KIA focuses on the real victim of the shooting, pewdiepie

92  2019-03-16 by allendrio


People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


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it's amazing how easy it is to get redditeurs on your side. all you gotta do is saying the n-word, and boom - you got an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around.

You just dont understand the complexity of pewdiepies humor, only the smartest of 8th graders can truly grasp it.

It's too highbrow for most people

🚨🚨🚨underage b& detected🚨🚨🚨

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pewdiepie's channel. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of identity politics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Felix's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Ben Garrison literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

Flexing on pewdiepie

You must make the other 10th graders so impressed at how mature you are n shit

It's pretty funny that before saying the n-word, one of the complaints about him is that he only appeals to the dumbest of people.

pre nigger: pewdiepies for retarded children all he does is yell at the camera and "bro fist" his 8 year old fans

post nigger: Firstly, Israel is NOT an apartheid state and the Palestinians really had it coming.

Firstly, Israel is NOT an apartheid state and the Palestinians really had it coming.

Don't understand this attitude. You can hate Jews AND Palestine if you like saying nigger.

Ummm sweaty don’t you know only true gamers have the IQ to rise up against israel

Did you get this shitpost out of an SRS time capsule from 2013?

srs was ahead of it's time.
they were retarded, but they were also right about reddit. it's an irredeemable shithole filled with the lamest people known to mankind.

Are you too stupid to recognize the irony or do you just tell yourself you're the special exception?

of course im also retarded for not being able to leave. successful people don't waste their time arguing american politics with a fourteen year old swede on a video games subreddit.

Have sex, incel 😹

Have sex, incel 😹

He’s into underage ones so he probably shouldn’t. Huh /u/nmx179?

/u/McFluffTheCrimeCat nmx179 revoked his ping consent. Your comment was removed lol. What a fucking pussy 😹

Aw what a lameass.

I’m wondering if you’re referencing snappy, or if the snappy quotes have infiltrated your subconscious as they have mine.

The what word? What word did he say?

he was playing a video and yelled a word that starts with n and rhymes with being a racist if youre not black

what's the word?

The only retarded thing here is slithering around a word while obviously implanting it in everyone's head negating the entire point, literally acting like a toddler because you've been mentally castrated your entire life. It's a word, you can say that he said it without it meaning you're racist, you fucking wimps.

Nice sperg, retard 😹

You are the reason we need mayocide. I would tell you what I think you should do but it's against the rules now.

eat my mayo sammich

New snappypasta hot off the presses right here

pretty old concept that's lost on american brains

you're the only people with this country wide neurosis

are you a femcel or just really low test?

Wordcels BTFO'd by their inability to think once again

Why don't you contact her so you can commiserate among fellow subhumans?


So if someone who never even saw black people in their life or knows what they are says nigger they're racist?

broke: being retarded

joke: just pretending to be retarded

woke: being retarded, but also pretending to be retarded



Are you saying... nova?

Of course KIAtards are part of the PewDiePie Defense Force

Whereas woke dramatards are apparently part of the "let's use this tragedy to take out the youtube guy we hate" ghoul squad.

dude 50% of the comments here are yours you obviously care too much

You need to go back

He's been here for years, all he does is complain, and yet he refuses to do something more productive with his spare time

Yeah, this guy has to be one the most unironically angry people I've seen on this site. It can't be healthy.

he's like the obsessive circlebroke poster except worse because his crusade is against a harmless shitposting community that he actively participates in

“more productive with his spare time”

That’s rich coming from a drama poweruser

Everyone has some unproductive hobbies and there's nothing wrong with that. If your hobby is visiting a forum that makes you angry then that crosses the line from unproductive into troubling. It can't be healthy to get so upset over an internet forum, let alone for such a long time and let alone still visit it despite the fact that it only makes you angry.


Peepoopie sucks nerd now gimme your homework

I’m calling dibs on his lunch money.



It's pretty amazing how much of a hardon people have for attacking pewdiepie over this, it's literally like "Yeah sure a bunch of people died, but we can FINALLY GET THAT GUY WHO MAKES SHITTY YOUTUBES".

Pewdie's still not gonna fuck you

defending pewdiepie should be a bannable offense tbh

Dilemma of the 21st century rightoid: is it more shameful for a boomer to whiteknight for a youtuber whose target audience is low-iq tweens, or for a zoomer to stand with inbred hicks?

Have sex, incel 😹


68% upvoted


I've never watched PDP or been to that sub, but I still feel kinda bad for the dude.

Pathetic 😼

Literally, yes. As in, the root of em-pathetic and sym-pathetic. That's what I'm saying.

I feeeeeel

Lmao @ feelcels 😹😹😹

I ain't no sissy broad! Feelings are for dames.

feeling bad for a billionaire YouTuber.

T_D are the real snowflakes!


It’s true

pewdiepie being at the foreground of the culture war is the proof social media was a mistake. Time to erase mankind, posadism for life.

Every sub that takes gamergate seriously is talking about pewdiepie now

Wont someone please think of the swedish mishima bussy samurai shill pewdiepie

65% upvoted

KiAcels still at it with the drive-by downvoting COPE huh?

drive by downvoting


They don't actually have any arguments other that spergy cryposts (see nmx179), so they just downvote and SEETHE in silence 😂😂😂


nmx179 is like really M A D about the whole peedeepie stuff. He's having his H E A T E D G A Y M I N G M O M E N T again! 😹

Edit: the pussy faggot revoked his ping consent. ABSOLUTELY S😂E😂E😂T😂H😂I😂N😂G

Are edgy jokes just not allowed nowadays?

Literally one (1) day ago KIA was outraged over Gunn being rehired.

That what's happens when sensible people move away, you are left whit only special kind of people. Even srd was good sub once.

Even srd was good sub once

Wow wow wow. I think you might be actually retarded

It actually was, during great maymay genocide of reddit, it was straight gold. But after that it started to go down hill and drama was created. Now srd is dirt worst.

I think the outrage might be over the left not playing by their own rules.

Pedos defending pedos. What else?