extent of /r/stupidpol's politics is whether or not you can say retard on the internet.

i wonder what happens when a bunch of social-democrats, leftoids, and 'ultraleftists' (lol) invade left-communist subreddits ...

  • shittankiessay (shut down)

  • shitleftistssay (shut down)

  • leftisthottakes (shut down)

  • marxism_101 (shut down then brought back by people who have literally no idea what they're talking about)

  • googoogahgah (at least this one is still here, but utterly shit given that it's full of stupidpol weirdos who think that they're communists)

but who can forget that passage from bordiga: 'the party firmly rejects the identitarian outlook that retard is a bad word'


says the literal social-democrat lmao


the fact that you think there's a difference tells me everything i need to know lol

also sorry for attacking you bro, but i have to speak the truth

to be honest i tune leftcoms out. there is no more irrelevant an ideology under the sun

we need to vote for bernie guise

probably a better idea than doing literally nothing

you could also vote for a real progressive: beto

We don't do apologies here bro

>I think that we all can agree here that /r/stupidpol should not be using Bordiga's image on their subreddit banner considering that they are all milquetoast social-democrats and misinformed Marxist-Leninists. I mean who can forget when he said:


Stupidpols actually pretty ideologically varied. It's main demographic is those who got chased off other subs for having the balls to say stuff that wasn't totally PC. From my experience of leftcom reddit, while not quite as obnoxiously PC as most of the other lefty parts of reddit, it makes up for it by being ten times as smug, so I can imagine that there might be a few leftcoms on stupidpol just to get away from that.

the vast majority of 'left-coms' on reddit are people who probably couldn't even explain what the commodity-form is

The vast majority of 'leftists' of any sort on reddit are retards. My point is just that stupidpol is a place where most of us disagree with most of the rest of the users there, and not some sort of Stalinist/succdem hideout like you seem to think. Its basically just a brocialist sub.

i see that your a european so i think that explains ur attitude

I'm a Britbong thank you very much, so I consider 'european' to be a slur against my racial heritage.

"I am against idpol but also what about MY WHITE CIS HET heritage we will NEVER achieve communism because there is no straight pride. Btw if you care about the sub becoming full of CAfugees and liberal radfems you're just a triggered SJW"

"I am against idpol but also what about MY WHITE CIS HET heritage we will NEVER achieve communism because there is no straight pride. Btw if you care about the sub becoming full of CAfugees and liberal radfems you're just a triggered SJW"

you're just a triggered SJW


milquetoast social-democrats and misinformed Marxist-Leninists

Found the anarcho-cel.

milquetoast social-democrats and misinformed Marxist-Leninists

Found the libsoc-cel.

Wow, when you said extremely obvious I didn't realise just quite what you meant.

whatever man shit's boring who cares

Leave me alone you doll eyed freak

Is burgerland the only place in the world with dentistry?

thats not luke turner, thats stav, host of cumtown and an american man. he broke his tooth by biting into a fried chicken wing too hard.

the problem with luke turner are his staring gimlet eyes, not his teeth, which afaik are fine