Chapo gets scared that the Alt-right are under their beds at night

22  2019-03-16 by econ_throwaways


This is why we need mayocide.


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suicide, gun larps, pibble talk, revolution

Tfw you can’t ping fellow comrades

I told everyone they’d come after us and it’s fucking happening. I don’t own a gun because I’m suicidal at random times but I’m seriously getting worried. And of course my fucking farmer boy who doesn’t work roommates stole the last of my money so I got to sweat it out for another week or two.

Holy shit these people are walking memes.

Imagine living with someone like that?


Neither of which will ever fucking happen. Even if we kill every living socialist and burn every socialist book, socialism will be invented again. To think you can eradicate a religion is even more laughable

So close to self close