Everyone's favorite SRD "y'all can't behave" mod, TITC doesn't want to talk about drama related to NZ. Instead pins his super quirky question about what your favorite breakfast food is while threatening to ban those who question his decree.

73  2019-03-15 by virohm


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Being a reddit moderators has a horrifying effect on the brain.

daily reminder that titc caused trump

Sadly since there are so many very very interesting and thought provoking comments about Redditor's breakfasts, it burried the comments where he got called out for not allowing discussion related to the NZ killing and got called a Nazi.

no im not kidding about titc caused trump. u know how a lot of delusional leftists believe that gamergate led to the alt right, leading to trump?

titc banned the dude who created kotakuinaction from srd, so the dude created kia and let gamergate stir in his subreddit

This is a very spicy take amigo. He won’t comment here but I just want you to know you’re work here was read by titrc himself. Great stuff bud.

david-me is the mastermind behind everything!!!!

You're fucking kidding me, David.

How many times have we given you a pass on this shit? Dropping slurs like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool?

This isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it's not going to be fucking tolerated anymore. If I see another tranny or faggot outta david-me, you'll never post or comment here ever again, and that is a personal fucking promise from me.

This is so, so, so not fucking cool. This isn't the first time I've brought this up to you, but it's the fucking last time. Do you fucking get that?

permission to ping?

Do you have a link to those comments? I can't find them. Or were they deleted?

The level of self righteousness he had when he pinned that shitty question was probably out of this world.

It's not even his post...

Heh, tough luck bucko. Once I slap on the green M, I level up like a real gamer and take out the boss by removing their comment😎😎😎

I'm not usually one to complain about this sort of thing, but jesus thats out of touch.

/u/assy-mcgee predicted this

GodsDam [M]

I like fishing turds out of the toilet with a goldfish net and putting them in the household garbage to save water. I wrap them in Quilted Norther's and call it a pig n' a blanket when people ask what the smells all about. Ak-chewally, I correct them and tell them,"that's a pig in a blanket" matter-of-factly and tell them it smells good as I take a big whiff.

What does r/drama do?

Lol those assclowns didn't even say biscuits with sausage gravy, hash browns, and a ham and cheese and cheese omelette.

They all got gay breakfasts.

Y ' A L L C A N T B E H A V E




Edit 2: 4600 comments? Okay I am not sure there's any more valuable conversation to be had here.

Holy shit lol

the memes write themselves at this point

Oh wow, that’s a he?

What a bunch of children