My boyfriend says Itadakimasu before going down on me. Could this mean he has an Asian fetish?

87  2019-03-17 by SansSoIeiI


A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


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Lmao! Dude definitely frequents 4chan.

AKA /r/relationship_advice doesn't recognize bait #8943185687

Weebshit is spreading fast.

You know if weebshit ever becomes truly mainstream oldschool weebs all over the internet will be furious and won't know what to do since they can't be contrarian anymore and it would be the greatest shitshow in the history of the internet

They'll start posting ironic nazi weeb memes.

How did a weeb manage to get a loli gf??

he's living the weeb dream at least

And he's ruining it for himself by being obvious about it šŸ˜”

Probably a closet weeb who's letting it out bit by bit now that hes got that sweet real life hentai.

He didn't it's low tier bait. I've seen this exact thread with slightly different wording like 4 times now.



Those fish do look nice. Maybe a bite won't hurt.

He isnt an asian fetishist but he a pedo

what's the difference though?

Based and redpilled

Do you frequent 4chan by any chance? The posts you link to are so obviously you.

No I don't really go there. Why would you think so?

really? That's weird. he's more into the opposite of the me acting submissive thing

He's obviously into futa

omae wa mou chongokujin


Imagine not wanting a T H I C C gf who is sturdy enough to bear multiple children and still help out at harvest time.

T H I C C is plebian shit tier. The best are cute girls with slim bodies and big tits.


Lol, all those women look like they would struggle with one bushel of apples.

Fuck you and shut up.

Uh, because the apples are ready for picking and SOMEONE has to put them on the cart to go to market, and all 7 of our children are under 10. What a stupid question.

7 is way too many. I want only want like 4 kids.

Lol, fat percentage is too low and their hips are too narrow. How can they give birth to our 8th in the cold winter?

do you live in the rural Ukraine or something

Fucking slavshits shitting up my Drama threads

I'm picturing an unironic slav peasent squatting in a mud hut with a Pentium PC posting about harvesting potato to make wodka for cold winter

My name Artour Babaev. Sorry bad englandsky. I grow up in small farm to have make potatos. Father say "Arthour, potato harvest is bad. Need you to have shitpost on internet forum in Amerikanski for make money for head-scarf for babushka." I bring honor to komrade and babushka. Plz no copy pasteschniko

post gf

/r/bois for straights like myself

ikr? who'd be into skinny, slim girls with no tits and ass?

Pedos and gays. But I repeat myself.

Like anyone in /r/drama has ever gone outside, let alone worked the fields

ā€œI played the part of a farmer once in a play so... I know a thing or two about agriculture.ā€

Sushi lol

Who's she quoting? What a weird post.

imagine you're concerned because you bf said some stupid weaboo shit and not because he's a pedo

weebs need to _____ themselves


Imagine interacting with gussy šŸ¤¢

I don't care that this is obviously bait, it's asbolutely hilarious

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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good bait thanks

"My last three white bfs weren't like this at all I'm not sure if I'm comfortable being fetishized for my race."

he watches anime sometimes

confirmed to be a degenerate weeb from this alone

If I see a fine Asian girl,Iā€™m about to gochisousama,if you know what I mean.šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž

Ignoring this as obvious bait for a second. Why does it matter if someone is in to a particular type of girl?

I think the reason behind it would matter to people.

E.g. there's a difference between liking Asian girls because you find petite, slim, cute girls attractive (because they often fit that type) and liking them because for instance you think they're submissive and make good housewives.

I don't think people usually take offense at just having a type in terms of looks but with racial preferences it's often more in line with the second type.

I've seen a lot of people bitch about fetishizing Asians and never once has racial behavioral stereotypes come up.

I think a lot of people assume you hold such views if you have a stated racial preference.

I mean it is a bit strange to, e.g. if you find slim, petite women quite attractive of course Asian girls will be on average more often attractive to you but so would be for instance white women who fit that type.

But that only works if you're only into generic physical properties present in every race. There are physical characteristics that are specific, or at least very rare in other races, that all races have. This might extend to eye shape, skin color, hair color, hair texture, skin texture, etc.

Thats true but most people don't have that specific preferences. Or at least not to the point where you would exclude others for not having them since it would limit your potential dating pool quite a lot, they could still be seen as a bonus though.

Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with having a preference for Asian women it you generally prefer their looks but the culture fetishizing aspect is gross and I get why people might be worried about that.