Admins permanently suspended my account.

1  2019-03-16 by fuckredditadmins2019

Today I came on reddit and found out that r/watchpeopledie was banned, instead of whining about it I just made another r/WatchPeopleDieLives. I started advertising.

I start upload is content from heavy. All the content I posted was in compliance with the content policy. Out of no where I get a little yellow flag on [this video,]( telling me someone flagged it because there was personal information in there. There’s not the video is silent and blurry, not to mention i was the only one on the sub at the time. So I think nothing of it and sign out. (Wish I screen capped it).

I sign in about two hrs later to see if anyone had come to the sub to findthis and this.That was my one and only account. So the reason that give is bullshit.

Fuck you admins give me my account and subreddit back.

This is the sixth time I have tried to post this.