"It's okay to assault a person if I disagree with their political views" -Reddit

0  2019-03-17 by One_Y_chromosome


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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Who downvoted snappy? You heartless bastard

Probably OP and his alts because he got offended by snappy 😹

Oh God you're probably right. That's the most pathetic thing I've heard today

Try this, same thing but we bullied him into deleting his post (those positive vote scores on his top comments weren't there in the beginning, he alt upvoted himself vvv quickly)


Lmbo these people are really up in arms over a kid with an egg

Lol OP is literally raging against the machine.

Assaulting Nazis should be legal anyway tbqhwyf

I agree, we oughta Boer them.

Assaulting Nazis mayos should be legal anyway tbqhwyf


Considering what happened at Charleston, go crazy.

"Supporting mass murdering mayos is just a political view" - OP

Hmm ATG, I'm disappointed in ignorance/apathy about the issue before offering your hot take.

While what Fraser Anning said was in incredibly poor taste, he fully condemned the act of terrorism. So no, he isn't "supporting mass murdering mayos." Furthermore, just because he states his opinion, however vile it may be, doesn't warrant others to physically assault him. That's all I'm arguing.

Imagine whiteknighting for a bald bogan boomer faggot lol

Legit delete your account

Imagine white-knighting for an egg-throwing manlet twink.

Imagine white-knighting for an egg-throwing manlet twink. n-no u


he fully condemned the act of terrorism.

β€œThe real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,”

Furthermore, just because he states his opinion, however vile it may be, doesn't warrant others to physically assault him

Aussies and physically assaulting each other. Name a more iconic duo.

Name a more iconic duo.

Selective quotation and being a ratnosed kike

Selective quotation


Doesn’t he mean parentheses?

Look at the low-IQ goy having the throw insults to mask his feelings of inferiority. ATG might be wrong in this particular instance, but you, my friend, are letting your insecurities show.

Don't forget, We need "The final solution" to the immigration problem.

Aussies and physically assaulting each other. Name a more iconic duo.


Defending mayo nazis lol

egging someone from that range is "assault" now

OP is a massive faggot 😹😹😹

Apparently just straight up islamaphobia is a legitimate political view.

y’all this is just straight up islamaphobia, full stop y’all

Is your username a reference to your genetic disease?

How will that poor man's shirt ever recover?

Lmao @ thinking mayos are people

Lmao @ unironically saying "mayo"

Imagine reporting all the comments like a bitch πŸ˜‚

Haha I haven't reported a single comment on this thread. Imagine assuming everyone reports comments they disagree with.

Peak caucasity

Das rayciss

Shut the fuck up, white boy

Are you having a bad day?

Shut the fuck up, white boy

Bogans aren't people, boo

Should have thrown it

I'm with you OP. This disgusting act of violence is despicable. The politician man only stated his opinion and this brat, no, this criminal decided to proceed with a disgusting act of cracking an egg on his head IN PUBLIC.

I hope the politician will soon recover from the physical and emotional scars he has and that the kid goes to trial. The crime of cracking an egg on bald man's head must result in at least 20 years in prison.

Australians are not people.

Leftists should be thrown out of helicopters

My god. What a horrendous act of left-wing terrorism. DOTR for these antifa monsters when amirite?