Proof Darqwolff was not the NZ shooter

163  2019-03-15 by wwyzzerdd

Evidence provided below exonerating our dearly departed pedo.

  1. Shooter had a job.
  2. Shooter had his own car.
  3. Shooter was not a convicted felon.

shooter did not try to fuck a child

All the proof I need. Checkmate r/SRD

He wasn't obese

The shooter was a manlet however, so I'm not ruling it out.

Shooter is capable of basic personal hygiene tasks such as shaving your neckbeard.

Shooter had life goals and accomplished them.

The lack of defending pedophilia in the manifesto was a dead giveaway.

no mention of 'what if the child consents' nor how he's only doing this because daddy yang won't give him his neetbux. definitely not him.

Shooter was able to sprint

Shooter wasn’t breaking AC units. Innocence co firmed.

Shooter didn't have a neckbeard

I am pretty sure he tried to bomb a panera after I made this comment about him.

I like how he's not trying to play off being a pedophile as a meme

Spotlight uhh moonlight uhh fuck nigga poo poo pee pee uh

Lol at Darqwolff having a passport

Lol at Darqwolff having the money to travel

Lol, just lol at Darqwolff having the courage or initiative to ever travel to a foreign country