Can someone explain to me how exactly PewDiePie is alt right/a Nazi? I never paid enough attention to him to actually give a shit

55  2019-03-16 by ChipChippersonAMA


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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What do you think an alt right is?


More info?

Three lefts.

I'm the one asking the questions here

Well yeah. Alt right needs to be well detailed in order to decide who is alt right. Like if alt rights were people who liked swimming, then you could ask people if they liked swimming and all those who say yes are alt right. Me personally, I don't have a definition of alt right, because it doesn't reflect someone's actual psychology, and I look at peoples' psychologies. I can help figure it out for you, but you would need to describe what an alt right is in your opinion

your mom is alt right

And the requirements are?

Being your mom

Can you explain how being my mom makes her alt right?

She's alt right would still bang

I'm asking what makes her alt right?

those milf titties

My mother, her actual life and personality are very different from how you're describing her and it leaves me at a loss as to how to go about talking with you

He's a white male youtuber that made several edgy jokes pretty alt right if you ask me

He's a white male

Enough said

All you need to do is visit KIA to see how edgy gamers devolve into alt right manlets, its like watching frogs turn into tadpoles.

Tbh I'm too scared to look at that pedophile den

Thankfully, all manlets will be forceably relocated to the Manlet Pit to keep society safe

Is KIA only full of pedophiles because that's the one way gussy-loving manlets can get poon smaller than them? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Based = redpilled

kia isnt even alt right lmao they were more concerned about pr than actually pushing back

"gamers" being more right wing now is a direct result of dumb trannies and media outlets trying to push feminism

so i guess what im trying to say is ghazi and kotaku are responsible for the shooting

kia isnt even alt right lmao

sure thing sweaty

they were more concerned about pr than actually pushing back

i thought the great GAMERS RISE UP was all about the pushback against the globalist tranny cabal

sure thing sweaty

its not theyre more random libertarian shit where they just dont want censorship hence the loli shit

the only people that ever thought otherwise were journalists and ghazi posters lol

i thought the great GAMERS RISE UP was all about the pushback against the globalist tranny cabal

lmao do you mean saying kotaku is shit and zoe quinn was bad at making games

im pretty sure it has more to do with closeted lust for bussy and trannies

lmao this is one of the dumbest old memes

Nice sperg, retard

🍿 🍿

look you cant rage at a thing if you dont even know what it is lmao

im trying to help people

you need big boy IQ to understand the sociopolitical complexities of G A Y M E R G A T E


have you ever wondered why literally everyone that ever hated it is a tranny or a lolcow male feminist

wondering about gaymergate

Gayming is a disease 🤢🤢🤮🤮

le dumb traniEEEEEs and le (((media)))


lmao dude being "anti gamergate" is embarrassing

This sub is anti - gayming. That includes KIA pedo and ghazitards. Gayming is a disease 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Caring at all about LE gaymergate is embarrassing. Way to out yourself as a KIA pedo 😹

nah only the nerds that get angry at trump are anti gaming, games are great and better than posting on reddit

and its not like they even hate games they just say it because its a cb2 meme and theyre nerds lmao

He doesn’t know anything about politics and just gives the typical mayo dude opinion on news when he does talk about it. He’s made some videos that ended up having racist jokes a long time ago, then made a satirical joke that the media took at face value. He’s deleted the racist videos since then.

I’d say he isn’t intentionally racist or alt right, but he just doesn’t know about the things he’s talking about, and with his size of an audience that can be dangerous. He really should just never talk about politics without doing actual research and showing it on camera.

we need some a major cleansing of all youtubers who are gamers and talk about politics at the same time

there is not a single one that i know of who knows wtf is he talking about, left or right, and worst of all zoomers actually take them seriously, like these utter retards are some trustworthy news aggregates

to quote biggie: "Games and politics don't mix like 2 dicks and no bitch - Find yourself in serious shit"

So we’re on the same page here then.

Agreed. Only certain people should be allowed to express political opinions. Politicians are talking about having a license to exercise your 2nd amendment rights, why aren't we talking about having a license for exercising your 1st amendment rights?

We generally need a cleansing of youtubers that talk about politics tbh. It’s not even that most of them are gaymers, but politics-tube has gone off the deep end and can only be redeemed in the purifying flame of Islam. It’s just a circus of people “taking down” complete retards with at times barely coherent arguments and then pushing their own ideological crap once they’ve established their “credibility”.

He's not. The far left types that populate places like reddit and twitter try to label anything left of right of Stalin as "the racist alt right". So that people don't stray too far outside of the leftist ideological bubble.

People just use alt right as a smear while ignoring all meaning behind it. The alt right is an explicitly white nationalist movement that seeks to conserve and build white societies for a homogeneous white population, and as far as I know he hasn't said anything even remotely close to that. It's just like calling the proud boys alt right while a brown Hispanic guy is the "leader" and their meetups have people of all races.

It feels like they apply it to any right wingers who isn't a Bush level corporatist.

He's a male mayo. Male mayo = Nazi ya dingus

Don't forget gamer

Not all Nazis are gamers...

Fuck maylos 😠

I don't think even the people that say that know. They constantly cite how he follows certain people on twitter and that's about it

Imagine asking a serious question on r/Drama

Serious questions bring all the lolcows to the yard.

You’re here

I imagine myself as more of a shepherd, gently leading all the lolcows to the meadows and back to later milk them for all the sweet and precious dramacoin.

Lolcows would have a cowherd, you moron


My seriouspost is better than yours. I can teach you, but I'll have to sperge.

It may not be more than edgy humor, but at the very least he is more into chan culture than he lets on. He draws from it for a lot of his videos, and in a collab with a normie youtuber he's clearly pretending not to know what certain terms mean. Also he collabed with Ben Sharpie and shilled Jordan Memerson's book.

David Dobrik > PewdiePie

i hear he did the ok sign a bunch

He also drinks milk

he’s just so gorgeously aryan that how can he not be?

He's a white male gamer

He is right leaning and anti sjw but doesn't talk about this stuff in his videos.

Ok but examples of this even?

Follows some right wingers on twitter

Case closed.

Media probably hates him because he mocks them

and very openly criticizes them

He also referenced some rightoid memes (mostly by mocking them though)

But worst of all, he doesn't like Amy Schumer 😠😠😠

I hope that clears it up you OP.

A very well done coment for this sub. Nice.

Short and succinct without any bullying from longpost bot

this is KiA level analysis. the media "hates" him cause putting his name in articles generates clicks

So he's literally Trump?

he's clearly much more involved in the scene than he wants you to think. following molyneux on twitter and using "nigger" instinctively when frustrated indicate a stage 4 /pol/ addiction.

Sounds like a false clue to me, Swedes don't start drooling and screaming in pain whenever someone says nigger.

i think youd be surprised at how many people say nigger irl and dont think anything of it

He is white, enough said.

He is probs a /pol/itician hiding his power level. So not a nazi and most likely not alt right either, just retarded.

he's gay

Thank you for providing the only sensible explanation

If it's wh*te, it's alt-right

He's not.

theyre retards and literally scared of everything

more so after the shooting as they desperately scramble to make shit up about how he was radicalised

I wouldn't say a Nazi. But alt right for sure. He act as a gateway to alt right. He follows white nationalists on twitter, get praised by them, have people at stromfront praise him. One thing is clear even if he isn't a racist, racist sure think he is!

He normalises racist jokes. For more I would recommend watching these videos:

I knew pew fans will downvote this but I don't care.

Why the fuck would The Pewdiepie Shooter kill 50 muzzies in his honor if Pewdiepie wasn't a nazi? That wouldn't even make sense.

Gaming + memes = Nazi.

He isn't. People who think he is are fucking idiots.


  • woman screeches about sexism: lol foids not even once lmao

  • man screeches nword at vidya: wait, help me understand the social context and cultural nuances here

He's the most disgusting Youtuber ever. If I was the President, i'd have him kidnapped, flown to Guantanamo Bay and executed. Disgusting over glorified neckbeard.

He's a good example of why society is "degenerate". Someone like him shouldn't be rich with millions of fans.