A New Zealander literally said "Subscribe to PewDiePie" before shooting up a mosque

3660  2019-03-15 by ObsessiveMuso

Brace for the storm.



There's an unlisted video on YouTube floating around.

Godamn, that guy actually made his favourite FPS vidya games reality.

Taken down

Gone already, If some kiwi gets a higher score than Australia I'm gonna be pissed.

This might be their Port Arthur Massacre, which would be a bloody shame

Looks like he's Australian.


Australian accent.


He probably moved there for NZs looser gun laws.

He wouldn't need NZ residency to live here permanently as an Australian.


It’s rough. Check the first thread earlier.


oh fuck I feel bad for whatever they're gonna try and pull on pewds for this

From what I can tell, a lot of "those people" legitimately think Pewds winks and nods at them and encourages them to do shit to reclaim the Holy Land. If they're just trolling they've done a very good job of sticking to the meme over the months.

pewds is def based and redpilled but he is a complete pacifist puss puss in anything but VR games

so they definitely misread him to hurt people in his name

but personally

and nothing of value was lost

pew's us def based You have to be at least 13 years old to post on the internet


Tbh is wasn't really the pewds thing, I just put that as the ban message to be a dick.

It was the last line of their comment about the victims.


Ted_UtteredBoast is eva_unit_long, massive retard on r/drama.


Will he can be a massive retard here again. In a few days.


sadly it's been long enough since the facecam days that pewd's fanbase is now age of majority.


uhu sure

Yeah thats who you should be feeling bad for.


Get out allfag

imagine thinking liking pewdiepie makes you anything but an allfag.



Spyro 3 players rise up!

As a white Christian male gamer, I feel that my voice has been silenced, and America is being denied the unique value of my perspective in these troubled times.

oh fuck I feel bad for pewds

Why? The dude is a complete retard

says someone who has literally no possible reason except completely retarded ones for thinking that

do you ever get tired of begging for attention

I sleep every night

I know


They're defending a shit youtuber so no




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Just heard news of the devastating reports from New Zealand Christchurch. I feel absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person. My heart and thoughts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this tragedy.


oh fuck I feel bad for pewds and what they'll do with this. shiiiiit.

But why.


Hope it makes him spregs out on his channel


why do you care about how a youtube celebrity feels during a mass shooting where many people were murdered?


People are so fucking strange. It's like they worship these people that primarily just upload videos to the internet.

The format of youtube and social media like Instagram tricks the brains of zoomers and damaged millennials into believing that the people they're looking at are their friends, even though the people in the videos and pictures don't give a shit about them beyond the money and attention that they provide. Sad!


Why can't he feel bad for both?

Because he only felt like he had to mention one.

He was responding to a comment specifically about pewdiepie

Yeah, they replied to that comment because they were really concerned about a YouTubers feelings.



Anyone who tries to blame this on Pew is going to look downright insane.

Rumour has it he liked soccer too, I feel bad for all soccer players now

Yes, they are the real victims.

Holy shit apparently he went to another mosque after this


He's not dead?

Nz police said they've got someone in custody

apparently he hit rural locations to get ahead of/avoid authorities


I feel bad that I laughed at this

Good luck escaping an island in the ocean smh



Fucking noob should have called lester

the cops have 4 guys in custody and the chch lockdown has been lifted. am kiwi

He was caught almost right away but there was another shooter

Why won't anyone think about the retarded millionaire autists??

Holy fuck the drama is going to be so fucking glorious.

I was about to enjoy the drama until I saw him just spraying bullets at a bunch of people who were hiding in a corner. 😢


Damn he was a norsecuck as well

Most of these types are

He wasn't talking much during his 16 min turbo autism stream. Kinda odd considering ... y'know?


I was expecting a PewDiePie esque cringey commentary with him screaming and throwing out random memes. I'm really surprised he didn't YEET or DAB on those dead bodies.


needed more 360 noscope followed by repeated teabagging of a corpse

if only he did "hit or miss" instead, we all could have ascended from this mortal coil in a super critical mass of memetic nirvana

lol I hope you have a hand in planning the next popular mass shooting

if the simulation wills it

Kinda odd considering ... y'know?

false flag confirmbed


Why do they want to be norse so badly? britbong, russtard, and frenchie are far more relevant to world history.


blondes 😴😴

because some people care more about things like actual good and bad, right and wrong, more than popularity points or materialism or bullshit like that

They Viking were worthless whores and pedos. Built nothing and left no legacy.


Lol norsecuck spotted



This is actually bullshit. Like wtf!?

They were the first Europeans to discover America.


They were the founders of Russia.


The were routinrly travelling from Scandinavia to the Middle East, in a time where most people didn't even leave their villages.


They were the base of the modern Scandinavian realms.




They founded Normandy and all that is related to it, like the English kingdom.


Also, the kingdom of Sicily


Also, the Danelaw


Also, the oldest still existing democracy in the world


They Vikings were worthless whores and pedos. Built nothing and left no legacy.

Are you actually retarded?

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Imagine watching people write random comments to darqwolf and then posting this white people nonsense. you really need to go back

Imagine being this dense...

if you commit seppuku now, you can join all the dead kingdoms you named.

Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, England, Russia. All of them non-existant? 😂

How can you be this stupid?

commit seppuku

Ah, weeaboo. Yeah, that explains it...

Lmao, imagine pretending England and Russia wouldn't exist without 70iq norseman



All of the people I know irl who care about that stuff are really, really interested in showing you how masculine they are in other ways, so I think it's related.


Not really. They were among the pure Germanics, obviously. But not more so than Germans themselves.

Nope. Germans have more Celtic/Slavic influence than Scandinavians. The Nazis definitely viewed Scandinavians as the most pure Germanics. They even tried to get Norwegians to breed with Germans in order to create more pure Germanics. That is how one of the members of Abba, the Swedish band, was born.


Source for what in particular?

Everything you said, basically.

Because if you look at the actual laws passed by the NSDAP about that topic, the Nürnberger Gesetze, to be from the right race you had to be either German or member of a related nationality, like Scandinavians, Dutch etc. No mentioning of any other hierarchy than that. The amount of so called unclean people (Jews, Slavs etc.) was higher in Germany, so you could maybe call Norway a purer state in their mind. But a pureblooded German was racially just as much worth as a pureblooded Norwegian.

The Lebensborn program encouraged relationships between pure Germans and again other pure Germans or again related ethnicities. Which is why most of their efforts were concentrated in Germany, with Norway being the second largest and Poland third largest (9 facilities in Norway, 7 in Poland). Those in Poland were explicitly used to educate Polish children in German customs to prepare their adoption and inclusion into German society. Doesn't sound much like impure race now, does it? Not that the racial ideology was known for scientifically consistent (obviously), but they really didn't care much.

Finally, all those kids in Norway were sired by the occupying soldiers. Something that happened almost everywhere and with basically every army. Except that the Nazis punished everyone who had relationships with e.g. Russians. They didn't do that with Norwegians, so the proportion of those children was relatively high.

In general, a Norwegian would be much more highly regarded than e.g. a German Jew. But they weren't considered "better" than Germans.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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The backbone of Nazi racial ideology is the belief in a Nordic race, right? Tall, long-headed, fair hair, fair eyes, etc. Racial theorists of the time noted these characteristics were most commin Scandinavia, as that is basically where Germanics and the “Nordic race” originated.

I’m not saying that Scandinavians were considered or treated “better” than Germans. The Nazis couldn’t afford to have that view, as many Germans didn’t have “Nordic” physical characteristics. Even the racial theorists who influenced the racial beliefs of the Nazis acknowledged that Germany wasn’t entirely Nordic.

If you’re going by strict Nordicist theory, which is the most defining aspect of Nazism, then the Scandinavians are the most pure Germanics. But like I said, the Nazis couldn’t afford to alienate Germans who didn’t have the Nordic phenotype.


Yeah like wtf Berbers were vikinging the whole Mediterranean centuries after Vikings. They vikinged so hard the US had to get involved.


Because, like I've already said, they want to act like niggers and they use jewish-tier justification for that.

Literally, take the worst from both jews and niggers, paint it mayo, and you have modern righttard. Add the voluntarilly subservience to boss - you have lolbertarian/conservatard. Add the subservience to king/tzar - you have monarchicuck.

anglo-saxon religion also had a valhalla afterlife as far as we know



Muh glorious ancestors

Gonna make my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather proud

All 56% of him


And probably a criminal.


What the hell is a Norsecuck



Just got nuked

Does 8chan have any archive sites?


Np. Also, I had to manually save the thread on archive.org. Kinda surprising seeing as how much attention this caught and I was already late to the [redacted]


Big facts! 🗣

You scroll down in the comments of that and there's a picture of Hitler as an anime character. That's almost worse than the shooting

Fucking lmaooo

Hitler was a weeb tho, he would have approved


Rolling for many dead chinks and niggers

Tabletop gaymers. 🤢🤮 Why am I not surprised?

You may be retarded

Have you ever tried playing GURPS Not Having a Stick Up Your Ass?

Welcome to Chan culture, boyos

Bloody hell, this is going to cause more public freakouts than the Canadian vancel's rampage. Like, holy shit, PewDiePie and 8chan and Muslims, and of all fucking places it happens in off-brand Australia? If I were deliberately trying to orchestrate a public panic session from (((behind the scenes))) I don't think I could have arranged something better.

On a serious note, any rational adult should be able to simultaneously recognize that this was an abhorrent crime while remaining concerned about Islam's difficulty integrating into Western societies.


iSlAms DiFFicuLtY InTeGraTiNG iNto WeStErn SocIeTiEs

Yeah, no shit, Europe is at capacity. Send them to America, American culture is practically non-existent so IDGAF if the Muslims change it. I'm absolutely serious, this would be the best possible solution for everybody.

And Islam is literally the least fun religion of them all. Every time a majority-Muslim country decides to "Ismalize" to appease populist yahoos, the result is that you can't find a decent bar anywhere.

I'm utterly aware that you're serious, which is what makes it so pathetic. At least most people here act like idiots on purpose, while here you are repeating literal may-mays while seriously thinking that you've formed a substantive thought about anything.

What kind of leftist would actually say something this dumb? Ever heard the expression 'religion is the opiate of the people'?

Marx was utterly right when he expressed that, like all human culture, religion does not exist in a vacuum. It is formed and is maintained in specific historical circumstances, and it is thus utterly fallacious and stupid as hell to posit that there is some unchanging nature to the abstraction 'Islam' that makes it fundamentally opposed to Western culture.

Empirical data only confirms this. For example, in the largest study of its kind, researchers found that public views on violence are influenced primarily by human development and governance, not religion.

What a boring seriouspost. Yeah, the masses need an opiate so they don’t get dangerous ideas. I prefer some opiates over others though.

I'm pretty sure that you misunderstood what I said.

I think that I'll leave it at that I wouldn't care at all to see a Muslim majority in Europe. We can agree-to-disagree on whether or not European "culture" is worth preserving.


It is worth preserving. It’s beautiful as a whole, even if it had some horrific, dark chapters like the Holocaust. In fact, I’d say that the Holocaust was a nihilistic reaction against European culture’s greatest features, since so much of European civilization was driven by Jewish contributions (Mendelsohn, Jewish contributions to education, Einstein, and so forth).


Come off it, we both know you’d rather live in South America than the Middle East.

As a half-Kurd half-Dutch atheist who DID live in Iraq for 8 years, I can tell you that you're absolutely wrong.


I actually know a few families from Brazil who lived in Egypt and then in Iraq to do missionary work, I even attended the same church as them (was semi-religious back then).


Travel to Erbil, Beirut or Amman most of the Middle East outside of the proxy war stuff that Iran/US/Turkey/Israel/Egypt/Saudi Arabia etc participate in is absolutely fine.


You know what's the funniest thing? That Brazilian family said that Erbil was in many ways BETTER than Sao Paulo

Erbil is in Iraqi Kurdistan, from a security perspective it is a completely different country. Beirut is fine and you can almost pretend you’re in a slightly dysfunctional European city, and Amman is fine (albeit surprisingly expensive), but have you ever been to Cairo?

No, but that's where they used to live.

They moved out because the government didn't like christian missionaries (mb election) not because they felt unsafe.

Again, the majority of urban ME is fine, better than a fucking favela.

I would personally much rather live in the ME than South America, as does a group of people who've actually lived in both!

I do realise Favelas aren't the entirety of South America, but I say to you: Raqqa, Kobane and Aleppo are not the entirety of the Middle East.

Are both the ME and SA kinda shithole, yes. Is one far worse than the other, lolno.

You say you’re admitting that the favellas aren’t the entirety of Latin America, and yet you compared them to Cairo as a whole. The slums of Cairo are fucking appalling. Maybe they aren’t as violent as Brazilian slums, but they’re unsanitary and impoverished (and you really don’t want to be an unmarried Western woman in one). Also, why are you focusing on Brazil? Look at Argentina, or Chile, or Uruguay. Every one of those countries beats the best the Middle East has to offer.

And I know it’s technically not the Middle East, but it’s in the Middle East’s cultural sphere: Pakistan. Karachi or Peshawar are absolutely worse than anything you can find Brazil. At least in Sao Paolo the government hasn’t fucking outlawed fun.

You entirely miss my point, when I say that I'm aware that favellas aren't the entirety of Latin America, I am trying to make YOU aware that a few warzones/bad neighborhoods aren't the entirety of the middle east.

We don't bring up detroit as an example of all of America, so why should I agree with you that the Middle East is worse than South America? For the most part, from my experience and the people I know, it isn't. The worst of the Middle East is worse, yes. But in general? No.

Both are bad in their own way, socially, culturally or economically. But to try to virtue signal and say "xd obviously you'd prefer living in the middle east" by trying to make it sound like some impossible reality is stupid, especially when I present you direct anecdotes that prove your claim false and you write it off by saying "that's not the entirety of the middle east".

You look for shit, you find shit, no matter what country.

Again: I’m not saying that there are no nice parts of the Middle East. And yeah, you can find shit anywhere if you look for it, but it’s extremely easy to find it in the Middle East. You’re gonna find much more of it in Cairo than you will in Amman or Beirut, but Cairo has more people than those two cities combined. And even a lot of the richer countries in the Middle East are awful fucking places to live. I’d move to Rio before I’d move to anywhere in the KSA. In a lot of ways, I’d actually prefer Cairo over Saudi, or Kuwait, or Qatar. And the only reason that expats can have liberal playgrounds in the Emirates is that they live in parallel societies.

Think about it, much of South America is similar

What are those countries in South America that would punish heretics by law?

or stone you to death for adultery?


The "is not their religion" meme needs to die.

Correct. However, there has been no effort to remove this abstraction or its cultural baggage.

This is pure seriouspost, but: I wouldn’t want to live in a perfectly rational world. I want European countries to keep their Disneyworld anachronisms. It’s fun to LARP, and European ceremonial military uniforms are fabulous.

Also imagine thinking that the UK has a culture worth protecting. Literal monarchy ass mfers lmao

Monarchy is good if its aesthetics are good.

Also imagine thinking that the UK has a culture worth protecting

I know you're just being edgy but Britain has an amazing culture, you will never find a British person that doesn't detest at least 75% of their country and countrymen, this is a country so bitter they'd literally rather plunge themselves into poverty and starvation than do anything that'd give others any pleasure - they hate their leaders, their peasants chavs , middle-classes and aristocracy, they hate each other almost as much as they hate themselves. what other nation could possibly be so needlessly self-destructive? so servile and so simultaneously so bitter about it? so angry about everything and yet so unable to work together even just to smash the things they hate?

Fun fact, did you know when Britain had a rebellion they actually demanded the King has more power over them because they hated themselves so much that they thought their problems were caused by not having someone to kick them into line hard enough? The majority of British people want to change the national anthem to a song which is literally about how shit Britain is and how it'd be much better if reduced to the literal shithole warzone which is Jerusalem? That the majority of British people when polled say the best time in British history is when London was getting bombed the hardest? That the poem 'come friendly bombs' frequently get's voted the most loved British poem?

You can't deride British culture, when you do then you become more British than any Queen or Fat Necked Racist in a flat roof pub.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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I know who Queen is, but I've never heard of Fat Necked Racist. Did they have any hit singles?

and it is thus utterly fallacious and stupid as hell to posit that there is some unchanging nature to the abstraction 'Islam' that makes it fundamentally opposed to Western culture

That doesn't in any way, follow from this.

It is formed and is maintained in specific historical circumstances


Yeah it does, dummy

Everything is formed and maintained in specific historical circumstances, if that is sufficient cause for something not to be opposed to Western culture then nothing is opposed to Western culture.

If you were to change the historical context in which Islam was created you would have something different.

if that is sufficient cause for something not to be opposed to Western culture then nothing is opposed to Western culture

No religion is opposed to Western culture. Glad we figured that out.


The actual state of eurotards

I live in America, I just don’t have any real loyalty to America and I prefer Europe over it. I’m a third culture brat.



On a serious note, any rational adult should be able to simultaneously recognize that this was an abhorrent crime while remaining concerned about Islam's difficulty integrating into Western societies.

what the fuck is wrong with you

I was saying that Islam is a problem (for the UK mind) on this sub 24 hours ago, and I’m not going to disavow what I said just because some psycho decided that the solution to terrorist stupidity was more terrorism.

FWIW, my family is from a religious minority group in a Muslim country. I’m not some pants-wetting boomer who gets his information about Islam from Fox. Individual Muslims are no better or worse than anyone else, but as a collective identity, let’s just say that Islam doesn’t seem to bring out people’s best sides.

rational adult

Dude, do you know what website you're on right now?

Why don’t you save your hot take about Muslims for a time when the body count is not continuing to rise? I’m worried about how mayos have difficulty integrating into western society today - look at this case and other mosque and church shootings, look at incels committing mass shootings, etc.

Fuck you

You are responsible for this

Your are an enabler

Pewdiepie is responsible for this, you unstable clown.

Fuck you


For anyone reading the above comment. This is the type of person who would be on 8chan cheering the shooter on. Notice the absolute lack of sympathy for the victims that were massacred, jokes making light of the seriousness of the situation, and focus of attention on the religion of the people who were killed instead.

Never posted on 8chan in my life, and I think Bill Clinton was right to protect Balkan Muslims by bombing the Serbs. As I’ve said in another comment ITT, I’ve badmouthed Islam (as a social movement; individual Muslims are normal people) on this sub before, and I’m not gonna back down on that just because a retard in the antipodes decided he’d try to beat the Wahhabis at their own game.

49 innocent people are dead and you think, at this point and time, the appropriate focus of your comments should be on their religion instead of the supremacist movement that caused their deaths? I’ll also stand by my comments, you have zero sympathy for the victims here. I won’t say you have some happiness about what happened because I don’t know that for sure, but, at minimum you don’t have an ounce of sympathy. You obviously have a lot of hatred for them.

If I typed up banalities about “thots and prayers,” would I bring any of the 49 victims back to life? Let me know and I’ll do what I can.

There you go.

I’ll say a few “Hail Mary”s then.

That explains it. You’re bitter about the way your family was treated, and now you’re incapable of having sympathy for innocent people who had nothing to do with it being slaughtered in a completely different country. I knew I was dealing with a rational person.

I sympathize with bullied minority groups anywhere in the world, and that includes the Muslims in New Zealand. I just know that there’s a difference between intense, institutionalized discrimination and casual bigotry with the occasional violent outburst. Given how small NZ’s Muslim community is, I’m sure this feels like a systemic threat to them, but I can guarantee you that there won’t be another incident like this in NZ for a very long time, because the overwhelming majority of Kiwis will be horrified by this.

Muslims are better off in literally any Western country than Christians or Baha’is are in any Muslim-majority country. There have been dozens of massacres of Copts in the last three years, but they hardly get any media coverage in the West, and Egypt as a whole doesn’t care enough to solve the problem.

You can have sympathy but not show it. It’s nice and all saying “Sorry this happened”, but it’s not a must.

Maybe the other user’s commentary is a bit inconsiderate in this context, but I think you overreacted.

On a serious note, any rational adult should be able to simultaneously recognize that this was an abhorrent crime while remaining concerned about Islam's difficulty integrating into Western societies recognise that getting your mosque shot up is part and parcel of living in a big city and to not give into fear and hate by being incelophobic.

Incels deserve to be ridiculed for what they are, not what they do. 'Phobe them all you like.

Well lads
real life effortpost please do your part by spreading my message, making memes and shitposting as you usually do I will see you all in Valhalla

This guy decided to shoot up a bunch of innocent people, ruin his entire life, and tarnish the optics of his movement because he spent too much time reading memes

I'm pretty sure the optics of White Supremacy were tarnished waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before this dipshit came along

Since the first incel was not taken into art school.

I still wonder how those tards worship the only fucking nigger who blew it not only for Germany, but for the whole world as well.

There is a part of political who is slightly right and are good people want good for every one but they are tell they are Nazi because they want to choose a better integrative people. There was a young sirian girl we try to protect from Trudeau because he deport her because she didn't wear a curtain on her head that the kind of people we want here and protect.

Are you having a stroke

He owned the libs, though. That's what really matters.

Have a little respect fucker

If your butt is hurt, there's always a home for you at SRD.

People died little shit

What sub do you think you're posting on, sweaty?

I dont give a single fuck

Apparently, you give several fucks. You're crying about people cracking jokes on /r/drama, lol.

You just don't. That's how you're supposed to behave.

You rapefugees don't get to illegally cross the border into our sub and tell us how to behave.


It's not about the sub. It's about being humane. Be sane for a sec

This is why we need a wall. You have to go back.

You're a waste of human meat

No human meat is wasted until the human it's attached to is buried uneaten.

There's time for me yet.


Don't say goodbye. We'll be together always. Any time you're feeling blue over the state of the world, I'll be there to laugh at you, sweaty.

I am disgusted by you and you should be ashamed. Hope you'll get it once you've grown up a bit


Not Tucker Carlson’s show. They’re all about this dudes message.

A lot of the WN movement is trying to make themselves seem more appealing to the mainstream by being well-groomed, holding down a good job, using gentler rhetoric, etc. This guy just steamrolled their efforts 😂

based as fuck, imagine if this endorsement loses Trump the 2020, the rightoid seethe would be beautiful.


Own the cons to own the libs.

You've been warning us about this for a long time and you were proven right. This is gonna get worse before it gets better.

Unfortunately it's true. In this case I'm not sure if the shooting backfired because the shooter made himself look ridiculous or will motivate others because it's getting a lot of attention, but in the grand scheme of things, violence like this is only going to continue.

his movement

Didn't know that high school level, right-wing memeing qualified as a "movement."

Maybe bowel movement.

There are a lot of stupid movements, but they're still movements.

tarnish his movement? Who's side are you on again?

I'm speaking in terms of the goal that most white nationalists have, which is to gain mainstream appeal and recruit more upstanding/well-adjusted white people who wield more influence than the average friendless 14-year-old /pol/ addict. That doesn't mean that I support them. I've just been tracking online radical movements for years now.

Ok thanks for the clarity

Jesus Christ

Lol @ dabbing on Candace Owens 😹😹😹 Her Twitter sperg out is gonna be gud


proves that rightists have literally no regard for human life. put them all in jail.

This but unironically

literally who said that I was being ironic?

the post-ironic zeitgeist that permeates this sub, and has infected the mind of the very shooter we see above

This but semi ironically

Just a meme phrase. Because saying "I agree with you" is too embarassing

This but unironically.

You need to check your literally use, before you literally wreck yourself.


look at all the little babies who are downvoting this :"( fragile little rightoids

put them in gulag

FTFY, but yes, forced labour for these wannabe shooters.


It's, like, the whore cornerstone of rightoid ideology. Leftards, at least, have some pretension of noble goal while rightoids just jerk off their ego on the idea of being the "ubermensch".

You’re just a fag

proves that rightoids have literally no regard for human life. put them in jail

Putting someone in jail for life is a cruel and unusual punishment. I think that the best way is a symmetric response in places of rightoid gatherings, such as Country concerts etc.


Twitter Internet was a mistake


Gaymers are a mistake 🤢🤢🤮🤮



Patrol this thot stat.





People literally believing that a white supremacist / ethno nationalist having a African American women as an inspiration for a terrorist attack is one of the dumbest takes of all this awful situation.

Especially when his manifesto specifically said he wanted to strain American social relations.

he also named Spyro 3 as inspiration and included the Navy seal pasta, are we taking his writing as scripture now?

Well, if it fits my narrative, sure.

It wasn't memeing he did it because he knew this would happen and accelerate tension

Drewski is right.

Damn she cute.

HAHA LOL OMG racist leftists!!

Hah. The insanity of the situation has already unfolded.



Is there a particular person that radicalized you the most? Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was >Candace Owens


that Candace Owens shoutout has to be a troll too, jinkies man. seems like he wants to actually take her down with him too.

it never even begun for civnats


Wait hold up. He's an aussie but this happened in New Zealand. So he's an immigrant.

We need to build a wall around Australia.





you know the media is going to quote that shit and take it 100% seriously right

He’s a neo nazi. It probably offends him that right wingers let a black woman speak for them.

Super Mario taught me to stomp on my enemies without mercy.




49 people died lmao EPIC DRAMA

It's even in this thread!

I can’t get into it this time.

thank you for a post full of lots of links to lots of drama

I assumed they would shitcan my account for "distributing Nazi propaganda" if I linked any part of the actual, very fresh video footage directly.

its news though really isnt it

i dont think showing what happened is advocating it



Damn, he's massacre skills doesn't actually seem too bad.

Look at the play, out in the country shooting so police can't show up, gloves are fingerless easier to fire, high lumen flashlight to blind people, a lot of magazines and backup weapons, body armor, a get away car, streamed on facebook with a gopro. Apparently he got away too.

I don't think getting away is too hard, he spent like 5 minutes in the mosque. The Police aren't that quick.

It's New Zealand I imagine they roll up in a land rover or on bikes maybe.

I thought they rode ostriches?


I thought that was australia


he triple taps em definitely over 15-20 in the vid

30 people confirmed dead as of now.

49 now, 20+ injured :(

And in a country where cops dont carry guns

Its gone.

hold on will edit this soon

Woah wtf, thats fucking insane, that one guy looks like he tried to tackle him only to get shot like 5 times.

Driving like mad away from the scene of a massacre, I think he was blazing down the wrong direction on a road for a while, then at 8:15 he stops to let some pedestrians cross in a crosswalk before he resumes the escape.

Wow got taken down when I was mid watching

Jesus christ. Video is really fucked up.

😢 I should not have watched that

Yeah I'm pretty fucking jaded but that lady near really fucked me up.

That dude that tried to rush the shooter was a fuckin badass, though.

As he was going through the hallway into the main area I was hoping no one would be there...

Did you see the part where one dude tried to tackle(?) him. When he was at the end of the hallway? He fell down and had to pick up his gun iirc

I watched that part a couple times. That guy was trying to rush the shitbag but gets shot in the area between the shoulder and the neck right before he got to shitbag.

Better to try and die than just die, tbqh.

Maybe a second too late for a 'perfect' tackle? Damn

Guy's a hero. A hero who lost but a hero nonetheless. Way more worthy of Valhalla than 8chan shooter asshole

man who tries to save his friends and family even though it's futile vs. guy who communicates entirely in memes

Virgin Hero vs. Chad memetard


Yeah. Really brave of him to attempt the tackle.

I hope he gets recognized for this. That's some next level bad ass

Its what everyone says they'd do in this situation. Fuck he was so close.




Man fucking brutal.



*was it

It's already downs, which coincidentally I got from reading this thread

Got taken down.

Wow, what a real tough guy.

idk he didn't even target people with significant power, kind of a peon

Anyone got a mirror it's down already

Ugh...the smugstorm from cb2 and the SRDines will be unbearable.

That's the worst part about all this.

i'm glad that rightoids are completely willing to admit now that the worst part of mass shootings is being made fun of on the internet and not people literally getting murdered. dont have to deal with any retarded charade

You're seriousposting a bit hard mate.

You wouldn't happen to be a canned fish?

Rightoids are the worst serious-posters here. It's just that they talk in may-mays so it looks like they're being ironic.


I just wanna comment that the folks commenting above me all sound like complete idiots.

MDEfugee, out, out, out !

You sound intelligent...

I am aware. 😎😎😎

Clearly. Very.

I am her very smart boy, my mom told me.

You're only here because you can't post on MDE. Honestly wish you guys would fuck off to voat instead of spreading your "ironic" mayo garbage here. Literally nobody really wants you guys on this site, and /r/drama only tolerates you, but you feel entitled to stick around anyway. Why? Why not go somewhere you are actually wanted and appreciated?

Why? Why not go somewhere you are actually wanted and appreciated?

Yeah, about that...

I actually have no idea what you just said. Sounded mean though. Anger issues?

If you have no idea what I am talking about (i.e. basic centrist talking points) maybe you should take that as a sign that you aren't fit for this place and its culture. Try /r/all or /r/politics.

Who died and made you my boss? Go fuck yourself.

Alright, have a nice day


Back to r/srd with you

poopy poopy caca

Take another looksie at who you’re replying to

My point stands, srdines out out out.


They're mad because they got canned in oil instead of something good like hot mustard sauce.

Seeing a lot of stuff on Twitter that's literally "shut up, just dont talk about it".

This is ultimately a peek into every conservative's deepest and darkest desires.



I care ngl

I got a lot of muslim friends, I know they are shook right now

I still feel sketchy when on planes or in crowded terminals, even though I know an attack is very unlikely

I imagine muslims in the western world are feeling a worse version of that when they head to the mosque in the coming days


how much of a neet are you that you cant imagine people caring about an actual fucking mass murder for reasons other than "virtue signaling"

The people who write up about how immigration is the problem or how the alt right is the problem etc don't actually give a shit about the event that happened

it's a simple question

I care. But this is definitely going to cause further division. Just like the shooter says he wants.

Yeah there are some people who do, but the people causing further divsion and blaming X for it don't really care

You're not wrong. Looking at the media reaction so far and the reaction of people in subs I've been reading, this fuckass is going to get exactly what he wants.

I had one glance at Twitter and it's already a shitstorm of people taking his bait.

hopefully it does cause further division. anybody who even hints at defending this murderer should be erased from the gene pool








Your first mistake was taking anything here seriously.

You're actually retarded.

stop crying

Okay sorry the_marx

r u tarded?

woketards would be dancing on the ceiling if white christians got gunned down.

What about all the dead people?

haha you got r/wooosh-ed dude xD


this comment is the best possible summary of where the online right-wing is at

very cool bro

Not the 50 dead people?

Brace for the storm.

Q predicted this

Q but unironically


Hiring a crisis mass shooter? Is there no low T-Series won't sink to? 😭


Wasn't the shooter in that whole crisis also an incels?

They all are, guys who get their dick wet don't spill blood indiscriminately, except pussy blood cause Chad don't discriminate against menstrual Stacies.


We put the good things in, so you can wear the Dolmio Grin!

But then what are you supposed to do? Not have sex for a week? That's crazy

This guy gets it

Earning your red wings is when you eat out a chick while she is on her period. So technically you could still have sex without warning your red wings. But what’s the fun in that?

That’s why shower sex was invented son.

When i hit that bussy the inside of the shower stall gonna look like a murder took place.

Side thot.

Ain’t nothin wrong with a little ketchup on your hot dog.

Just take a shower, plus, my fiance found herself gross when she was feeling intimate on her period, it can be hugely validating to your partner to reassure her when shes on her cycle we have a fairly irrational fear of the menstrual cycle anyways, give it a shot, it may just change your and your partners relationship for the better.

This is a literary masterpiece.

Didn't he have a long term girlfriend?

Another reason prostitution should be legalized and regulated. And not demonized.

It‘s legal in Germany and there still are tons of incels here

Just curious, do people judge you if they were to find out you sought out sex work?

I don‘t know anyone who has ever admitted going to a prostitute. In certain circles it might be acceptable.

Tell that to the Vikings lol

Eriks are an entirely different beast from Chads.

In this case, Sheilas

One day in the future a Midwestern man will read this comment to his son. That son will take this idea and he will become the greatest president in history. Leading the world to a new paradigm of freedom and dignity.

I always wanted to be a part of history 🙏


It's Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, and 72 Raisins in Paradise.

smh incels not understanding that these 40 virgins have to come from somewhere

he’s short so prolly

manlet? oh shit I wanna see it now but liveleak is down lol

You shouldn't watch it, those types of assholes want the attention, by watching it you're giving him the attention he wants.

? what?

so what should I watch? - which TV show, Movie, News Channel, celebrity, etc is airing program via any platform or TV Channel - but does not want attention (basically does not want people to watch what they air) ?

I wasn't talking about the news reports on him just the leak.

news reports is giving him way more attention than somebody individually warching the video.

Litterally every world news channel has round o clock non-stop talk, exclusives, breaking news etc.

which retard shooter would not like that much attention.

Yeah but why would the media ignore this they mainly want money and capitalising off a shooting just isn't a thing they're above doing, of but i agree about the notion that this shooter is an attention whore and for fear of making this discussion an argument I'll stop here, at least everyone here agrees what he did is wrong and there are no excuses for mass murder


All mass shooters are incels. People who are fucking don't want to get shot by the cops.

Was hitler an incel?

hardly a mass shooter

no, he had a girlfriend

He had a girlfriend u tard

No the shooter. Wasn't an incel. I don't know exactly what that means but he does have gf and blahblahblah. He was. Just a racist freak anti Muslim who just wanted revenge

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

this is probably what happened though, they use sub bots, not a stretch to say they would probably use reverse psychology and mass murder


TFW a drama user rapes reality itself




let's be real here, it's the only way we're getting any sex

I could believe it because Indians are all sociopaths. Highly successful Indians would probably commit hitler-level atrocities if they thought it would benefit them.

Wow, I didn't even know I would do something like that. But now that you've said it my eyes have been opened. Brb gonna kill 6 million people

You mean about 275,000 from Typhus

As an Indian I can confirm.

well shit, they’ve been around for like 8,500 years, what’s taking them so long?

Thia made my day

Those are the best. Shoutout to my man Ken M

A true thing of beauty.

I can't tell if they're brilliant or terrible. Perfectly moderate...

Is the line of age though?

“Rapes the line between ....”

That is a turn of phrase I’m stealing and selling as my own.

Fuck you for even posting this comment

Fuck you for not subscribing to PewDiePie

I cant believe someone would say that t series would send a person to kill 50 people.

They tryna dethrone him for spot on #1

Clearly one leads to the other, T-series is straight up evil.




your reply isn't showing up in my inbox for some reason, but I updated my comment with a link.

and it's 404'd

Lol there was nothing graphic about it, I got an email from imgur about violating guidelines.

And I bet we are both now banned from /r/Fuckthealtright.. at least I am just for that comment above lol

lol I can't comment there

And that's a good thing!


He wasn't just a mass shooter. He was a terrorist as he did this in pursuit of his political aims.

Sell seeing how pew is a racist fuck id say he pushed him to do it. Pewdiepie is a racist pos. He only stopped saying nigger on stream because it loses him money. Remember how he forced thise two kids to hold a racist as fuck sign they couldnt read?

Ill be sitting here waiting for you all to just call mr an asshole while you refuse to deny it lmao

Hi, bearsuponsamon!

I am stopping by to wish you the best day, and the best year!


I'm not gonna call you an asshole but I am gonna call you a nigger, and I'm not gonna refuse to deny PewDiePie is racist but I am gonna deny PewDiePie is racist. That's my final offer, take it or leave it.

Everybody is racist and dislikes foreigners though so it's ok

Oh im not gonna deny it, pewdiepie is literally hitler, this is his reichstag fire moment, if only you knew what is coming


Oh I thought this was greentext after seeing this reply.

what the fuck is T-series

Are you fucking kidding me

Nope but, he wants the left and right to fight harder. He's an accelerationist the want s a race war. He believed this would cause it.

Dude. This is fucking shooting. People fucking DIED. Have some more respect.

COPEtards @ pol already calling a false flag

lets be real its obviously jews

Honestly, I'm a bit taken aback. I knew there was Saracen-Kuffar hostility in Australia but I didn't even know New Zealand had enough Muslims for them to be a political issue.

i mean this guy was australian so prob helps

australians are fiercely anti muslim and black people for the most part, because of lebanese and aborigines

also indians and chinese but to a lesser extent

Well, at least one was. They're saying there are four in detention, and I know that mass shootings almost always have erroneous reports of multiple gunmen, but this sounds like it's for real.

Also please clarify that it's Muslim Lebanese who make trouble in Australia. Lebanese Christians are basically slightly darker-skinned Greeks.

oh right i just mean the guy who wrote the manifesto and did the stream

and yeah its def the muslim lebanese cronulla wasnt an anomaly its just constant tension in some places

i dont hate anyone tbh i like pauly fenech shows for instance

I don’t hate anyone either. Cafeteria Muslims are cool, and they’re seriously what I hope the Islamic world moves towards.

They're saying there are four in detention

Yeah whats up with that? The fucktard's 8chan posts and kekistani manifesto said he was acting alone, he didnt say shit in the livestream about anyone else, all the media has focussed on just this one dipshit, but the cops say they arrested 4 people? Who the fuck are the other 3?

I dunno but it seems really unlikely that there were just three other people open carrying in Christchurch.

australians are fiercely anti muslim and black people

Lets not go too far.

abos were considered fauna until the 70s and also we didnt let any non white people in the country

No they weren't, that's just a reddit meme like "everything in Aus is upside down"

maybe that particular wording but they werent counted in the census as people and you could literally shoot them without repercussion until like the 30s

If you hadn't fallen for that myth you wouldn't have used the term "fauna".

If you hadn't fallen for that myth you wouldn't have used the term "fauna".

you could literally shoot them without repercussion until like the 30s

Same shit as with the Indians in America and Canada- that's just how the world was in the 30s. And the '67 referendum on that "fauna" shit was a bad look, but it was also some obscure legal bullshit with little real-world impact, and this "nation of racists" voted 99 to 1 to give Aboriginals full legal equality (which they 99% already had anyway).

He just couldn't resist his criminal heritage

australians are fiercely anti muslim and black people for the most part, because of lebanese and aborigines

lol, no.

Australians will talk shit about whoever, but (and I hate serious-post, and to pull this shit generally, and on r/drama of all places. But whatever) I'm black and I've lived in Australia my whole life, and the most drama my race ever caused was when I was in Europe for a few months (not that it was a big deal there, either tbh) It's a non-issue at home. Australians will joke about racial stereotypes and shit, but legit racists are rare af here, and universally considered massive wankers.

The "Australians are all huge racists!!" thing is a meme, from people who are too thick to understand when Australians are joking and when we aren't (coughSepposcough)

but legit racists are rare af here, and universally considered massive wankers.

according to who

people will still be polite

from people who are too thick to understand when Australians are joking and when we aren't

man i am australian

people will still be polite

"People will still be polite, employ you, promote you, rent houses to you, be fine with you fucking their daughters, make you God-parent to their kids, be part of an electorate that consistently buries anyone who shows any tiny hint of racism... but they're actually all super-racist in some totes-meaningful way..." lol, ok. Poor me, I guess.



Wait what?

It's time to deal with the /pol/ack problem once and for all. Unironically.


should probably consider revoking freedom of speech/expression for rightist extremists. unironically.


What about the libertarian and fascist communities?

Libertarianism is closely associated with anarchism and fascist subs are already banned

Fuck that man, just give'em the same rights as deer in deer season.

Said the shooter about Muslims... This sort of rhetoric is not helpful

Implying I'm trying to be helpful and not gleefully taking advantage of this situation to take potshots at rightoids.

Well your comment has since been deleted by the mods anyway, so no harm no foul!


People like you are why things like this happen. Why do you want a civil war so much?

lol these people are too pathetic to start a civil war

Would you really care if we lined a bunch of Dylann Roofs up on the wall and made society a better place? We throw some Chapos on there too for equality.

Someone get this proposal to the #yanggang

You had my curiosity at dylann roofs, you had my full attention at Chapos.

He's one of theirs tho





8chan pol is for people who think 4chan pol is too normie.

Honestly yeah.

4chan is more tongue and cheek and ironic. 8chan is like PragerU version of 4chan. All whine and no fun at all.



8chan is 4chan but for pedos. There is virtually no difference between either.

Most retarded take of the century

no u


why would NZ even need a false flag?

They call everything a false flag after that Jussie business.

Actually, they call everything a false flag for a while now. Nearly every mass shooting in recent years has seen /pol/tards calling them false flags or psyops.

Tighten gun laws is my bet.

I wouldn't be surprised if he moved to NZ from Australia to carry out this attack because of their looser gun laws. No fucking way you're getting the firearms he had in Aus.



/r/conspiracy as well, of course

We need to deal with the white male problem rn

MTF mayos are white men as well.

So say good bye to Tay

Daily reminder that trans women are women.

Daily reminder that trans rights are women's rights



Daily reminder that refusal to suck a woman's giant throbbing penis is literally violence against women everywhere

human rights

there's FTM too

This but unironically

To you maybe.

Mayos? Lol you’re a fucking nerd

Found the mayo newfag, why don't you see yourself out before you shoot up a school or something?

Seriously when is the Mayocide coming smh

Yesterday tbh 😿

Advocation for genocide isn't okay.

genocide (jĕnˈə-sīdˌ)

n. The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.

You're right that expressing support for genocide is unacceptable. Fortunately, mayos don't count as people, so it doesn't count in this case.

Lol is a non white saying whites aren’t people? What a fag

White guilt in full swing!


its anti terrorism did you see how he waved white people past his car and waited for them at the lights when he was escaping

terrorism just fucks up randoms this is targeted

terrorism just fucks up randoms this is targeted

You are seriously 'false flag'ing this shit?

no im saying he deliberately shot a specific group of people

its a deliberate attack but its hardly random civilians to instill fear and paranoia like random ass bombs and shit

also i thought itd be funny to say because people here hate it

Terrorism is traditionally defined as actions that are intended to cause fear and terror, not 'random ass bombs and shit'. Whether or not that is how the term is used politically, or whether this particular incident was terrorism by that metric, you can debate, but if anything the average historical terrorist attack has had more reasoning behind it than the 'muzzies lol' memelordery of this retard.

yeah fear of a thing happening again

a random bomb elicits fear of "oh no im not safe anywhere there could be another bomb" and then the terrorists make a demand like get out of the middle east or more bombs

this guys not making demands, hes not threatening to do it again, he did one thing and wanted the entire situation to escalate to cause chaos

but really im just posting it to start a race argument when everyones all sensitive and shit

I see you're a man of illiteracy.

He's Australian right? Isn't it implied that he's illiterate?

yeah thats terrorism, targeting a specific group. Thats terrorism

Anyway you probably thought this shooting was awesome didn't you?

be real

you probably thought this shooting was awesome didn't you?

not really because now fags are going to escalate their fake crying about nazis and shit and its already annoying how much theyre doing it

C'mon now, you obviously deep down think that (((Jews))) had something to do with a kiwitard shooting people up

hes australian credit where credits due please

random ass bombs n shit

Lmao nigga, most terrorists damn well know which group they are targeting. It's almost never "random ass bombs n sheeeeeeit"

what, ariana grande fans

i mean i can kinda understand that one

This is a 4-year old's definition of terrorism.

no thatd be "they hate our freedom"

"They hate our freedom and blow stuff up sometimes at random I guess or whatever hey is that chocolate the doggie left I like a doggie chocolate 🤗"



the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

This guy is just as much of a terrorist as any American cop is.

This guy is just as much of a terrorist as any American cop is

so not at all then

Literally 100% in the real world, but maybe not at all in your imagination

cops equal terrorists in what reality though

maybe chapos think that shit but they also think landlords are nazis

Every American cop uses violence and intimidation unlawfully, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. I'm sorry you can't comprehend basic English.

cmon nigga thats dumb shit

do you want anarchy? because theres way worse people than cops also able to use violence and intimidation

cmon nigga thats dumb shit

no, "dumb shit" is calling basic comprehension of basic English words "dumb shit"

do you want anarchy?

that's what we have, but sure I guess a more direct form of it would be good, pretty much anything except a government by and for terrorists would be better than a government by and for terrorists

because theres way worse people than cops also able to use violence and intimidation

ok? that's just another reason why it would be good to get rid of the group of terrorists who stop people from defending themselves, solving problems, etc.

omg thats gay as hell man

Lol you’re a nerd







You're retarded

Lmfao it's terrorism you mongoloid

nah because its a white guy

Didn't think about it like that, tbh

Goddamn this is a retarded take even by the standards of rightoids.

i thought you might like it

That's gonna be a zoinks from me, dawg! 😹





start with yourself

DistortedLines is as white as the next James Bond.


bruh i thought i was a bad agendaposter but look at your submission history OH NO NO NO NO

him and boyoyoyo are definitely in the top 5 seriouosposters in the game, no cap

why are you offended? cajuns aren't people


Absolutely based and kiwipilled

For perfect drama, I'm holding out hope that this guy will turn out to have been a Maori who just really hated Muslims. It's super unlikely but the media narrative is gonna be hee-larious (and hey, a Maori doing this in NZ is far more plausible than an Aborigine doing the same in Oz).




All whites should be put one HRT asap.

We need Yang Gang more than ever now

No one takes that Chineser seriously

One of the people they have in custody is a woman...


A woman was also detained though.

How is trash like this up on Reddit able to comment

r/all refugees Need to go back

I don't think you can blame a mass shooting, his race and sex. Kinda seems ironic coz that's what this guy sorta did.

but i can tho

like he can but it's obviously wrong

Maybe because you’re a faggot

First day in r drama huh fag?

Nah second now


You won’t talk like that in real life. Bet

Yes I do, beacause everything said in r/Drama is 100% true and non-ironic

Missing the /s friend.

Yeah let’s just kill every white male that will show them how much of a monster they are

And what are you going to do? Holocaust of white man?

Definitely, let's start that race war these guy and his co-conspirators wanted.

Yea exactly

The solution is called /r/MensLib

I bet there will be a white guy from there that shoots people up. Count on it


"Subscribe to T Series 😎" *blows up Earth*

Does anyone have a mirror of the video?

T h e n a t i o n w i t h t h e c l o s e s t p o l i t i c a l a n d s o c i a l v a l u e s t o m y o w n i s t h e P e o p l e ’ s R e p u b l i c o f C h i n a .

It's over for PRCcels.

Oh G-d, his manifesto is something else. He literally names Candace Owens as the person who radicalized his the most.


And he told people to subscribe to PewDiePie



Literally a meme mass shooter. Fucking hell.


If a civil war breaks out I hope the people in Maine are as good as I trust them to be

You inspired this you know. He did it because you threatened Yang

I think there's at least a 31% chance I did actually inspire it. 51% if this guy has ever been on /r/Drama. Probably not over Yang though




What were those people doing at a mosque though? Pretty sketchy if you ask me. He only killed 2 confirmed innocents, the lady in the street who just cried for help and the one dude in the mosque who charged at him and got shot. You've probably killed way more than 2 confirmed innocents just with your carbon footprint in the past few years.

Please add me back to your block list.


Now if we could only convince you that raping kids was equally bad...

Of course hes been on the sub, it where he was radicalised. Radical centralized



Holy shit this is going to be a massive shitshow.

after reading the manifesto, a shitshow is just what the asshole wants.

it's pure attention-seeking behavior from somebody who was too stupid to actually speak for himself instead of relying on memes to do it for him. It's a shame that the media's going to gobble it up and possibly treat him as a ~real-life joker~ or someshit

Yup was in the city during the shooting been a long shitty day was so fucking annoyed wen I found out this was some 8chan bullshit it's like this internet thing has gotten way out of hand

I'm in loss of words, dude. Two days ago here in Brazil two kids killes 6 other kids and 2 adults in a school, and they also were connected with a brazilian "Chan" and right extremists. It's fucking enraging but we need to stand up and fight against these things. There is a generation of depressive kids with mental health problems fueled by internet trolls. Idk... i'm fucking sad and terrified.

Once the genie is out the bottle it's gone be hard to put back in

Alright boys, shut it down

[muffled reeeeee-ing in the distance]

Worst part is other retards will see how much of a shitshow this guy caused and there will probably end up being others trying the same.

this guy just provided a tutorial for all other terrorists around the world.

What the dude did wasn't a meme. What he said wasn't a meme. He isn't just a meme shooter

Oh, my bad, I forgot to mention that he was a run-of-the-mill /pol/-radicalized white nationalist too. 🙄

Speaking such things "for yourself" are bannable/shunned on many platforms/can cost you a lost job in current year, so, here's your meme shooting.

Just look at me for an example, look at how much effort I have to put in and how much I have to sacrifice just to make the tiny societal impact I make on reddit. The most influence I can say I've ever had is the possibility that I was part of the ethos that encouraged this guy to commit this mass shooting. There's just no contest in terms of which approach is effective for normies who don't have the patience it takes to spend 20 years running for President like me.

Lmao an unironic "SJWs made me commit mass murder".

You mong, there's no difference between using a meme that implies WN shit and outright saying it. Everybody can tell what you're talking about, and online WN and memes can't be separated to begin with because memes are what have radicalized the most recent crop of zoomer and millennial WNs and are their primary form of communication.

you mong djfufjfjfjjfkfk

Yeah, whatever. Wait for your turn.


he DID live in a society

If he gets the attention he wants he might even encourage more people to follow him, which is even worse - especially if some counter measures will be taken, that'll just make types like him think he was right.

after reading the manifesto, a shitshow is just what the asshole wants.

It's definitely begun. I actually decided to avoid Twitter for a week. One glance at my feed and there's already blue check marks calling for prosecution and getting into heated arguments.

Where do I find the manifesto? PM me?

Exactly, he specifically chose to use a firearm because it would rile Americans up.

He is a shitheel

A shitshow is what we all want. This is r/drama

When you think about it he just pulled the biggest trolling in human history

Candace Owens and the game Spyro 3. This gamer rose up. Many such cases!



I’m sorry but toxic online culture keeps producing these sick fucks and shaping their ideologies and choosing their targets. Liberals, women, Muslims- the enemies of pol.

And then they retreat behind the “irony” defence. Well, this manifesto kills that dead once and for all. The joke is no longer funny and if you’re willing to make it you reveal who you are. No more hiding.

Ooga booga toxic culture

A prime example. Yes, toxic. Where breaking taboos and treating people like shit is the norm, where people are warped into nihilists with superiority complexes and zero empathy for other people. That is the culture here and on fourchan, and offline it is a fucking poison.

no one else likes to sniff your farts dude

What’s worse is the degredation and democratisation of humour. In real life weak shit like that would be followed by a deafening silence that you would remember and cringe from 60 years from now. Here, you don’t get to feel other peoples contempt, and so you go on living, never having to confront what a fucking hack you are.

Ya know you're right.... But all the cynical edgelords on here will keep contributing to the problem instead lol


Making a weekly meme video and fighting a meme battle with an anomalous corporate youtube channel is toxic internet culture everyone.

👏👏 I rate this opinion 0/10.

That hand clap symbol is also toxic. Worse for the fact people have started doing it IRLz. For that crime alone the internet should be unplugged.

I think there's a vast gulf between "this is the fault of gamergate and pewdiepie" and "we need to understand that there exists a pipeline between 'troll-heavy' internet movements, sometimes reactionary ones, and a mindset where people can get radicalized."

I'd honestly really suggest that people read this article about the dude who stabbed his father to death in 2017 because he was a "leftist pedophile." He started fighting The SJWs and just spiraled downhill.

Does this mean that every Gamergate douche or channer shitposter is going to become a murderer? Of course not. You don't fall that far without something being deeply wrong with you in the first place.

But there is a pipeline, and I think it deserves some self-reflection.

Spyro 3 is going to come out of this strange.

Purple Supremacy!

Do you have actual links to the documents/webpages referenced but redacted in the top post? the Candace Owens / Flossing / Spiro the Dragon 3 snippet that I saw on twitter seemed to be a joke? or was that guy that dedicated to memeing and making jokes while ... committing mass murder.

I don't have the original .pdf since it was deleted but yes, he did wrote that. He's memeing a lot there, including the navy seal copypasta addressed to detractors.

The file is still on the 8chan servers.



This timeline really is fucked.

I just got done with my 'online personalities are garbage' phase

https://youtu.be/sf6_DBqF7UQ the news reported the navy seal copypasta like it was real

I've always believed companies should hire someone that is as normal as one could be that knows memes or at least knows how to use Bing to be a "Official Idiot Checker" of a company, so they don't go doind dumb shit like this that gives these jackoffs fuel.

TBQH the navyseal pasta isn't known by normies

Who is this "4chan"?

This dude was literally the worst of reddit but in human form.

Do not see the Navy seal pasta at all in his manifesto, please source

Yeah he was legit memeing the whole time while killing dozens of people. The guy is unhinged.


what an epic gamer moment

I wouldn't say unhinged.

A scathing critique of contemporary culture, though.

And says that she's "too extreme, even for me". Pretty good trolling, since a bunch of braindead journalists aren't going to get the joke.







I skimmed through his manifesto... he did go on a big rant about white genocide and presented many generic ethno-nationalist talking points while sprinkling memes in throughout. Reminds me of the umabomber sorda, they both had some good arguments but are batshit crazy in general.

This one has been noted as an infected

Yeah his major miscalculation is that he injected way too many memes into his manifesto (and the stream) to be taken seriously. He may go down as 'the troll terrorist' who believes in nothing, when he probably intended himself to be seen as an inspiration for other believers in the white genocide conspiracy.

There aren’t many good arguments in this man’s manifesto, and it has errors in it.

Very different from the meticulous nature of the Unabomber’s

Yeah, the unabombers was far more well written.

I mean the guy had a PhD from Harvard.

Reminds me of the Unabomber sorda

Unabomber was a math PhD from Harvard and it took investigators 2 decades to find him even when he was ratted by his brother.

He was crazy but there was some aesthetic in his craziness, unlike some dumb mass murderers.

They’re not perfect comparisons, the unabomber was far smarter than this nutjob.

Eh, I don’t think the white ethno-nationalism and white genocide and 1488 stuff was a meme from the guy involved in killing 40+ Muslims

Yeah, you're right. And I've just read the manifest in full, and it was more serious than I thought. There are some jokes and sarcasm in there, but overall it does try to advocate for his cause and worldview in a serious manner.

Link to this manifesto? I want to read it ,but can't find it anywhere only journalism about it.

Just DM'd you.

DM it to me too please


Over here

me too please

Can I get a copy? I'm kinda late to the party. I want to read the manifesto first and the news articles second.

Just sent.

If I could get a copy too, please.

Should be sent now.

I didn't receive it. :/

Did not receive a DM

Did you get that one?

Nope. Sent you one.

Jfc if the navy SEAL copypasta starts getting discussed on the nightly news...

Investigators believe that one of the attackers was a graduate of the Navy SEALS who took part in several top secret raids in the Middle East. Sources say he is also credited with the defeat of over 300 armed insurgents. Navy representatives were unavailable for comment, but their records state that the suspect was involved in project “gorilla warfare” and was an accomplished sniper. Documents found by police in the individuals home indicate that he perceived the world to be made up of “targets” and that he was obsessed with “precision”.

Police officials have stated that they believe that the suspect was a member of notorious hacker network the “storm maggots” capable of tracing IP’s across the globe, whose stated goal is to “wipe out the pathetic thing you call your life”. Military officials have denied involvement in the attacks, but it is believed that the suspect had access to their entire arsenal and had previously used it to remove other individuals from the continent.

While the attackers motive is still unclear, his computer search history revealed that he was on a mission of “unholy retribution” against clever comments on the internet, and that he had frequently visited websites containing pornography involving both fecal asphyxiation and dead children.

More on this after the weather, over to you Susan

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Hey I worked hard on that

but overall it does try to advocate for his cause and worldview in a serious manner

Gayyyyy. What a queer

Wait it’s available for others to read?

Further evidence that seriousposters are a disease.

No, but "candace owens is too radical for my tastes" and "i was radicalized by spyro 3" are memes

Having read his manifesto I'm honestly not sure how you can miss the obvious white supremacy present

Its ironically over for memecels, were gonna have to take the sub private for a while

He’s a radical centrist since he doesn’t take it seriously.

He blew his chance to post "Some of you are alright. Don't go to mosque tomorrow" to truly seal it.



So...like a villain I guess?

"It's just a meme, brah."

i’m glad you said it because i definitely wasn’t about to

only kinda?


So your take on 49 innocent people being murdered is it will own the conservatives?



It’s comments like the one you’re replying to that really remind me of how socially stunted this place is.

50 people dead in a shooting and all this autist can think about is the shooter apparently owning the libs?

This whole thread is kind of stupid tbh. I was wondering why the pewdittors were blaming r/drama for the shooting but now I can kind of see where they were coming from

"kind of" ??? dude they're just 100% right, it's an absolute guarantee that this shooter was active on this subreddit in the past few weeks

Motherfucker lmfao.

This place better not be private by the time I'm done wage-slaving today.

No shit. If it does, I want approved submitter status!

Yea, like these kind of places obviously have much edgier language and discussion topics than the norm and we’re all no stranger to that, but the lengths people go to just to seem jaded and cynical in the face of tragedy is just off-putting tbh.

Like, I never visit here more than a couple times a week, because the effects of immersing yourself in the sort of forum where actual mass shooters and weaponised incels congregate are on full display.

SRDine poster warning

^ SRDine poster warning

It's a prank bro!




R/socialism already has

just dont paint this dude as some kinda conservative this dude was deff a white supremicist


influenced by Candace Owens

Yeah, I'd kill a bunch of unarmed people, too.






Bad people on 👌👉 both sides!

this, but unironically.

There are good people on both sides of this massacre.

If you browse pol just a little bit you will see that they don't like t_d. Their enthusiasm for Donald in general has decreased. Probably with the realization that a 72 year old man isn't going to identify with a 20 year old NEET on a chanboard.


I know saying the whole “they’re going to unironically eat it up” thing lets you feel like Heath Ledger’s Joker or whatever... but what else exactly is the media supposed to do? Not report on the guy or his weirdo meming?

Idk why autists always think it’s hilarious when one of their own manages to slip some mention of memes or chan culture into mainstream media

what else exactly is the media supposed to do? Not report on the guy or his weirdo meming?

Sounds good. People keep saying we should try this, instead of giving mass shooters exactly what they want, but it never actually happens.

You realize that evidence suggests the media circus just encourages more shooters, right? It's like giving the whiny children the most attention: it just teaches everyone to whine. You can report on this stuff without going into excessive detail, crawling over their personal lives, and turning them into a martyr.

Where did you find the manifesto?

Are we really trusting his manifesto? Seems like a complete joke from what i’ve heard

I'd get ISIS, I'd get TK, I'd get Nazi Germany....

Fucking China? Not even Imperial Japan?

Fucking China?

I think it's because China is doing the whole Muslim concentration camp thing nowadays






Why not though?

China is a fascist ethnostate, it was the correct extant country for people of his ilk identify with.

Wakanda would have had better meme value. Why did he stick to extant countries?

I don't think he was memeing when he called China the closest thing to an ideal state. That is unless the entire white genocide thing was just a meme to him. I've seen both China and Japan being lauded by genuine advocates for a white ethnostate as examples of what Europe should be.

China has over 50 different ethnicities, and most of them they leave alone. Well, as much as a totalitarian country can.

They are over 90% Han Chinese, which for a country of that size is insane.

As far as I know their definition of Han Chinese is pretty muddy. They just use Chinese hieroglyphs to write a fuck load of different languages and call their users "Han Chinese". So often times "Han Chinese" can't understand each other.

Powerful, modern, semi forward thinking country with a top-down central government focused on the wellbeing of the Han at the expense of other groups.

A lot of /pol/ edgelords like China because it's "based anti-democracy", "hypercapitalist futurism", "traditional values", plus the whole Uighur camps thing

He called himself a fascist and China is the whole social credit cultural regulation bullshit, plus they put Muslims in camps.

Makes sense to me.


I'm just glad he didn't mention Yang

Why, you want to be the first?

Because I want Yang to win even more than I want T-Series to lose

Chapotads are already on damage control

Crazy watching all the political commentators trying to associate this asshole with the other side. He’s a right wing extremist clearly from the racism! He’s left wing, he called himself an eco-facist!

He says he's a fascist, but he identifies with the communist People's Republic of China? That's a whole new level of stupid.

Reddit has china tier censorship so the shooter probably liked this place.


Essentially, he had a bogan meme profile pic like this: https://2static1.fjcdn.com/comments/Straya++_a5775037283c8421c19d5be93a3c8d84.jpg

And a bunch of pictures of rifle magazines with writing on them.

Yeah he posted a lot of shit about "white genocide" too 🙄

If he really believes in that trash he should have gone for the actual masterminds behind the 'white genocide' instead of some innocent people in a mosque.

Its internally consistent with his ideology though, he lays out that he can't solve it, his goal is accelerationism to fascism/civil/race war in Europe and the US

should actually work tbh, not sure if it's really that good of a goal though

It's always the retards who fall for the white genocide meme


The writing was some kind of tribute to Serbia, guessing in reference to Remove Kebab.

Seems off. That's the Australian flag, and do Kiwis even use the term "bogan"?

Sorry I'm correcting myself, please see edit.



The guy definitely has an Aussie accent.

I only heard a snippet, and it could be either... We'd need to hear some more vowels.

Source: have an Australian accent.

Listen to him when he's driving away and shotguns that guy, definitely Aussie.


Some of the writing are the names of Christian leaders during the Crusades, like Charles Martel and Gaston IV of Béarn. The number 14 features prominently, too.


Lmao 😂😂

Link? I’m gonna post it to r/pewdiepiesubmissions to start some shit.


You’re pathetic.

We all are, welcome to reddit


Don't bother posting the videos. They are getting removed by hosting sites at the speed of lightning.

already downloaded it

post it

Wont load for me


Could you shoot it to me in a PM?


SHare it in PM please, i'm interested

Pm pls

Pm please!

Pm me

yo pm me

Just Google "liveleak christchurch"




Nah the site went down too. I watched the edited version and after that the entire website stopped working.

Usually these kinda videos stay up, what happened now? Is it that gory and fucked up?

I usually get so mad watching these videos, so I doubt I wanna see it.

NZ police is doing everything to get it taken down. Any website that doesn't do so will probably get banned in NZ, which obviously wouldn't be good for them.

I have the video downloaded

Thry clearly don't understand the Streisand effect

They are going to Streisand Effect this into being the most watched mass shooting ever, WATCH.

Google documenting reality Christchurch mosque

Too much traffic.

Live leak and 4chan banned all nz isp’s so with out a VPN we can no longer acces them sites

True synchronicity kino.



They are and the full one is pretty fucking horrible.

I remember when I found videos like that to be a horrible experience to view. I think it's because I tried to spend most of my life distracting myself from the fact that everyone is dying. The real world is actually this terrifying 24/7 and you don't like this video because it doesn't let you pretend otherwise.



It's a darqwolff alt; extrapolate from there

he’s not a pussy

Use your brain 🙄

Nothing about realizing how terrifying the world really is fits the definition of being a sociopath.


tbh calling pewdiepie a retard to mask your own retardation and projecting literal sociopathy on people who refuse to do the same sounds vaguely sociopathic too

He's a swede. That's all the proof you need to know that he's a retard.

Try finding a post by Darq that isn't pasta. He types any dumb shit that pops into his head. His reddit account is like a gopro view of the inside of a retard's brain.

We get you like this stuff and don’t understand normal people but your autism isn’t really funny in this thread tbh.

I'm not trying to be funny, I'm here to bother you. The real world being a fucking nightmare shouldn't make you laugh.


Go fuck yourself, Darq. This isn't even funny

It shouldn't be


I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)



How long was the full one? The one I saw was like 16min

Also I heard that there's 4 people in custody, are there other videos?


What do you mean? How can I read your comment?

Top 10 questions science still can't answer

Cause I’m posting from my alt account, my main account (mh_12rm_66) was the one that got banned

I like your style

Lmao rip. How long is the ban?


I'm such an autist.

Forever lol RIP

Oh shit lmfao

Yeah I caught the 25 to life sentence


Now it is deleted



If you click through the quarantine warning on the desktop site, you can access it on all platforms.

Official app is shit, though; get one of the superior third-party ones like RedditIsFun.


Well good news... now it is all the way gone.



lmao the community just got banned a minute ago



For real though, deep state doesn't want you to see it because they want you brainwashed and certain stimulus encourages realism too much.

The whole viedeo of the shooting can be found on 4chan's board /gif/.

It's like Digg all over again

I found a copy just now. It's still around if you look in the right places, just obviously not reddit.

Well the NZ police and government of NZ are emailing every site that has hosted them and is requesting their removal. KF got them as well, but naturally didn't take them down.

That's why the copies are more difficult to find than the usual "terrorist" video (not that it's even that hard but yaknow).

There’s always torrents, you cant stop that

whyd the other thread get locked you fags theyre not going to ban drmaa for talking about it


lol nice needed at least one of those


Right after /u/DarqWolff got banned for saying something about shooting up people


I'm well aware


Darqqwolfs personal FBI agent rolls out of bed as he gets yet another urgent alert on his phone at 4am. He spends a moment sitting in the darkness, hoping that this time will be the last one.

Trump also copied me by threatening violence on the American people if we don't vote for him. I am the shadow puppet master of both the White House and the PewDiePie army, and neither the President of the United States nor the most subscribed man on YouTube even know I exist. To behold such overlooked power is incredible.

Is this a fancy way to say that you're attracted to children?

Hey, you're a prime candidate to answer my poll. How do YOU feel about the fact that on PornHub there is a sex scene from a movie where a 16-year-old Keira Knightley fully flashes a guy her tits as consolation for rejecting a hot dicking from him?

Sounds like something that pedos like yourself would be interested in. Isn't 16 a little old for you?

No it's perfect, probably within the range of peak Keira Knightley in my eyes. Her tits are godly for that one second. Do you think everyone who's watched that video should have their life destroyed? What about ones who didn't think she looked underage, or ones who thought she looked underage but assumed she couldn't have been? Do you draw a line anywhere other than the lulz?

You say that the DarqWolff "persona" is gone but here you are again being a pedophile

It's not a "persona" it's just a vibe that won't be matched anymore

Being a pedo is a vibe? I thought it was a mental illness that would ideally be terminal

So you vote to kill everyone who's watched that scene? Is that only the ones who watched it on porn websites? Only the ones who jerked off? Only the ones who it made cum? Only the male ones? Only the ones above age 18? Everyone who's even seen the movie?

Nope, just that they shouldn't exist. There's no use for pedophiles

So everyone who's ever seen that movie shouldn't exist. Very sane.

Anytime Holbrook!

I don't think this is a "little engine that could" situation. No matter how much arguing you do, nobody is going to say "okay, fine, you can diddle the children HStark, you got us."

Would you like to answer the poll too? Where do you draw the line on that video?

I thought I was pretty clear by saying, no you can't diddle the children.

So watching that video is diddling children?

I haven't watched it, but if it's underage nudity then yea. Everyone involved should be charged.

Keira Knightley included?

She's the victim. Is it really that complicated? A minor can't consent.

Thank you for fully explaining how batshit insane your position is.

Nowhere did I say Europe needed to change laws, I sure hope child porn is already illegal in Europe. Thank YOU for making it clear that you support underage nudity.

No, there is no law in Europe that says all sexualized/nude imagery of people under 18 is "child porn," that's why movies with underage nudity have always been filmed and released there. America is the only place I know of with such a law, which is why it's the only place where these movies get backlash every time they're released here and the government here doesn't know what to do about it so half the movies haven't gotten released here for fear of the backlash but the other half have for desire of the money we have so much of.

Thank YOU for making it clear that you are so retarded you assume most of the world is against underage nudity.

Go back to your MLP echo-chamber. You aren't going to convince anyone that underage nudity is okay who doesn't already think it is. Yes Europe should 100% follow suit.

They won't and you're a dumbass lol

If you're forced to resort to name calling, you've already lost. Debating 101. If you're a person who actively seeks out movies because they have underage nudity, there's something extra special about you.






Hi I’m Doug,

They finally got him?



No he's HStark still

Whats his score?



Even when he's driving away he shoots a random guy with a shotgun and laughs saying "See that, dropped him instantly!"



Ni🅱️🅱️a had aimbot on or some shit lmao


And now 50.

You’re a pathetic sack of shit. Glad society rejected you.


49 now

looking like 49

He was our most loyal soldier, shame to see he went off the deep end.

Christchurch mosques


probably why it happened though

dead bird, do not open


Abrahamic prophets be like: "This time around I got it right, I swear!"

Did he really floss on dead people?

He did.

I'm fucking speechless rn

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore

That's fair. I feel you.

No he didn't he just kept shooting them don't lie

His manifesto said that Spyro 3 made him a racist and literally contained the Navy Seal copypasta. What a memelord.


The more I see him memeing when he's about to kill dozens of people makes me unironically hate this piece of shit anymore. These people died because some 8chan retard has nothing to live for and thought it would be a great meme to just wipe people out for no real reason.

The more I see him memeing when he's about to kill dozens of people makes me unironically hate this piece of shit anymore.

Brace for it, there will be more of them. Kids already are growing to be insensitive attention whores with sociopathic leaning.

mayocide cannot come soon enough

There goes my favourite pasta. Now I can't share it with my grandchildren without them thinking I'm a Nazi associates.

I feel amused and I'm sad at the same time. Jesus Christ

I'm completely unamused and blackpilled

Calling him a memelord sounds like praise

Ikr, what a Chad.

It’s bizarre. The copypasta, the candace Owens joke, spyro & fortnite, subscribe to pewdiepie, remove kebab on the gun

I just don’t get how he can be so casual about it and joke around. He planned this for months (years if we are to believe him) and knew he was going to joke with it

I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this (his attitude not the killing) and I don’t know if we will ever again

I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this (his attitude not the killing) and I don’t know if we will ever again

We definitely will. This is the kind of shit that spawns imitators. Give it a couple months tops and fuckers will crawl out of the woodwork.

It’s a rare kind of crazy to find someone angry enough to do that

It’s even rarer that someone will do it for fun/memes

I just don’t think it’ll happen again like this

I mean this guy is obviously extremely mentally ill. I'm not saying that as a copout, he's evil too, but mentally ill. His demeanor and attitude suggest that he doesn't even really care about his ideology or believe that what he is doing is some noble need. The best way to punish these people would be to find a way to restore their mental capacity to the point where they can empathize with others and then leave them to rot in prison while they think about it.

If you want to stick to light axiomatic statements it's just all shooters are mentally Ill and religion is a contagious mental illness.

People were saying similar things after columbine. I hope it doesn't become a common occurrence but it's definitely possible

We definitely will. This is the kind of shit meant to spawn imitators.

Yup. Poltards are getting somewhat more nihilistic with time. I dread their reaction when they start giving up on their race.

So maybe we should just gas them all now?

If there’s one thing to be sure at this point, anything is game to happen and we have to be prepared to stop it.

and I don't know if we ever will again

I disagree. This seems like an escalation, not a one off.

I just don’t get how he can be so casual about it and joke around.

Being the mayo from "western culture" country helps with that, I suppose. Also, casualness and jokes are not a know-how

That’s a big reach retard

You Reddit and don’t see how someone could do it?

He isn’t anything new or doing anything particularly new, he’s just using the technology available to him.

Fuck now he’s growing on me

He also puts on the memesong: GAS GAS GAAAS as he is being chased by cops

Can you send me the manifesto via PM? Can’t find it

Don’t call him a meme lord. He killed 50 people and used memes in order to implicate the internet community and create division. You’re really a gullible idiot if you think he’s not that bad because “he gets our memes.”

Calling him a meme lord is a insult to everyone on reddit and the internet.

More proof that g*mers are a plague to the planet.


Uhmmmmmm ackshually not all gaymers are fascists some are h y p e r n a t i o n a l i s t s


You're sick. You're fucking sick. 30 people die and all you can do is say "heeeheee haha funny drama"

Get better no one cares about your virtue signaling

Go back to SRD.

Imagine if you thought writing this does anything to help the world beside virtue signal.

You're living in the middle of an extinction event and everyone thinks they're living in a democracy; which for most Burgertards is a farce.


You're a fucking faggot if that's the only thing you got from my comment lmao

Jesus Ed

I love u ed


Popcorn tastes good.

All to spark a civil war in the US.



Charles Manson's plan to trigger a civil war didn't work, but Americans weren't absolute drooling retards back then. Who knows? Maybe this edgelord kid will kick it off for us.

There also wasn't 85 million non Americans living in the USA at that time. Immigration is invasion.

If you're white and live in America you came from immigrants you goldfish brained shitstain

Settlers aren’t immigrants you black person

I mean by definition they are. They are literally emigrating from one land to another.

To be an Immigrant you have to move to an already established nation, there was no civilization in the Americas at that point

Kys dude jfc

I don't talk to illegals sorry

I'm a ginger lol 😂😂😂

"kys" is against the reddit terms of service you little noob bitch

Who cares 😂. I make a new account every week.

Bro are you literally retarded

To be an Immigrant you have to move to an already established nation,

Says who? Also, most white Americans today are descended from Ellis Island/1800’s immigration.

2 points:

One: you're incorrect, the Iroquois Nation was a powerful presence on the eastern seaboard and the united coastal tribes on the west coast were also a force to be reckoned with. Both were quite literally precursors to America in structure, and we borrowed aspects of their code of laws for our own.

Two: there is a zero percent chance that even if what you said was true, you are not the product of immigrants. Even if we assume your worldview to be correct and the first settlers here came to an uncivilized wilderness full of savage injuns who needed a little raping and domestication, your ancestors interbred with someone else who came later.

Example: half my family can trace their roots back to before the country existed. I had some ancestors who fought in the Battle of Concord. One of them was on the third boat over from England. Pretty old, I guess I'm not an immigrant! Except the other half showed up in 1893. So even though I can say (where you probably cannot) that I have a direct connection with the first settlers from Europe, I'm still the product of immigrants.

TL;DR: you're an absolute retard.

By definition they are conquerors. It's like dabbing on Krauts for them coming from north and fucking up celts and romans alike.

Settlers are worse. Scalpings when?




Greasy, communists must end up like Muslims

You’re a joke. Keep sperging out on the internet while your goals are never accomplished.

"You’re a joke" Ironic coming from the communist who could never amount to anything in life and now just wants free shit

> just wants free shit

When you get your lessons on economics from Stephen Crowder and Ben Shapiro

Socialism is worker ownership of the means of production, not free healthcare and welfare.

No, I didn't.

So you're Indian?

If you're white and live in America you came...

You came from people that literally massacred the native population so hard, they needed to be put into reservations. Thanks mate, I think they know a thing or two about how peaceful the "immigration" tends to be.

You came from people that literally massacred the native population so hard, they needed to be put into reservations.

My ancestors that immigrated here were Irish. The only thing they massacred was their lungs in the coal mines.

Coincidentally, they came over in the wake of their country falling apart thanks to famine and the English. And when they got over here they were subjected to racism and discrimination. Here's a fun racist cartoon of a drunk Irishman about to light a powder keg in the U.S.


Immigration is only invasion if you're there to start a war, which nowhere near 85 million of our immigrants are. Definitely a few million, but not 85.

That is not correct.

Immigration is an invasion. Intent and violence is irrelevant.

Definitely a few million, but not 85

Dude, do you know how many bolsheviks was needed to turn the Russia soviet? Fourty thousand.
How many hardcore nazis were needed for the general populace to consider that bringing some slav ostarbeiten and purging ruskies by villages was sound idea?

The "radical muslim will stone you and the moderate will bring the stones" is valid argument, it only, like usually, omits the fact that it is the one of default characteristics of the large chunk of population which, usually, enables radicalism in the first place.

Americans are way smarter now than they were in the 70s, the internet just forces you to acknowledge that the dumb ones exist.

but Americans weren't absolute drooling retards back then.

lol, yes they were

Not many people care about Muslims in the USA. If he had shot up a black church that would be a different story.

Sandy Hooks didn't spark any significant legislation and I eat my hat if any prominent politician claims that white people were dancing on the streets during the terror attack.

This event will be used for political gain by American politicians. He's not wrong.

Autistic people really think we're all as retarded as they are, don't they?

Maybe not right away, but considering the fact that this was the first mass murder filmed from a first person perspective, with memes added before and after? I don't know dude. He didn't just make it look easy, he made it look cool, especially to a young kid with social issues and enough internet know-how to find the footage. I don't think anyone understands how significant this shooting will end up being.

the affect it would have


What a DUMMY!

I chose “affect” for the affect it would have on internet grammar discourse

Why are right wing neets so fascinated by a culture war. They're literally the only ones thinking we are close to so sort of collapse.

GPS in knives would have stopped this.



With fookin lasur soights

Whose got the high score in europe




laughs in Timothy McVeigh...

77? Those are ROOKIE NUMBERS!

Anders isn't the best at anything, except in his own mind.

Anders I think.

McVeigh and Nichols killed more than twice as many people, and Beslan was almost 5x as many.

Why do people keep acting like Anders wasn't just the most autistic of RW mass murderers?

I would be surprised if he is even in the Top 5 over the last 20 years. The dude in Vegas wounded over 500 people FFS! Now that's a mass casualty event.

Anders is just a Try Hard that gave the media a ton of material to run with, so he is the name everyone remembers, but he's not the High Score.

Whose got the high score in europe

Anyway, scores have always been about mass shootings, and even Australia had you beat until gay night club one, and even then Australia has 235 but it was like 70 years ago.

Nice truck guy


Not that nice actually. In fact, he sounds like a real jerk.

He's a bit mean.


He was an Aussie, not a kiwi. Very important distinction.


what's the difference

He killed people on New Zealand when he's from a whole 'nother country.

That's ironic.

What are the chances that YouTube shitcans Pewdiepie for this?

  1. But he'll probably lose sponsorships over this


Yes, and after banning PewDiePie they'll ban Fortnite for radicalising the shooter.

Let's hope

YouTube doesn't realize that will be the nail in the coffin for them





Cope harder

How is it coping when pewdiepie had nothing to do with it? There is literally no way he can be held accountable for something some psychopath on the other side of the planet did.

Yup, it's sad the meme war got so big that some lunatic screaming his name for attention will destroy Pewdiepie.

People died and you‘re worried about this kind of stuff?



Watched it to, legit made me mad. It's top-tier pussy shit to shoot a bunch of people piled up in the corner quivering. Masterrace at their finest.

The way he shot & run over that random woman begging for help in the end was pretty bad.

I didn't' watch the end and I'm really glad I missed it.




I hope you are trolling?

No because if you are not, what you have to understand is that shooters aren't born shooters, they become shooters, and bullying is absolutely something would make someone want to shoot up people.

In short, your idea is about as retarded as that terrorist.

Nope, he's 100% correct. Bullying is a forgotten art and forgoing it allows proliferation of cowardly murderous losers like the shooter.

But... a lot of school shooters were victims of bullying. How the fuck do you even know someone's going to be a shooter so you can bully them?

This is one of the most retarded ideas I've read at least all week.

It's a well-known fact that bullying victims never turn out to be mass shooters, after all.

The only thing that can stop a bully with a gun is a bigger bully 10 years earlier? Yeah i dont get it either.

I'm willing to bet if you tried that in the real world you might not like the outcome.

I think the outcome would be "I don't want to shoot up places; people will make fun of me".

The issue isn't the crazy people; they're going to go on a shooting spree no matter what. They're ticking time bombs. The problem is the normies who do it for attention. Guess which group is larger? You can shut them down really quickly by making it a shameful act, not a celebrated one.

You're wrong. You would become the Target.

Cool. Still wouldn't mind. I'm not gonna be nicer to some pussy just because he makes a threat.

And I guess that's one way to eliminate bully's. I won't be sad if you get killed.

Gentle reminder that bullies are, in general, happier and more desired than non-bullies and the bullied.


Maybe, but there's significantly less non bullies than bullies. I know how to be a real asshole, and in doing so makes far more people real miserable than me being happy. This little bitch back here thinking he can bully someone into not shooting him in the face is asking for just that.

That sounds like a way to achieve the opposite of what you think it will.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

hey boss I wanna see it too

Probably still on Liveleak

liveleak is down for me man

The video’s probably also on a few different file hosting sites like Catbox.moe and anonfile.

Please stop watching it, that's why he did it. He wants your attention and your shock and we really just want to mourn without the whole world watching him tear or country apart thanks

I wanna watch because I wanna see if he actually said "Subscribe to PewDiePie" I'm sort of r/ootl here

He did say it, now you don't need to watch it to know. Please don't watch it out of respect for the people who I doubt would want you to watch them die in terror. It's dehumanising and disgusting and they deserve better than thousands of people who never knew then it anything about them to watch that

I honestly feel like this:

There already dead, they can't feel anymore, who cares what they would think?

Please tell me why

No one is over your shoulder to judge you but to me it just indicates a lack of character

There’s a ~15 second clip on Twitter where he says it. No need to watch the whole video.

Shit I just woke up. Was gonna go looking for it but that’s fuckin brutal.



the part where he shot the lady on sidewalk fucked me up.

If the dude that tackled him had like a tenth of a second longer he might have been able to end it early. rip

Was the woman he shot outside and rub over anything to do with the mosque ? Not that it makes it any less disgusting, just want to know if he shot randoms outside regardless off his "intended" victims.

he definitely shot a bunch of random people outside of the mosque as well based on the video. I'm not sure if that woman was in the mosque earlier tho

the people he shot outside were people fleeing i think

he specifically targeted muslims



its really not bad at all. the beheadig video with 2 girls was way worse. this was even lower quality and everyone is far away when he shoots at them besides 1 person who tried tackling him

where can I see the video? mods take down links so I can’t find it

Hell, I'd settle for a play-by-play description at this point

I'm sure it'll be at r/watchpeopledie

Someone posted it there and t got quarantined

It was there last night - wasn't great quality. Somebody linked to a full 16min hi def version on Live Leak but I don't know if it's still there. Also linked the manifesto - which was an insane read. Insane.

WPD has been quarantined for a while and, as such, is cooperating with admins about removing all videos concerning NZ attacks, regardless of whether or not they agree.

WPD is probably gonna get banned now.

Now we get to watch watch people die die


people finally realize yanggang is a stale meme

Oh fuck I hope you're right about this one too

I am from the future, you are right.

Search around 4chan or 8chan, I had to do some digging last night to find it.

Pol then 20 posts down or so

For me the gore isn't what makes videos like this one bad. In fact the lack of gore almost makes it worse in my opinion.

The idea with the girls is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. I couldn’t stop seeing it in my head for weeks

thats why they videoed it, it's designed to make you hate muslims

lol you are so retarded

Just like the shooter/co-conspirators in New Zealand extremist Muslim terrorists also want a race war.

What happend in it?

Machete to the back of the neck of a woman while she was laying down on her stomach. She was yelling out “ow” and “mommy”. Pretty horrible

What is your flair meant to mean? I can't tell if you're witty or racist?

its neither


this has got to be the first POV mass shooting, right? The closest I've seen are some ISIS combat footage.


nah, a few years ago someone livestreamed himself running up to a reporter, who iirc was his ex or something, and put a gun to her head and fired. There was like 3 POV's there. The cameraman for the news network, someone recording the news people with their phones for some reason, and the killer POV

Thats actually pretty crazy footage, he like waves the gun around before shooting her pretty wild

That guy killed the reporter and cameraman like 3 years ago and posted it online. I think thats the closest you can get.

There was that one guy that rolled up on that 80yr old black dude, got out, and blasted him in the face live on Facebook awhile back?

Yeah thats true thats another one.

Yeah, this is gonna be the new section on mass shooter video sites. "POV" tossed on there with "ebony" and "facials" among others.



imagine if just one or two of the people in that mosque were carrying a handgun to defend themselves... how many lives could've been spared

Not many. Look how many people died within first 30 seconds.

Pussy. Have you seen a single cartel video or even videos of isis executions (not the high production ones)?

None of it’s anything to brag about, bud.

Normie get out reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

What kind of high-tier boomer shit is this

What kind of faggot posts on /r/drama of all things that he cried at that video?

what the fuck is wrong with you

Man you wanna be hard asses who think it's some kind of badge of Honor that you watch a ton of kill videos are really fucked up. "You pussy you can't even watch those people get killed"

Refugees out

I think your the pussy

no u


Dude, that guy murdered unarmed civilians in full support of Trump's fascism. Not even all those shocking ISIS videos could compare to what happened down over there.

This pandemic of far right extremism, this dawn of the motherfucking Fourth Reich, will eventually find its way onto your doorstep. Your continued memeing trying to make fun of it is disgusting.

This but ironically





Anything with a gun < Brazilians macheting stomachs open or ISIS sawing people's heads of in 1080p


For as long as shock videos and images have been posted on the internet, there have been edgelords waiting to tell us that they have seen way worse.

Hey man, everyone has their thing. Some of us just gotta edgelord.



How does it feel being a piece of shit?

there’s practically no gore at all

it’s just disturbingly calculated. not just the action but the whole cinematography. as others said, it almost looks like an RS6 clip. what’s fucked up is how little we react.

I'd bet most of the casualties will be dead as he kept going back over to head shot them to finish them off.



He says he’s just some random average dude but he definitely knew what he was doing

Probably played a lot of CoD or fortnite. Then they say these games don’t actually cause violence... sure of youre a good guy it wont make you violent, but fucked up people will use it to cause harm



i totally understand being shocked or saddened by a gore clip. but crying? honestly wtf

Not everyone is a sociopath, randy. Try to keep that in mind.


i habe aspergers

Imagine being so new to the internet you're not desensitized to the point of no caring anymore. /r/drama is going downhill

no, /r/drama just keeps getting better and better

seriousposting normalfags, boomers and gussy lovers

Yeah no

He’s fueled by hate, he thinks he’s doing the right thing

Om sure Brievik is smiling under his nose now



Right now someone in Africa is painfully starving to death, taking thousands of times longer than her death took, and you could save them with literally a fucking dollar, but the news isn't suggesting you watch a live stream of them dying so it's not impacting you this way.

It's called empathy you fucking psycho path. Goddamn he watched a woman get killed and feels bad about it and you're gonna rip him for it?

yeah because I just realized it doesn't make sense. I just realized last night the only reason I used to find videos like this so horrible is because I was just trying to pretend shit like this isn't happening most of the time. Once you can't distract yourself from reality anymore, seeing it on video isn't any different from seeing it in the real world. I feel like people who get strong feelings watching this video are just lazy, not woke, and need to do more for their world, need to care more about and pay more attention to the world they live in. Maybe I'm wrong and it just takes trauma to force someone to have this constant awareness of terror and it's unfair of me to expect it of people who aren't as traumatized as me, but I don't know, it seems like normies just aren't making sense. Either way maybe it will be less of something that I feel the need to bring up or rip people on when it's no longer a brand new realization I had last night.

I suspected you can't be taken seriously after reading your first comment here, but this one settles it. Also, using words like "woke" and "normies" doesn't help your point.

It is the most natural thing in the world to feel empathic for the poeple around you, but you can't possibly function as a human being without ignoring most of this worlds evil and misery most of the time in your life.

Calling people out for exactly that is nothing more but childish and I sincerely hope your are young enough to grow out of that.

I suspected you can't be taken seriously after reading your first comment here, but this one settles it. Also, using words like "woke" and "normies" doesn't help your point.

That's because you're an unwoke abnormie.

It is the most natural thing in the world to feel empathic for the poeple around you, but you can't possibly function as a human being without ignoring most of this worlds evil and misery most of the time in your life.

That's my secret Captain, I'm always dysfunctional as a human being.

But people who ignore most of the world are orders of magnitude more dysfunctional than me. You have it backwards, you can't possibly function as a human being while ignoring most of this world's evil and misery most of the time in your life.

Calling people out for exactly that is nothing more but childish and I sincerely hope your are young enough to grow out of that.

I've grown into it, I hope you're young enough that you can too.

I still feel bad but I’ve seen so many videos of stuff like this that it’s hard to be that emotional when I don’t know the people.

Been mostly desensitized to stuff on the internet.

fuck off pedo


if u cant find it then u do not deserve it. fact.

Based Pastor Randy!

In cases like this just sort by "newest" on youtube and its usually pretty much the top result.


4 chan has some links

dtube. There's also torrent on kiwifarms.net

fucked up killing videos

*Personally*, this is waaaaay down the list of fucked up killing videos. 'botched' beheadings are pure nightmare fuel especially when the victim is flinching like crazy.

The fastest I've ever noped out in these cases was a video I watched of a guy getting his teeth smashed and removed. Fuck me that was sooo bad!



Nice try, sweaty. Fuck anime


You mean you aren't numb enough that this'll be off your mind by lunchtime? In my watching people die onlines experience, I find factory accidents to get to me the worst. Like some dude getting his arm caught and spun around gears / shafts like he's salt water taffy.

yeah there are videos of the fringe cases of absolute horror that nobody should have to think about that can be really hard to watch, and then there are videos like this where it's just a bunch of people dying, no scarier or worse than everyday life where everyone is also dying.

Worst part about losing your teeth is u can’t eat bacon


Yeah, its pretty tame. One of the few videos that ever actually got me was those two kids who in the Ukraine who beat the dude to death with a hammer. That was bad.


They usually don’t get to me but I remember watching the one of some cartel people cutting off a guys limb, ripping out his tongue and then finally watching his heart beat outside of the rib cage or some shit

There's nothing quite as cringey as redditors trying to prove how hardcore they are by bragging about the fucked up videos they've seen online lmao I bet if you ever saw a body irl youd puke

Doesnt have to be redditors. Could be anyone. It isnt necessarily in order to prove their metal either, just to show their perspective on how brutal the video is, showing evidence to witnessing previous horros is a good way to scale and compare something like this relative to what they mentioned

I was just thinking that. Like why are yall trying to one up each other about who has seen the most horrific shit?

Substitute for having a genuinely insteresting personality.

As opposed to one upping each other on how you're such a pussy a video of people going limp gave you depression lol

lmao I bet if you ever saw a body irl you'd puke

Now imagine feeling like a fucking retard when you realize you said this to a med student.

This isn't bragging, you dumb cunt. I'm just stating what things *do* make me cringe/gag/nope out of stuff like this. I can handle most gore but *anything* related to snot just kills me from the inside. I might still look out of curiosity but fuck me, ugh.

This isn't being tough. I was pretty mad and still get mad when I rocks across anything about Juruko Furuta's murder. Some fag on the internet might call me a pussy for getting "mad" but idc tbh.

Ive seen all the bad ones. This one got me. Not gory just...hard to see how horrible a human can be. I think the going back in for double taps and running over the woman after killing her that got me the most.

You'd do worse shit just for food if you were hungry enough and your government is doing worse shit right now while you let them because you're lazy. It's really not that big a deal, you're just butthurt because it actually impacted you for once when you had to read about it and make your own choice on whether to witness it too.

lolbertarian defending degenerates because "muh state"

Even the most libertarian communities turn to fucking totalitarianism once they are fed up with "muh freedom" autists.


It's almost like the No Russian level on Codern Warfare 2. Dude just blasting people away that have no chance. Reloads and Continues to shoot.

Then double taps the bodies. Dude wanted that killstreak bad

My hands are shaking about an hour after


Where did you watch it? You saw it live?

Bruh why you being such a retard

This is easily one of the most fucked up killing videos

Not even the top 5, and even that is because the killer is attention-whoring smug bitch. Religion of peace used to produce (and still produces) much more shock content.

For example, during chechen war they kidnapped a reporter know of doing the "they dindu nuffin, it's oppressive ruskies" interviews with, IIRC, Zakhaev and Basayev, and gangraped her for several days, filming it and selling the tape on local markets.

MIRACULOSLY, when she actually was bought back by Berezovsky, she stopped doing the "muh poor chechen freedom fighters" interviews.

I wonder why.

Who was the journalist?

its kino af

it's bizarre. the whole video is just so goddamn bizarre.

watched the whole thing and I have a hard time believing it's real


Maybe watchpeopledie has it, Im not going to go looking for it again mate.

It's nowhere near as graphics as ISIS or cartel shit. It feels more unnerving, though, because there's no emotion behind it. He doesn't say anything during the shooting, and makes quips before and after. Doesn't even seem stressed.

Yeah i can deal with gore, this was cold merciless slaughter, dude didn’t give a single shit, fucked up

That's the thing. ISIS or Cartels will flay you alive because, usually, they are pissed off.

This cunt will kill you for more karma on reddit or memes on 4chan. That's just fucking insulting at this point.

I'm not gonna watch it. Is the media correct in reporting he had full-auto weapons?

No. Semi auto rifle and a pump.

Huh? Maybe you've never been on wpd before, I've seen much worse. This might be the worst in terms of pure uncut evil.

Thats what I meant, theres barely any gore or anything but its the raw lack of humanity and empathy this guy showed that shook me.

It's incredibly fucked up man. What a fucking waste.

First mass shooting filmed from a first person perspective and it looks like this first level of a videogame and the footage is already everywhere. Make no mistake, there are thousands or more, many of whom are kids, watching it over and over again right now. I don't think the media has any idea how important and consequential this shooting will end up being.

16 and watched it, I know for a fact there will be a ton of joking about it at school next week :(

I got a whatsapp forward without any context and I thought it was just some real live game play until I realized it wasn't and I almost threw up. It's disgusting.

Yeah. I was unsettled just reading the description, there's no way I can actually watch it. With any luck, the shock will deradicalize people.

But I'm on r/drama and talking like that is uncool.

It just feels so unreal. Started watching the video expecting another tranny phantom-esque shooter when he was playing meme music at the start imof the video. It was bizarre and surreal when actually shot up that mosque pretty well with fucking meme music playing the entire time.

Dagestan massacre tho






come to life? you think the people on the internet are just imaginary or dead...?

What? I mean 99% of greentext stories are fictitious, especially ones with stuff like "say 'subscribe to Pewdiepie, shoot up a mosque, get away while blasting Initial D".

I can see that being a greentext tbf

The comment was removed what’d he say


as he gets back in he has Initial D GAS, GAS, GAS as he speeds away.

Whats the relevance off this?


Of fucking course he's a manlet pedophile weeb


He made a playlist for his mass shooting? This feels like a stupid episode of black mirror.

And God/Satan hooked up the timing so Arthur Brown is telling him "you're gonna burn" for his whole getaway drive while he thinks about his actions

So an episode of black mirror

Fashy memelord co-opting Arthur Brown's only hit

That's just not fair.



Judging by the video I just watched and am pretty sure my brain is still processing as I just watched like 20 plus people die.


Protip: fill your mind with something else, don't leave a vacuum for it to fester. Music, movies, etc. Jacksonville shooting audio did the same thing to me because audio really sticks in my mind. Don't forget to eat and drink lots of water 🤗



Will csgo help?

Outstanding move

Do you have a link?

I found it on Twitter but I also think it’s on LiveLeak still.

Yeah I’m not planning to watch that. It’s too fucked



You’re a sack of shit


He’s going for the victory royale.


eco-fascist would put him on radical centrist axis

unironically yeah


Radical centrism is the light, it's also literally just the practice of putting out the hottest take possible not actually for or against anything but seriousposting.

Radical centrism is where you hold your centre of balance while grinding down the railing in a totally tubular move, brah.

Pretty common refrain from rightists to deny they're rightists

Gaslight Obstruct Project

iM a ClAsSiCaL LiBeRaL

Oh no.

You want him to be from [opposite side as yours] so bad huh?

He tries to create division by making the left overreact and the right to do nothing at all.

what is the left gonna do? push for even stronger gun control in New Zealand?

One in four people in New Zealand own a gun. Are you actually retarded or did you just confuse New Zealand with Australia?

No, you're just retarded.

I think the increased censorship is worse and the political backlash of that even more

NZ afaik is the only anglo country that basically forbids encryption and forces you to unlock everything when you arrive

You're right about the censorship, I was making a damage control type joke up there, obviously the left is ready for some crazy shit now. I was listening to NPR for a minute on my drive home today and they had YouTube execs talking about removing the videos as if they were required to by law or something, not even a hint of a tone of questioning the practice, so they're in full force trying to normalize that line of thinking in the US as well.

How can Yang make a man out of today's left? I hope he can do it.

Are any of us least likely to shoot up a mosque?

My song will be spider-ham theme song.

r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM has their own shooter now

>plays the song "remove kebab" while shooting up the mosque

>follows up with some Initial D for the getaway

>manifesto is literally just memes

I feel this image has literally never been better applied

I feel like Tommy Lee Jones's character in "No country for old men"

I usually scoff at notions that our present time is uniquely horrible, but this shooting seems like it could only have been a product of today. We've had nihilistic shooters (Columbine) and ideological shooters (Orlando), but this has got to be the first post-ironic shooting.


70s had terrorism left and right, then there was anarchists and the propaganda of the deed




Alien invasion when

But for whose pleasure?


Finally someone understands me!

The Matrix is real...

After we killed Harambe, computer our simulation runs on crashed so they had to re-create the last simulation step from cache and since then it is all wrong.

The more media permeates our lives, the more abstract and unreal the world seems. We've reached an apex between people and media where we've became the media; of which this (livestream shootings) is a byproduct.

Read "Society of the Spectacle"

Or don't. I'm not a cop.

Insanity sums it up and it's why it's important to care about the media you present yourself with.

thats why we need this planet to be nuked.

Humankind's destiny is that our collective will shall always be realized. If there is more desire amongst us to see the planet nuked than to see it avoid being nuked, it will be nuked. Would probably be better to solve the problems by having more people learn to use their brains so they can direct their willpower productively, instead of lending more and more popularity to the concept of nuking the planet.

That's how we got anime though.

Yeet this world and replace it with one of gratitude.


Holy shit is that what this guy actually did today? That’s insane. Why did you watch it?

I watched it. Yes he did. Dont watch it. Ive seen beheading videos and people burning alive when I was younger and thought I was edgy. This doesnt even compare to that.

> how do I make it sound as enticing as possible to teenagers

Video is uniquely horrible I feel. Even ISIS videos or that shit, you know it's some nut bag religious extremist being driven by a shit ideology. This guy literally just did this shit to all these innocent people for the fucking memes... it's just so fucked. He is so nonchalant about it, it's like watching a video of some shithead griefing in a game but it's a dude just cutting down innocent lives.

People just want to kill.

Atleast a quarter of the military are people like this.

This guy literally just did this shit to all these innocent people for the fucking memes

Also because he's a mayo supremacist

I am literally using literally wrong. But yeah.

I just audibly laughed out loud. The total absurdity of all of this is he actually does all of that.

I'm guessing I can assume that was part of the video?

She should've been white

Wait you serious I was not able to see the video are you sure?

Yes. Don't watch it. It's absurd and fucked up.

The reason why PewDiePie was mentioned was for the shooter to leave another "mark" for attention and clout. It’s not PewDiePie’s fault at all.

I know that him killing lots people would give him attention anyways but there had to be a reason why he mentioned Pewdiepie. We don't yet know if he was a fan of him or not.. he could have said it just because it's a meme. He likely said it to play into the media's reporting and they took the bait


The shooters manifesto complained about nihilism pervading Western culture, but they are ultimately deeply nihilistic themselves.

"What were we doing when we unchained this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there still any up or down? Are we not straying, as through an infinite nothing?"

/r/iamverysmart material right here

That's Nietzsche, dummy

So you contend that quoting Nietzsche in your mass shooting manifesto is the height of intellectualism?

fair enuf

nowhere is safe

Give me a break. The world is safer than it ever has been

I suppose that depends who you are and where you live.

But you just said...

nowhere is safe

New Zealand is one of the safest places on Earth and it just had this bloodbath, it proves that nowhere is safe when we have Australian terrorists mowing down civilians.

I repeat myself. The world is safer now than it ever has been

Unless you're a Muslim in New Zealand

The reason this is a major story is because it's shocking and something that doesn't happen in new Zealand. what happened was a terrible tragedy, but you're more likely to be in a fatal car accident then to be taken out by some retarded Australian shitposter.

New Zealand is one of the safest places on Earth and it just had this bloodbath

So? Homicides happen constatly. They always did. And wars.

The point is, frequency of all of these is steadily decreasing over time. That's why it's safer than it ever was.

nowhere is safe

The world is empirically safer than it's ever been you little pissbaby

Compared to wars and slavery decades ago. Definitely the world is safer now but with the help of technology news travels wider and faster so as opposed to before people were not aware of the transgressions happening worldwide. But most definitely the world is safer than before too bad there are still random shootings. Let this be a wake up call to ban guns.

Site you source? Empirically safer is a big claim, just wondering if you can back the statement up or you just pulled it out to sound good.

Are you retarded

You might be if you don't understand why someone would question a blanket statement about historical safety with no factual basis for the statement. Globally speaking what is he basing it on? What moment in time? Is he saying due to conflict, slavery, genocide? All of those are going on in this world at this very moment and I can back those statements up. How is it more safe seems a reasonable question for a non-sheep.

Do you need a study to tell you that a time with antibiotics and advanced cancer treatments is safer than when people used to drink Mercury and bleed out at as treatment?

it's an incredibly commonly referenced phenomenon sweaty, here's a source if you're seriously unable to use google https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-10-23/world-actually-safer-ever-and-heres-data-prove


The source states stats on: Homicide rates, Computers, Income, Malaria and Politics. If we strike Computers, Income and Politics (they insinuate democracy means safe btw) since neither directly indicate a more or less safe world we are left with homicide and Malaria I guess. Apparently they know the homicide rate in 1300AD as if that is reliable in any way and Malaria which started in what, the late 1800s? This article is a headline grabbing piece of fluff so people can use it as a counterpoint.

ok well its the consensus in multiple fields so ig look it up or dont, i could not care less

fearing people because you don't leave your house and spend all day on reddit

You're more likely to die from a blood clot you fear mongering fatass

Probably, that or an aneurysm while I'm fucking your mom in her ass.

Nowhere was ever safe, retard.

No shit.

Two days ago two kids of 17 and 25 entered a school here in Brazil and killed 6 kids and 2 adults, dressed like a videogame character as well. Things are dark, we need to step up and look for mental heat care otherwise these stuff will be common and no one is fucking safe.

Read "Simulacra and Simulation", it has answers to whats happening now

You live in a world with more than 7 billion people, and despite what the media has been pumping out for ad dollars the world is gradually becoming a safer place to live. Stop buying into the news cycle.

the nihilistic postindustrial system is on its death throes ...and that's a good thing

Dude...we are living in the safest era of humanity ever

You're safe in real life. Just stop watching the news


uniquely horrible

You needed this to reach that conclusion? Human beings can be uniquely horrible and they’ve been for ever. I mean, how many people died in the holocaust? How many people died in a split second in Hiroshima? How many people, including the first responders dying to this day, died in 9/11? How many people have disappeared in Mexico in the last 10 years? How many tortured?

And this is only in the last 100 years and missing most of the shit that has happened.

He doesn't mean that bad things don't happen, he means they're more difficult to understand now than ever which is pretty much the core theme in No Country.

it's not that difficult to understand. We're in an age where we encourage and enable people to divulge into their mental illnesses and delusions and act like that behavior is perfectly normal.

It's more of a Shattered Island scenario.

case in point this shit


I hate comments like these. He was a mass murderer, but trying to dehumanize him or calling him mentally ill is really missing the point - this is what humans are capable of, you dont need to be mentally ill to be a mass murderer. Its the same shit like people calling Hitler a "monster" or "devil" - this is just trying to avoid the truth that this is also part of humanity, as sad as it is.

seriously.. this shooter is so clearly and obviously off their rocker and the furthest thing from human but let's not dehumanize him or call him mentally ill. Why the fuck not? This is just a kid who didn't get punched in the dick or shamed enough in high school to be forced into normalcy.

Mental illness doesn't quite capture the killer. If you read his manifesto, it's shockingly self-aware and even clever at times. This isn't your standard loony mass shooter (I hate that there is even a standard).

There are plenty of highly charismatic, mentally ill people.

>how many people died in the holocaust?




A lot of people aren’t used to these mass violence things hitting on home soil, if you where around when 9/11 was happening you’ll remember everyone assumed it was an honest mistake till the second tower got hit, it doesn’t sound like much but it was a long couple of minutes.

Superhero movies are to blame, this is the first "Joker" archetype terrorist that combines violence with jokes + stories about how he got these scars.

Ironically a more "Joker" shooter than the actual Joker shooter in Aurora

That's not ironic, just coincidental.

You think there havent been mass murders for centuries?

Insane doesnt beed motivation, just a justification. And they can find that anywhere.

I usually scoff at notions that our present time is uniquely horrible, but this shooting seems like it could only have been a product of today.

I'm right there with you. This is something truly unheard of. Our century may not be the most terryfying, but certainly the dumbest.

70 years ago a country developed a way to literally industrialize genocide, and make it the most efficient form of mass killing the world has ever seen. That is only one incident of ten thousand years of barbarity.

NZ was bad. Its nowhere near the absolute pit we've dug for ourselves.

A lot of it makes sense if this is a false flag 'no Russian' situation. Government exists to marry psychopathy with weapons and training

I just rewatched that movie yesterday. Can relate to the hopelessness.

There was this boy I sent to the gas chamber at Huntsville here a while back. My arrest and my testimony. He killed a fourteen-year-old girl. Papers said it was a crime of passion but he told me there wasn't any passion to it. Told me that he'd been planning to kill somebody for about as long as he could remember. Said that if they turned him out he'd do it again. Said he knew he was going to hell. Be there in about fifteen minutes. I don't know what to make of that. I surely don't.

I really love that movie, and that line it perfect.

He also creared a manifesto anout how he is goimg to kill us Turks. We are literally called sandniggers (eveb though we gave literally zero sand in Turkey), roaches or other racial slurs continuously. There is literally some Turk in Germany that Nazis tried to behead. We are harrassed by PMs and even on our subreddit. Just visit r/Turkey, there is at leasr one racial slur against us in EVERY THREAD.

And yet whenever we bring that, racism against us is dismissed as being not real. I posted how the shooter played remove kebab during the shooting and had kebab remover was written on his gun on r/europe (we have to endure tons of racism there) and even though topics about Turkey are allowed according to the side bar, my post was quickly removed.

I lost my faith that racism against us in west would stop eventually, I thought that it was a criticism against Turkish government, Erdogan etc.(I am agnst Erdogan) but I was wrong. The real intention is racism and Erdogan etc. are just a tool.

Yeah that sucks man, I didn't read the whole thing, maybe its more of a euro thing? If he did its weird as most Australians and New Zealanders have a lot of respect for Turkish people.

I also have respect for New Zealanders and I am still going to support New Zealanders who don’t harm me in any way but because of all the racism I faced within the western civilization, I don’t feel as sure if I want to continue my support for them, maybe it’s an emotional thing. And also, I won’t tolerate any bit of racism against me or anyone anymore.


Not if you prayed at that mosque





You should been around for the Dark Ages where the leaders of the world were this guy.


How's that surreal? It's 2019, if you're gonna terrorism then obviously live streaming it just makes sense in every way.

Arab Andy is so fucking lucky he got busted back then instead of in the last few months. Still find it funny he had random people coming to visit him in jail lol

More like, he has to give up several episodes of material because this just covered all of them.

They’ve been making beheading videos for years now. Really not a surprise someone did terrorism live this time

ISIS and other rebel groups occasionally would livestream their firefights, but for some reason the quality is always awful.

Imagine not much connection in the hills of Afghan or Syrian interior.

There a few gang members that livestreams a few kills this is just the natural extention. The new normal

I'm fucking jealous of people who saw the video. And now it's being censored.

You're a fucking retard who doesnt belong if you cant find it.

Wait, on what? Twitch? Facebook?

He started a new thread on 8chan and then posted a link to his Facebook Livestream

Nah man, those are all just harmless jokes. Why are you taking them so seriously? Everyone is just memeing.

They were .... until this guy .

This is another "screw your optics" guy, but maybe he realised the internet is diluting their poison with edgy (but harmless) memes and decided to co-opt them for a new meme-optics

mentally unhinged recluse living in a nightmare alternate reality fuelled entirely by memes

Isn't that this sub though? Laughing at funny stuff on the internet to escape from our crippling depression?

We've reached a point where shitposting has branched out to mass shootings.

Maybe we are just a futuristic Sims game.

Wait did he actually play “remove kebab” and stuff?


Yeah, and he narrates a bit in his friendly-sounding Aussie tongue.

mental illness is a hell of a drug

manifesto is literally just memes

His manifesto contains a bunch of memes including the navy seal copypasta as well as referencing fortnite dancing on the corpses of his enemies. It isn't 'literally just memes' though. It's a manifesto on the white genocide conspiracy theory, not unlike Anders Breivik's was.

as well as referencing fortnite dancing on the corpses of his enemies.

Gas the casuals, day of the getting gud now


I'm not sure if I'll get banned for linking that on reddit. Just search 'The Great Replacement manifesto'

Thanks but holy fuck this is a depressing read

Do not post or request the manifesto. Reddit admins have just publically said it's not allowed.

Do not post or request the manifesto. Reddit admins have just said it's not allowed.

Is this some Reddit-wide bot or what? Give me a break, Reddit, people are going to find it, you're treating your users like children.

there's nothing theoretical about demographic trends

I can't find this manifesto anywhere online, do you have a have link to it?

You gonna get banned buddy

I don't think the manifesto is a nono, only the video.

How retarded are you?

The song is called Serbia strong. It was never called remove kebab.

I have seen a lot of Anons on /pol/ hating on this guy .

It's because he's a reflection of their thoughts and online behavior, in the flesh. They've been confronted with what their chest-thumping and memeing actually looks like- pathetic and embarrassing. The shooter demonstrates that the reality of the violence they've been calling for isn't some glorious traditional war against a growling horde of invaders but a bunch of pasty basement trolls spouting reddit memes while gunning down people going about their lives.

That was beautifully said

No , more along the lines of "This dude is evil" .

Close to no one in 4chan ( Except some particular retards from /pol/ ) believes in that .

Yup that fellow was pol personified. All I got from reading his manifesto was that his entire worldview came from /pol/ memes, infographics and varg. I guess sane and redeemable folks will leave white sociopaths will still stay.

What's the difference between him and the Bernie shooter, except that he was successful?

Hearing people say pol memes irl just makes them seem so... Banal. Arendt would have a field day

This is why this attack hit me so much. Their jokes and way of speaking are so fucking similar to ours....

who the fuck hates kebab.

nuts everywhere

WWI was modern.

Pol-terminator is post-modern terrorism

His manifesto wasn't memes, I advise you to read it properly before misinforming others

I bet that they will use this as an excuse to ban (altright) memes.

Just wait.

Did he really play fucking initial d jesus christ

It’s all trumfs fault! Cryes

He wrote crab rave on the flashlight.

I'm fucking jealous of people who saw the video. And now it's being censored.






Can you PM me where you found the video?




There's a video? Pm me daddy

Just go on liveleak or any of the chans

yet. Biggest yet. It’s march, remember?

I really don't want to remember 2019 as "The Year of the High Score." or "The year were memes were truly weaponized."



Can thy pm thy source?

Holy shit Gamers rose up its finally haaplebe

radicalized by fortnite according to his manifesto

officially the first zoomer shooter lmao

why would anyone want to shoot up anything in new zealand?

To Own the Libs, obviously.




I read the archive. They were.


All are guilty.

Seriously idgaf bring them all in for questioning

4chan or 8chan either way he's gonna be peppered with "do it faggot" and "put me in the screencap"

8chan /pol/ is currently celebrating



no one cares





This faggot displayed levels of autism that put the Shadilay Strangler to shame.

He put the Navy seal copypasta and "sPyRo ThE dRAgOn MaDe Me FaScIsT lol XDD" in his fucking manifesto for fucks sake. This piece of dogshit subhuman degenerate makes ER and Coldsteel Cruz seem well balanced.






Don't watch it at all, it's fucking horrible.

Hapless pure?

It really is too bad no one had a gun.


that's what makes it so uncomfortable for me. I'm disguested by this guys actions, but I also can't help but laugh when I watch parts of the video or read his manifesto.

That's just how fucked up the whole thing is. Reality is truly morbid.

I only got to maybe 35-45 seconds after he walked into the mosque. I've seen people die in real life, and this was weirdly more uncomfortable. How calm he was, and how much it honestly looked almost like a video game was fucked up.

He is a vile piece of shit and I actually believe I'd give almost anything to have a chance to stab this cunt in the throat with a rusty spoon..

Ideology that is known for belonging to that one breed of ideologies that literally consider parts of the society non-humans, if not fucking furniture.

Treats the entire thing like a joke

They always do. Unless they are on the receiving end (see: Dresden, South Africa, former Rhodesia, former Russian Empire etc.)

We already are. How many people were panicking after the 2015 terror attacks? When you ignore your populace this is what happens.


What is the meaning of F

Drone the owner of 4chan

Nuke Hiroshimoot.

Holy fuck, there is a reason why they made that place as a containment board, but I'm seriously doubting how good of an idea it was. Granted, it kept the neo-nazis and shit out of the rest of the place, but it kept them in one place to ferment together.

Its probably more radicalizing to have them on an isolated board since no ones gonna refute any of their bs.

no ones gonna refute any of their bs.

From what I've learned during one of the "Hitler was degenerate" threads on /his/, is that /pol/aks, en masse, want to act like niggers, and can take mental gymnastics that would make even turbo-jidf blush on the amount of chutzpah involved.

And from what I know about real life "nationalist" and monarchist movements, they are not that different in real life as well.

Zoinks! That's not going to end up well








no one cares

Imagine being that much of a sad cunt you reply the same thing over and over

imagine being you

So how did he even get those guns in the first place? Doesn't New Zealand have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world?



Archive of the thread I'm too lazy but I'm sure there is some juicy drama in there.




He said he didn’t support trump in his manifesto

Sorry. I must of mis-heard our news report.

All good. He basically said that trump symbolizes a reawakening of white identify but is a terrible leader/policy maker.

And that he admores Trump for being a racist

Yeah he did

Read the manifesto. He literally didn’t.

Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump? As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure.

The Aut Right was a mistake

Why are you lying? Literally directly after that, he said the following: “As a leader and policy maker? Dear God no.”

If you want to have honest discourse at least include the full quote.

"I'm still a fan of Trump because Trump is a racist fucker like me"

Why are you defending some Aut Right dipshit?

I’m not.

He supports Trump and thinks trump is Retarded, like you!

Yeah I agree

He’s a racist which he supports but understands trump is objectively awful as a leader and politician.

Trump himself definitely isn’t racist but yeah, I agree in general.

He, for some bizarre reason felt the need to reference the background of a judge that ruled against him, then went on to say ‘I’m building a wall’.

The judge was of Mexican descent, born in the US. Can only imagine what trump pisses and moans about behind closed doors.

He thought the judge might be biased. Big deal.

Can only imagine what trump pisses and moans about behind closed doors.

"the blacks are too unintelligent to vote for me", apparently. If you can beleive Cohen.

Well, when you have a bunch of actual racists saying they support you because you're propagating the ideas that they want to hear (i.e racist ones), and when you fall back on racial stereotypes all the time, and when you call black people "too unintelligent to vote for me", and when you discriminated against minorities in your previous job and were successfully sued for it, and when you compared Latinos to animals...

...that's at least bad optics. At the very, very least.


I think that was the point at which it got truly surreal for me. 8chan poster throws up a manifesto that would make longpostbot blush, livestreams his murderfest with guns painted in memes, and then speeds away playing Initial D music. Is this even reality?



no one cares

So how did he even get those guns in the first place? Doesn't New Zealand have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world?




no one cares

you’re so cool

no one cares

Time to ban the internet now

The shooter was a Candace Owens' fan looool

Is there a particular person that radicalized you the most?

Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens. Each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness. Though I will have to disavow some of her beliefs, the extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my tastes.

Holy shit

the extreme actions she calls for are too much, even for my tastes.

😂😂😂 What a fucking guy

Aussies literally can't stop the bantz

People on Twitter are taking this statement at 100% face value and it's fucking amazing to see them harassing a black American woman for somehow both radicalizing and being "too extreme" for an Aussie white-power terrorist


no one cares

Fuck off

make me little twink




no one cares

nzers do...

he came here specifically to cause terror in nz, to prove that nowhere is safe. so yeah, it matters....




It is kind of helpful that they are all self-identifying, isn't it?

Haven't seen anyone say it's okay because of memes yet, mostly people saying it's even more fucked cause of the memes.

You reading the same thread?


no one cares

Considering you're commenting on every post saying he's Australian, you obviously do

you sound fat

You seem really defensive about the fact that he was Australian.

im fuckin irritated to see the same comment posted 30+ times like a bunch of squawking Muppets.

hurrr de guy is atwayan guiz he is ASTWAYAN NOT NOO ZEEEWAN

yeah ok no shit I fucking get it shut the fuck up

You're really showing you cultural cringe. Australians can be some of the worst people out there. Deal with it.

I'm not Australian, tubby.

Mmmm i think you are

Holy fuck you are a fat cunt Hahahahahahaha

Dont post the videos. They'll be deleted and you'll get reamed out by reddit admins.

Also, the shooter was Australian. Aussies were a mistake.




Boy do I have a solution for you:


I get tied up in this one.

I don't think we're a mistake per say, but we are definitely the result of many mistakes.





nope theyre "restricted" ie just ask a guy down the pub

Being serious though, are those guns and mags the physco used even legal in NZ?

nah not at all he had drum mags and shit

Actually all depends on licenses and here's the fucked up bit, you can get a A Cat license which lets you buy an AR, but without an E Cat license you aren't allowed to put the extended mags on it.

Except you're allowed to BUY extended mags with an A Cat license....

tbf i dont really know much about nz laws, that seems like a mess of rules

Yup it's a mess, and the police are actually planning on downsizing the firearms department and moving all interviews from in person with a firearms officer, to online or Skype...

Was gonna post about it on r/newzealand maybe tomorrow. Doing away with face to face interviews and replacing it with a questionnaire is pretty messed up considering you're talking about a weapon that can kill people. I don't think the incidents today are going to help push those changes through.

Were planning. It is becoming apparent that a lot of things went wrong here.

Expect to see some reforms, the issues with underfunded police and intelligence in NZ are going to be take more seriously I believe.

Yup definitely. Id hate to be the guy who gave this dude a gun license, if he had one. But this is why we need to keep in person interviews because a firearms officer going to his home and interviewing him will be more likely to pick up on any issues, like if he was a white extremist.

There are unstable people who don't apply for a gun license because they know someone has to come to their house and interview them and their family, if all they have to do is fill out a questionnaire online you're going to get a lot more people doing it.

Doesn’t matter. Criminals are gonna get their hands on illegal guns because gun laws don’t stop criminals from committing acts of violence.

I hate this logic. Should we not be making it harder for criminals to get guns though?

So you hate proven sound logic? What don’t you understand about criminals don’t follow the law and the black market exists...More gun laws aren’t gonna prevent criminals from getting weapons to kill people. Gun laws have never prevented a criminal from killing someone with a illegally obtained weapon. What would you do to make it harder for a CRIMINAL to ILLEGALLY obtain a gun? I’ll wait.

Well, first of all. Make it illegal.

It’s proven that gun restrictions reduce gun crime.

Sham article.

"Gun law seem to make it harder..."

They throw out the 38,000 gun deaths stat...most of which are suicides and would simply kill themselves another way

It’s proven that gun restrictions reduce gun crime.

That is actually one of the more difficult empirical questions in social science. Smart people working in good faith have come up with conflicting answers.

That's like saying because weed is illegal that makes it harder to get.

Backin high school I had more trouble getting alcohol, a legal and related substance than weed an illegal substance.

Purchasing illegal weed is way harder to do than just walking into a store and buying it.

No just go on the DNMs

You don’t think that’s more difficult and time consuming than just walking to the corner store?

In one scenario, I have to download some software, find a reputable vendor, pay them in some weird way, and wait for a delivery. In the other scenario, I just walk half a block,flash my I.D, and leave with weed.

It’s the same with guns. And people will still get them but it will be less convenient for them to do so.

But, at least it will be less convenient for them to do so.

It already isn't convenient you numbnuts.

No, I actually don’t. I want common sense gun reform so people stop getting murdered. You value your easy access to guns more than you value the lives of innocent people. Guns are cool machines. But, they’re not cooler than the preservation of human lives.

I want common sense gun reform so people stop getting murdered.

So like background checks that are required to purchase a gun? Yeah we have that already.

Where is your outrage for the almost 50,000 people that die from drunk drivers a year?

Guns are cool machines. But, they’re not cooler than the preservation of human lives.

Cars are cool machines, but they are not cooler than the preservation of human life.

Cars are cool machines. But, they kill people and that’s why they’re super heavily regulated. I want fire arms to be regulated just as heavily if not more since they’re designed for the express purpose of killing people.

I think maybe state regulated locked storage and the separate storage of ammunition would be a good start.

I think restricting people convicted of any violent crime from owning guns would be cool, too.

I wish think more regulation for the private sale of firearms is needed as well.

I also think that there should be a cooking off period required between the date of purchase and when you get the gun in your hands.

Finally, kids shouldn’t be able to own guns.

But, they kill people and that’s why they’re super heavily regulated.

LOL anyone can hope in a car and drive it. You don't need insurance or registration.

more since they’re designed for the express purpose of killing people.

Oh so trap shooting, collecting and hunting are "killing people?"

I think maybe state regulated locked storage

And how would they do that?

I think restricting people convicted of any violent crime from owning guns would be cool, too.

This is already a thing you idiot. If you have any felony (violent or not) you are prohibited. Additionally if you are addicted to any substance you are prohibited.

I also think that there should be a cooking off period required between the date of purchase and when you get the gun in your hands.

This is already a thing in every state

Finally, kids shouldn’t be able to own guns.

This is already a thing

TLDR: Most of the things you propose are already laws

So much misinformation.

Trap shooting, hunting, hunting and collecting aren’t killing people. But, guns were invented with the idea of making it easier for people to murder their enemies.

How would we regulate in home gun storage? The same way our friends in Japan do it.

There are SEVERAL states with no cooling off period required between the purchase and physical transfer of a firearm. There are also states that don’t even require you to have a license or permit.

In about 30 states, kids can actually own guns. They can’t purchase them. But, they can legally own something capable of killing someone. . I was one of those kids.

Additionally, all violent crimes aren’t felonies. People with ANY violent crime should be barred from gun ownership. That includes misdemeanor assault,battery, domestic abuse, and stalking. Right now, you can be convicted of beating up your girlfriend and STILL LEGALLY PURCHASE A FIREARM.

Lastly, private sales of guns in the U.S are basically the Wild West. There’s no oversight, no background check or anything.

You have to admit that the laws aren’t the best. There are massive loopholes. Think logically. Don’t be allergic to the term “gun reform”.

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The same way our friends in Japan do it.

The same countries with high knife violence?

There are SEVERAL states with no cooling off period required between the purchase and physical transfer of a firearm. There are also states that don’t even require you to have a license or permit.

There are SEVERAL states with no cooling off period required between the purchase and physical transfer of a knife. There are also states that don’t even require you to have a license or permit.

In about 30 states, kids can actually own guns. They can’t purchase them. But, they can legally own something capable of killing someone. I was one of those kids. I learned to shoot a rifle and owned a gun at like 12. Granted, I was a pretty good kid. But, no child needs their own gun for anything and kids are stupid.

In about 30 states, kids can actually own cars and knives. But, they can legally own something capable of killing someone. I was one of those kids. I learned to use a knife and a car and owned a knife at like 12. Granted, I was a pretty good kid. But, no child needs their own knife or car for anything and kids are stupid.

Additionally, all violent crimes aren’t felonies. People with ANY violent crime should be barred from gun ownership. That includes misdemeanor assault,battery, domestic abuse, and stalking. Right now, you can be convicted of beating up your girlfriend and STILL LEGALLY PURCHASE A FIREARM.

People with vehicular offenses should be barred from car ownership. That includes misdemeanor speeding, reckless driving, rolling through stop signs. Right now, you can be convicted of reckless driving or DUI and STILL LEGALLY PURCHASE A car.

Lastly, private sales of knives and cars in the U.S are basically the Wild West. There’s no oversight, no background check or anything.

You have to admit that the laws aren’t the best. There are massive loopholes. Think logically.

You have to admit that the laws aren’t the best. There are massive loopholes. Think logically. Cars and knives kill tons of people

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

No. Its like Amazon with weed

LOL not at all.

It would take most people about 2 phone calls to shady people they know.

Guns require forms, paperwork, background checks... Stop being disingenuous

It would take several calls. It would take asking around. It would take actually knowing a network of people who will illegally sell you a fire arm. Sometimes, you can just steal a gun or buy one from a legal owner who will sell you a gun before reporting it stolen. But, that still requires relatively more time and investment then just walking into a store for 15 minutes and leaving with a gun.

I’m not being disingenuous at all. It usually requires more effort to buy stuff illegally because there are more hoops for both the buyer and seller to jump through. That’s just life. Everyone thinks buying guns on the black market is this incredibly organized network of people that work efficiently and that’s just not how it is.

But, that still requires relatively more time and investment then just walking into a store for 15 minutes and leaving with a gun.

.....that doesn't happen in any state....

It usually requires more effort to buy stuff illegally because there are more hoops for both the buyer and seller to jump through.

Not at all. I don't have to pass any checks for the black market. A gun shop you do.

Everyone thinks buying guns on the black market is this incredibly organized network of people that work efficiently and that’s just not how it is.

....and you think you can walk out of a gun store in 15minutes with a gun....

Dude, yes it does. You don’t even need a permit or license in some states and the background check was designed to be instantaneous.

You don’t even need a permit or license in some states and the background check was designed to be instantaneous.

The background check is for all felonies.....

Just because you can access things illegally doesn’t mean that the process of legally obtaining a gun is easier.

Oh so regulations make things easier to access...huh TIL

The background check isn’t for all violent crimes though. All dangerous people aren’t felons. If you’re so bad at regulating your emotions that you physically harmed another human or animal, you don’t deserve the right to own a gun. As previously stated in another comment, right now in almost any state in the U.S, you can beat up your girlfriend, stalk her, get convicted on all counts, and still legally buy a gun to kill her with the day after your conviction. That’s not a major flaw to you? People that torture animals can buy guns. People that beat up their boyfriends, do a bullshit anger management program, then have their convictions reduced can buy guns. You don’t think that’s a problem?

Also, the background check was totally designed to be instantaneous. The name of the background check is literally the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Lastly, regulations generally make it more difficult for people trying to do stuff while violating the regulations. People are dynamic and thus will always find a way. But, I’m pretty sure adding an extra step in the process will deter some less dedicated bad guys.

All dangerous people aren’t felons. If you’re so bad at regulating your emotions that you have speeding tickets or reckless driving, you don’t deserve the right to own a car. As previously stated in another comment, right now in almost any state in the U.S, you can roll through stop signs, eat in the car, have speeding tickets, and still legally buy a car and kill people accidentally the day after your conviction. That’s not a major flaw to you? People that are reckless can buy cars. People that have reckless driving, can do a bullshit drivers ed program, then have their vehicle citations reduced can buy cars. You don’t think that’s a problem?

Right now, driving for many people in many parts of the U.S is an absolute necessity for every day survival. Owning a gun is not.

Right now, driving for many people in many parts of the U.S is an absolute necessity for every day survival. Owning a gun is not.

Nope, see other means of less dangerous transportation

Interesting how your "we need to save lives" only goes as far as you being personally inconvenienced.

I wouldn’t be personally inconvenienced by restricting people’s access to cars. I live in downtown Chicago. I gave up driving years ago when I realized it was cheaper and safer.

Public transportation isn’t a feasible option for the thousands of people living in rural communities and economically depressed areas.

Bikes, walking, horses, Public transport

Again you don't care about lives.

Walking miles to work when you’re a poor person that has an hour long drive to work isn’t realistic. Neither is biking for the same reason. Horses? Most of the country doesn’t have the money to purchase a horse let alone pay for its boarding, vet fees, etc. Also, this excludes people with disabilities who can’t walk or bike or ride a horse. People currently need cars to live in America. The majority of Americans don’t need a gun.

Banning guns in Chicago hasn’t worked at all. Why? Because people just drive to Indiana to buy guns. Almost all of the guns linked to homicides in this city were originally purchased in Indiana, a state with pretty lax gun laws.

Walking miles to work when you’re a poor person that has an hour long drive to work isn’t realistic. Neither is biking for the same reason. Horses? Most of the country doesn’t have the money to purchase a horse let alone pay for its boarding, vet fees, etc. Also, this excludes people with disabilities who can’t walk or bike or ride a horse.

So lives only matter if it isn't too much of an inconvenience.

People currently need cars to live in America.

Nope, they choose to have an use them....almost like guns. Huh.

Banning guns in Chicago hasn’t worked at all. Why? Because people just drive to Indiana to buy guns. Almost all of the guns linked to homicides in this city were originally purchased in Indiana, a state with pretty lax gun laws.

Hmm it is almost as if gun laws should be enforced rather than trying to create more.

Lives matter. Period. A lot of people can’t get to work without cars. I’m all for expanding funding for public transportation and building communities designed to promote walkability. But, how the U.S currently functions, most people need cars to get to work and make money to live.

No, enforcing our current gun laws isn’t a sufficient soliton for our problem with gun violence because they’re designed poorly. There are multiple intentional loop holes that allow people to legally circumvent the the laws we have. This renders our current system of regulating guns essentially ineffective. I’m not sure about you. But, I don’t want to live in a country where it’s legal for someone to stalk me then buy a gun.

Lives matter. Period.

Then ban cars. Period. Ban knives. Period. Ban Alcohol. Period. Ban fast food. Period. Ban smoking. Period. Ban tabacco. Period.

A lot of people can’t get to work without cars. I’m all for expanding funding for public transportation and building communities designed to promote walkability. But, how the U.S currently functions, most people need cars to get to work and make money to live.

This is all just excuses. If you cared about lives there are no excuses.

These aren’t excuses at all. These are rational arguments. Why would we ban cars when most people need them for everyday survival? Why would we ban knives when most people need them for everyday survival?Why do you equate gun reform with a total ban?

People consent to ruining their health with alcohol, tobacco, and fast food. People don’t consent to being shot down.

If there are measures our government can take to reduce gun violence, I don’t know why you wouldn’t be in favor of them. No one is saying to take away your guns. What I am saying is that your right to own and easily purchase a gun with little oversight is less important than people’s right to live their lives with it the fear of being gunned down.

These aren’t excuses at all. These are rational arguments.

If lives matter no amount of reasoning will trump a life.

Parroting my logic and just replacing a few words is pretty indicative of the fact that you don’t have any argument against implementing basic gun reform.

If lives matter, the government has a responsibility to regulate industries that are disproportionately harming people. The gun industry, like the tobacco and alcohol industries before it will have to take accountability for how their products endanger consumers.

Parroting my logic and just replacing a few words is pretty indicative of the fact that you don’t have any argument against implementing basic car and knife reform.

Why wont you think of the lives we could be saving?

If lives matter, the government has a responsibility to regulate industries that are disproportionately harming people.

You can’t just “walk into a store and buy guns”.

Essentially. Walk in. Pick your gun. Show I.D. Fill out an application that takes five minutes to complete and a few minutes to process. Pay money. Leave.

I’m sure it’s more complicated in some states. But, that’s how it works where I’m from. It’s easier than tapping into a network of shady criminals that may or may not have guns at the time and may or may not trust you enough to commit a felony with you.

A majority of crimes are committed with illegally obtained guns, so it doesn't really matter how easily you can buy one in a store.

So the place you live makes it relatively easy to buy guns? What's the crime rate there? If it's so much easier to get them compared to chicago then violent crime must be much worse than chicago too right?

Funny you should ask. I currently live in Chicago. Everyone knows about our gun problem. But, the vast majority of guns linked to homicides in the city of Chicago are purchased in Indiana. A state that’s 30 minutes away where it’s super easy to buy guns. Restricting access to fire arms in one area doesn’t work well when people can just drive across the border to a state with gun laws.

Really? You have proof that these guns are legally obtained in Indiana? And you were lying when you said it was crazy easy to get guns in your city? And what about the two massive borders with other countries if you are worried criminals would cross state lines wouldn't they also cross country lines?

Yes, there’s an entire documentary discussing the phenomenon. Most are traced back to three specific gun stores just over the border. 60% of guns used to kill people in Chicago were legally purchased outside of the city. One fifth of them were originally bought in Indiana.

Here’s a map of where all of the guns are from. It’s pretty commonly known here.

Additionally, most firearms used to perpetrate gun violence were legally manufactured and initially legally sold. The end up in the wrong hands because legal gun owners are either having them stolen or selling them to criminals at inflated costs for a profit.

I’m of the opinion that if bad people are exploiting loopholes to do bad things, those loopholes should logically be closed to the best of our ability. Better regulation of private sales, a more thorough background check expanded to include people awaiting trial for violent crimes, a broader definition of domestic violence, a longer process to obtain, expand bans to people convicted of all violent crime, raise the minimum ownership to 21, and more uniformity across all states.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Those guns were at one point purchased outside Chicago, they didn't legally end up in the hands of the people who used them though.

So you were lying when you said you could get a gun easily in your city?

Why do you think guns wouldn't just enter the country through Mexico or Canada?

I said I could get a gun easily where I’m from. I’m not from Chicago. I just live here now.

Most guns used to kill people in this country were all originally legally purchased but illegally ended up in the wrong hands. So, don’t you think we should t at least try to prevent that from happening? There are plenty of regulatory measures that could improve those numbers. You wouldn’t be in favor of exploring those options?

Would guns enter illegally through Mexico or Canada? I never said I didn’t. But, guns from Canada and Mexico aren’t our problem. Our problem almost exclusively involves American guns purchased and sold in accordance with our ineffective gun laws.

So when I asked to specifically to compare crime rates to where you could get a gun easily to Chicago you purposefully misinterpreted to dodge the question then. Go ahead and compare where you're from to Chicago then, I wonder what the results will be.

Most guns used to kill people in this country were all originally legally purchased.

Wow what a surprise, you're telling me that most guns are at some point legally obtained? That's because 99% of guns in this country were legally purchased, so no matter where a criminal gets one he's got a 99% chance of it coming from a legal source, even if that source was 20 sales ago. The final step, the criminal actually obtaining the gun is the important point, and that is almost always done illegally.

I'm not interested in regulation that will supposedly fix it because it never actually does.

Guns entering illegally aren't the problem now because importing them isn't necessary. See what happens if you pass whatever awesome solution you have to the problem.

Guns aren't the problem period. It's violence, you live in a violent shithole so crime is high and laws don't stop it.

Take me away LongPostBot.

Guns aren’t the problem. How people use them is. That’s why the common sense response is further regulate how people get them,which people get them, which people sell them, and what they do with them once they have them.

All those regulations would fail the same way regulations are already failing. The great news is you would give a huge boost to the illegal gun market.

What proof do you have that these regulations would fail when they’ve never been implemented? None.

What proof do you have that this would boost the illegal gun market? You think law abiding citizens would resort to breaking the laws in order to illegally buy guns. Guns aren’t alcohol. The motivation to purchase them is completely different.

I said they will fail like all the other ones do, like the recent mass shooter who was a convicted felon and still passed a background check. Or like Adam Lanza who should have been arrested a dozen times if not for a new program encouraging cops not to arrest high schoolers. You only think you need more laws because the current ones are broken.

The proof that the illegal gun market would go up is called not being retarded, law abiding citizens won't be buying guns illegally like they aren't now, but do you think all the people who can't get guns legally would just give up? Once it becomes impossible for them to straw purchase, you'll see them building ar 15s in the basement, and once they are making their own guns you'll see full autos being used in crime more.

Who said more laws? Different laws, better laws.

And, yes, I think most people who don’t currently break the law usually continue not to break the law when their daily survival doesn’t depend on it.

I should have realized sooner this was a troll.



Why is that so difficult for you lizards?

Excuse me, you think that I’m a troll? Me? This is my genuine stance on what change the U.S will best benefit from. Our gun culture is toxic af

Your argument of "what citizen needs a gun in a first world country for their survival." Is ignorant of the purpose of the second amendment and incredibly stupid. I figured you would have to be a troll to say something that retarded.

It’s not stupid by any means. The reasoning behind the second amendment as it currently stands is outdated. If you honestly believe that citizen led militias are still necessary to the security of a free state in 2019? How so?

The necessity of citizen militias is partially to defend the citizens from the government. The revolutionary war started when British soldiers came to take away guns that they had decided were too dangerous in the hands of the citizens.

Again, that was smart then. But, no longer necessary or even viable in this day and age. If you think that a band of citizens with guns is actually an appropriate solution to defend private citizens from drones, tanks, grenades, rocket launchers, and other extremely advanced extremely efficient weapons technology, then you’re just not being realistic. Private gun ownership is no longer a viable option to defend ourselves from being slaughtered by our government if the fight people in the right offices decided it was someone necessary or beneficial to them.

Sure, that's why Afghanistan and Vietnam were such simple conflicts hardly lasting a couple months. Fighting an insurgent force is extremely difficult even with tanks and drones and it gets a million times harder when it's in your own nation.

Maybe you should look up David's toolkit.

No, fighting wars based around concepts instead of actually having a specific enemy is why Afghanistan and Vietnam were such complicated and long lasting endeavors. It’s pretty difficult to wage war against an idea and win in any way able to be measured as a military success in a few short years.

So you think all the gun owners in united states (many of whom literally served in Afghanistan) wouldn't adopt the tactics proven to be successful for fighting an overwhelming force and would instead try to fight as an organized army? What made Afghanistan so hard was the inability to distinguish enemy or civilians, everyone here would adopt the same strategy.

Maybe. But, it’s so unlikely that solely adopting this tactic would work that I don’t see how anyone could think of it as necessary to the security of the American people. Here’s a few reasons why.

• The percentage of American gun owners who have been to combat is (I’d be willing to bet you one million dollars) less than five per cent of American gun owners. That’s definitely not enough people to make much of a difference

• You’re also making the BOLD assumption that American soldiers are super well trained in combat and also experienced in combat. False, the vast majority of American soldiers never see combat and work in a logistical capacity which most of their training focuses on.

• Another thing you aren’t accounting for? Leadership and organization. Everyone’s not a leader. Even in the U.S military, an organization able to source and finance the training of some of the best leaders in the human race, guess what? It’s still really hard to find people willing to volunteer to die for a cause. Then, it’s hard to train those people to be skilled soldiers. THEN, on top of that it’s even more difficult to train skilled soldiers to be effective military leaders able to overthrow a military opponent that’s got more man power, more fire power,more money,the power to choke off the supply of food, ammunition, medical supplies, and all the things people need to fight a war.

•The American people can’t even put their differences aside long enough to join forces and take action against anything. What makes you think that every gun owner would be willing to work together?

• You think the government doesn’t have the technology to distinguish between civilians and insurgents with the advent of facial recognition technology, wire tapping, location tracking services etc? Or even predict who the people most likely to become insurgents are before it even happens and target them for elimination? If companies like Target have algorithms that can determine who to market prenatal vitamins to months before the person even knows their pregnant, why would you think that the government wouldn’t be able to implement the same technology and use it to eliminate opposition?

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Maybe you should check statistics instead of making wild assumptions.

Soldiers are somehow incompetent when resisting the government but effective when fighting for them. They are all combat trained regardless of if they saw combat.

Where is the ISIS leadership? They have leaders and there is a lot less education and military training in that part of the world. You think this is way harder than terrorists have proven it actually is.

Every gun owner doesn't have to agree on everything, only a few gun owners need to do anything and they just need to agree on not letting the government take away guns.

Yea the government has all this awesome technology that they aren't using in Afghanistan.

The last part of your comment proves you don't just want common sense, you are a fascist, jerking off to the idea of living in a police state.

Because advocating for sensible gun reform is fascist and we shouldn’t do anything to update gun laws to reduce gun violence. Oh, yeah, also because it’s totally realistic that a few soldiers who may or may not have been trained for combat or be effective leaders can definitely train a group of mostly civilians well enough to overthrow the entire U.S government with civilian grade firearms. And it’s perfectly accurate and reasonable to assume that everyone who owns a gun wouldn’t have differing political opinions. They’d all naturally support the same cause so much that they’d be willing to put their lives on the line with no compensation or financial incentive. No one would be apathetic at all. No one would become so jaded by fighting a losing battle that they just gave up. No one would be rendered unable to function from PTSD. Everyone would be super well disciplined. No one would defect. No one would develop a serious substance abuse problem to deal with the trauma. Everyone would be equipped to fight biological and nuclear warfare. /s

You’re delusional

There are 300 million guns in this country, why do think I believe they all have to fight the government to win? With guerrilla tactics 1% of gun owners could take on the government, and do you think it would be that low? It's like you didn't even read my reply where I addressed every part of this.

This notion that a civilian led militia is capable of keeping us safe from one of the most powerful militaries in the history of the world is ludicrous. It’s a nostalgic fantasy that gun crazy people have. But, it’s just a fantasy.

There are 300 million guns but not 300 million people willing to use them all, capable of using them all, or able to survive war with our government. The U.S government doesn’t even need to be close enough for a group of civilian led shooters to engage them in a firefight in order to massacre them all. Governments sadly are really great at massacring people if they decide they don’t care about basic human rights.

If today our government decided to strip us of all of our human rights, and every gun owner in the country took up arms against our government, we sadly wouldn’t stand a chance. They would absolutely without a shadow of a doubt decimate us. Militias using guerilla tactics aren’t capable of defending us from persecution for any substantial amount of time by our government in the year 2019. Guns aren’t to keep us safe from our government. Our government would say “fuck your guns” and drop bombs on all of us until we were unable to resist. Guns aren’t how private citizens protect ourselves from corrupt governments.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The entire united states armed forces is 300,000, let's round up to a million to account for cops. There are 150 million people in the united states who own firearms (that's a conservative estimate) . If you think that 150 million people couldn't be 1 million then you're retarded.

But of course as you've pointed out quite a few gun owners wouldn't fight the government. So let's say only the gun nuts (people who own more than 10 guns, 2% of gun owners) decide to fight back. That's at least 3 million people. And drones or tanks will be useless regardless of what you think.

Drones will be useless? You have to be joking,

What use is a drone New York? Do you just want to bomb whole neighborhoods?

You honestly said you thought 150 million Americans couldn't conceivably fight the government. You are a complete fascist retard.

Why wouldn’t the U.S bomb whole neighborhoods if they’re actively in a war against their citizens? That’s exactly what they would do. They would bomb entire neighborhoods not giving a single fuck about collateral damage until they accomplished whatever goal they sought to achieve.

I knew you were a fascist, you think the United States would bomb and destroy full neighborhoods of people to get a few terrorists living there, Sure retard.

Yet you simultaneously believe that only a couple crazy gun hoarders would want to fight back.

And you also believe that people wouldn't fight the government together unless they agree on every single issue, you actually believe people wouldn't ignore that to fight a government that you think would be fine bombing literally hundreds of its own people as collateral damage?

If you don’t believe that the United States would bomb an entire neighborhood to get a few terrorists living there, you’re being willfully ignorant of what goes on in the wars we fight.

And, no. I don’t believe people would ban together to do the right thing in the face of adversity because time and time again, most people don’t. Most people prefer to serve their best interests. Look at history. Most people don’t join resistance movements against authoritarian regimes because people don’t want to die

The difference is that part of that application is the background check which (if lovely gun hating states like IL would actually update) was kept up to date would do a good job of screening.

But this is exactly how it works.

I grew up in Detroit, not in a suburb, but like actually in Detroit. The guns that everyone had there were not bought legally, even though Michigan at the time had really easy gun control laws. They were all purchased off the street.

People would literally steal guns from other states, like Indiana or Ohio, then drive up to Detroit and offload them. They were in constant demand.

Now, if you were to say something like, gun laws reduce crimes of passion or opportunity, then I might be inclined to agree with you, but when someone is plotting to commit a crime and they need a gun for it, like say a mass murder, then they are going to get one.

It's a bit different in New Zealand. The only way to get guns into the country is over the sea.

Have you ever looked at new Zealand on a map you fucking Neanderthal

I've been there several times. What kind of fucking moron are you?

Do you think that just because it's an island that you cannot smuggle contraband on to it? Do you think that because it's an island that people do not already smuggle coke and heroin and you name it over there?

It's the opposite you fucking retard. Because it's an island, there is an incentive for the people who smuggle things to bring them because the demand and the price are higher. Anyone who doesn't spend all day eating their own spunk out of their socks would probably have at least that basic understanding of economics. I guess we know what your hobby is now.

No because if you can't stop them all you might as well not stop any. In fact all laws are pointless because criminals don't follow the law.

If only we could shut down the manufacturers of illegal guns.

For law abiding citizens. Criminals and evil fucks looking to commit violence don’t abide by gun laws. Which is why gun laws are a joke designed to keep sane law abiding citizens from protecting themselves.

Or to prevent kids from taking their parents' shit to school and blasting all the Beckys and Chads.

Of course its a fucking leaf saying that

Suck my Glock 🔫

Shooter was an Ausfag in NZ.

Also, guns aren't banned in Australia, everyone if they apply can own a gun, though the restrictions are a lot more intense than the U.S, and lastly no one here really cares for guns, so most don't apply for one.

There is no federally mandated gun ban in Australia.

Aussies were a mistake.


1788 was when it really went to shit here.


doesn't know the reference, googles, gets to this:


The first white child in Australia is born.

really went to shit here.

yah, 1788 is recognised here as the 'birthdate' of modern australia - its when the first fleet with Cook landed and established the first white settlement.

First Fleet was Cpt Arthur Philip, not Cook. Cook was 1770 mapping the east coast and sticking flags in things.

ahh all white ppl look the same to me.

thanks mate, my 2nd grade teacher would be aghast.

Ah primary school. In the 80s we had to learn about boring white explorers who kept dying because they weren’t smart enough to take plenty of water or listen to the locals about how to find stuff. Literally the only time Aboriginal people were mentioned was in the Rolf Harris song: awful twice over.

The first white child in Australia is born.

Apparently Wikipedia contradicts itself on that.

As an Australian I can confirm this

”Aussies were a mistake.”

  • Hayao Miyazaki

Hol' up



Nobody wants to be blamed when a copycat happens in America in a week

4 times a day

Nz police are asking the video not to be shared or watched and are removing where they can

So are we just letting NZ police have jurisdiction over an American website?

They have servers in NZ as well I guess so it makes sense they're complying. Even I agree I hate this kind of censorship.

Sure, but, do you really want to be on a website that complies with requests from police so easily?

So? Fuck them

When did we all become subjects of New Zealand

Let me just remind you guys of what reddit said a bit over 5 years ago

Reddit is a bastion of free speech


Let’s take a second to remember how reddit handled videos during the Boston marathon bombing. Might not be the best idea for the reddit hive mind to dissect video of an active investigation.

The dude livestreamed it and showed his face on camera. He signed his name to a manifesto. Nobody's going to get wrongfully blamed.

Also, as autistic at the Boston Bombing thing was, you can't blame the site for the userbase running with something. And it's even more autistic to make more rules for everybody just because a segment can't contain themselves.

to make more rules for everybody just because a segment can't contain themselves

This is how rules work for like everything, everywhere.

Let me clarify:

If you ban something, it should punish anyone who crosses the line.

The lazy thing to do is to ban something incidental that punishes everybody for what a few people do, not just those who do it.

If someone goes around chucking apples at cars, what are you going to do? Ban apples? No, you ban chucking things at cars. The problem is that people on this site, particularly the admins, don't have enough brainpower to figure that out (or they're just too lazy to do their jobs properly) so they resort to banning incidental stuff.

I found out about this because someone posted it on wpd

Which is now banned. Not sure what happened there; if they just chose this hill to die on or if everyone rushed it to discuss the video.

Really shows how much the admins have sold-out to outside influence. Gotta please the advertisers and the police, right? Fondle their balls a little to keep them happy. Deepthroat them when they get really unhappy.

yeah just search liveleak its way easier

Aussies were a mistake

captainpriapism agrees

yeah englands mistake sucked in

also turns out liveleak is fucked or something i keep getting 503s when i try and search on there

I almost didn't recognize him with the new flair

imagine not disabling css

So whats your take on this, false flag i presume? Or are aussies that fucked?

Aussies were a mistake

Yeah, so's every country that's committed murder, right?

No, only the white ones.

So you're calling for segregation and/or genocide?

Look at this drongo, doesn't even know about miscegenation.

What a sad life you must have to lead to try and push your political views unto tragedy.

Find God.

Reee, pushing an agenda

"Find god"

Oh sweet ironic Baal.


الحمد لله رب العالمين😡😡😡


Yes, God yes

Mayocide is inevitable.

Not in our lifetimes, I'm glad to say. We're in an age of peace, in comparison to what the human race has been through. Keep your chin up.

Lmao, your grandchildren will be brown.

I'm of Indian descent, of course they will.

white knighting for whiteys.

That's even more sadder than being a pajeet.

Sorry; I just love all cultures. I understand you love to batter others for being born the way they are, but. Is this a coping mechanism? Look, it's okay to have a micropenis. The clitoris is the only part of the vagina that requires proper stimulation.

Regardless, have a good one. Don't forget your sunblock, okay sport?

Lmao, I'm a pajeet too you retard.

As I said; there's nothing wrong with having a micropenis. Cope however you wish, however.

Why are you trying to reassure yourself that there is nothing wrong with micropeen? Bitch I have impregnated several women and all of them have preferred big cocks. Cope harder faggot, or turn gay, you'll have a much better chance then 😂😂😂

/r/drama confirmed to be the most diverse sub

The clitoris is the only part of the vagina that requires proper stimulation.

Now that is some overwhelming cope

I'm of Indian descent

Holy shit dude, that's disgusting.

Hold on; I'm disgusting for being born with darker skin?

Gosh, I'd call you disgusting for choosing to be an asshole. You weren't born like this. Don't forget your sunblock when Summer rolls around, bucko!

No, you're disgusting for being indian.

Alright, pastry

I'm black.

I can say one word and you'll flip your shit.

Ain't that unfortunate.

No matter what I'll still genetically be way cooler than you.

Who isn't ? Mayocide now, mayocide forever.

When the streetshitters get uppity 😤

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

They’re a society that bred from a bunch of convicts. What could go wrong??

As a mod, do you really think your derogatory comment about Australians is appropriate. I don’t care if it’s a joke, it isn’t funny.

I'm a New Zealander, suck my dick.

You definitely shouldn't be a mod

You must be new here.

You must just be an asshole.

Where do you think you are?!?!


That would explain the remarkable level of brain-damage.

user reports:
1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive

Where the fuck do you people think you are?!

I'm just going to post this convo

You would have to be about 50% less boring for it to truly warrant a thread, but go right ahead.

Says the Reddit whore

"I'm going to post this conversation!"

"Go ahead".

"N-n-n-n-o you".

I sure learned my lesson.

From the fellow redditor.

That doesn't live on Reddit lmao

I'm Aussie and who the fuck cares? We call Americans 'burgers' and other shit all the time..

I had no clue that was a thing. What else do you call us? "Burgers" is hilarious.

Except it's a joke at the expense of ~50 innocent lives


No, you fucking muppet, the dead people were New Zealanders.

I'm a New Zealander.

The gunman was Australian.

And you? You're retarded

You fucking absolute piece of shit. You want to take a look at the state of your country’s youth!I’ve never seen so many idiots come from a first world country. Seriously, 95% white skin, brown skin you are fucking woman bashing pond scum. Actually, calling you pond scum is an insult to the intelligence of pond scum.

You wearing your stupid shoes, hoodie and flat brim cap? Lol You a skuxx cunt boy racer? Country of fucking useless parasites lol. A bunch of adults dressed like a 15 year old who just got their birthday money. Hahaha Never have I seen so many adult children so concerned with being cool. All the while not even having the intelligence to realise how fucking pitifully pathetic there little attempt to recreate the culture of America is... omg the softest, fattest little pretend gangstas anyone has ever seen.

Go and fuck off you stupid cunt there’s a reason New Zealand has the highest suicide rate in the world. I guess you dumb cunts just get to an age where you can’t even stand yourselfs and you join the rest of us wishing you were dead.

I love you for giving me this golden piece of copypasta, right down to your webbed extra toes.

I love you for giving me this golden piece of copypasta, right down to your webbed extra toes.

/u/justcool393, new snappy quote?

Oh gosh I suppose you win..? Sending me little messages then deleting them... You even troll like an idiot. Keep it up bud, I hope you think of me just before you neck yourself you fat little bitch.

When did you stop taking your antipsychotics, friendo?

Jesus you are just killing yourself in these comments. Are you new here or is that the best you can do? Hahaha you’re a real edge lord haha my little niece trolls harder than you. Go pull your dick somewhere else you sheep fucker hahaha

Are you new here or is that the best you can do?

Who the fuck are you? Lmao.

Oh did I hurt your feelings? Such a sensitive little flower... hahaha Jesus

No, I was just surprised to find out that you're actually retarded enough to believe that I'm the newfriend.

So many responses? You must be really upset you little newbee

So many responses?

I appreciate that counting to one is difficult for you.

Ohhhhh very very clever. Some loser who spends all day trolling people and actual prides himself on it is insulting my intelligence oh shit I’ll try recover from that. Get a hobby it may help with your depression you fat shit hahahahaha

insulting my intelligence

I'm not accurate enough to hit such a small target.

Your falling to pieces my man. You’re not very good at this

Next time I'll stick to single syllables so you can keep up.

Good one hahaha



Imagine spending your time being a Reddit mod and thinking other people are psychotic retards.

I didn't send the dude any messages, let alone delete them. Schizos gonna schiz, though.

I didn't claim you did, and you bringing up disconnected points, while being a Reddit mod, really doesn't help your case of not being a psychotic retard.

That's a really long-winded way to say "no you".

No, it's a really short-winded way of saying "what you just said has absolutely no bearing on what you were replying to, all while deriding other people for their presumed stupidity. and Peter Jackson is the only reason we still bother to print you sheep-shagging Kiwi fucks on our maps"

Holy word salad. Maybe you should lay off the fentanyl.

It was perfectly understandable to anyone who doesn't spend their life as an illiterate Reddit mod. Sorry your life came to that but by the sounds of it you weren't destined for much more.

Why do you take so many words to say fuck all? Too many chromosomes or too few?

Wrong they were Muslim invaders that were killed dumbass



I look good in Hugo Boss.

Bye bye.

Outrage culture has made a large portion of my fellow Americans massive pussies. It’s sad. So much estrogen.

Americans are pussies by default at this time in history.

That’s just false. Our military begs to differ.

He thinks more military power compensates for a small cock

Checks out.

As an aussie, you're right it's not funny - but it's not a joke. I'm gonna shit on the place every chance i get until we get a treaty in place and close the gap.

this place is built on genocide, lies and tears.

Oh I see. You’re one of those. Pathetic.

hahaha i saw you for what you are way back up there, you're fucken slow mate! nah but honestly good on you for getting there in the end.


Ahahahaha But seriously, fuck that shitty little island of petrol huffers.

Look bro, as an Australian my advice to you is to take the bants and enjoy it or;

Take a shit, and a big one, wrap it in plastic, put it in the freezer. Give it about 2 hours, pull it out, and shove it up your ass.

I've read that (one of) the shooter is a Kiwi born in Australia.

You shouldn't be a mod if you're racist

Australians aren't a race, they're a disease. Check your facts.

Say it to my face you motherfucker 😊

My doctor recommends not coming within 50km of an Australian.


If Australians could get pussy, Christchurch wouldn't need 50 body-bags.

Rly mkes u think.

By that logic Australia wouldn't have anyone living here. Therefore the shooter wouldn't exist and therefore this tragedy would never have happened... Makes U think, huh.

By that logic Australia wouldn't have anyone living here.

It doesn't. Australians aren't people.

"Brave" words from a person behind a screen. Your no better then the bloke that did all the shooting. You've already got the same mindset. Rolling a whole group of people into something less than yourself. Do you want an AR to shoot a whole bunch of people too?

Lol suck my dick. This isn't a subreddit for seriousposting.

Do you realize you're on /r/drama? The only proper Christian sub on reddit?

The holy spirit says we can own ARs, so fuck off if you don't like it.

You're only welcome back if you acknowledge Jesus as the man that brought our right to bear arms.

I didn't say he couldn't have one or shouldn't have one. Don't put words in my mouth. I asked if he wanted one to shoot a bunch of people. In relation to his mentality. I don't care if people do or do not have guns. It's the mentality on the trigger side that is the issue. A spoon can be deadly if used correctly doesn't mean i think people shouldn't have spoons. It just means some jerk could kill a person with a spoon if used inappropriately. Same goes for cars, trucks, trains, Apple seeds (fucking Google it) and potassium nitrate. Malicious intent and radical thinking is far more deadly and a much bigger problem.

I mean we exist, but if we aren't people, what are we?

Sentient fungus?

If Australians could get pussy, Christchurch wouldn't need 50 body-bags.

I read his manifesto, dude was a classic internet autist. He states he got his beliefs "from the internet", that Muslims are invaders etc.

Basically a guy that went to 4chan's /pol/ board and said "wow, why get an education when I can get my knowledge from here!"

I'm not blaming the whole of /pol/ but as the old internet adage goes "those who shitpost ironically will eventually attract retards that take it seriously" (example: bronies).

Now lastly as an Australian;

If Australians could get pussy

What you don't realise is that we fuckin that asian puss everywhere. They might be coming over at rapid rates, but we're meeting our breeding quota.

Australian boogans are barely people let alone a race that should be respected

Why is reddit letting the fucking NZ police force censor them, especially when the suspect’s been caught already

Because they've probably finally learned a lesson from the Boston Bombings, Orlando nighclub shooting, etc?

What lesson would that be? That we can’t have context to draw from when discussing the matter and only “approved” takes will be fed to the people who didn’t happen to be on their computers as it happened?

Are you retarded? Reddit fingered the wrong guy after the Boston Bombings. Maybe reddit has realised it isn't actually equipped to break news responsibly?

“Especially when the suspect’s been caught already” in my first comment but I’m certainly the retard here.

Also, the fucking “front page of the internet” is not equipped to break news? You’d think being enough of a loser to willingly be a mod here would give you some understanding of what this site exists for but I guess they’re not looking for enhanced intelligence when picking people to provide them free labor.

They don't know how many accomplices there were. They don't know if he did shootings at both locations. They don't know how many other shooters there were.

So again, are you retarded?

This is a news site and updates to the story should be provided as it unfolds in full. The difference in format does not change what Reddit fundamentally exists for; news and discourse.

The discourse portion is effectively dead because somewhere down the line admins/ownership decided they would exercise control over it. I don’t want that to be the case with the news either because I still use this site for information.

So then how do you prevent a second Boston marathon fiasco from happening? Simply enough, you just nuke entire comment chains and threads like mods and admins have shown in recent months they are more than happy to do; this time with the purpose of stopping the community from having a negative impact instead of the usual reasons like comments that you disagree with.

Moderators should be moderating because every comment section in every sub is a complete circlejerk so there’s a very little chance anything of substance is lost when you wipe/lock potentially harmful threads. But the site itself should not be averse to presenting news and information, and to be effectively censored by a police department is shameful.

You can cherry-pick something I wrote to argue against and call me a retard again if you feel like it, it’s really not like you’ll ever be someone of importance to anyone. Thanks for making the commute less boring, I don’t plan to reply anymore.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

user reports:
1: This is spam

That's a demonstrable lie. /u/LongPostBot is the truth.

This is a news site

Wrong answer, noddy. This is a social media site. Nothing more.

It’s actually neither. This isn’t social media. These are anonymous accounts and don’t post personal information. This is an online forum.

Oh petal. Maybe once upon a time, but now? What were the last features rolled out by reddit - picture hosting? Individual profiles? Lol.

Still doesn’t make it a Social media site. This site has had individual profiles forever....considering every single account on here is a individual profile. By definition it’s technically considered a social media site since forums are under that umbrella term. Social media is more like Facebook, Twitter and instagram. The lack of personal information being shared is why I wouldn’t call it social media in the same way those sites are called.

I'm not sure if you're actually incapable of grasping a thought or you think seriousposting on /r/drama is actually a thing. Either one is a bannable offence.

Oh shut the fuck up. From the comments I’ve read you’re a massive disgusting piece of human shit. Oh my god! A bannable offense!? Noooooooo! What will I ever do if I get banned from this shitty sub I’ve never visited till right now!? Life as I know is over! Too bad that Aussie couldn’t get more of you fuckers.

Mmmmm, your rage feeds me. Do it again.

Buy a gun and rent a bullet. There’s a reason NZ has the highest suicide rate.

That's it? Jesus, you're more disappointing that Meg Ryan naked in In the Cut.

Wasn't it because of the sheep?

Lol ur so mad

No need to cherry pick, there are ample retarded statements made in your last three replies.

For one you can fuck off new drama fag

This is a news site

Here's a tip for ya pardner: if you think Reddit is a news site, leave.

lmao fingered

That's good and all, but you know the rule of the internet, once something's on the internet it's there forever.

Took me 2 minutes to find the video.

Well done. You've mastered Google.

Where the fuck came all the triggered Aussies from?

I don't think they're even Australian. Aussies might be missing several chromosomes, but they speak fluent bants.

Better than having extra chromosomes, you downy.

You mean extra chromosomes.

Twenty to eight in the fucken morning, i rode my emu to get some vegimite sangas

Aussies were a mistake.

Oh ok.

Don’t deny it.

I thought it was one of the four was an Australian? Like yeah, fuck that guy but pretty sure it was shooters not shooter.

Unclear. But the Commissioner of Police has described their current understanding as one shooter, two accomplices, and a fourth person who was arrested but may have been unconnected to the other three.

Thanks for the info.

Based and assiepilled

Go fuck yourself mod. Just because one person did something horrific doesn’t mean that 25+ million others are bad. Eric Harris was American, does that make all Americans mistakes?

Eric Harris was American, does that make all Americans mistakes?


seriousposting 😪😪

1st of all, why can't the vid be posted? It's freely available on the internet.

And 2nd of all, as an Australian, we were a mistake initially (convicts that were sent to a huge ass dry island, that turned around to be one of the most prosperous economies in the world). Not bad for a bunch of bread stealing, horse raping cons.

as an Australian

Oh no its retarded.

moderator of /r/drama

Oh no, it's retarded.

this is one of those happy times where you're both right

now kiss

more of Ellen Pao's evil plan?

Oi cunt you need to change your post mate. You can't say aussies were a mistake, how would it go down if you said Africans were a mistake.


Where the fuck is the video at then, you pussy mods.

Or tell the admins to kiss your ass.

Go on a farm where kiwis grow.

Immigrant shooter?

Yup, despite his manifesto being full of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

What a complete clown.

Did you just call Australians a mistake? Fuck you you dumbass urine gargling sack of shit fuckface stupid fucking broad. Mods were a mistake.

And here we have example number 1

Example number 1 of what dawg?

Aussies were a mistake.

The admins are pussy. Let them come.

Post the vids fuck the admins

Never should have let any of them escape their shitty prison colony.

This is terrorism and very bad. I need to make this clear unironically so that I can ironically say edgy things on drama, but this is disgusting.










In some ways I think saying the n-word was the best and worst thing that ever happened to Pewds. His fanbase is more ravenous and irrational than ever. To less mature people in particular, there's this inherent appeal to cultural figures who seem to just not give a shit; people to whom the rules don't apply. Pewds' fanbase now consists of individuals to whom there is no draw toward being polite, respectful, and altruistic, because he's demonstrated the value in remaining on the fringe. There is no force to counteract the hype.

Now this is epic




Unfortunately, people in the comments seem to miss the point. Thanks a bunch, OP.

Pewdiepie was in direct communication with the shooter, didnt you read the manifesto?

You’re fucking stupid if you think that

The evidence speaks for itself terrorist fanboy

Is it a certified fact or just a random rumor/conspiracy theory ?

Holy shit. Maybe this will make people realize that there are entire universes on the internet that you don’t understand. And that is where people like this live.

He's just reporting what the guy actually said...

Wtf is this post? People died, have some decency

He was an australian living in new zealand mate, dont post wrong information

no one cares

Not a kiwi, he is Australian. They can have him.

no one cares

We New Zealanders care. He is not us.

American tourist?

I can't be the only one that thought that originally.... You yanks consistently hit the high scores in these things.

Please delete this post First he is not a New Zealander check the facts first before doing things like this. Check facts before subjecting people to misinformation....

Did you seriously create an account to say that?

Live in NZ and yeah I feel quite deeply about this as we don't have these types of things happen and seeing people like you try and take advantage is just poor taste. Firstly the people in NZ won't be worried about some gamer personality they will be worried about loved ones that have been lost and if this is the end or just the start.

Also it's best to check facts so you don't look like a fool. But good for you getting some internet points. I'm sure that makes up for other downfalls .

Lol ok

Lol total crack up aye. Being honest do you support this attack ?

how did you get here, do you know what this subreddit is?

Well I followed the map that how I got here. Thought that would have been simple to understand. I just don't understand do you know who I am?

nobody here cares who you are. what map?

Lol just step back and think a little. Also the care bears care no matter what so you are wrong and also a bit stupid. Maybe I'll draw a picture for you or something, what format works best you ?

what the fuck are you rambling about? what map? do you have a link, I am genuinely curious how you ended up here instead of the actual news post instead.

That was weird

yeah there's a LOT of folks in this thread who are not normal drama people or even redditors, this shit got linked somewhere

Someone who never comes in this sub sent me the link here from a discord server and was like its fucking MAYHEM in here, I was like uh yah

Curious as to where else it got linked, too bad idiot above us deleted his account

To restore balance, someone has to kill him the same way.

They always take down the fun vids...

Im so sure u can find it

This thread is gak

What happened? Did it get raided by 8chan spergs? Or just in morning for the great tragedy of 49 dead the big bad media reporting the objective truth of Pewdiepie's involvement in the shooting?

They’re private until the drama calms down because they’re gonna get spammed to hell and back

The only thing of value that was lost was some copper and lead.

Jesus fuck you're sick.

At least I’m not a sandnigger

Holy fuk this got 1 to 100 real fast

Fuck off, retard.

Get shot faggot

Stick it up your throat and kill yourself, fucking neckbeard trash. You need to round up and slaughtered.

You’re a loser


Oh god oh fuck.

He is to blame for this..?

He personally isn't no. But that won't stop the media from going after him.


Man. That’s a lot of “HA”s. Seems inappropriate given the circumstances.

Yes. Did you seriously just just make up a headline for internet points.

It was an Australian in New Zealand. He isn’t one of ours he can fuck off

no one cares

You care enough to make a comment

yes all the effort that entailed but in the end it was definitely worth it. fat retard

Chur my bro

He was an Australian in New Zealand, not a New Zealander

no one cares

So how did he even get those guns in the first place? Doesn't New Zealand have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world?

At least he's original content creator, not a soulless corporation like T series.

I feel the need to point out the shooter was an Australian.

no one cares

r/pewdiepiesubmissions is locked, N Word sayers are going ape shit. Keep your eyes out for spicy stuff

He is Australian FYI

Any Link to this or is it funny now to spread such serious unfounded allegations? Do I miss something about this subreddit?

This is a joke right, this can it be real?

This shit is obviously fake, lol. They’re not even trying.

Nah its real, its all over the news. Especially in sweden

Obviously a false flag. Aussies got rid of all their guns and haven’t shot anyone in 500 years!

So... more crisis actors ?

T-series planned the attack! Now seriously: that is seriously the most fucked up thing to say before a shooting. The asshole was about to murder everyone he saw in his pass and decided to meme on his fucked up livestream. I cannot believe that level of evil and stupidity exists in 2019.

Australian. Fuckstick

Hold the fuck up there buddy do your research first I'm a New Zealander and the guy was Australian thank you very much

Oh shit T series is gonna overtake Pewdiepie in <24 hours.

Thank you for kindly letting the world know not to take anything you say seriously, for future reference.

Super helpful.

Wasn't a New Zealander it was an Australian

He was an Aussie much to my disgust

I like how people are more concerned about PewDiePie than actual victims.

I know it’s messed up

Poor pewds

raises hand

r/Pewdiepiesubmissions is closed down

Can someone confirm this?

Can someone confirm this, I haven’t seen any videos of it.

Yip. Confirmed. 49 Dead, Fucker was wearing a body camera. Don’t watch anything.

No I know about the shooting, it was in the news. But the posts headline, about pediepie

We are truly living in the darkest timeline

This is the timeline where Sheogorath is one of the nine

Where did you hear this?

Not seen the video yet, but:

1) How did he get hold of guns?

2) Where can I read his manifesto?

3) Why is it always people from leafy middle class areas, literally thousands of miles away from any actual goings-on, who start shit like this? What did muslims ever do to him?

There’s like a thousand ways to get guns illegally in any part of the word, even China. Gun bans don’t work.

Stupidest comment I read all day, are you talking out your ass or do you have a reason for saying this? How many illegal gun dealers do YOU know?

In fact I do know a few, they’re called Craigslist and the deep web. Oh yeah and all of that gang violence taken place with unregistered weapons, guess the guns just materialize out of thin air into the crips and bloods hands. Almost like prohibition doesn’t work, and if people want something they’ll get it. I’d you really don’t believe me, you can literally see for yourself with a few clicks.

I’m saying the average person couldn’t get a hold of a gun. Maybe you have a point with the deep web but I’m not talking about gangs I’m talking about lonely people who appear to have no social life. Gun prohibition definitely makes it more a process to get a gun but I guess that doesn’t stop these crazy people.

I do agree prohibition would temporarily make it much harder to acquire guns, especially for the average person. Until the illegal market catches up, and it more or less becomes an easy process to acquire one again. It just doesn’t seem feasible in a gun crazed country like America, unless we’re talking about a multi generational process that would probably like 75+ years.

He was Australian, not a New Zealander

Oh did I hurt your feelings? Such a sensitive little flower... hahaha Jesus

I watched one happy wheels video years ago and realized that this gibberish-spouting clown was the final nail in the coffin for western civilization and promptly converted to Islam 💪👌

youtube needs to ban pewdiepie


promotes racism. inspires these radical right wing terrorists

fox news is responsible for creating these white supremacist terrorists

Have any of you ever actually watched Fox News?

People who say hurr durr Fox Bad just assume that because crazy right wing posters watch it that Fox endorses it.

Fox's shit is so PC it hurts, Tucker Carlson is their most aggressive out there show and it's laughably PG

i know jeanine pirro was talking shit about Muslims just this week. Creating hatred against religions, races, and skin colors just creates dangerous people and makes everyones lives much worse.

r/politics already trying to use this to shut down T_D. Reddit can be really disgustingly self-centered sometimes.

Well, this is like the 12th RWNJ Attack in the last year.

Sites like Reddit and 4Chan are still liable under the DMCA if they refuse to enforce their own rules, so users are documenting that, as it happens.

Look at all of the RW hate, for yourself...

You can't tell me that thread isn't full of future terrorists.

They say that the terrorist isn’t like them at all, and then sympathize with him

Unfucking believable

*rationally angry

Dude fuck off, that place is a breeding ground for propaganda misinformation promotion of violence and hate, why is Reddit tacitly supporting them?

As a non us person i dont know if you are talking about r/t_d or r/politics since it fits both

As a non-american I sweat they were the same

Good those sisterfucking, unamerican baboons deserve to be banned

He was not a NZer. I'm pretty sure he was literally not but if I'm wrong we still don't accept him.

Holy shit. 50 people.

How dare any of you make this about T series vs Pewdiepie? This mentally ill piece of shit shot up a mosque, and Pewdiepie, nor T series, has ever condoned any sort of violence or crime. Pewdiepie has said multiple tiles he doesnt really care about losing, and that he absolutely doesnt want people vandalizing or doing anything illegal for the Pewdiepie vs T series “battle”

Do your basic research before you spread shit thanks

Oh yeah? What was wrong?

He was an Australian

Hes not a New Zealander. Hes Australian.

He’s an Australian


People on twitter giving power to the things the shooter said is definitely discouraging anyone that wants their opinions heard and wants that kind of power from doing this again :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

He did it to get media's attention

He was Australian. Please don't add more fuel to the fire with sensationalising this piece of shit.

Subscribe to pewdiepie bitches!!! * cocks ar *

Should delete this post before we get an influx of seriousposters again


He is Australian, not a kiwi

The government has been issuing statements, for the face 6 hours saying 'callous, senseless act of violence' trying to save face

49 kills is impressive. Most people struggle to get more than 5.

Most people don’t shoot strangers for no reason, because they know there’s nothing “impressive” about murdering innocents and kids who aren’t expecting it. Get a fucking life

They’re Muslim, they’re not innocent, they preach death to non believers everyday

This is just plain wrong man. Come back to reality. There were kids in there who got murdered by a psychopath who was spouting the same shit you’re saying.

This man is literally advocating mass shooters and applauding him, like 'wow 50 kills gj man really did better than the guy in vegas'. Like, what? You enjoy terrorism? You enjoy children dying? Let me guess, trump isnt racist either. You truly are a disgrace of mankind.

If you follow Islam, you support death counts WAY high (In the billions) then what happened

This is a childishly simple way to look at the situation, and you should be embarrassed and ashamed for trying to justify the murder of innocents based on their religion.


Well, it hurts to say the truth... but yeah...

His biggest mistake was not saying "remember, no Russian" on his way out of the van.

Some alt-right nut job killed a bunch of religious nut jobs. Why is reddit acting like there's a downside to this?

“Unusefulidiot” sounds about right. Go fuck yourself. The religious “nutjobs” were practicing their religion peacefully. I know you’re trying to be edgy, but it’s uncool since a lot of innocent people, including children, were gunned down for no reason by an out-of-touch loser maniac

Stfu moral fag

Get a life, loser

No u

They say the world didnt end in 2012 but has anything felt real since then?

Is it wrong to find the fact he said "Sub to Pewdiepie" fucking hilarious?


I’d say it‘s definitely wrong, given the circumstances.

Faggot it's hilarious

Suck my dick. It’s not fucking funny because he murdered 50 innocent people, including children. You saying it’s funny is just a sad, misguided attempt to seem edgy and cool, but you’re not, and that’s why you have no real friends

I do have friends though lmao,

In fact were getting together tomorrow to drink and pirate captain marvel so we can laugh at it together.

When I get off work I'm definitely making popcorn, watching this video and laughing at the memes.

I don’t care that you’re a piece of shit

I don't care that you don't care. Memes have no moral compass cucklord.

Haha, why would you tell me this? Fuckin’ loser

No u. #SubscribeToPewdiepie

Yes, but if we are all wrong together, doesn't that make it kind of okay? At least we know we're jaded assholes...

Wtf i love pewdiepie now

He was Australian. Not a New Zealander.

Wasn't he a dumbfuck Aussie cunt?

OK, so i've been wondering about this for a while now.

Could someone explain what this "pewdiepie"stuff is ? Seeing more and more of it but never bothered to look it up...

Redpillers/Gamergaters/alt-right/whatever believe Pewd "secretly" is one of the but can't come right out and say it because (((they))) would nuke his career, so they perceive him giving them little winks and nods here and there and in turn support him under the assumption he's red pilling children.

They are using social media to hack mass media, and spreading their hateful ideology in the articles and threads like this one, across the internet, and around the world.

It happens after every mass casualty event, coincidentally, and it's happening in this very thread, all over the place.

They're not trying to Red Pill us, they are successfully redpilling us. I think more people need to be aware of that, like you and me are.

Basically, the alt-right counterculture that exists on the internet co-opts symbolism and trends from popular culture to secretly spread itself among the otherwise unaware.

PewDiePie is a popular streamer, the conspiracy theory goes that he is secretly an alt-right fanboy and closet fascist just like them, but he has to pretend to be a normal so THEY won't ruin him.

This meme persists despite his numerous public disavowals, which they simply right off as cynical showmanship. The truth is, having the alt-right associated with a public figure as popular as PewDiePie publicizes and promotes their ideology even if the connection is false, on its own.

They are using social media to essentially hack mass media, and spread itself in the articles and threads covering the controversy, across the internet and around the world.

It happens after every mass casualty event, the media become saturated with intentionally confusing and outright fabrications of headlines and hot takes.

It's a buffer overflow attack, and social media is the vector.

That's why it's right over the next few days and you will see it for yourself, I promise.

He's a Nihilist, this is a joke to him.

Americans be like: ‘See, this shit happens everywhere dawg!’

See, this shut happens everywhere dawg!

This tragedy should not be blamed on Pewdiepie whatsoever, as he had nothing to do with it. The guy who shot up the mosque is clearly looking for attention, and is trying to turn all of the big media companies unfairly against Pewdiepie. Also, this should not be seen as a reason to subscribe to T-Series as Pewdiepie has no control over the shooter.

I have it on good authority that Pewds laugh like hell upon initially watching the video.

Are you stupid or something? Pewdiepie clearly doesn’t like any of the illegal shit happening, and he does not condone or like these actions in any way. When someone scraped “Sub to Pewdiepie” into a WWII memorial, Pewdiepie donated to help fix the damage and clearly did not like the actions that occurred. Today, when the shooting happened, Pewdiepie made a tweet about him wanting nothing to do with the shooter.

People like you piss me off. What would possibly incline you into believing that Pewdiepie would like watching such a horrendous video? You guys need to be less butt hurt about everything that happens in the internet, and realize that not everything someone says has malicious intent.

You guys need to be less butt hurt about everything that happens in the internet

You're screaming about Pewdiepie being picked on, clearly not aware of what board you're on. Don't be mad at us because Pewdiepals are taking their heated gaming moments to the streets.

I’m not mad at you guys for picking on Pewdiepie., I’m mad that you guys have such twisted views of him that you would think that Pewdiepie would enjoy watching a video of a mass shooting. Pewdiepie has said multiple times not to do anything illegal, but in this case there was nothing he could do about it.

Op is wrong about this for sure, but chill dude it’s not worth the three paragraphs you wrote on the topic. Yeah it’s not fair to say that pewdiepie is responsible for the actions of this person but you’re taking it more seriously than you need to

I didn't say that he was responsible, just that he had a great deal of appreciation for it. Completely different.

He’s never expressed any appreciation of it. Ever. Anyone who says otherwise hasn’t actually watched his content

Yes but where did you possibly get the idea of him having a great deal of appreciation of it?

Because that's the funnier scenario.

How is it funny to see somebody laugh at the mass killing of innocent people?

Someone literally killed people participating in your meme war though. Trash fanbase for sure.

Lol that dude was not a fan whatsoever. He used jokes to push his own agenda, you balming it on PewDiePie making jokes is just sad.


What is Pewdiepie making some kind of fawkin' salve or something?! Tsst tsst go to break cocksuckah.

I'm on mobile cut me some fucking slack. I don't fucking spell check and I really haven't even cared for PewDiePie, he just gets alot of fucking blame for no reason.

I think Pewds set it up...

How on earth did you come to that conclusion?

It's so obvious.

Yeah, ok. Whatever you say.

How many times are you going to take the bait?

Ah yes, because THAT would be the obvious choice for someone trying to advance an agenda.

More likely, the guy is a leftie sending a false flag.

Do you think the unethical videogame (((journalists))) could be behind it?!

Anything is more possible than that actually happening.

That man was no way someone who I would consider part of any meme community, he was a psychopath my blood curdles just thinking about what he did he brings a bad name to anyone and anything even remotely involved with memes

Subscribe to T-Series

The shooter wants us to make him Infamous like we are right now.

We should not give this much attention to him.

Just call him a duck fucker and only refer to him as the duck fucker. And only referred him when absolutely necessary. I don't even know any of the victims names, but I guarantee you I can figure out the shooters name in this thread.


It isn't just making them famous, it's making them influential.

A loser with no power and no prospects in life because they are a violent maniac now knows they have the power to not only become famous but make change by commiting atrocities and tailoring their manifesto for certain effect. Then if they live, they get to watch politicians and pundits advocate for changes to society, all because of them.

28 and no life prospects. He was either going to die in obscurity as he should have or commit an atrocity and receive a ton of attention and become influential. Not a hard decision for a fucked up person to make.

Delete this

Im just so desensitized at this point it's ridiculous. Felt nothing watching that horrid video

That is pretty ridiculous

You are all fucked in the head. Completely removed from reality.

Completely removed from reality.


I would like to point out that his grievance was related to kebap, the food, not muslims.

As such, it is not an islamophobic alt-right terrorist, but instead he was expressing his concerns with pulled beef.


Wait... there are videos of the shooting...? Oof not sure if want

Yeah banter aside it's pretty fucked up, there's a part where he gets a woman on the sidewalk and she goes down screaming for help, so he walks up and pops her in the head. I don't recommend actually watching it.

I’ve been watching gore since I discovered 4chan as a 12 year old. I’ve seen some shit. Some shit I regret. But tbh I don’t really regret any of it. This is the world irl, and i refuse to accept the world as being anything but the worst of the worst. I don’t want to live a European beautiful headspace. I can’t begin to believe or try to help the world to be a better place if I live in fantasy land, that’s for baby boomers, not us millennials. Fucked up shit is fucked up shit and we can’t fix the worlds problems with my head in the sand.


As a muslim i feel really bad for pewds, fuck that cunt, killed 49 people and seriously injured 20 more, And wont even get the death penalty, just a good 3 meals a day, 4 walls and a roof, And a bed, for the rest of his life. He reminds me of the guy that shot up a church a year or two back, but at least that guy did die.

i condemned action of this terrorist but i want to know views of all on caliphate, politicians and bureaucrats specially white supermacist try to create a environment that islam try to rule world and we going to save you,is this kind of shit doesn't exit or not.

No. He’s an Australian. He shot up a New Zealand mosque while he’s here.

So we now have an excuse to close his channel? Great



Second mosque shooting was supposedly stopped by a good guy with a gun. Drama ramping up.



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What is PewDiePie?

He was actually Australian, atleast that's what most of the reliable news sites are saying.

Your post is dumb. You’re dumb for posting it. Just stop.

If I don't, will I get a brave gamer rise up and end up like the people in the mosques? :c

No. This isn’t an opportunity to shill for some YouTube channel. At least it shouldn’t be. Your life must be very sad.


From his manifesto "I worked for short time before making money investing in Bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel." Wasn't Bitconnect just a huge scam or is he just memeing here as well?

Probably just being dank.

The whole fucking manifesto is a meme

The jovial tone in this thread makes it even more sinister. This is not a fucking light-hearted joke and going at it with ironic edgelord attitude is casting a real cynical light on this sub. At least have a little consideration and decency for the victims.


This is the greatest work of visual art of the 21st century. Oscar worthy right here.

Spyro the dragon 3 turned him into a ethnonationalist

49 people dead Jesus Christ

This is utterly disgusting.

y'all cannot actually seriously think pewdiepie inspired this guy... right? Are we living in an alternate universe where no one has any common sense anymore?

No one is saying that

no one this thread... in other threads people are

People will find a way to blame the NRA and Trump.

AOC is way ahead of you

holy shit retard delete the post and repost jesus christ you don't get it

He also said Donald Trump was 'a symbol of renewed white identity'. Take a wild guess which one of these statements will get more attention on Fox News

He also said he was inspired by Spyro the Dragon.

Let's cut the bullshit. No one is responsible but the killer.

That too will get more attention on Fox News than him mentioning Trump

The guy wrote memes into his manifesto and wrote shit only 4chan finds funny on his guns. He planned it on 8chan and LIVE STREAMED it ffs. Idk but this killer was the peak internet radicalized terrorist. He was so fucked up by his echochamber and killed with such coldness that if he dabbed after each kill i wouldnt be suprised. Even 1940's nazis had the emotional capacity to know they were comitting atrocoties. The internet have dark dark corners that we have underestimated for a long time.

And the Columbine shooters liked Marylyn Manson. What’s your point?!

Oh boy here we go I could see those "media" outlets having a field day shitting on pewds. Has he responded to this?

Lmfao, this is great. The jewrnalists are already gobbling up basically everything he hoped they would, 4chan is already blocked in NZ, despite being basically unrelated, and there is talk of blaming internet freedom for this. Delicious. Who wants to bet that his hopes of accelerating the divide are going to pay off big time?

No wonder people shoot things up. The retarded responses are so easy to manipulate -by the fucking shooter himself-, no less.

The message this sends is basically "Hey, if you want to be heard - go kill people!"

I wish one day the mass murderer just before going to do the deed would post something of the "there are more than two genders" or wave a rainbow flag so that people understand that it doesn't fucking matter.

But those people won't understand. They are just as blinded by hate. They are simply too much of a coward to do anything about it so they prefer passive aggressive bullying.

Over 2000 up votes

See you bitches in 3 weeks when this sub is accessible again.

This meme is so big now I would honestly not be surprised if ISIS started saying it.

I would honestly not be surprised if ISIS started saying it

We can dream!

This whole stuff can be made into a black mirror episode.

Wait. Is this for real?


Aww fuck, now I can't wear my Subscribe to PewDiePie shirt anymore!

He was Australian living in NZ

In other news, Jodie Foster is still not responsible for Ronald Reagan getting shot, Bernie Sanders is still not responsible for the Republican congressional baseball team getting shot, and Sarah Palin is still not responsible for Gabby Giffords getting shot.

Bernie Sanders is still not responsible for the Republican congressional baseball team getting shot

And now you know why Bernie can never truly win.

PM for the link


Is there an archive?


Just a prank

This is one of the most vile threads I’ve ever read. 49 innocent people died and this sub is using it for catty gossip/entertainment. The inspiration for this attack needs to be investigated- but don’t turn the deaths of good people into a YouTube drama scandal.

this sub is using it for catty gossip/entertainment

Never been here before?

Nope, it just showed up on my popular feed. The sub’s theme does not justify the lack of empathy I’ve seen in this comment section. These comments are taking a serious, horrific event and making it into entertainment. These people should find their entertainment elsewhere, where it doesn’t involve the death of 49 people.

These comments are taking a serious, horrific event and making it into entertainment.


I don’t see what’s funny

Holy shit, I watched the video and the dude looked like he was treating it like a video game. Mother fucker deserves to rot in hell

The first meme terrorist attack


Not a fan of the flair name.

Wow this generation is right fucked

This is probably bad to ask, but is there a video? That can be seen.


There is a video, yes, but asking for it or posting it will result in a ban.

Ah ok, thanks for the clarification.

No problem. The administrators have decided that posting the video is prohibited site-wide.

That waste of life is an Austrialian.


holy fuck, pewdiepie must feel terrible

Yeah a lot of people died but poor pewds /s

Reddit needs to take down the Donald and all alt right subs. They are tacitly supporting a place that creates people like this man on an immensely popular site like Reddit. The us government should take down alt right websites too.

Isn't anyone going to point out that he was NOT a New Zealander? He's Australian. r/titlegore

Isn't anyone going to point out that he was NOT a New Zealander?

Only like 400 or so people despite the OP saying how old the fucking thread is.

Real life meme lmao

Maybe I should subscribe to pewdiepie. I always assumed he would be a PC piece of shit, but if he is a supporter of the holy war then I’m in.

Well I for one subscribed. Civilized, predominately white countries are currently under invasion. This invasion is not being covered by the media and is being pushed by the left. It is about time somebody stands up and fights back against this invasion. Maybe next time they’ll sit their asses in the desert and stay there.

What is this comment section even?

I'm curious, how did you find this discussion? was it linked from another website?

If you Google pewds and reddit this is the first result since all his subreddit became private

can we give a second biggest imbecile award to the owner of this post?

Sadly some people just want to watch the world burn.

As awful as this must be for the Muslims who were shot, I'm more concerned with the potential backlash against innocent Australians.

Let’s just all remember Dave Chappelle’s “Wutang/ISIS” joke.

Retards? That's what OP has to say? I thought we were long past using this term as a means to degrade someone.

I'm curious, how did you find this discussion? was it linked from another website?

No just in my feed

He's trying to start a race/culture war in the US, don't fall for it. I can't imagine how pewdiepie must feel being blamed for a mass shooting. The shooter did this, not pewdiepie, not Candace Owens, not anyone he mentioned in his manifesto. HE did this shooting and should be punished to the absolute furthest extent of New Zealand law.


Too late. The manifesto was on the front page for HOURS empowering racists, people have been cherry picking and misquoting since it dropped. Its waaaay too late.

you people here who care more about the ensuing “drama” for entertainment’s sake are fucking vile disgusting sub humans

let the hate flow through you

Thats the thing, it doesnt.

It flows through all of you.

I feel pity for you.

fucking vile disgusting sub humans

Doesn't sound like pity to me. Sounds a lot like hate.

Whatever makes you feel better at the state of your life


dam son he blocked u


lol ty

Hey guys you really should subscribe to Pewds

The Muslim murdering meme machine

I’ll like to point out he was actually Australian. Even though he resided in New Zealand he was also a ‘foreigner’ which is pretty ironic.

If mosque had a gun this wouldn't happen.


Great, now he's going to get dragged into this and it'll be a real shitshow. I'm not sure whether to pick a side or grab some popcorn.

r/pewdiepiesubmissions is set to private.

Good times. He's not even wrong tho.


I subbed to t series after pewdiepie fans painted sub to pewdiepie on a ww2 memorial I don’t have anything really against Felix but I have a odd feeling he will survive getting overtaken by A Indian music channel #subscribetotseries

I just realized that two mosques were hit. What the fuck, what drives a fucking cuck to do this shit? Like I know I'm serious posting right now, but the fuck man?

I'm out of the loop because I've been busy with exams. Did a mass shooter really yell "subscribe to pewdiepie"?

Well he said it to a livestream like 2 minutes before the shooting, but yeah he legitimately said it.

The 9 year old army really took a big hit


Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

What actually happened?

A shooting happened in Christchurch,NZ. The shooter killed about 50 people in mosques and livestreamed it. During it he said "subscribe to pewdiepie". Now he is been getting shit saying he condoned this (which Felix did not) and stuff.

Omg thats awful

Insanity sums it up and it's why it's important to care about the media you present yourself with as it'll influence how you present yourself.

Holy shit they're onto us. A news article using the word shit posting wtf


It looks like this person is trying to push his manifesto by attracting has much attention has possible by any means available

Nazi to a terrorist

is this how mafia works?

Lol limpdick crackers are literally going insane and self-sabotaging now. None of you can stop brown people from outworking and outbreeding you. It's over for you crackers

Islam is the light.


He obviously said sub to pewdiepie ironically, it doesn't implicate anything.

Someone has a link to the manifesto, i cant find it

WTF I love Pewdiepie now!

The dude was literally Australian. Please do your research

Please read the OP you child molester.

ayy lmao

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Video is legit on bestgore just google it

absolute madlad

Dm me if you're curious.




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Just heard news of the devastating reports from New Zealand Christchurch. I feel absolutely sickened having my name uttered by this person. My heart and thoughts go out to the victims, families and everyone affected by this tragedy.


Just watched the vid and I am speechless. This guy is beyond evil.

We nad a discussion about this situation in class. I’m polish and my teacher is very conservative. He started attacking me, because I had said that it’s really terrible because so many people died. Then he was saying that muslims should adjust to christian values if they want to live in a christian country. He also called me stupid because I said that if I would ever go to muslim country i would wear burka for showing respect.

Might be off topic, but I have to share. I’m having serial panic attacks due to this situation and I have to talk with somebody. What do you think.

I’m having serial panic attacks due to this situation and I have to talk with somebody. What do you think?

Calm down, lad. A few folks in India are saying similar stuff. We must however not lose our empathy for that's what makes us human.

That’s a lot of upvotes. We better not get flooded by normies again

Can I point out that Reddit has removed access to all PewDiePie subreddits? None of them are accessible.

Shit man I've seen the footage it's horrific. Seeing all this people screaming out of. Terror and crawling to the corners the fucker didn't leave one he sprayed all

Are you stupid or what? He's australian you imbecile

Are you illiterate or what? Read the text you retard.

Finaly we have important and respectful people bringing awareness to the war on pewdiepie vs tseries!
