Look at the price history for this Counter-Strike skin

61  2019-03-16 by skidmarklicker


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Yeah that's what happens when you buff a gun. Same thing happened to aug prices when it got the price decrease

The gun looks like the gun the NZ shooter used. It spiked in price right after the attack.

No, it spiked because

The M4A1-S now holds 25 bullets in the magazine, and has 75 in reserve

Since what date?

Interesting. They all rose up but the one with the writing gained more in percentage and about the same in price as the second one. Though all of them started rising before the shooting and at the same time. Maybe both factors?

Patch was a few days ago. I remember being pleasantly surprised by the extra ammo.

like yesterday or the day before

Who cares I want buzzfeed to report on it. TO THE TOP IT GOES

You're a fucking retard OP

No you.


So you're saying valve hired the shooter to promote their latest patch?

half life 3 was an inside job


Pretty fucked.

Am I supposed to understand why is this funny?

You're not supposed to understand anything you retard

Nope you’re supposed to just sit there slack-jawed in front of your pc, not getting it, and making sure the public knows you don’t get it. Great job

Are you really trying to say you're proud of being a gamer?

No I’m really trying to say I understood the reference and then moved on with my life

Every M4A1-S skin is seeing an increase in sales. The gun got buffed. This is just bad timing.