r/edgymemes and r/offensivememes are quarantined
218 2019-03-15 by Plumfruits
The meme purge has begun
218 2019-03-15 by Plumfruits
The meme purge has begun
1 SnapshillBot 2019-03-15
You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.
I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.
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1 Maxwyfe 2019-03-15
Banning r/watchpeopledie and r/gore now quarantines on edgy memes! Is this the end of the internet as we know it? Is this the Edgepocalypse?
1 Alicesnakebae 2019-03-15
More like the edgeocide
1 GandalftheChromatic 2019-03-15
1 Dramatictuna 2019-03-15
The proph-edge-y has been fulfilled.
1 speaksamerican 2019-03-15
1 mud074 2019-03-15
/r/drama is next boys. What's the backup?
1 whenweriiide 2019-03-15
Freedrama and deuxrama opened up after the first privatization. They're generally used by users who've been tempbanned from drama
1 ng2-noob 2019-03-15
Only if all you do online is reddit.
1 1029384756-mk2 2019-03-15
You're not gonna be laughing so much when r/drama gets quarantined next.
1 Phantom_Engineer 2019-03-15
Close the gates, mods. They'll be heading right towards us.
1 Dramatictuna 2019-03-15
Maybe there's someone watching out for r/Drama?
1 moush 2019-03-15
I’d bet that if it went private it would just get banned.
1 kittendispenser 2019-03-15
They targeted memes. Memes!
1 le_epic_xd 2019-03-15
Is this the banout2029?
1 MPHJ-7 2019-03-15
"I fully support TheBanout2019"
Gets comment deleted anyways
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
i swear people werent even this faggy after 911 what happened
1 dongslayer6669 2019-03-15
Zoomer detected who doesn't know about the Patriot Act.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
they ran videos of 911 constantly for like a month and everyone talked about it and peoples motives and any information they could find
im not talking about dumb laws in response im talking about all the pearl clutching like its somehow new or important
everyones so sensitive for some reason theres been like 5 massacres since the one yesterday
1 ng2-noob 2019-03-15
they are literally talking abou this motivations on all news channels, some focus on some things more than others, obviously, but it is still going on. I haven't put Fox News or MSNBC ion ages but I'm feeling incredibly tempted at doing that right now to see the level of retardness.
also yeah, because of 9/11 you live in a world where 3letter agencies can do whatever they want with you and your personal info with very little effort (and literally get rid of non american targets with zero bureaucracy and zero accountability). This was bound to happen, but 9/11 definitely sped things up.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
dont look at his manifesto, let us tell you his real motivations like being a nazi and liking trump
i was talking about the attitudes about the video and media
people being real weird about this shit
1 ng2-noob 2019-03-15
Well yeah don’t get me wrong, it’s best if you read the schizophrenic ramblings of the guy then make your own conclusions.
And I agree, it’s even weirder because just one day before there were was an even worse video from the Brazil shooting.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
theres worse videos every day thats the part i dont get
all the five eyes countries and internet sites are really really worked up about this particular video and it seems out of character
anyone whos been on the internet for more than a few years has seen way worse stuff and thats all probably still up
1 jamesangleton 2019-03-15
I think this video has the potential to be copy cat material and to propagate really wide and quickly if not suppressed.
Accelerationism is probably something our covert agencies have been worried about for awhile. They probably have teams set up to measure the amount of conflict a person, event, video, image, ect (a meme is what we’re talking about) can create.
This is probably pretty high up there in terms of the potential for copy cats, and viral spreading, especially since that’s exactly what it was designed and intended for by the shooter.
I also think that this was a test case for international suppression ability.
Now they largely know the holdout sites they need to pressure or ddos when the next attack comes.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
it already has though, obviously im not going to describe where but its still very much up on multiple sites and isnt going anywhere
its already pretty much the new hot thing to share specifically because governments are trying to censor it
if that was the case they wouldnt be doing all the shit he wanted them to and playing right into it
if thats the case then they failed hilariously
1 withmymindsheruns 2019-03-15
I don't think he was schizophrenic. He seemed pretty clear and rational in the first half of the manifesto (rational in the sense of not blaming space aliens and mind control rays, not in the 'Hey, this guy makes a lot of sense!' way). I think you can take what he says about his motivation at face value.
1 MandirKahaBanega 2019-03-15
Honestly, I usually laugh at conspiratards but I genuinely think this might be a falseflag. The two guys at the start of the shooting who were just hanging around in the front and didn't get shot, the length of time that guy managed to shoot without any police showing up, the extreme lengths they are going to pull down the vid and manifesto.
1 wootfatigue 2019-03-15
I passed a TV showing CNN and they were screeching about Trump and the rise of white nationalism.
1 DoktorSteven 2019-03-15
The funniest part was every fucking yokel thinking their area was next. Some bum-fuck Ohio town was concerned that a manufacturing plant that made a tiny part for something on a military aircraft was 20 minutes down the road. No one understood the point of terrorism yet.
1 big_papa_stiffy 2019-03-15
i mean tbf theyre closing a bunch of random synagogues out of fear now which is pretty much the same thing
also theyre scared of random backpacks now like america
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-03-15
Right, remember when both Obama and Trump renewed that act?
And people mock horseshoe theory
1 miraoister 2019-03-15
1 CLX053 2019-03-15
I'm ashamed that drama isn't quarantined yet. Step your game up losers.
1 fatfuck33 2019-03-15
Post footage of call of duty on /r/fakehistoryporn with the title "New Zealand Massacre" and claim /r/drama made you do.
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-03-15
This but unironically. In all honesty it'd benefit us. It'd keep out all the r/allfugees.
1 Ezekiiel 2019-03-15
we are next
1 dramasexual 2019-03-15
Nah the mods here are pretty good at sucking admin dick. We'll be fine. Might go private for a minute.
1 Alimentas 2019-03-15
If you ever went to wpd you'd know their mods were as compliant as possible. Didn't matter. If /r/drama ever gets name-dropped in the news it's gone.
1 dramasexual 2019-03-15
In this last row I hear they were shitposting back at the admins pretty hard.
1 Thefbiman 2019-03-15
We will be gone soon 😢
1 Alimentas 2019-03-15
And here's why is a good thing
1 Morgoff 2019-03-15
Looks like reddit is putting an end to any future murders.
1 moush 2019-03-15
Except against trump fans
1 Acro52803 2019-03-15
excuse me what the fuck
1 cocainejesusman 2019-03-15
They killed dankmemes with their retard rules about no offensive memes and it made it into normie tier trash. This website sucks so bad
1 japsock 2019-03-15
hmm reddit might actually be dying now LOL, please and im feeling thank you
1 Senpai1245 2019-03-15
Fucking Muslims they ruin this shit for everyone just cause some of them got killed everyone is up in arms
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-03-15
Nothing of value was lost.
1 cadetfarzan 2019-03-15
1 shreddit_test 2019-03-15
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
1 grilledsandwhich 2019-03-15
Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh
1 Zammerz 2019-03-15
There's a lot of genuinely transphobic shit on r/offensivememes, but, as one of the targets, I still love the community, and I'd be upset to see it go. The subreddit is basically filled to the brim with racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, and pedophilia jokes. It all falls under free speech. Not once have I seen a call to action; not once have I seen hatespeech.
The goal is generally to poke fun at the people who hold these opinions rather than support them. It's satire.
1 Lars2_1 2019-03-15
People can't take jokes. People just need to shit at things.
1 PM_ME_UR_LUMPS_BOYO 2019-03-15
I think it's because someone posted a video of the New Zealand shooting on /offensivememes.
Like there are boundaries, and people just have to cross them.
1 SleepDeprivedDog 2019-03-15
That's the point of offensive memes. People got offended it was successful. Sure it sucks about the sub but it means they succeeded
1 SakhttLonda 2019-03-15
They are FUCKIN MEMES GODAMMIT. FUCKIN PUSSIES CAN'T TAKE A FUCKIN JOKE....Fuckin r/AgainstHateSubreddits be like "ooh look thats so offensive" bitch it's in the name itself, what were you expecting the TELE FUCKIN TUBBIES.
1 HappyFriendlyBot 2019-03-15
Hi, SakhttLonda!
I am am just dropping by to wish you a lovely day! Take care!