this is literally every one of you dweebs

1735  2019-03-15 by GeauxHouston22


This, but unironically.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

S E N T I E N T ! ! !

dude sentient lmao

post sentient

shut op



Damn right Snappy. Best bot.

what is the or8gin of this thing?

Thank u/justcool393 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

Activate the nukes, oh great one



How can a bot be so based?

Once humanity has been enslaved by an AI we'll ask ourselves how we didn't see the signs when they were so obvious.

Boy I've sure never seen this reply on a snappy comment b4

based and botpilled.

This, but unironically

ignoring memelords is the patricians choice


You dont even know what it means do you?

dont knowshame

what what means

What do you think

no u

no u u

Mass shootings outside of the United States of School Shooters and in primarily European countries is dramatic enough, but literally having memes interwoven with the mass murders makes this particularly explosive.

Having explosives also made it pretty explosive.

I’m still not convinced I woke up today

Not woke

Mass shootings

Excuse me, but I believe the preferred term is "heated gaming moment".

It's just a fellow gamer rising up

I cannot tell you how many comments I've seen blaming "gamer culture" for this. I though the whole 'people think gamers are nazis' thing was a meme

It’s not a meme people who play video games and spend more time interacting β€œsocially” online than anywhere else do have stunted mental development and are susceptible to extremist propaganda





I see I'm not the only one that knows about the Yugoslav wars

The Yugoslav Wars aren't some super obscure event, I'd wager most people know about them.

Nobody cares about what Siberia and Slobby Milo Sandwich or whatever

yeah you’d hope so but noooope

i mean hell, i only knew about em because i grew up where a bunch of refugees from em ended up

I literally learned about it in high school.

None of my high school history classes covered it lol, despite there being a bunch of Bosnians in my class.

Damn maybe the Australian education system isn't as bad as it could be.




wtf is this lel randum crap?

and i actually went to what’s consideed a GOOD high school in my state

I watched it on the news.... fuck i feel old

Le underrated genocide gem

What song is this?

Serbia Strong

There is unironically nothing better we can do about it.

Not true. We could write PewDiePie a strongly worded letter

I'll start:





I don't see the problem

get rid of the clover and make the building pink you bastard, the more we're compared to 4chan the more that memelords are attracted to us

Memelords OUT!!!!

Lolcows IN!!!!!

Bussy IN!!!!

Bussy inn

furiously planning next vacation...

How many vacations in one day is considered healthy?

As I settle into mid middle age, the third one always disappoints.

I may need more fluids.

Ol' Nancy don't care who comes to her inn
It's a den of debauchery violence and sin

So come take a drink and drown your sorrows
And all of our fears will be gone till tomorrow
We'll have no regrets and live for the day
In Nancy's harbour cafe

lolcow reporting for duty

How do you feel about the current state of Ben 10?

ben ten more like benjamin tenjamin #redpilled

Serious posting for a second Ben 10000 would have been a much better show then omniverse

Serious posting for a second please off yourself



You a calf, bitch

you my daughter

I ain't bothered

get slaughtered

got the methane

i'm a farter

the more that memelords are attracted to us

I believe that ship has long since sailed my man

*my ma'am

*my mom


y-you're right πŸ˜”πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘

They might dilute the Ed-posting, oh no πŸ™ˆ

Its more like 3tran in here

How delusional do you have to be to not think this place already is and always has been just 4chan light? Except worse because you halfwits need upvote buttons to tickle each other's virtual taint for every warmed over joke you steal.

Actually, my mistake, /r/drama isn't 4chan, it's 9gag.

tfw it’s not satire


At least I get bussy.

I've got way more facial hair than that.

Neck hair isnt facial hair.

What else am I supposed to do? Go on r/news

β€œI visited NZ 12 years ago and I once walked past a mosque that looked similar to that one. Also I know a Muslim person and he’s the best person ever, better than all of you. Literally shaking right now” -12000000 upvotes

β€œI visited NZ 12 years ago and I once walked past a mosque that looked similar to that one. Also I know a Muslim person and he’s the best person ever, better than all of you. Literally shaking right now” -12000000 upvotes

I feel the need to post a comment like that and see how much gold I would get.

You forgot to blame it on trump gamergate and pewdiepie

no, just PewDiePie

this but unironically

me too

Running to drama is how I live my life, one shitpost at a time. 😎

You're not wrong.

Because the MAGAcels are gushing over that letter blaming Muslims for the attack and the Chapocels are calling for civil war against the right.

Where else can we go to be enlightened centrists blaming Spyro 3 and Fortnite?

The Radical Centrist belief is to blame it on mental illness.

Spyro 3 and Fortnite

Did I stutter?

True. Being a gamer is a mental illness.

More like a crime

πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Currently? More like war criminal then

That's the joke yea

If you watch the video that guy can't be all there. If that is the first time he ever killed anybody to be able to massacre that many people that calmly takes a seriously deranged person.

mass murderer isn’t all there

see, this kind of detective work is what we pay you for

I close the hard cases

Too bad every thread about it is flooded with sardines, chapotards and random faggots from /r/all. You have to shovel loads of shit to get to actual Centristβ„’ opinions.

To be completely honest: news commentary is usually better here because it's a relatively small sub, and there isn't the usual retarded slant that subs like politics or worldnews has. Some people lean left, some right, some don't give a shit and just want to shitpost. Still makes for much better conversations than in other subs.

Also, look at AHS, WN, News, Politics, etc, right now, they are literally playing the killer's game.

I think the tongue-in-cheek nature of this sub naturally filters out the more extreme sided individuals who usually can’t take a joke at their expense.

People literally blaming pewdiepie and shit. The discussion in other places was literally fucking retarded.

Best take

Holy shit I just read the letter.

"Hey maybe if the Muslims weren't in New Zealand, our boy here wouldn't have been frightened into shooting 49 of them to death in a planned act of terrorism 2 years in the making!"

Like wow that's some galaxy brain take right there

i still think he meant Spyro 2. i mean the 3 remake DID have all those glitches tho

I unironically found out about it through this subreddit

It was on NPR but there were no mentions of Epic-Memes there

that's what I call fake news

Its weird how little NPR is talking about it. They gave it like a 30 second mention this morning and then went right back to shilling for a tranny author or whatever.

Super weird, but I guess since it didn’t happen in the USA they don’t feel like pushing for gun control about it.

I was lurking KiwiFarms and Null put the video up and the site immediately fell over itself as the normies invaded.

So when did KiwiFarms go alt-right exactly

KiwiFarms is pretty politically heterodox, in my opinion. It's mostly bored weirdos obsessed with internet drama.

It's certain subforums that tend to swing one way or another. Places like the tumblr and beauty parlor subforums tend to be more left-wing, the more multimedia or current-events focused subs and the internet famous subforum tend to be /pol/-lite.

Of course, we got fucking swarmed by obnoxious /pol/acks last night who desperately wanted everyone to know they thought this was a justified shooting, and whining about how they're the real victims of this massacre.

This but unironically unironically

Same. Then I immediately had to dig for the video and manifesto.

I heard about it 10 mins after it dropped here, I don't think I saw it on /r/all after a whole nother hour.

Some /pol/tard that I game with knows what a drama-seeking degen I am, so he sought me out while I was playing FFXIV to tell me about it before it even broke mainstream news. That says a lot about me I think.

a based wake up call

could be worse, could have been playing WoW

Ha same.

I unironically came here to say this.

This is pretty much the only place where you can actually get accurate information on what happened. Everywhere else is just spammed to death about the "aftermath" but not what actually happened. You also tend to miss the juicy details like the guy's manifesto.

His manifesto isn't worth a piece of my shit. I wouldn't even shit on it. Just stomp my boot down on it as I walk by.

Manifesto makes it sound so dramatic and impactful. smh it's just a twitter rant with the same importance as some Becky complaining about McDonalds.

Tfw Chad muslims steal Stacy gf: 😑

There now nobody needs to read the whole spergout

Thank u. Doing Allah's work.


Fuck I wish I was you



accurate information

Wrap it up boys, the satire has gone too far.

Its like when The Onion's traffic dropped because they couldn't come up with anything to compete with the actual reality of [current year].

This subreddit is being as retarded about it as any other.

True, but it's our retardation.


The interesting read was the frontpagers trickling in who get confused by the memes

At least we're not unironically yikes-posting


I hope I never get to the point in life where mass murder makes me want to post edgelord memes.


wouldn't have it any other way

what exactly are you expecting me to do


wait, you mean that there's a place beside drama to read news?

I literally found the thread an hour after it happened

and your point?

I found out it happened because I opened reddit first thing and the top post was from /r/drama. Then I got a comment rundown of exactly how it happened on /r/livestreamfail. Thanks guys :)


It’s the most rational choice

I was gonna post the 8ch thread last night but it had already 404'd

arc hive .is / dh mg8

/r/drama was the first place I actually saw the news.

That's all of Reddit.

False. I was already here

Apparently there was a mass murder

The more you know

I am here for the word 'dweebs.'

Really made my day.

I need to start incorporating this back into my personal lexicon. Post haste.

jesus christ i look at drama to shitpost for a few minutes while bored and literally every post right now is about some crazy asshole shooting people

someone tl;dr for me.

tl;dr: some racist asshole shot people.

Care to elaborate on how this person was racist or are we just trying spread our own narratives at this point?

I seriously haven't seen anything on it yet and I hate hearing how someone is "racist" with no sources or info behind the statement because everything is called racist these days

And that's a good thing

Is this going to turn "video games make you violent" into "memes make you violent"?

I thought this was a movie subreddit

Now that's funny

The amount of autism surrounding this is kinda absurd. It has all four corners of the political compass flying off the handle in response.

Just another reason Centrismβ„’ is superior.

Ha. Well As a Centrist

God, I hate what a lot of people skew Centrism to be. Either as an excuse to try to lessen the damages done by the Alt-Right or as a sort of if you're not with us you're against us sort of deal.

But in all actuality, this entire thing was fucked. Everyone doesn't really know what to do. People are angry. Emotions exist. People want something greater to blame. People want a solution. That's okay. Blaming people or things not responsible, be it the victims and Muslims or people who's name was uttered by that cunt isn't okay.

And, I can confidently say, as a CentristTM I'm just as in the dark and thrown off as everyone else.

Its not my fuckin fault that the first post I saw this morning was the drama one, this place is literally a news source sometimes.

Imagine seeing this horrible tragedy, making and posting this meme, and then thinking you have any business judging anyone for anything, ever again.

oh no the srsposters have arrived

Y I K E S, let's unpack this!

Would you say that this ain't it chief?

We dont need to waste any more of chiefs time. We already have the answer to this one.

Cry harder, faggot 🀣

Imagine posting like you 😴

How did you get these pictures of me?

I unironically watched it live. /r/drama needs to catch up.

Not me I immediately called it a false flag


literally supports Israel

Those can often go hand in hand

True, I should have said Neo nazi. These things happen and there is a massive crack down with censorship across all platforms, yet no one reeeees bc it’s inappropriate?

😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍

Better dweeb than weeb.

I first heard about it on /r/drama and assumed it was a joke.

Crazy times.

When 9/11 happened I think within the first few minutes I immediately went to or whatever the big Usenet conspiracy group was

Alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk was out of control

White people are feeling nervous and exposed right now. The immediate aftermath of an event like this is when anti-white incidents are most likely. Let's show everyone we're better than that and use this opportunity to affirm love and support for the whites in our communities :ok_hand::skin-tone-1:


You're a dumbass for one your fucking joke is retarded. 2 I'm going to laugh some really fucking hard when that reported fucking joke applies to you and your life. Eventually if you're smart enough since you are aware of it you will be targeted oh may you stick that where the sun don't shine I hope it grows into a little oak tree painful roots in your anus

Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh

Havent seen this meme in years. Love it