Who else gets their news from this sub unironically?

121  2019-03-15 by TbagBrieLarson

  1. Trump issued his first veto. Over a couple billion in wall funding. Republicans in the Senate even devised a malicious plan for him where the next POTUS wouldn't be able to declare a National Emergency. Except they forgot 1 thing: Donald Trump. Trump said hell nah to any curbing of his power, talks withing Republican circles collapsed, resolution to block National emergency passed in Senate 59-41.

  2. Boeing 737 planes be crashing twice in 5 months because pilots haven't had enough time to learn new software, now grounded around the world until they can figure out how to not crash.

  3. Chinese company Huawei can build 5G and underwater Internet cable projects in half the cost of Western companies, United States freaks out and claims Huawei is building backdoors for Chinese government to spy.


I learned a shit ton about the New Zealand shooting in the first hour here that wasn’t mentioned in the media for hours or at all.

Yeah plus the other subs are trying to fake wokeness by suppressing discussion on it.

How much of it was true?

All of it.

Unironically the first place I heard about it as well.

Its sad but retard dramatists are how i find out about current events before anyone else and helps me make decent bits about it.

You're finding positive results from using r/Drama? You can't be doing it right.

The only positive results one could get here would be on a STD test

Most of the time, this sub is trash for news (duh, it's Reddit) but it actually had the Jussie thing like a week before everyone else

but it actually had the Jussie thing like a week before everyone else

There is no way that anyone with half a brain would have bought that bullshit on first sniff. The difference between r/drama and other subs was that talking about it wasn't censored here, so of course ultimately people came to the most likely conclusion.

Mod censorship on other subs is just there to control the conversations that people have so that the only voices left arrive at the conclusion that the moderators endorse. This is why most of reddit is just shitty hugboxes, anyone who disagrees with whatever bullshit the moderators are peddling is ether banned or fucks off after a while.

Me. Apart from early misreporting, r/drama's "investigators" are quick to find reliable information dumps before the media outlets can analyse them. Obviously I'm going to triple check anything this subs spurs out, though

"investigators" are quick to find reliable information dumps before the media outlets can analyse them

Thats the trick tho.

Jesse smollet was fake as shit and r/drama knew

And with that aussie senator and his lmao news letter about how the dirty knees had it coming, i fact checked it, and bam race war acolyte confirmed.

Drama calls fake on pretty much everything "woke" tho, so it's bound to be right sooner or later.

Im gonna need examples

I also use wallstreetbets, the poor man's Bloomberg.

That's where I learned about autism

And then put it all in GE OTM Calls

Getting investment tips from there is also a great way to stay poor.

Literally do just the opposite of every bit post and you’ll do fantastic

Inversing WSB is a good strategy unless WSB itself tells you to inverse WSB.

Unironically, yes. I only found out about the shooting through here. It took several hours before the story really got out there.

Yeah also movie reviews and career advice.


I like the variety.

If you non ironically get your news here you need to investigate ways to maintain your safety.

Go away boomer

Very unironically this.

The only reason I care about news is to have shit to make small talk. r/drama always provide funny/stupid news, which are great for watercooler conversations.

So yes. I unironically get most of my international news from here. Which is yet another reason behind why I should embrace the rope, I believe.

"It's pretty windy out there, eh Jim?"

"bussy lmao"

Look, you may be new here, but /r/drama is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do we do it? Top thinkers , experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.

/r/drama is the Prometheus Society of subreddits.

I unironically get my news from kiwifarms dot com

Wait this isnt the only subreddit, there are more?

Fyi for the Boeing thing it isn't pilot error but rather faulty software.

In this instance, the new automatic stall prevention system goes off, and keeps pointing the nose of the aircraft down, forcing the pilots to fight it to go up. And the plane goes down up down up down up until it crashes.

It can be disabled but pilots didn't know how because Boeing never told them about it. This isn't the first time an aircraft has crashes because the manufactuerer added some automatic system without informing anyone about it.

It was a combination of that and not having simulators for the MAX, as well as the claim that the MAX was functionally the same as the previous 737 series.

Current theory on why the Max crashed is because it's poorly designed and the sensors it uses to try and work out its angle of attack only relies on two sensors, so if one is faulty then you can't tell which one. It automatically makes the plane's nose angle downwards if it's thinks you're flying at too steep an angle which could cause the plane too stall.

A single faulty sensor forces the plane's nose to continually point more towards the ground which if you're flying a plane is not a great thing.

Boeing knew about this but didn't bother putting it in the manual that you can turn it off.

Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh

The shooter drama is already a good contender for best drama of 2019, because jesus christ this is spicy. Civil war when?