Jordan Memerson and the Pewdiepie shooter

27  2019-03-16 by gardar15


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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"Islamophobia" is not a thing. It's a buzzword fundies coined to deflect any and all criticism of a shit-tier religion.

I used to ree about Christianity in various chat rooms as an edgy teen and not once was I called "Chrstianphobic."

Shifted to Islam and all of the sudden I was "islamphobic."

People whine about “christianphobes” all the time

They just call them atheists in America

Me too. I used to reeee abt Hinduism (birth religion) back in my teenage atheist days, no one called me a hinduphobe. The moment that pedo glorifying meme cult comes into picture, however.

yeah the nz shooter is just an edgy atheist, not a so-called "islamophobe"

He mentions that in his manifesto, says he's not an islamaphobe because he's not scared of them

Oh please ree about christianity literally anywhere in the US that isnt exclusively populated by zoomers and you have a bunch of old fucks sperg out and call you a satanist

That's because Christianity is true

Haven't checked, but I bet the terrorist held very similar views as you do 😂😂😂

Literally divorced from reality if you think that's true.

Memerson is 6'2. Manlet confirmed

Alright bub, it’s big boy here’s turn on the Xbox

I dont think that's the guy who shot up the mosque. I could be wrong, but I dont think so.

It doesn't matter!



Yeah, I thought he was 28. Also he looks kind of yoked in that one picture.

Post the actual link you fucking moron

how long before white atheists start unironically doing that (pbuh) thing whenever talking about Mohammed (pbuh)?