Fat ethnic man copes after getting cucked by Asian GF.

40  2019-03-17 by IDFSHILL


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Trigger warning for blackcels: this video is suicide fuel. This is a fat black man being cucked by an Asian foid, he's being betabuxxed as well.

Betabuxxing a basketball American. We truly are living in a society.


He should thotmaxx and fuck horny white woman with cuck husbands

He needs to gymaxx, dietmaxx and I'm assuming finasteridemaxx too from that hat he keeps wearing on his head 24/7.

They dont care tho just be big and black

Dude can't even satisfy one chick tho

tbf, she's way out of his league. of course there's no way she'd date him in a monogamous relationship.

You might wanna see her without makeup.

Haha holy shit. She looks like Matt Ogus 😂😂😂

Still pretty tbh.

cute as expected.

I just don't like the braids

fuck, if that's cute, then you're desperate as fuck. No wonder.

She looks as I expected she would look from the first video. You were surprised, because your experience with women is limited.

She's out of his league (4.5/10 vs 6.8/10)

According to you, not thinking she is ugly means I'm deseperate. How does this follow exactly?

lmao, she looks like a spotty, greasy mess.

Just because you’re lonely and desperate enough to fuck a sentient cockroach doesn’t make her a 7/10.

7/10 don’t need to wear bucket loads of makeup to hide their pockmarks and ugly face. I hate when Reddit virgins try to rate women, really highlights their involuntary celibacy and the depth it has made them sink to.

My girlfriend is hotter than her. But I also don't look like that fat guy.

Did an asian girl reject you recently? This is not a normal amount of anger.


Get out. You are not welcome here. This is not your place.

lol what?

We don't count waifus as real people here, bub

thankfully she's white

No body cares what color your pillow is fam

Is there anything more gay than pillows?

The fact that you posted that fucking "meme" is enough to think your should unironically cut off your own cock.

cry harder

Is that what gets you hard?

sorry, you're too dumb.

She looks better without the makeup, imo. Not spectacular, but definitely cute.



Jfc, why do all Asian girls look like utter trash with no fakeup on? Like, even mayo and black women look decent but all asian foids look like they've been forced to sleep in dirty pillows their entire lives when they take off their makeup.

Only the wrong kind of Asians look like 💁🏻‍♀️

So... Asians?

she's not that much really if you check out her channel, its just magic of make up

You should watch those Asian makeup transformation compilation videos. Never trust an asian woman with full makeup lol

you foids are devious people :(

It’s only fair because you guys can see our boobs shape out front but we can’t see your dick sizes 🙁

that's not comparable because first of all you can get pads or a push up bra and also a lot of guys are into smaller boobs while no women like small dicks.

It’s easy to figure out if it’s real or push up bra though. I don’t know why so many guys fall for it. It’s super obvious.

Only pedos like flat chested lolis. Scientifically proven.

I don’t know why so many guys fall for it. It’s super obvious.

I don't know if they fall for it. A lot of guys either don't care or even like smaller.

Only pedos like flat chested lolis. Scientifically proven.

Thatd make me feel bad about flat chicks though. So they should date guys who aren't even that into them, settle to them and secretly jerk off to BBW porn or busty girls when she's at work? Doesn't seem like the foundation for a healthy relationship.

Didn’t you see that one post about a guy who likes big tits but his girl is flat chested so he prefers her from behind ?

I think I remember that one, was in a bait subreddit too and really got the nerds going.

Though if it was real I don't think it'd be healthy to be in a relationship where you're that turned off by your girlfriends body that you only do her in certain positions. Might as well put a paper bag over her head.

Reminds me of one of the scary movies. Didn’t one the characters make the ghost with a bag in her head to give him a blowjob?

idk, I haven't seen any movies that came out after 1990


except for Eyes Wide Shut

I’m allergic to Tom Cruise.

I heard they're making a remake with Idris Elba and the women at the party will all be Asian (probably Chinese to get that Chinese box office) chicks

My boyfriend is definitely not gonna let me watch that lol

what a cruel person

I can’t even get him to watch Luther with me 😔

lol, maybe he thinks you're fetishizing him 😂

Really? I’d like to know this magic.

Natural big boobs tend to be big all around. By that, I mean there’s gonna be under boobs and weight of the boobs on the sides too. No matter how perky the boobs are, they are going to be bottom heavy because gravity.

Push up bras take all that weight and push to the center top. So, when you see a woman with supposedly large boobs, you should examine how spread out they are. If they are just pushed in the middle and the boobs are spilling out from the top area but no weight spread out to the sides or at the bottom? That’s all push up bra and you should minus off at least a cup size from what you are seeing.

There are some really good bras that also include fake under boobs and the whole thing looks more realistic but they are still gonna look like a huge solid round foams on the chest area that move in unison. Natural boobs will move around more freely and be jiggly.

Wow thanks. Amazing how science has allowed the foids to boobmax.

Yeah, I ordered a bra online and didn’t know it was a wonderbra type. Made my boobs into D cups and looked pretty realistic too. They were too hot though.

Too hot is a legitimate risk.

Grow some balls, dude.

Must be like looking in a YouTube mirror

Nah, I get spanked by him for even liking celebs 😩👌🏻


So mayos cuck asians, blacks cuck the mayos and asians cuck the blacks?

Truly the circle of cuckery.

It's like the RuneScape triangle of combat.

Fuuuckkk check out his channel. Like half if it is him talking to hot girls and failing at flirting with them.

Poor dude, lets pour one out for the cucked homie.

I thought ethnic was just when you cant really place them, but they're not white.

I watched 2 mins of that. I'm not watching a 16 minute video of that depressing shit.

Didn't it seem like he was the one fucking people though, not her?

No. it was her idea and she made that clear.

/r/aznidentity, thoughts?

lets be real that guy could be slamming mayo braphogs all day long if he wanted to, but he settled for a square-headed rice queen who then goes on to legitimately cuckold him? wtf is going on black guys you used to have it figured out.

Gussy: Not even once

Who has a microwave in their living room? They're both fucked up.

If that guy lost a couple pounds he would be hot af