/r/ChapoTrapHouse users claim that the genocide of 7 million Ukrainians is in fact just a hoax.

680  2019-03-16 by Laetans


Have you posted bussy yet?


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If you ask me Papa Stalin did nothing wrong those dirty Ukr*ps deserved it.

Fuck off with your np links

Just remove the np. from the link g***r

I know how it works

But using np is stupid, useless, and unnecessary

Stop it with your newfag faggotry, you tard.

NP links or shitposting badly is a temporary ban. Don't do it.

You're cruisin' for a bruisin', bucko.

np linking


Fuck anyone who doesn't link to old, really.

zh is my jam.

Anything that doesn't archive with downvoted comments hidden, really.

Honestly Communists are a cancer.

Cancer is very egalitarian; the cells voluntarily de-differentiate.

Nah, Cancer usually wins

Yeah, but just like communists, you can kill cancer with radiation.

Just like cancer, you can cure communism surgically with a scalpel.

I feel like most problems can be solved by a well placed scalpel to the throat


we only ever killed Shōwa Statism with radiation. if anything, radiation kept commies alive for three decades past their expiration date

Cancer "wins" by killing the host body, and then promptly dying itself because it can't survive on its own. Kind of like communism.

Implying the US won the cold war...



Communism is great, no other political ideology has killed as many communists as communism.

This but unironically 🇺🇲🏈😎

Unironically but this 😎🏈🇺🇲

At least with cancer you have a chance of surviving

Stalinists/tankies are, I'll give you that. They end up stabbing libertarian-socialists in the back and purging them in almost every fucking revolution, ensuring that only they remain.

I actually lean towards socialiam, but CTH and modern communists are absolute cancer.

I love how the person criticizes someone for ableist language in that thread. Imagine calling yourself the "dirtbag left" and getting upset someone says retarded or dumb. Apparently dirtbag left just means genocide denial.

They use chud as an insult because they don't want to offend anyone. They're about as dirtbag as a housewife from Wisconsin

Which is funny, since their insults are really just ways of saying edgy shit without using the "problematic" words. Chud basically means "subhuman", smoothbrain means "retard" and if anyone other than themselves said "post hog", you better believe they'd call that group sexual harassers.

Chud also is a derogatory term against the homeless. So they are saying the homeless are subhuman.

It's a sad day when I agree with chapos on something

Canabalistic Homeless Underground Dwellers

Commies who hate poor people are just part and parcel of shitposting on the internet

it's a real medical condition too lmao, it's called lissencephaly.

Even the poors there are nowhere near this scummy and that's coming from personal experience

dirtbag as a housewife from Wisconsin

I've seen that porno.

Housewives from bumblefuck can have surprisingly foul mouths.

Remember when the left were the edgy one.

They were?

Yeah when I was a kid the right was trying to censor music, tv, radio and whatever they deemed to corrupt today's youth. It's weird watching the pendulum swing back.

I remember the awful parent's groups in the 90s, but there is something boring and predictable about Boomer 50 year olds clutching their pearls. To see 22 year olds (many of whom are artists themselves) worried about music lyrics, movies and video games is a whole new thing.

Same with fake news. The 90's and early 2000's stay at home mom was just plagued with TV shows pumping out fake stories about the dangerous new game kids are playing, or the new teen sex craze. I remember when my elementary school banned these dollar store bracelets, because some bullshit artist said they had a nefarious meaning.

For most of the 80s the right was on top and had control, then Clinton took office and the righties who were used to that sense of being on top started freaking out trying to hold onto it in increasing desperation.

Starting in the Bush years and continuing through Obama, the left had control of the discourse — even during Bush’s years because everyone thought he was fucking up so badly. Now that they’re losing it they’re freaking out and trying to hold onto it in increasing desperation.

From what I remember it was Tipper Gore who led that crusade.

Yeah when I was a kid the right was trying to censor music

I think you need to look at who the leaders/members of the PMRC was and be surprised that it's always been the lefties. Al Gore's wife was the head of the organization that prompted the hearings Dee Snyder and Frank Zappa testified at back in the day.

I was more speaking about conservatism as an ideology and not as a partisan definition. I would argue there is no true liberal party within American politics.

You can go back and read old Vice articles about the best way to get a stripper to fuck You. Conservatives certainly were not writing that and the left certainly isn’t writing that in 2019. Though I could see edgy conservatives writing it today.

Gavin Mcinnes was the head guy there at the time, it was hardly a leftist magazine back then.

He was not always right wing like he is now.

In the 1970s the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped a rich girl and then drugged and gang raped her in order to brainwash her into becoming a leftist. They did this thinking that they were the good guys and that the ends justified the means in their effort to advance socialism in the USA.

That's not leftists being edgy, that's just average male feminists.

Was like that back the 00s. The left were edgy and rebellious while the right was a prim and straitlaced.

"Genocides never happened" 💯👍👍

"You are a fag." WOAH TOO FAR

Dirtbag left means making fun of Polands occupation WWII and complaining about labdlords making their tenants not trash the place

The alt left, like the alt right, tries to act tough but is also extremely sensitive

Alt right is less self-cannibalizing though because it's not concerned with being "problematic" or whatever when being offensive is the point. It's actually internally consistent.

If you are talking about the guy I saw doing that in the same thread, look at this shit he posted further down...

Mate, I own my past. I used to be an absolutely shit human being, a racist, a blatant misogynist, and a literal Nazi. I'm not anymore. Ol' boy here is being purposefully rude and awful to get a rise out of people. Miss me with that cancellation bullshit.

Dude used to literally be a nazi just a few years ago apparently. I'm not going to cry horseshoe theory, I think the reality here is that retards will be attracted to retarded shit.

Find the difference:

„Lolol muh Stalin personally strangled 700 million Ukrainians lolol“

„Lolol mih six gorillions lolol“

Horseshoe theory? You imbecile, you idiot, there is no commonality between extremists.

These people are disgusting.

Every day makes it more and more clear that radical centrism is the only way forward.

Just follow the data how hard is that god damn

radical centrism: the Ukrainians and the Jews deserved it

So neither happened?

Both happened but we shouldn't care.


It's not a horseshoe if both sides are socialists.

Ah, the OTHER side of the retard coin

The Nazis were National socialists. They really don't fit into the modern left-right perspective.

They're literal radical centrists lmao


pm this

Hot take : Nazis were centrist, being both far right and far left. Nazis are the proof centrists are what is crippling our society.

That's not real radical centrism. Next time it'll work.





Well, it’s more the argument being that monarchism is the true far authoritarian right

It's a retarded argument, inshallah.

So the UK is more far right than Nazi Germany, got it.

Absolute theocratic monarchies, not liberal democracies with an old woman wearing a silly hat to answer to

So is the KSA less or more rightwing than Nazi Germany? That’s the real question.

Being extreme right and extreme left doesn't' make something centred...





Are you trying out memes like the kids do?

>Imagine not communicating exclusively in meme.


I know leftists communicate in number sticker form, but memes are funny.


Left wing people stopped being funny when George Carlin died.

>Implying I am a leftoid.

Wew, lad.

"Wew, lad"...


...thinking I care about whether or not you decide to save your race, or to be transgendered.

"not all leftists......"

"Wew, lad"


>Imagine not wanting to save your race as a drag icon.

Seriousposters absolute state. 😂😂😂


lmao, you are actually a conservatoid. How old are you boomer ?

Hi fellow kids!

I have already established I wasn't a leftist, conservatoid. Once again, how old boomer friendo ?

You didn't establish anything, you just don't take responsibility.

I amp not a leftoid, nigger, now are you gonna tell me how old you are boomer ?

Oh look you used a racial slur to prove how down with the blacks you are.


But the REAL question is what do you think about taxing abortions??



I am against it, because abortion kill off far more poor people children. And making it costly means more poor people, which are everything that is wrong with the world in [current year +5].

Communist confirmed.

Hey, I didn't say I wanted to starve the poor. >:(

Don't trust anyone over 30, commie? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Weinberg#"Don't_trust_anyone_over_30"


Or do you just want to know if you'll be prosecuted when you send dicks with emojis on them?

Jack Weinberg (born April 4, 1940) is an environmental activist and former New Left activist who is best known for his role in the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley in 1964.


Lmao, you are tick tock old. How does it feels to not be able to get it up anymore ? 😂😂😂

You realize I'm not actually Jack Weinburg right? I didn't link to my own bio. Send me some pictures of your shitty country to jerk off too and I'll check how hard my dick gets.

No, but the fact you know it happened means that you are positively fucking ancient, lmao.

My country is frogland it's currently on fire because of the rightoid spergout over oil price of all things, and because leftoids screech to defend those rightoids from getting a few warning shots in the back.

I just came.

Damn, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculator ?

Old age is a shipwreck as we say

It wasn't premature it was three minutes of paradise.

It wasn't premature it was two minutes of paradise.


Something like that.

it makes it radical centrist

It make it literally, be definition, not centrist.

Guess you can't call right wing people Nazi's anymore.

If that's how things work I'm going to start calling myself an attractive man with a huge penis

This has to be bait.

they don’t fit neatly, but you can roughly track their position on a left-right axis over time

in the early days they paid lip service primarily to left-wing economics, while also denouncing the far-left. through most of their time in power they strictly pursued right-wing economic objectives and suppressed the whole left. towards the end of their regime, they drifted more towards authoritarian left-wing policies out of necessity.

Their Venezuela threads are even worse:

Venezuelan: Maduro has brought my country to its knees, we have no food or electricity, people are eating out of garbage bins, there are riots in the streets and the regime is murdering and torturing thousands of people

Chapotard: "ShUt uP MaGa ShIlL iTs AlL OrAnGe MaNs FaUlT REEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Stfu the us has fucked all of Latin America and shaped almost each and every country directly through coupes, invasions, sanctions, media and cyber warfare (ongoing) and you're gonna belive the us gov? Tool

Maybe next times, you won't cheer for the billionary dictator that laid off and tortured people for striking.

Fucking bootlicker.

Those people who call others "bougie" turn out to be much bigger bougies. Funny that.

Imagine being so retarded and useless that you spend everyday on Reddit saying dumb shit like this

Latin American here: you come as a total piece of shit when you insist on putting your fucking ideologies before the actual suffering of Venezuelans right now. People are living in precarious conditions, with shortages of food, medicines, power and clean water but somehow you think it's more relevant to bring up this recycled "muhh US is bad" garbage.

Most Venezuelans want intervention if it means Maduro goes. That's how bad things are.

I'm pretty far right, and totally gonna use Venezuela to bash lefties, but man every news report I read about what is going on makes me sad. I hope after the new guy gets power we offer favorable loans and other economic aid to Venezuela.

Sure buddy, it's all Orange Man's fault, nothing to do with the far-left dictator psychopath propped up by Russian and Chinese money using his army and paramilitary thugs to suppress his own starving people while he sits in his mansion, get a grip you edgy 14-year-old wannabe anarchist retard

Every single country south of the Rio Grande is a shit hole. Is that America's fault?

Chavez: uses money from state-owned oil industry to support huge number of poor voters with entitlement programs instead of developing a normal economy.

Venezuela: cash runs out and economy crashes after oil price dives.

Maduro: shockedpikachu.jpg

Shut up bootlicker.

Chapo has to be one of the worst thing that ever happened to politics. Extremist idiots given a platform for their disinformation to run wild.

I love chapo

yah same

Venezuelans literally aren't saying that. It's literally right wing western propaganda. Jesus Christ you people will believe anything your right wing capitalist media tells you.


The difference is that the word "gorillions" is somewhat funny.

Trump killed 20 barillion.

Oh you don't think so? Well you're a denialist which means you're wrong and a bigot.

I win.


Trump is putting kids in cages just like Nazi Germanyyyyyy

Or something.

„Lolol muh Stalin personally strangled 700 million Ukrainians lolol“

Yeah, only it was seriously considered that Stalin offed 100 million people in USSR. Also, people who claim about "genocide", but don't know shit about relations between Russian village and city (going as far as from the end of XIX century), should be hanged.

The 100 million number was for all of communism, you retard.

well the former uses a random number to further trivialize the tragedy, but also wisely places its cards behind downplaying the likelihood of intentionality or personal involvement from the soviet higher-ups, rather than making the easily falsifiable claim that no one died

The difference is that there are pictures from the nazi holocaust but none from the "holodomor".

I thought genocide denial was a bannable offense on this website?

Well they were white so its OK

chapos or slavs?


ACKSHUALLY...the answer is 'yes' because both Chapos and Slavs are white, with Chapos being the whiter of the two.



choose one

Why are you downvoting him. He’s right.

The voting patterns in this sub have been fucky for the past two days.

we were exposed to the steaming pile of refuse that is All and now they are hiding among us

I want to make it known that if any /r/All-fugee shows themselves before me, I will give them a taste of my shoe!

The smile on G-Dubs face after he ducks that first shoe always cracks me up.

Based shoe-dodging chad

Getting the sub quarantined would solve that.

Slavcels in full Cope Mode.

Calling Slavs humans would be a stretch

https://www.rferl.org/amp/27663044.html Meet Yosif Stalin, The Soviet-Born Black American From ...

Stalin was a black king tbh



choose one


I have regularly seen people unironically echoing stalinist propaganda about kulaks in many subs

Gulags were fun they called them collectives. Lol lots of playing cards

Gulags were just prisons!

You're not actually wrong. Checkers, cards and chifir. The GULAG holy trifecta of passing time before backbreaking labour.

Horde the grain, feel the pain. Kill a pig, your grave you’ll dig. Own some land, bang bang bang.

Land doesn't rhyme with bang, you subhuman retard

Bang, bang it is.

communism's greatest foe is rich peasants


Yeah, agrarian minister Yermolov was a rabid stalinist when he mentioned kulaks in his work regarding 1891-1892 famine.

This is so dumb

Dumb thing is burgers judging kulaks from a position of protestant ethics regarding business, and then making a great assumption that "kulaks were hard-working successful farmers", while in reality, they were more of successful usurers, frauds, and enforcers.

Oh I guess killing millions of them was cool then, thanks for the clarification

Kulak was an older description for an ill-defined group of peasants and farmers.

The Stalinism part is taking this ill-defined descriptor, expanding it (making it even less well defined), and saying the "kulak class" should be eliminated, you absolute retard.

Commie dumbfuck.

Kulak was an older description for an ill-defined group of peasants and farmers.

Vladimir Dal has put pretty solid description of that group in his vocabulary. And so did Stolypin, And so did Yermolov.

But keep defending the group of literal parasites, that held the village in their fist and acted like a fucking gang (in fact, that's why Tsapok's gang was compared to kulaks)

Vladimir Dal has put pretty solid description of that group in his vocabulary. And so did Stolypin, And so did Yermolov.

Lol, however poorly defined the classification was beforehand, the bolsheviks stretched it beyond recognition - is keeping a tidy garden sufficient to be deemed a kulak?

But keep defending the group of literal parasites, that held the village in their fist and acted like a fucking gang

Tankies are the scum of the earth.

Ironic is why are they trying so hard to defend "not the REAL comunism"?

Really activates your almonds.

If it was, I really hope it isn't emforced, so that those crazies are free to be seen by everyone.

Since when

Where does it say that? Can't find it in the content policy.

only proven genocides

the Holodomor was probably real, but all we know for sure is a bunch of Ukranians starved under a regime famous for inadvertently causing famines

Accidental genocides don't count.

I mean, by definition, yeah

1800 points

Using images cropped from BBC bitesize to disprove historical scholarship

better a tankie than a lib

Also that user link bombing his own posts to show it never happened... Including dank memes and FULL COMMUNISM subreddit... Both of which I thought were ironic 'it's a prank brah' subs... Just shows

Including dank memes and FULL COMMUNISM subreddit... Both of which I thought were ironic 'it's a prank brah' subs... Just shows

They were once upon a time ago. But just like MDE, they got invaded by actual retards who thought they were in good company.

can they be reported in this climate i wonder

They're leftists, reddit wouldn't dare.

This but unironically 🧐

They did quarantine fullcommunism.

Also, find some way to get cth in the press to generate negative publicity for reddit. That's the only time the admins take action.

Also, find some way to get cth in the press to generate negative publicity for reddit. That's the only time the admins take action.

While you're 100% correct, the CEOs of every news organization whose opinion reddit cares about are in fact mods of cth. It'll take one of those spergs shooting Betty White to drum up enough attention.

They're leftists, reddit wouldn't cdare.

If anyone is it should be them. There are posts on there where these morons are talking about waging a literal war and then posts immediately after condemning people like Joe Rogan, Shapiro etc of radicalizing people.

The irony is palpable.

Not only it's a hoax, the kulaks totally deserved it!

That’s my favorite.

akshually kulaks are not a protected class so it is okay

How dare someone own their own means of production!

Owning their own means of production

Since fucking when usury has become "means of production"? Asking as a descendant of actual peasants who actually saw how "hardworking" kulaks are.

Are you doing a bit? You’re really good at this.

1 kulak is worth an infinite number of commies prove me wrong

Asking as a descendant of actual peasants who actually saw how "hardworking" kulaks are.

Grandson of an alcoholic, ungrateful, illiterate whore who saw her prospering neighbour as a "kulak". Because of people like you my ancestors were sent to Donbass. Fuck you.

I like that you're a descendant of the peasants, but you definitely know what the peasants lived like almost 100 years ago.

The kulaks were speculators who acquired their land very cheaply after the 1905 revolution. The same thing happened after the French revolution with catastrophic results which is why Stalin went so hard against them even though he was against collectivisation initially.

9 day old drama


/u/Ed_ButteredToast post




Ed, shush.

chad laetans vs the virgin Ed

You're getting ahead of yourself Ed


.np link

Are you fucking retarded?

The Holodomor never happened and the Kulaks deserved it.

The Holocaust never happened but I wish it did.

Same energy really.

🐎👞 is beautiful

Holodomor never happened

But it never did. Ukrainians want to spin their mismanagement and thievery (as always, their fucking country is shithole of Europe, even in comparison to Russia, because average Ukrainian can't do shit without corruption or trying to fool everyone around him) into ruskies genociding them because "Moskalis hate Ukrainian freedom".

Burn the crops and kill the cattle because bolsheviks asked for some part of it.
Have a famine in 1932
Double down on the retardance, thinking that dumb ruskies will cover the losses of their chimpout anyways
Have a famine in 1933

Also, let's not forget that these fags are literally the reason bolsheviks took ahold after Petersburg hunger riots. Hohlomor is nothing but karma at this point, and mark my words, in 30 years they will whine how EU genocided them by refusing to pour gibs on them. Kuban, Ukraine, and Caucasus are the biggest "gibsmedat" regions of Former USSR/Russian empire.



Go fuck yourself, burger.

Oi! Do u ave a loicense to talk shit online?

Big Yikes.

Lol imagine both seriousposting and being this massive a faggot about it at the same time.

GTFO here brainlet

Fuck off back to harkach, you fucking cottonbrained faggot.

some of it

All of it*


The USSR was forcefully taking food out of their region and distributing it in others. How the fuck are the Ukrainians the one asking for gibs when they were the ones getting shit stolen from them?

Your little quotetext there is a bit off, it should be

Stalin decides to get rid of kulaks via collectivization and gulags

USSR creates famine via collectivization, literally cuts their grain harvest down by like 80%

Requires farms to give up a ridiculously large amount of goods

Make gleaning (something Christian farmers are supposed to do cuz it feeds the poor) illegal

Kulaks get mad, destroy goods in protest.

USSR just distributes most of their food elsewhere, what little food they did give was horribly mismanaged.

Millions of people either starve to death or get disappeared

Because it wasn't their stuff.

It was OUR stuff.

> being this fucking stupid

Hey do you have a hard time tying your shoes in the morning?

I don't know about him, but I do. Not because I'm stupid and clumsy, but because I'm morbidly obese and can't breath while I'm bent over tying my laces.

That's why I switched to slip-on loafers. I'd advise the rest of you fatties to do the same.

Don't need shoes if I don't get out of bed 😎

Imagine unironically shilling for the imperialists, lmao.

lol looks like you rustled some jimmies in here

upvoted for causing drama

Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and mark this as high-level bait in my headcanon.

How long does it take you to write this tripe? My guess is almost, but not quite, as long as it takes for you to out on your velcro shoes and retard helmet

replying because i didn't want to be left out


Whore shoe theory, aka the hooker boot theorem.

Chapocels being tankies

Imagine my surprise.

Wasnt this already posted here?

What the fuck is wrong with these faggots

I posted this thread last week retard >:(

They also support white supremacy

GernocideTrapHouse, please use the correct name.

fuck off with that np link you actual retard

Reddit admins won't ban it though since they're all homos who want to be pegged by aoc

Hey we don’t kinkshame here

You dont want to be pegged by commie mommy?

Put a paper bag over her head and I will consider

Year zero in Cambodia: lol not real communism

Gulags : lol never exist

Chinese land reform killing millions - lol not real. Also not real communist

Venezuela - that's socialism. Also lol not real socialism

Russian LGBT purges - lol not real. Fake.

Ukraine- lol not real. Fake.

Poland - lol not real. Fake.

North Korea meth filled work camps - lol not real communism. Also fake.


real communism has unironically never been tried, Communist states claim to be pursuing communism through shitty socialist praxis

Serious talk, while "true communism" has never been tried is true, it's also completely irrelevant to the discussion, as everyone is arguing for a transition toward communism, not communism itself.

that’d be completely fair if I were actually advocating for a transition to communism instead of being pedantic





Sure, but it’s also TRU

If your rocket never leaves the atmosphere before blowing up you can say it wasn't true space flight I guess.

Yeah! Exactly

real communism has unironically never been tried

Yes it has

Tried it yesterday, mate

Turns out it's rubbish. Nobody goes for it, they like their land and their stuff. Neighbor told me to right fuck off

pssh you probably didn’t even instill class consciousness first

Can you prove that anything exists? That the entire world is not just a figment of your imagination?


a drought in Russia


no one said anything about stalin brah


Look comrade obviously we can't start off saying the kulaks fucking deserved it can we?

Hide your power level or whatever embarrassing nerd shit.

Or fuck I mean can we say they had it coming? Because obviously fuck them and landlords and critical support for the dprk!

Fucking fight me liberals!

Imagine being hyper-aware of every right-wing dogwhistle imaginable and then using dogwhistles yourself. Fucking tankies I swear

This really horseshoed my theory.

And the advocacy for cannibalizing communists is one against perpetuated by communists themselves.

These guys have pastebins they share with each other full of total retard hot takes. They think they're rebutal call sheet must have the answer to every lib talking point and atrocity denial.

Horseshoe theory proven right yet again

Saying that the Holodomor did not happen is pure tankie denialism and outright dishonesty.

At the same time, saying the Holodomor is a genocide means taking the word over a clique of Ukrainian nationalists over the community of scholars who have spent nearly a century studying this atrocity and why it happened.

Holodomor is LITERALLY taking the "We were so proud and independent and ruskies hated us for our freedom, not for us raking up the prices for bread every fucking winter so that moskali and city fags would pay" whine of Ukrainian nationalists. It stems from it's fucking name.

At the same time, saying the Holodomor is a genocide means taking the word over a clique of Ukrainian nationalists over the community of scholars who have spent nearly a century studying this atrocity and why it happened.

Well, and to what conclusion have they arrived to? Oh, that's right, Snyder, for example, agrees that the undue effort was put into suppressing Ukraine because Ukie kulaks were especially resentful of the Communist government.

And many other historians would disagree. Neither the famine or Soviet acquisition policies exclusively targeted Ukraine or Ukrainians. The highest proportion of deaths by famine was actually found in Kazakhstan.

There are a few declassified letters that suggest that main effort was Ukraine. I once posted them, I will find them again in a bit.

While you're not wrong, if the best thing you can say about something was "it probably wasn't a genocide, per se," it's probably a subject you should concede on

well hang on, calling the Holodomor a “Holodomor” can be taken as endorsing the idea that it was a genocide, can’t it?

or is that just the name for the famine

I mean, the dude who came up with the term genocide thought the Holodomor was a genocide.

Sounds like a lot of hoopla.

🐴👞is real. Literally "Muh gorillions" tier shit.

claiming that it was intentional genocide is just repeating Nazi propoganda

Germany wanted to kill and deport all the Ukranians. That's like saying "Hitler made up that big massacre of Jews to discredit that country".

i mean the term “Holodomor” was popularized by Nazis after WWII wasn’t it

uh this is actually a position held by actual historians though

personally, i think it was intentional, because Stalin and Molotov were exactly the kind of fuckers to do that, and it’s totally in line with the tactics they employed in their westward expansion, but there’s no hard proof

even everybody’s favorite anti-commie Russian historian doesn’t believe in it

hang on, np.? what the fuck?

Mayos committing mayocide. Is there nothing better?

Hahahha yes capitalism is so bad, they feed the poor hahaha so fucking gay. Be like the USSR and just let them die lolololol

This is beautiful with all the chapotards that run around and claim the sub isn't tankie.

I do believe that there was a concerted effort to keep the famine contained to Kazakhstan and Ukraine by exporting food from there to feed the other affected areas.

The death toll would have likely stayed the same, but where the deaths happened was influenced by policy.

Why is it that in economies without central planning, i.e. market economies, mass starvation doesn't occur even when there are droughts? I'll bet if the Ukraine got its own Dust Bowl there would have been millions more who died.

Also, it's funny that commie retards say it was all due to a drought, even though 40% of the Kazakhs died thanks to famine at the same time. If you look on a map, you'll see that Ukraine and Kazakhstan are really far apart, which makes you question how they both suffered droughts at the same time.

Anyway, going back to the bolded part of the quote: If you are under the impression that in a centrally planned economy, everything evens out and it's no worse than a market economy, you probably look like this.

What are they criticising Burgerlandia for exactly ? Feeding people ?

Hell people use food banks in Germany. France too I think.

Hell, the poor are fat in the First world but that's a bad thing apparently for Reds.

Chapo's is a haven for impotent ghouls? Go figure

Mate, I own my past. I used to be an absolutely shit human being, a racist, a blatant misogynist, and a literal Nazi. I'm not anymore. Ol' boy here is being purposefully rude and awful to get a rise out of people. Miss me with that cancellation bullshit.

Why the fuck is it these retards always swing from one fucking retarded extreme to the other?

They lack fathers (figure) and/or loving parents.

I commented exterminate the kulaks on cth once and it was upvoted a lot...

It is.