The manifesto is not allowed according to the admins. Do not post/request it.

207  2019-03-15 by wfwfwfqwfqwef

Link to comment.

Do not flood/disrupt modsupport.

Requesting/posting it will result in a ban.


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. Link to comment. -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Snappy brings a valid point. This is just a result of the degeneracy brought on by gamers.

The day of the hidden controllers and unplugged routers will come soon.

Imagine archiving your comment to prevent censorship while applauding reddit for censoring the manifesto you don't like.

Looks like Snappy and Briana Wu agree on something.

What about a man fisting?

Baste and redpilled 😎😎😎

Good decision, don't need to spread that cocksuckers ramblings here.

Inb4 the google-impaired start whining about censorship.

unbanned since this was just after I made the clarifying edit.

I was banned?

Check your inbox. I had given you 4 days.

Lmao when?

Also, why? Was it because of the way I spoke to the CAutist mod?

The mention of how to get the manifesto.

That's softer that Darqqwolfs loli-longing dick.

Is it "acceptable" now?

No idea tbh.

Okay, approve it now 😤😤😤



Generous mods 🤗😍😘

Is there an unabridged version? I’m not in 3rd grade.

She died on social security. She's a hypocritical cunt

People always cite this fact as though they’re totally annihilating Rand with facts and logic. I see nothing wrong with making the most of a system you perceive to be flawed so long as it continues to be flawed. Moreover, social security is a little different from wholesale “Taking” of the kind put on blast by Rand in Atlas Shrugged—people pay into social security over the course of their young lives. Your social security checks are higher when you retire if you earned more and worked for longer over the course of your life. It’s not unbridled redistribution of wealth.

Can I post our supreme gentleman's manifesto?

All day erryday

I can't believe the admins have turned on Darqwolff so fast.

Can we please talk about the ethics of child fucking!?!

Do you have a 73 page pdf I can read?


It's so much harder to think you're posting ironically now that I realize you're 70 years old.

Old people being alive feels very wrong. We need to go back to them dying off by 60.

Renew at 30. CAROUSEL!

And in english this time ?


Images of parts of the manifesto are okay or should I remove it from one of my posts? 🤔

I have removed the comment in question.

Does it hurt looking at yourself in the mirror or have you come to terms with it?

implying I still have a concept of self

Get on my level.

implying we apply the same meaning to words

Even transcripts are now banned? The admin post didnt say qoutes were evil in fact said discussion was okay

Idk tbh; by transcript I imagine some retard copy pasting a significant number of pages into a Reddit thread. As for quotes idk but subs are getting banned/quarantined as it is.

You should ban all the people complaining about the censorship... Spreading news that it's censored makes it seem edgy and causes people to seek it out.



memes are straight out of control bro

Admins sure are exceptional individuals. Lmfao trying to censor something you can find in seconds

Hey, I had to go to my second page of Google results to find it.

Streisand effect is a bitch. Them trying to censor the manifesto and vis will just egg more people to look for it.

Makes me care even less tbh.

What kind of retard jumps through hoops to read some braindead bogan's incoherent ramblings as a "fuck you" to Reddit admins/mods?

What kind of retard

a reddit poster


i have daddy ed's approval, guess i can die in peace. off to the mosque i go

It's like..... 2 bing searches and a torrent download. Wouldn't call it a major feat by any means.

Literally every single person that wants to know the full story will do it.

(((the full story)))

Yea okay lmao

What kind of retard

Probably most /r/drama users.

But we're also illiterate

Functionally illiterate. I'm sure we can read emoji shitposts.



Sorry Ed, I only see the clap emojis. What are those strange letters between them?



lol cucked by the Demiurge

It's also 90 pages long. 😴😴😴



Imagine being autistic enough to actually sit down and write all that shit lmao

These same people fall for the white genocide meme. They were destined to be this way lol

Took me like 5 minutes on my phone. It's no unabomber manifesto but it's a breezy read.

Took me like 5 minutes on my phone.

I'm on r/drama. I have issues paying attention to anything.

  1. It's 73.

I mean it was basically like mainlining /pol/

pastebin com/bzZyMduP

This thread is the first time I heard a manifesto existed.

That's what I did for the video. I was underwhelmed by it

It's because Redditors are so lazy they won't take the extra ten seconds to look it up themselves.

Now I can ALMOST kind of see why the conspiracy nut jobs think everything is a false flag (Note: I do NOT thing in a million years this was one) but when they censor things like this, this hard and are banning users and subreddits by the dozens its like uhhh hey guys...?

I've been on here since 2010 so I know this dumbass userbase doesn't have the best track record with having information to mass killings (Boston Bombing) but I've NEVER seen the admins this serious about surpressing any discussion of it. Boston bombing, pulse shooting, Vegas, Dallas BLM shooting, etc. Great way to embolden the lunatics, guys.

I've been on here since 2010 so I know this dumbass userbase doesn't have the best track record with having information to mass killings (Boston Bombing) but I've NEVER seen the admins this serious about suppressing any discussion of it. Sharing the video is another thing entirely. Boston bombing, pulse shooting, Vegas, Charlie Hebdo, Dallas BLM shooting, etc. Great way to embolden the lunatics that think everything is a conspiracy.

Its weird, I've NEVER seen the admins (or in this case governments I guess?) this serious about suppressing any discussion of it, and I've been on this site for awhile. Sharing the video is another thing entirely. Boston bombing, pulse shooting, Vegas, Charlie Hebdo, Dallas BLM shooting, etc. Great way to embolden the crazies that think everything is a conspiracy, guys.

You're totally right. Steven Pinker has a great piece on this where he points out that the lefts desire to constantly censor discussion of certain topics has two negative effects - it lends credence to people who have conspiracy theories by making them look legitimate (why don't they want me to see this??) and it means that there is no conversation where they can engage with people and give them competing ideas to latch onto.

Essentially, they're inadvertently radicalizing people by censoring them.

This bugs me. For some reason, they keep NOT ignoring the crazies. This is why Neo-Nazis made the comeback, because the left gave them a MASSIVE signal boost and didn't mind their own business.


  • Maybe try to address the problem that led to it in the first place?


This is why Neo-Nazis made the comeback, because the left gave them a MASSIVE signal boost and didn't mind their own business.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm.

SRDine, capeshitter, weeb.

No wonder you're having problems.

SRDine, capeshitter, weeb.

Flattery will get you everywhere.

Especially since the manifesto is laughably terribly composed and written. He makes Anders Brevik look like a scholar.

I would have never read The Manifesto of Breddan Tarrant without all this hype about it. Yet I found it easily. It is like a modern Mein Kampf, but with more memes and less antisemitism.

They don't give a shit if you read it they just don't want to be associated with it. Virtue ethicists smdh

I got it for the first couple hours when police activity was still ongoing and kin hadn't been notified. But are they trying to keep this up forever?

They're trying not to have headlines like "killer's manifesto widely circulated on reddit" basically they don't want reddit to be categorized as 8chanlite

imagine being so insecure that you're worried about what unironic facebook users think

I think their insecurity is based in ad revenue

Gory videos don't prevent anyone from clicking ads.

No, they prevent companies from running them

They're trying not to have headlines like "killer's manifesto widely circulated on reddit" basically they don't want reddit to be categorized as 8chanlite by Facebook normies

So what? Who gives a fuck what people think?

You can't put together how being grouped with 8chan could impact ad revenue?

Reddit, clearly.

They're just looking for an excuse to ban this subreddit.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


It's over for postindustrialcels

Literally 14 words.




Based and Harari-pilled

8345 B.C.E. worst year of my life

TFW you realize all this shit happened on The Ides of March 😿



Et tu, pewdiepe?

Anprims rise up

Ok now this is epic

Oh no

A spectre is haunting Europe--the spectre of Communism.

It's over for luddite-cels.

Good quote

But I also like:



You are on this council but we do not grant the rank of master.

Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh

Do you really need to read it to understand what it’s about?

It’s illegal for you to read it. Let CNN give you the run down sweetie

Literally a normie trying hard to be funny. Nothing of value, everything has been highlighted everywhere else already.

Only remotely interesting part is where he seemingly praises China ... a socialist country. A superpower nation full of socialist Asians.

I think he was praising them for their ethno-nationalism but I don't know and don't really care.

Wife and I went to a real estate fair in Tongzhou yesterday. It now costs over half a million bucks to buy a house so far outside Beijing city centre you're up to your ankles in a rice paddy. Don't talk to me about socialist China.

I'm waiting for the manga adaptation


Woohoo censoring literal text now

yeah, fuck, now I'll have to use one of my porn accounts to shitpost here.

we're banning the words manifesto and censor and text now


Please don't mention the B word or I'll be forced to de-platform you from all the subs I moderate (◕ᴗ◕✿)

the correct newspeak term is "uninvite"

Thoughtcrimes is only a matter of time.

Honestly, shouldn't they encourage people to read it? This insane fuck is like a 60s comic book villain thinking he's gonna reach the masses by explaining his master plan to everyone

There are too many retards on the verge of thinking "that's the only way forward" to take the risk that reading it won't push them over the edge.

Ban words

Normie meme

Get out

Everyone's a normie to a virgin subhuman.

Objectively this is cringe

This is just going to radicalize more people because they'll then be looking elsewhere for it instead of a pretty much fully centrist/liberal/left-wing website like Reddit.




We let in too many commies ugh 😤😤

reddit is communists because they make fun of mr trump ...

>saying reddit isn't centrists mean i think they are all communists

anyone to the right of communism might as well be a centrist tbh

lol exactly what are you trying to say?

ok i guess i have to break this whole exchange down for you, try to keep up:

My first comment essentially said that reddit is not centrist, with a heavy implication that reddit as a whole leans to the left (which is basically true outside dedicated rightoid subs)

then your comment insinuated that i thought that reddit was a communist website, which its not outside of the dedicated commie subs, reddit is just leftoid in general

my response incredulously mocked your assertion that i think reddit is a communist website, because that assertion required giant, and ridiculous logical leaps to achieve, and no one who isnt actually retarded or pretending to be retarded could come to such a conclusion.

do you understand? or do i need to knock my explanation down another few grade levels?

so did you not realize that I was mocking you by taking your position to the extreme?

>merely pretending

and are you pretending that you aren't some guy who comes here constantly to post weird right-wing shit?

I’m pretty mild compared to most rightoids (and leftoids, but in the opposite direction) on this sub. I shit on rightoids all the time too.

Rightoids - famous for their doctoral theses disguised as memed


I mean mention AOC in your title for an easy 5k updoots in /r/politics.

You're seriously the perfect fucking drama user at stirring shit up.

Second to Darqwolff, that is.

This but unironically

Because reading it on CringeAnarchy is a great way to not get radicalized lmao

Reddit is practically communist Russia at this point. It's hardly centrist.

100% this. It's the ramblings of a psycho mixed with memes and irony to stir the pot. What he wanted was for people to react like the chapo-tards and start calling for blood in the streets.

pastebin com/bzZyMduP

Agreed this is reprehensible and shouldn't be encouraged. I would argue you shouldn't even read it. Don't read this. Don't ctrl c and put a period between the space. Don't OwO

you got a point about how this guy is kind of just your standard psychopath with a assortment of memes mixed in for some fucking reason. Also a lot of chapos are unironically acting just the way this nut Job wanted them takes a special kind of moron to look at a tragedy like this and say, "man violence like this is really bad. Hey maybe we could use a little bit more violence against another group?"

Yeah, unfortunately this kind of person is inevitable in a society with a large leftist/liberal population. Those philosophies are built entirely around rejecting the idea of morality, so is it really surprising that it creates people who would murder for the fun of it?

liberals are too pro murder and that's why an alt right now manlet killed dozens of innocent people

Try harder sweaty

Jesus, I knew this sub had some right-leaning tendencies, but can we stop talking about Trump for even 1 second?

I heard that if you even hear 1/2 of the manifesto, you are forced to go out and do the dark Lord's bidding. I can't even imagine what would happen if you read the entire thing!!!

Your have to send an apology to a pathetic mod.

I looked at it briefly this morning but it was just stupidly long and as you said, it was basically a comic book villain level monologue. I don’t get why it’s being censored so bad, but it’s whatever.

Because if the general public can’t read it then the “journalists” and politicians get to choose what it’s about.

Reminds me how the refusal of Sweden to report the race of people arrested for crimes basically gave birth to the stupid "Somali gangs are u overrunning Sweden!" memes

24 hours late, but I think you're dismissing his manifesto a bit too much. He touches on a number of semi-mainstream topics that get people heated. It's not all just radically insane rambling.

Most notably in this regard he talks about the immigration crisis in Europe and terror attacks and such that followed. His main 'tipping point' was the girl killed in Stockholm. He talks about NGOs picking up immigrants in the Mediterranean and bringing them to Europe. And he talks about how France is overrun by darkies, which is something Trump also went off on a while back in a roundabout way.

These are issues on which a lot of people will agree with him on. You can see it in immigration threads in /r/europe and such. A lot of threads about Muslim immigration to Europe is pretty heated, and nowadays often leans towards a desire for stricter border controls and includes complains about assimilation failures. He also drops in some pro-working class 'the corporations are screwing you' stuff.

While most of the rest of his manifesto is crazy 'drive the turks back to asia' shit, he seeds it with some stuff on which normies can agree are real social issues involving conflict between Muslims and westerners.

I think it's kind of typical 'red pill them slowly' type stuff that white nationalists advocate for when trying to convert people. Bring up legitimate grievances and then work in more and more extreme stuff.

That said, while I don't think the manifesto should be scrubbed (and it's not on most high profile social media and information sites; reddit is an odd exception), I don't think anyone should necessarily be 'encouraged' to read it unless you know they have good critical thinking skills.


I am a bot. Contact for questions

Too long, didnt read

So are they just gonna remove the news articles on /r/worldnews then?

Navy Seal copypasta is now a bannable offensive since it’s a manifesto quote

Also the word "Fortnite" is too, thank god. Ban of r/Fortnite is surely imminent

It only teaches children how to dance and be toxic as fuck

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

I've known more coherent downies.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

Guess I'm banned too.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.


300 confirmed al-qaeda kills

Make that 350 confirmed kills now

Yikes chief


discussion of the manifesto is okay, as long as it's being done in a serious manner. creating memes or copypasta isn't okay

the manifesto itself includes references to fortnite, spyro the dragon, flossing, and the entirety of the navy seals copypasta

reddit admins are such fucking dweebs omg

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you peasant user? I’ll have you know I moderate several subreddits, and I perform over 10,000 mod actions per month. I’ve been involved in numerous secret shadow banning raids on spammers, and I have over 300 confirmed bans. I am trained in rapid comment removal and I’m the most active mod in the entire default set. You are nothing to me but another keyboard. I will delete every comment you've ever made by scouring threads with Ctrl+F precision the likes of which has never before been seen on reddit, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with acting like reddiquette doesn't apply to you? Think again, karmawhore. As we speak I am contacting the admins and your IP is being traced, so you better prepare for the shadowban, faget. The shadowban that wipes out that pathetic little thing you call your account. You’re fucking banned, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, I don't sleep, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my common mod tools. Not only am I extensively trained in anti karma whoring, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the reddit extended moderator toolbox and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable account off the face of the website, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have read the fucking sidebar. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit downvotes all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking permabanned, kiddo.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Reeaaaal professional. /s



pastebin com/bzZyMduP

Also let's not forget that even the "serious" part is literally "I decided to murder people because when I was in France I saw Muslims buying groceries and bitched off to a WW2 cemetery to cope."

this doesn't sound like "serious discussion" sir I have no choice but to report you to the internet police

Please, the mods and admins have made their position clear: absolutely NO mocking or ridiculing mass shooters.

The way he talked about democracy in the manifesto sounded eerily similar to the way the r/politics crowd talks about it.

Aight I'm gonna seriouspost

The fact that both the manifesto and the livestream were saturated with memes disturbed me. I feel like if he'd just been this beep boop robot I could have understood it, but the fact he was basically irl shitposting while he killed all those poor people, that's kind of fucked me up a bit.

PM me if you want cat photos

Bye 😘


Do not attempt to find creative ways around it.


This is the kind of shit that's honestly the most retarded, in my opinion. All it does is Streisand effect more people into seeking it out, and it's not like anyone reading it is going to flip like "Hey this stupid collection of /pol/ talking points is right" afterwards.

I get that people don't want to give shooters notoriety, but tough shit. They do get notoriety every time and you're not going to change shit about that

It's a 78 page shit post.

78 pages??? Damn that’s as long as a Ph.D dissertation. The killer should get a doctorate degree in terrorism.

Most of it is memes.

Doctor of Terrorism sounds like a rejected GI Joe name.

Admins are dumb, dickless, spineless, greedy retards and this is just another showcasing of that fact

the image of the letter from the Australian Senator, Fraser Anning can be posted, but discussion around it should be policed for users celebrating the action or insinuating the people affected deserved this

Everyone seems to have missed this nugget. Banning every thing else could be argued in good faith, I guess, but right here is straight up politcal censorship. That is an elected official and we're told what we can discuss.

But he bad man, /r/politics tell me so. Therefore this censorship is double plus good


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

First they came for the people justifying terrorism and I said nothing, because lol fuck em

Any discussion suggesting the attack was anything but the inherent racism of m*yos is glorifying terrorism.

What? It's saying that discussion about the senator (ie the guy saying muslims caused this shooting) should be policed for people who celebrate the action (the shooting) or saying that muslims deserve it. How is that political censorship?

Is it a political belief to celebrate mass shootings and blame the people who got shot?

i mean, yeah. where did you get the idea that violence is beyond the scope of the political?

this is straight up political censorship

t. newfag

can be posted

It literally says that in the statement, you dumb cunt. That only thing you *can't* do is

  • glorify violence (celebrate the attack)

  • incite violence (insinuating the people affected deserves this)

Sound familiar? These rules already exist, you retard. That's not 'political' censorship. That's just plebbit being a pussy platform.

Or make memes, or quote the manifesto even if you oppose it

insinuating the people affected deserves this

is not

incite violence

The whole "incite violence" has a pretty strict meaning and specifically refers to "urge towards imminent violence." If you need an example "Go to your high school and beat some kids up tomorrow" would be more like it. Discussing whether or not the victims of an attack that already happened were innocent is not even close to a directed motion to imminent violence.

And how is "glorify violence" some kind of general rule now? Am I not allowed to memorialize WW2 anymore? Isn't that "glorifying violence"? Or do you mean "dont glorify violence I don't agree with."

This is good for drama.

Mods are based AND red pilled

Mods and admins are fags

/r/Braincels poster trying to feel superior to anyone

Good one. Even the manlet bogan, as caveman-y as he looked, was able to get some.

You're right, you're not partaking in their autism.

All reddit mods and admins are in fact fags though

Don't quote it either.

on a completely unrelated note, may I quote my favorite Dylan Thomas poem?


Honestly though, anyone that wants to watch that, for some reason or another, can find it rather easily on google.

Nah but they'll probably just ban you for two weeks for mentioning the title though

That's hypocritical. So it's okay to mention the manifesto as long as you mention it says Donald Trump is a leader?

Yeah that's the /r/politics strategy.

I don't think discussing the manifesto is against policy though. But I wouldn't risk it or else our resident janitor might hand out some bans

This is good for removeddit-coin

Instructions on how to view the instructions are still not allowed.

are we even allowed to say the words google or search engine anymore?

not while this man's a mod no, we needed someone who could replace darq

Don't forget 4chan, 8chan, half chan or full chan. Any variation of a number or word combined with the word "chan" must be censored.

There is no manifesto in Ba Sing Se

Admins confirmed eco-fascists

Wow this site and its admins are fucked. Can you imagine if 9/11 happened in 2019 and there was a worldwide conspiracy to completely block all images and videos of it happening?

Well, is there anything wrong with that? Think about the consequences of letting regular people see a video of planes flying into buildings. We didn't ban the video, and as a result Americans were radicalized to the point of accepting a war of aggression against Iraq. Common people cannot be trusted with information, and it needs to be restricted for their own good.

The war of aggression was also based on the false idea of WMD's. Common people can be trusted with information but if you mix in falsehoods and obscure the truth then real pieces of information can distort their thinking for sure.

This type of intellectualist supremacy infuriates me. You have no right to decide what the "common people" should or should not see; nobody should have that right. attitudes like yours are what lead to Trump and Pol Pot and will lead to people like them again and again.

You know what Trump and Pol Pot actually have in common? The belief that regular people are better than elites when making important decisions that affect society as a whole.

Why do you think I mentioned them both as examples of why your criticism of the "common people" will inevitably lead to backlash?

Also don't forget that "common people" typically means those of lower socioeconomic means and are typically composed of disproportionate numbers of ethnic minorities. While I can't quote the manifesto here, your critique of the principles of democracy sounds awfully like a recent mass shooter who claimed that mob rule can't be trusted, as the mob is composed of the enemies of his people.

Not just Trump and Pol Pot. The whole Eastern Bloc was infected by this cancer.

Thats fucking slick my dude

, and that's why I believe that it should be mandatory to take an IQ test before being allowed to vote, or have children."

Bring back literacy tests, am I right?

attitudes like yours are what lead to Trump and Pol Pot and will lead to people like them again and again.

Trump and polpot were both supported by the unlearned masses.

Which is yet another evidence that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have political opinions.

Or breath, for the most part.

That's the magic of robots: they're basically poors that don't drag the rest of us down by having shitty half-bright opinions about things far too complex for them to ever actually understand.

I'm going to need a TI-84 to calculate the number of extra chromosomes you must have in order to take this bait.

If common people cant see the TRUTH then elite can just make up FAKE STUFF

I don't think anyone is going to bite at your obvious bait friend.

I upvoted you because you’re gonna need it.

You all are making reddit look bad so we are gonna censor the fuck out of you.

That's all this is. Lmao, can't even make memes or jokes now? Some real thought police shit going on.

This should get past the admins and mods here. Keep it on the down low, yall. Yikes

I think the left eye is what it does it for me

Wait does that mean that posting the Navi Seal copypasta is against rules now

Bring back bearfantasy.txt

That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Hello Streisand effect my old friend

Serious posting like a faggot for a second: censorship of like this rustles my bussy

But I spent hours writing it?? What??

hahaha what a bunch of faggots


Uncle Ted's manifesto > Some retarded Aussie's sperg writings

sooooo who did i piss off enough to get my non working link from yesterday reported to the admins lol

apparently thats "violent content"

What an absolutely shitty precedent. "Creating memes or copypasta isn't okay"? I'm sorry but we're seriously going to have official meme police on Reddit now?


>meme police on Reddit now?

EU doesn't have to pass Article 13 it seems. Reddit is banning memes already!

Reddit will be dead in 13 months

A dude obsessed with the exact shit memes posted here everyday just murdered 50 people.

Yeah, no shit they can’t behave.

This is retarded, you can just google search it. How is censoring it on reddit gonna help anything. Fuck reddit, pussy ass site.

If someone posts it I WILL NOT READ IT

So we literally can’t discuss it?

Can I request the video tho?




Manifesto isn't allowed because it shows how the media and in turn Reddit is acting exactly how the shooter expected and planned that they would.

I wonder if he will answer my question.

you raised good points so probably not.

I'm still waiting.

Obviously not. The admins are a fucking joke after all.

What a surprise. I would expect the manifesto to promote a lot of very valuable discussion

They need to change the name to censoredit.

Hooray! The firemen are here!

Listen to OP for reals, I was one of those who got banned for posting it (and it certainly wasn't to promote or glorify it - quite the opposite, in fact).

What's the line from those shitty rap people.. Going Hard Asa Muhfucker? That's what admins are doing on this.

FFS even 9/11 didn't have this level of censorship around it, if you wanted to say it was a false flag or Bush did it or Jet fuel can't melt steel memes the world was your oyster. For god's sake we even aired Osama Bin Laden's tapes afterwards and I don't recall any copycat 9/11s.


What's so special about this shooting?

Not to mention there has never been any shortage of tankie autists on this site who are far from shy about saying 9/11 was a just response to Amerimuttistan foreign policy.

If people are given carte blanche to say that about a terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people, why the non-stop spergathon over one that killed 49?

What was the state of the internet in 2001?

Did Reddit exist?

Did Facebook exist?

Did 4chan even exist?

Did the PATRIOT Act exist?

9/11 was almost 20 years ago. By the time anybody could question the Official 911 Narrative on any kind of mass level, it was already ingrained on society to the point of reaching Foundation Myth status. Society is in too deep, if you will, so we all now tacitly 'accept' the lie no matter what, and for those who question it, its dismissed as "what are you gonna do about it." Basically, nobody cares.

They want the same thing for this. They want to control the narrative long enough to frame the narrative and dictate the consensus, and reddit is simply helping to facilitate that goal.

Whether individual terrorist propaganda videos showing individual atrocity were left alone prior to Christchurch, last night moved the goalposts, and we're watching Reddit evolve in realtime because of it.

What a fucking cuck.

lol this is so dumb. not used to reddit being more restrictive about this stuff than [redacted], i guess being the site everyone associates with communities of weird racists is making the admins jumpy.

Burn books! Burn the witch! Now its "don't share the pdf!

If people posted the manifesto then they could see how they were falling right into his trap promoting a civil war. Can't be breaking up the circle-jerk now.

Tfw mods can remove posts, but removed posts can still be see...

Don't post any images or transcripts of the manifesto. Don't quote it either.

For clarification:

discussion of the manifesto is okay, as long as it's being done in a serious manner. creating memes or copypasta isn't okay

It's RedTaboo

Of course it was going to be that rancid, subreddit-ruining cunt

I guess soon enough all that will be avoided to cosplayers and pet pictures.

I love giving reddit control of what I can talk about.

Crap. Guess I can't post the Navy Seal copypasta anymore.