Tard wrangler gets bent over discussion of his barely human brother.

7  2019-03-15 by YEET_ON_THEM_LIBS


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Ugh. You posted your own trolling. Out. Out. Out. ========>>>>>>> where’s the fucking wall.

I wouldn't have posted anything if he wouldn't have sperged.

I had to sacrifice my neutrality for this one, but I believe It was worth it.

Nah bro, you just did an edgy retard meme. His original post was far more spergy than his replies to your weak attempts at trolling.


Too much debate on black people.

See, now that’s an acceptable criticism rather than this guy who insisted on insulting my brother.

Hey it’s me. Funny you post your own shot posting on here for that sweet fucking karma huh?

Yeah it is pretty funny.

Yeah. How great you must feel making fun of a kid with special needs. I bet you get so much fucking pussy from your reddit history. Great job COMPLETELY going off topic on my post.

Pussy is for fags.

Ahhh. You must be quite sad that r/incels is quarantined.

Also, I hope you know, I’m only responding because I’m bored. I realize now, your entire life is dedicated around this shitbag central subreddit. You have one sad and pathetic fucking life dude.

Please stop harassing me.

Riiiiight. You went to my post, then posted my comments with you on this shorty little subreddit of faggotry and yet, I’m harassing you? Ok then😂

You've insulted me multiple times, so yeah.

Not to pull off a kindergarten response here but, you did start it. Don’t start an argument and then pussy out when the person you insulted, insults you back.