Subreddit drama tinning the SRDines, watch out for any escapees

34  2019-03-15 by jacc1337


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Damn right snappy but at least we don't pull this SRD shit

SRD aspires to conduct itself with the spirit of levity and the specter of smugness

That's a fancy way to say you huff the shit out of your own farts.

I didn't dig too deeply into his profile, but he's either a nazi or needs a new handle ASAP I know what 88 means, but 88 has been one of the luckiest Chinese numbers for thousands of years...don't think they're gonna change it. Fair enough. Probably jumped the gun on that one.

when you're so eager to call out neonazis that you commit cultural imperialist rape