SRD implodes when the sub whiteknights for cheating slut who has a new piss drinking fetish - "I wouldn't make the man who raped me drink piss" and other moral jerking

34  2019-03-17 by QinEmperor


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. This Post -,,,

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I get cheating is awful but

Spotted the cheater

!fuck the ping ban!<

fuck the ping ban

says the faggot who hasn't consented to username pings even in this sub

Nothing makes me want to change my opinion than a srdine's snarky iteration of that same opinion.

Yes, making someone drink piss is probably not the best response....but:

So your response to theft is assault? Yeah honestly this tells me everything, you’re either a teenager are an adult with absolutely no ability to properly control your emotions. Also forced contact with bodily fluids is considered a crime in many parts of the US, but hey go throw your piss at someone and tell the judge it’s not a crime, I’m sure that’ll work well.

Honestly you’re so eager to jump to conclusions to defend this guy it seems, combined with your reply about literally assaulting people instead of just reporting theft is pathetic. Grow up and control your anger, being upset isn’t an excuse. Sorry that other people actually have basic impulse control and don’t want to deal with people like you.

An actual person failed to detect several hundred ml of piss mixed into a single bottle of anything over the course of several days? Sounds like a load of shite.

Not exactly the same but when I was in high school one night a friend and I were out front of a girls house waiting for her and her friend to come home so we could do degeneracy. We were drinking 40's because back then that was cool and cheap. My buddy had finished more than half of his and it was super warm so he opened another one. A few minutes later he decided to take a piss in the half empty 40 because we were in a city and it's easy to use a car door like a partition and piss in a bottle. A while later the girls came home and invited us in and my bud brought the 40 piss thinking he was gonna throw it away because we respected mother Gaia. We got inside and put a bunch of unopened 40's on the table along with the piss 40. Girl #1 grabs the piss 40, opens it, chugs half then passes it to girl #2 as she says "eww that's warm", we didn't say shit and let them drink it. That was many years ago and me and my bud still randomly bring it up and laugh about it now adays when we're drinking by saying "eww that's warm" in a girlish voice. The funniest part was that we laughed hysterically when she drank it and repeated her catch phrase while laughing through out the night even getting her to get in on the fun. It really helped her self esteem and made her think she was funny and had a good personality which after she grew up that actually became the truth. I liked to think that her drinking piss was actually a catalyst to her developing a personality and not just being some attractive twit

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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did your account get banned or why else are you posting this here?

Cool story, bro.