Chapocels unironically blaming a youtuber for the causing the shooting

362  2019-03-15 by Laetans


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Pewds is basically the Tony Hawk of fascism. You know, I'd not have been surprised at all to see skateboarding go the way of lawn darts, because frankly it's kinda dangerous and you can really fuck yourself up. But then comes along Tony Hawk, the cool guy who does cool stuff and appeals to your Mom, being clean-cut and all that, so your Mom lets you get a skateboard (and all the knee pads and stuff) and all's right in the world.

​Jez it just got lamer and lamer

What in the fuck was that analogy lmao. Day of the hogcide when

i wish we had pinging

DnD being evil was the right take because it gets you accustomed to roleplaying for fun. Then you still roleplay for fun, but in real life

Ban DnD.

Post chog, hud.

The analogy of a homogenous blob of soylent.

I had no idea - I just know that 9 year old kids had to close their sub temporarily because chapotards were reeeeeeeeing in kindergarten

What in the fuck was that analogy lmao.

This is what happens when the biggest nerds on earth get together and try to act cool

because frankly it's kinda dangerous and you can really fuck yourself up.

vanguards of the revolution here lol

"We're going to bring violent revolution to the streets as long as we don't get a scraped knee or other boo boo!"

This is why only AnCaps are skaters. Chapocels talking about skating like they know ANYTHING about it pisses me off.

> I don't want to buy guns bcuz I'm afraid I'll shoot myself in a fit of depression but watch out chuds I'm gonna christchurch all y'all

Goldang these kids and their gosh-darned skateboards letmetellu

Another hilarious take:

Pewdiepie has tens of millions of followers, he's going to have immensely outsized amounts of power in any political/economic system aside from maybe monarchy

Having 80 mill people watch meme review on youtube is pretty much the same as being a military dictator.

These are the same people who (correctly) call out lobbyists.

Thermonuclear level take

Lol, you're quoting this without even including the best part:

I believe the Nazis 1.0 used Reinhard Heydrich in this way. He was the young, handsome, edgy but not too edgy, "cool" guy who made Nazis seem like a neat thing to do, to the young.

Yeah, really fucking handsome

that's a fivehead

I blame mayos for not policing one of their own

Where are the leaders of the mayo community?

Ellen and John Cena are both busy atm sorry

John cena needs to forget about those damn cancer kids and solve some real problems

going tit-for-tat with the muzzies

Did Pewdiepie actually ever make any political videos or talk about Muslims? Isn't he a gaymer channel for children and fags?

He didn't do shit, the rabid leftoids are just so desperate to root out and attack racists on the internet so they can virtue signall they'll latch on to anyone that even brushes up against wrong think.

Didn't he pay people to say anti-semantic things?

To see if they would actually do it.

That's the joke. The joke isn't "lol fuck jews" the joke is that you can pay 3rd world kids 5 bucks to write it on a sign and dance around laughing, not even knowing what it means. It's always baffling to me that people, especially on this cursed fucking subreddit, pretend not to understand shock humor.

That's as funny as telling a coke fiend to suck your dick for drugs and they actually do

Writing edgy joke on piece of paper= enabling a coke addict

Galaxybrain take right here people

I'm comparing the "shock" humor or are you really this retarded

“comparing two things that aren’t literally identical is a fallacy”

Pewpewdie fans aren't the brightest

"I'm too retarded to realize that the post is comparing the severity of the two situations"

See I can strawman too.

it’s not comparing severity at all lol, it’s comparing execution and where the “joke” comes from

I was talking about my post, smoothbrain.

And I was criticizing your post for missing the point. Those two things are equivalent in the ways they were originally being compared.

soooo absolutely hilarious? gotcha

now I wish I had a coke head friend :(

fuck you for making me sad

Its better to not associate with drug fiends

but free BJs?

ha, great joke

That's like saying it's not gay but a joke that you got your dick sucked by your friend for 5 bucks.

You know what subreddit you're on right?

Yea, on the retard sub.

Hi retard

Hello fellow retard

Hi retard.

Want to suck my hog? But it's just a joke so no homo



I am retarded not super retarded.

So excuse me princess

It's not gay if he doesn't poz you.

I mean anyone who isnt autistic could clearly interpret PDP's own expressions when that happened as to how shocked he was that they actually did it.

And being indian myself, the kids 100% had no idea who hitler was or what jews are. Most people here, especially villagers have no idea.

I mean anyone who isnt autistic

There's your problem.

Wow literally Bumfights tier comedy, what a genius

Yeah, that's what everybody says: "Pewdiepie, comedic genius"

I haven’t heard his fans describe him as a moron either, which would be more accurate

But hey maybe I’ll ask the homeless ppl in my city for pictures of their assholes in exchange for cigarettes, I might be able to get the most subs on YouTube

Do it, I'd watch that

Yeah to Jews, nothing related to Muslims.

Anti-semantic is a pretty funny typo

Have people lost all sense of irony and don't care about context anymore?

There's not a whole lot of context to being called racist on the internet.

most people didn’t think he literally wanted to “KILL ALL JEWS,” they just thought it was a shitheaded stunt and Disney thought it was too edgy

but most people aren’t Chapocels

And chapocels aren’t people

This but unironically

What, like sentences with poor logic?

Didn't he use Five dollar site to pay people who don't say english to say racist stuff?

Like I didn't imagine that right

yeah the joke was “if you offer to pay poor people to say some heinous shit they don’t understand, they’ll do it!”

Oh so it was just ironic racism, how could normal people who never pay attention to youtube possibly be think he was racist when someone tells them.

well they think he’s racist more bc of him shouting “nigger” later on

Yes and as we know Muslims are largely anti-semitic. Therefore pewds is an ally to tge victims.


He called his fellow g***r a nigger after dying in PUBG

Thanks for blocking out the G word

What's up, my geezer?

Mug gamma

Gam*r is our word but you can say Gaymah

You're basically saying "I think the retard is right".

He's right that Islam is more dangerous than other religions, wrong about everything else.

No Islamist shooting up mosques in my neighborhood sorry.

wow, no right-wing extremists shooting people in my area, guess right-wing extremists aren't a real thing anymore and per capita doesn't exist.

Hm it must be getting harder to troll these days, you kids aren't getting the education they used to give.

The mass shooting autist said this shit and put this shit in his document because he knew these idiots would fall right into it and embarrass themselves.

imagine having to write a manifesto and kill 50 people just to get Chapocels to embarrass themselves

They don't need any external input to embarrass themselves. It just happens naturally.

He dropped a MRS OBAMA GET DOWN on stream once

worse, he lept right into the hard R

He made a couple of weak edgy jokes a while ago and so woke twitter and the ghazelle corps branded him a nazi.

He said the N-word once.

Someone asked for evidence of his white supremacist views in the linked thread, and all they could come up with was that he’s friends with Ben Shapiro.


You cal always spot a neo-Nazi because all of his friends are wearing yarmulkes.

He wore a green British army outfit once and I think it was verge that tried to spin it as a nazi uniform.

Even better - he was wearing the outfit to make fun of people calling him a Nazi.

To paraphrase Jon Oliver: Nazis are like cats, if they like you it's because you feed them.

I don't claim to know his true political beliefs, but Felix "Death to all Jews" Kjellberg definitely feeds the nazis.

Kind of, technically, but if he's not actually dog whistling for ethno nationalism, white separatism, "race realism" or anything else, and literally only making edgy jokes I don't see how it's actually racist. I mean he could be doing that sort of thing, but I have never heard of it. It's one thing to have an unmoderated forum that starts out as ironically racists who then replace the original users, or to start out with edgy jokes coupled with "innocuous" statements, but if it just ends at the joke stage then it's just pearl clutching on everybody else's part.

You need to go back


We should also see what Netflix shows he liked, that way we know what other media fed his white supremacism.

chapoNews: he is secretly hitler

chapoNews: he is openly hitler


He’s a sexy white cis hetero millionaire with blond hair and blue eyes. Of course he pisses off neoliberals.

Idc if PewDiePie is responsible or not, but I hope this incident hurts him. I've been tired of this autist for years. Life-fuel for T-Series-cels

based take

PooPeePie is an annoying retard, so tired of seeing him everywhere


What world do you live in where you even know what the guy looks like, let alone "see him everywhere"? Stop living on the internet, you anti social dorks.

Fellow 9 year olds, here is how we can help pewds to reach 100 million!!😋😋😋😋

Elon Mosque😂😂

Elon Musk when he sees a dead deer 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Because its illegal to love children like that

Just block his channel you autist lmao

Who the fuck do you think we are?

You're on /r/drama kiddo, attempting to block something you don't like from your view is basically the same as molestation.

I am one of three users u/darqwolff blocked

Then don't whinge like a retard on /r/drama about it lmao

What would that solve? I haven’t seen a thumbnail of his in years, but it hasn’t made him go away

also wait, you can block channels? lame

with such a fucking autistic fanbase he's a good thing for dramacoin so you're just going to have to learn to swallow it <3

siding with this take 100%

Quote "i want to start a civil war and spread hate"

Media: "its our duty to spread his message of hate and divisiveness"

No wonder mass shootings are so popular you literally get free coverage for your pet issue.


It was a heated streaming moment

I honestly thought that was his username for years because I wasn't a 9 year old so I didn't care about him.

You got me with that one. Bastard.

On the one hand pewdiepie didn't do anything wrong and isn't to blame

On the other hand his fanbase is cancer and his videos are shit so if this hurts his channel it'd be good

So you're pinning the blame on Joe Rogan instead? Good praxis comrade!

I blame the shooter's parents.

Which nazi dogwhistling celebrity that his parents follow is responsible then doggy? 🤔

None in particular, he is just a token that stands for literally every white man in Australia. They're all guilty too.

Preach! 🙏


Gomite sighted.

eh, Joe’s a dupe but he at least makes a conscious effort to rein things into the realm of sanity. and he does a much better job of it than anyone else i can think of who gives retards a platform


Broprahtard confirmed

No he doesn't. Go watch the Alex Jones episode he just lets him go off and its amazing.

he lets Jones go off whenever there’s no way to respond to what he’s saying, which is like 75% of the time. he keeps Peterson on a leash at least

also which AJ episode lol, I don’t even watch JRE but I know he’s had em on several times

The recent one about "Interdimensional Alien Pedophiles are working with the government "

He's right, interdimensional alien pedophiles should compete on the free market with everyone else.

pedophiles free market

Libertarians are pedophiles

'a youtuber' lets not pretend we don't all know who you're white-knighting for here

And you're a chapotard 😂

not an argument

Are you under the delusion your comment was an argument to begin with? You basically called him a retard while wearing a helmet with batman stickers on it.

It's the only argument anyone ever needs.

Actually, it's a rather good argument. It essentially states that any coherent meaning your gibbering seems to have is entirely coincidental, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Lmao at the dude saying Ebay and Amazon are complicit in white supremacy because they sell Mein Kampf. They also sell Das Kapital you absolute fucking brainlet.

And you should know the reasons why censoring literature is a bad fucking idea.

Amazon, a true paragon or radical centrism.

Mod Bezos

isn’t the highest selling version of Mein Kampf the version that’s annotated to explain why it’s bullshit? or is that only in Germany

If you need annotations to realize mein kampf is bullshit you're probably at risk of choking on your own tongue. The book itself does a pretty good job of showing that it's horse shit using hitler's own words

Hitler was a good speaker but he couldn't write for shit, if you look at his life he's essentially a huge failure up until he actually gets into politics and even then it all ended for him in 1945. Most of his life was spent painting and leeching off various friends and family he could get to take him in because he was lazy.

no u


Sounds a lot like chapotards.

Hitler was a NEETcel

> Most of his life was spent painting and leeching off various friends and family he could get to take him in because he was lazy.


sounds like most millenials

If you need annotations to realize mein kampf is bullshit you're probably at risk of choking on your own tongue.

a layman should be able to figure out that its conclusions are bullshit, but without scholarly help they wouldn’t know just how thoroughly its premises and reasoning are bullshit, too.

You don't need to be an expert to notice that Hitler's stories about being bullied by soc-dems at a construction job that he totally had belong on /r/thathappened.

Don't know about highest selling but I think it was that the annotated version was the first official German reprint of mein Kampf since the Nazis.

i mean probably, they did ban that shit lol

Legal printing

No, go after guys like Shapiro.

It's true, manlets are confirmed to be the problem

Also if poodiepie gets deplatformed then we can all swim in dramacoin like Scrooge McDuck

Shapiro with the based hot takes about New Zealand immigration reform

He wont get deplatformed though. Especially not via the will of CTH users.

The chapo sub is just T_D for tankie pedophiles. The only way they could be any more ineffectual is if they get ousted on To Catch a Predator and end up overdosing on their mom's benzos.

Nah, in order to be on to Catch a Predator they'd have to go outside. No danger of that happening.

They will go after anyone they don't like and try to link him/her to the shooting.

if poodiepie gets deplatformed

If that actually happens he might just move to japan with his to be wife. The dude had enough money to last him ten lifetimes and lives modestly. If YT actually fucks him over that badly, im pretty sure he'll just say, im done. At least for a while.

He gets most of his money from merch anyway.

go after guys like Shapiro.

Some Austrian painter tried something like that back in the 30s. Didn’t end up going to well

I heard that guy was a real jerk.

Did he get his brains BTFO with FACTS and LOGIC?

Big fact: Cyanide causes death

So yes he did

Manlets arent even people, therefore basic human rights dont apply to them. I see no problem with this.

Do these people realize how dumb they look to normies when they say this shit

why would normies be looking at /r/ChapoTrapHouse?

They inevitably go on to twitter with his shit.

but normies have learned to ignore Twitter. except the ones that are way too old to know who PewDiePie is

They dont't but chapotards really cant help themselves when they venture outside of the hugbox. They spout the same shit everywhere they go.


Giving a shit about PewDiePie

Imagine thinking a dude who reviews memes and plays video games has this much political influence. Like how completely out of touch with reality do you have to be to actually believe something so moronic?

Chapocels need to go back to screeching "POST HOG" over and over again.


I mean that sub often advocates for domestic terrorism. It's only a matter of time until somebody related to it or who watches the podcast actually shoots up wall street or something.

A chapo is saying pewds is a white supremacist cuz he had on ben shapiro

Yikes that logic

a lot to unpack there

Maybe its time for all the peoples of the world to unite against the Australian Menace.

I think chapo might be the worst sub on reddit and that is really saying something tbh

But no calls to quarantine or ban it, because it sucks off reddit’s lefty peenor

You see complaints to that effect when they do their inevitable brigraids

Worst? Not really. It's like the left wing equivalent to TD. Cuck is chud, they have domestic terrorism threats, and they are arrogantly proud of their unhinged political views. The main difference is that Spez hasn't neutered Chapo yet. Imagine if TD brigaded every mention of the sub and demanded nudes from all critics.

Plus, what has Pewdiepie ever done for the betterment of humanity in the last 10 years? All he has done is making shitty Youtube videos and pandering to morons. Fuck Pewdiepie.

He started a charity for indian children you absolute brainlets

I think he helped raise close to half a mil for an Indian charity. I don't think he started it, unless I'm missing something.

Mnm hi guys... New plan, unless you better the human species you can basically be unpersoned at any time. Bye.

Unironically this.

Alright, most of the time when I say retarded, more of just some bullshit insult that I don't mean.

But the OP of that thread, is actually mentally retarded and needs some serious help

A Nazi literally brainwashing little kids into being his slaves to do his bidding. Hellworld.


He literally condemned the attack in the tweet, and Chapo still think he's lItErAlLy HiTlEr?

Banning Pewds might actually kick off the mass happening

The shooter played Gas Gas Gas before the shooting and cited Fortnite and Spyro 3 in his manifesto. Better ban anime and video games.

The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.

His manifesto is a bit special

So he is a fascist communist? How the fuck does that work?


It's as retarded as you think it is.

What have the ringwraiths got to do with this?

He was basically trolling the entire time.

China is barely communist, honestly.

To me the weird part is how he calls himself eco-fascist.

Like, the PRC totally has a great envoronmental policy, right?

He's literally a Duginist who goes out of his way to pick the most abjectly evil political positions.

/u/the_marx I'm sure you're "special" enough to have a rejoinder to this.

Really? The country that's currently performing a Holocaust on Muslims?

Yes, hes a national socialist

The shooter played Gas Gas Gas before the shooting and cited Fortnite and Spyro 3 in his manifesto. Better ban anime and video games.

Better ban anime


Better ban anime and video games.

This but unironically

This is what the shooter wanted. He literally says he aims to cause social and cultural strife/division through his actions. Chapo tards will probably try to use this to advocate against the 2nd amendment too.

"Chapocels unironically speak the truth"

"Chaopcels unironically carry out the agenda of a mass murderer"

Lmao, you are a fucking ghoul

yes, the mass-murderer's agenda of ... deplatforming pewdiepie?

He was hired by t-series

It was radicalization through fanning the flames of the culture war and forcing even moderates to take sides and be radicalized, he fucking outright said it in his manifesto. And retards like you fell right into his trap, I bet you were the moron that stickied that submission with the inflammatory title about PewDiePie too while deleting the other posts. Imbecile.

lol, imagine being this mad that people are attacking fucking pewdiepie

lol, imagine doing what a murderous piece of shit expected you to do.

a murderous piece of shit who was radicalized through the internet and memes. domestic right-wing terrorists commit the vast majority of attacks in the united states. i simply don't care either way what this dumbass says or wants.

Yes, I'm sure he was radicalized through fucking Pewdiepie you fucking moron. The mods here are supposed to be ironic retarded not actually retarded, you know that right?

actually the moderators here are just plain retarded, nothing ironic about it

I just remembered where I saw your name, you're that joke character. I'm the biggest retard of you all, someone put me out of my misery already.

you say that im a joke character but what you dont know is that everything ive said here is completely seriuos

I refuse to believe it, I'm sorry to whoever owns that account for ruining your LARPing, I'm trying to fix the mistake by deleting posts interfering with it.

i simply don't care either way

Rubes like to say this sort of thing,l ol

Yes, you stunning fucking idiot, lmao.

They kind of do but it loses a lot of the plot when their sub is probably in the top 5 for frequency of users threatening to commit domestic terrorism.

Why do drama mods think anyone gives a shit about their retarded takes?

dont throw a tantrum now

Because you literally get modded here for having retarded takes?

Don’t know if I should upvote bc it’s the_marx or downvote bc it’s the_marx

I’ll do the radical-centrism choice and give half an upvote and half a downvote.

mod is gae.

hey the_marx let's battle

Felix is either gonna completely dunk on these people about this or cower and try to get away from all this shit

For once I wouldn't blame him for either

I watch pewdiepie videos (i know i’m pathetic) and he’s never said anything remotely islamophobic

Shocking nobody, the retards in Chapo swallow the shooter's trollbait whole.

Why go after pewdiepie over someone like Lauren southern who clearly had a much high chance of influencing his enthno nationality ideas (she recently just to down her "great replacement" video

But a non-fash certainly doesn't look like Varg Vikernes and idolises Yukio Mishima and Jordan Peterson.

I'm sorry, does a beard now translate to a Varg cosplay?

"Mass shooting? Time to make this an opportunity to score some points in my internet culture war!"

A Nazi literally brainwashing little kids into being his slaves to do his bidding. Hellworld.

9 year old slave army when?

non-fash certainly doesn't look like Varg Vikernes and idolises Yukio Mishima and Jordan Peterson.

kermit man bad. thanks chapo.

So when was the last time they talked about the podcast instead of youtubers who are more famous?

That's a lot of energy expended not really doing anything.

These retards probably blame KMFDM and Marylin Manson for the Columbine Massacre, too.

Bring back pinging, btw. Chapo does it all the time!

Nothing says anti-capitalism more than wanting one of the biggest and most powerful corporations on earth to put the squeeze on some blameless idiot half a world away.

Chapo drama should be a freebie at this point.

Chapos are retarded.

Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie.