AHS got bored of banning subreddits, now wants to ban the whole site

207  2019-03-15 by Plumfruits


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Can we ban reddit but one subreddit at a time starting with that sub

Like literally, what are you doing participating in a website you vehemently hate? Serious question.

Got any better sites? I'm all ears.


I literally learned 9gag existed from a normie foid.

I am never gonna willingly go on a website a gussy advised me to, inshallah.

Time to re-migrate back to MySpace


Message boards from the 90's.

invisionfree boards were the 90s version of discord.

I came to reddit from fark.com

A question as old as SRS. And they never left, they just gave up, or probably the admins told them to fuck off and stop brigading.

Imagine actually being like Randall from Recess

This is what the kids who used to remind teachers about tests grow up to become.

This is what banning bullying has brought us



get outta here you MDE chicken nugget scoon


When the hate you were against was self hatred all along.

Nazis/fascism is the new satan. Cmv.


your view is retarded, there.

When did Satan kill 6 million Jews and then later inspire a Satanist to shoot 50 Muslims in a mosque?

Closing reddit cuz y'all can't behave. 😠😠😠

oof, this ain't it chief

Site locked. Smh my head

finally, ahs came to their senses.
reddicide is good and just

for starters

Unironically the only good take to ever come out of that sub. I support AHS' push to delete Reddit.

For starters, begin a “no gold until t_d goes” campaign.

Imagine being the kind of person who ever even thought of giving, buying or receiving reddit gold. Imagine it... if your anus isn't bleeding you're not imagining hard enough.

Oh snap I just received gold from me


I was going to give you it back but apparently it costs 500 to give 100 and I only have the 100 you gave me so you're going to have to imagine me using your imaginary gold in a way you wouldn't approve of.

Melting it into a statue of Matthew Brodderick and then placing it on the doorstep of the family of those two women he killed by driving on the wrong side of the road in Ireland whilst getting a blowjob from "Baby" off of Dirty Dancing.


The hilarious thing is that the TD drones have the exact same rule about boycotting reddit gold

let's teach those nazis a lesson by doing exactly what they do

h o r s h o e t h e o r y

I got gold once and all I could think was what a stupid faggot.

Wtf i love AHS now

That sub is in absolute fucking shambles

I just watched around 40 people get shot in probably the most cold blooded and violent videos I have ever seen. Please forgive me if I am being too emotional. I have just had enough of this.

Why would you actively watch it if you know you can't handle stuff like that. Also begs the question why the fuck are they still on this website if they hate it so much

That's my thought too, just log off you fucks

I saw this gem on cb2

Is there anywhere that works like Reddit? I don’t want to move to twitter because it’s too celebrity focused, I don’t want to move to tumblr because there’s no nsfw and no organization, and I don’t want to move to Instagram because it’s all photos. Is there another social media site that’s community-focused and organized into communities like how Reddit is?

they are masochists

They better pack up and move their bussies on over to VOAT

“Please, stop making money because our feelings are 😞 “

> 33 gold

ahhh fuck how did I miss this lmaoooooo.

This is why you’re an unreasonable person

Lol this was great

For starters, begin a “no gold until t_d goes” campaign.

I'm tempted to gild them now.

Someone did, lol

For starters, begin a “no gold until t_d goes” campaign. Its a bit ironic seeing posts about pressuring reddit to get rid of t_d getting gold and platinum. They are literally making money from the controversy. Its much more effective to turn off the pipe and simply say, “l’d give you gold, but no gold til t_d goes”.

🤬😡🤬😳🤬What sort of brain dead ninny would give Reddit gold in the first place

don't want it to be shut down - I've been some good people in the knitting and weight loss communities -

The jokes write themselves

Imagine being this isolated and empty the only solution you have to life is destroy everything. When..when I ask?

Ironic, how some of them want media regulation and so does everyone right of center, yet, for completely different reasons 🤔

SRS BRD part deux

Makes sense to me honestly, ban everything and everyone, forever

ban the_drumpf or us penniless succdems will continue to not buy gold and not turn off our adblockers

Can we get r/all quarantined already? >:(

For starters, begin a no gold until T_D goes campaign

Lmao and the comment is gilded 😂 Does it count as brigading if I also gild that comment?

At last, the reddit death cult I always yearned to be a part of.

I say go ahead, this place is just slowly becoming a Facebook message board.