Simplified NZ-posting update

84  2019-03-17 by AnnoysTheGoys

We're done with ambiguous moral jannying, here's the simple way forward:

โ€ข No direct links or instructions (eg search for x on y) for the vid or manifesto.

โ€ข No shitposting, memes, unironic or "ironic" posts supporting the shooter.

That's it.


Itโ€™s going to be forgotten about within the week anyways for whatever next big outrage is tbh. The memes were already p stale ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด

Forget what?

You already did.

That Alita movie.

Robot titties and creepy looking girls? No one's gonna forget that, not for a while. I wish they had tentacles too.

This ^

This is literally pinging v2.0

T-those memes were not funny anyways, haha, please dont ban me mods/admins

Based and fuckthejanitorspilled

the memes are great you just cant see them on reddit because of how gay the admins are about it

ThE mEmEs ArE gReAt YoU jUsT cAnT sEe ThEm On ReDdIt BeCaUsE oF hOw GaY tHe AdMiNs ArE aBoUt It

I really wonder how New Zealand has managed to lean harder on social media networks than places like KSA or Turkey.

Anglosphere and Hobbit films

I guess the West feels a little sorry for the shitshow that the Hobbit trilogy was for NZ.

Because sites like reddit are just itching for excuses to get rid of "problematic" communities and individuals.

Reddit does not require any reason or excuse to get rid of anything they deem problematic or anyway unwanted, you inbred halfwit.

Thank you, Reddit Defense Force.

T_D is still around. Wanna give it another try, kiddo?

Lol give that a little bit of a harder think

Its your own fucking argument.

If reddit does not need an excuse to get rid of problematic communities like T_D, why is it still around? Riddle me that dipshit. And do not give me any "they follow the rules!" shit. watchpeopledie followed the rules and bended ass backwards for the reddit admins and they still got nuked.

Ohhhhh I dunno, maybe because reddit management love having T_D because of all the traffic and money they bring the site? You know the glaringly obvious reason that any child could see? The one you'd have to be significantly retarded zoomer to miss.

I think TD is a net negative for reddit, by far. Advertisers are easily scared away by stuff like posts jerking off the guy who claimed it was really the muslim's fault a day after a mass murder. They don't ban it because of the optics. It's nothing money related.

Optics? Half "main" Reddit would be happy, the rest either wouldn't care, and a small subset of conservative subs would throw a fit but that's that.

The real reason is the regardless of how much fantasies subs like AHR like push, TD doesn't really break the rules, and shit that does is moderated rather quickly.

Itโ€™s definitely a negative. Thatโ€™s why they banned it from /r/all

How many fucking adds do you see on T_D you brainlet? Do you think advertizers are piling on to get their shit plastered in there?

Right which is why they got banned from /r/all

The shooter was cheered and egged on before the murder. These communities are sociopathic and the only thing that makes them care even just a bit is the chance that their genocide forum might get shut down. Sometimes you've got to bring out the hammer.

It has hit Turkish media as well, conservatives are using it to scare people into thinking that there'll be another Crusade lmao

Maybe because he used the Constantinople meme?


Also the "Remove Kebab" meme, which is usually directed at Muslims in general but was specifically aimed at "Turks" in the Bosnian war.

In the EU4 community it actually does refer specifically to turkey really. I learned it there and was confused when I saw people just using it as a term for Muslims elsewhere.

it literally targeted the bosniak population of BiH.

Yeah, who often got referred to as "Turks".

ErdoฤŸan benefitted most from this. He literally said "They targeted ME", as if this was an attack on us & our leader lol

The manifesto specifically calls for the murder of Erdogan (among others), so he's not totally wrong.

Who hasn't?

They targeted ErdoฤŸan.


There were a couple /r/Turkey refugees crying up a storm in the drama threads about the shooting.

/r/Turkey is kemalist Turkish expat center

As long as they dont invade Israel again, proably dont have to worey about another crusade

It is impossible for an Arab army to invade its own territory.

PR. No one wants to be the company that refused. The guy is now universally reviled and the public generally agrees with the video being removed. It's a much different situation than someone trying to suppress political opponents. There's also the fact that social media companies have been under fire recently. They want to head off criticism. They're scared that they'll be implicated in the attack for being the platform that he was radicalized on.

Part of why reddit should have never gotten into video/image hosting.

Focusing on links and discussion allows greater freedom and fewer potential liabilities.

I was legitimately unaware you were more than a meme.

the public generally agrees with the video being removed

lmao no theyre just told thats how it is

You spend to much time on the internet. If I started talking about having watched the video at work people would think I'm a fucking weirdo and probably start backing away from me. Nearly no one gives a shit about the video being removed. You'll only find opposition in some autistic internet echospheres and on the political fringes.

If I started talking about having watched the video at work people would think I'm a fucking weirdo

the day after 911 literally everyone was talking about the footage and details from the footage

and if you hadnt seen it then you werent up to date and you had nothing to add to the conversation and basically wtf were you even doing

theres no difference here, its a significant event and anyone who refused to look at it is a pussy and doesnt deserve a place in the conversation

Nearly no one gives a shit about the video being removed

correction dumb people scared of talking about muslims dont care because it alleviates their dumb anxiety about it

To have an opinion on this event I have to watch the video?

Are you sure?

if you want to do anything but parrot what the news said then yeah, obviously

otherwise what possible input could you have

I could combine what I read about with my deductive reasoning. I mean, what information is there to be gleaned from watching it?

why do you think a sanitised third hand account is valid though

I mean, what information is there to be gleaned from watching it?


like for instance how the guy in front of the place greeted the heavily armed man walking toward him holding multiple guns as though it was normal

why it might make one think that the place has some sort of radical history or something

the place has some sort of radical history

So you love victim blaming as much as the chapos do? This is some highly enriched cope you've got going here.

did you even read the article lol

its not victim blaming to try and figure out why tf everything has to get shut down for this one less violent than average gore video

theres clearly some dodgy shit going on and id say its most likely the nz government trying to cover for its own ineptitude rather than everyone just being really moral and not wanting to show the shooters name and face all of a sudden

highly enriched cope

nigga none of this affects me im not the one hand wringing about ok hand signs

If you invade a bunch of countries your going to earn a lot of bad karma, no way to get around that. Muslims kill a lot fewer people than westerners do and invade a lot fewer countries.

like for instance how the guy in front of the place greeted the heavily armed man walking toward him holding multiple guns as though it was normal

I literally just went and re-watched the video to confirm this is a total ass-pull.

After leaving the vehicle, there's the couple on the sidewalk that stop and stare at him for the two seconds they're in view.

Then we have the two gentlemen in the front door. One's facing away, the other one starts facing sideways and then turns away as well.

Lol he did accidentally prove his point about how watching the video first-hand is important for preventing others from shaping your impressions dishonestly.

Yeah, why is nobody talking about how the three year old kid deserved it?

like for instance how the guy in front of the place greeted the heavily armed man walking toward him holding multiple guns as though it was normal

It's completely unclear from the context of the video whether the shooter is as the intended recipient of the "brother." And even if he was, so fucking what? Can you tell me that if you saw that retard in his kekistan outfit approach you holding a weapon your response would be 100% rational?

I mean, what information is there to be gleaned from watching it?

How hilariously delusional anyone thinking an AR ban would reduce casualty counts in situations like this has to be.

The answer is clearly more guns

We've been doing 'more guns' nonstop for 50 years or so and it's been fantastic, good guys with guns have stopped so many mass shootings.

We've been doing 'more guns' nonstop for 50 years or so and it's been fantastic

That's true. Guns per capita has increased, gun crime has decreased in that time frame. Seems like a win to me.

good guys with guns have stopped so many mass shootings.

Now that's false. They've stopped some, but most gun owners don't have a concealed carry permit, and most people aren't gun owners. It's unrealistic to expect them to stop more than they have.

49 people were killed, not much more to say about it. I'm not going to do what he wants and watch the video. Any emotion I could feel from watching it, that's what he wants me to feel.

the day after 911 literally everyone was talking about the footage and details from the footage

The attacks happened live on television in front of an audience of millions. They had no choice.

they had no choice but to loop the footage for a month?

You're fucking retarded if you can't see the difference between the 9/11 video and this.

there is no difference its historical record

you personally finding it distasteful doesnt change that you penis stop being so emotional about it

there is no difference


plane in background hit a building and you see a fireball for five seconds


Guy narrates his made-for-audience fifteen minute killing spree where you get to see him shoot people five feet away while they scream and beg for help. Shoutout to the woman he double-taps on the ground and then runs over.

Peak autism my guy. Go have some conversations with people in real life for a bit.

plane in background hit a building and you see a fireball for five seconds

lmao you never saw the suicide jumpers huh

Peak autism my guy. Go have some conversations with people in real life for a bit.

waaah a thing made me feel sad so nobody should be able to see it

fuck that lol

also everyone who ive told about it asked me for a copy of the video, obviously i refused though

hear that feds

little dots falling down a bit

Still low impact.

For the record I don't agree with it being censored and I tooootally don't have it downloaded in case it gets purged entirely.

I'm just pointing out that it's wildly different from 9/11.

Content aside... 9/11 wasn't filmed for an audience. This was.

It's the difference between posting some dude jacking off in public twenty feet away on /r/trashy and posting myself jacking off in public from a POV. One is a freak instance caught in the wild, the other is myself being a fucking degenerate and trying to get as many people to see it as possible because that's my goal. It's the same content, just different context and desires from the filmers.

There's a difference and if you honestly can't grasp that then you genuinely are an aspie.

And fuck you for making me make an actual effort post here.

Still low impact.

i guess

how about isis videos though, those are all still up and they had a twitter and everything

One is a freak instance caught in the wild, the other is myself being a fucking degenerate

yeah but it also didnt impact the entire world like this, thats the significance

if you jacking off accidentally killed arch duke ferdinand (say by hitting him hard in the eye) and started a world war then the video would be in the archives you feel me

just like if this guy videod himself first person shooting a pumpkin itd be unimportant

you genuinely are an aspie.

i dont think i ever disputed that but im still right about this video being significant and important enough to be historical record

but it also didnt impact the entire world like this

Like what, NZ tightening gun laws and a whole two subreddits going down? This isn't some earth shattering event. It's like... kinda sorta big like the Casey Anthony shit, but right now we're not even at Sandy Hook levels of ramifications. This is just your run of the mill shooting event. It just came with a bonus FPS mode this time around and the media decided that's where we're going to draw the red line when it comes to what they're going to make easily available.

Yeah there's the ISIS videos that get posted, but there's still enough of a difference between the two. I can see the distinction between a planned execution and a on-the-fly POV massacre.

You gotta keep in mind, this is all brand new uncharted territory for the media because suddenly we can livestream suicides and massacres and all that jazz. A line was going to be drawn at some point with this, and this is where it was arbitrarily decided to be.

All the soulless media conglomerates are thinking on the fly with this right now, so let's at least wait for a statement and an explanation of some standards here, then we can bring out the torches and pitchforks.

Like I said, I'm not thrilled that it's getting purged left and right, but it's really clear as day as to why it's happening.

I can see the distinction between a planned execution and a on-the-fly POV massacre.

you think the shooting vid was worse than the "burning a guy in a cage" vid or the "get a 5 year old to be executioner" vid?

or the drowning ones or the smashing a guys head with a boulder ones?

it wasnt even gory it was just surreal

A line was going to be drawn at some point with this, and this is where it was arbitrarily decided to be.

yeah well theyre wrong and nobody is actually compelled to do what they say, also they cant enforce it

All the soulless media conglomerates are thinking on the fly with this right now

yeah about how they can use this to further their narratives and shut shit damaging to them down under the pretense of safety

but it's really clear as day as to why it's happening.

yeah because a white guy did it lmao i knew that part

It's 49 people being mass murdered, if you don't feel emotional after watching it there's something wrong with you.

911 videos were just of the towers falling. This is a snuff video in which 49 innocent people were killed in about 5 minutes. There is nothing really that compares to it. You can see worse videos of people being tortured and such, but this is literally a first person view of a mass murder.

Most people shouldn't see the video, they won't learn any of of value from it and it will just mess with their heads in horrible ways. But there are a few edgelords who should be made to watch it so that the reality of the bullshit they say online sinks in.

lol cringe

ur flair fits u punk ass Baby lol

the public generally agrees with the video being removed

Yeah but the public is retarded

I thought it was more to do with NZ being part of the commonwealth and having the queen as head of state. Any terrorist attack on the commonwealth is a direct attack at Britain.

White privilege, you dork.

Plebbit has become such a pussy platform I swear. Fuck current year tbh ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„

I miss the wild west days of the internet, it was a simpler time.

Itโ€™s eventually going to drive up the popularity of more group-based user-run platforms (I hope). Look at Discord or Mastodon, the next generation of social media is going to have communities much more walled off from each other than Reddit or Twitter. This is probably good for preventing general over-moderation, but bad for echo-chamber effects. It worked in the old days of the internet when communities were smaller (fewer people using the internet casually, less total online time) and isolated (harder to search for individual forums when theyโ€™re all on different websites vs. the Reddit model), but now that everyoneโ€™s spending unhealthy amounts of time on social media, spending it all in gated communities with niche, strictly internally-moderated discourse might worsen political and social divides.

I'm looking forward to that Gab overlay thing that will add a comments thread for any arbitrary web address. No matter what you do, or how well you moderate your community, there will be an unregulatable discussion that anyone will be able to find just by putting the page url into gab.

Imagine trying to get rid of doxxing or revenge porn once that thing goes live!

it's called dissenter

This but unironically Ed.

YIKES! This is a lot to unpack, friendo

Only ๐Ÿ‘ doggos ๐Ÿ‘ and ๐Ÿ‘ trump-jokes ๐Ÿ‘ and ๐Ÿ‘ sob stories ๐Ÿ‘ allowed ๐Ÿ‘ on ๐Ÿ‘ my ๐Ÿ‘ social media ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ˜‹

Careful Ed, you're gonna get put on the naughty list then get banned first chance the Adkins get.

This subreddit has become a white supremacist breeding ground tbh. Ironically supporting fascism is still supporting fascism.

This but unironically

He wasn't being ironic. It's obvious how many cunts from right are here

This but unironically

Right = Facism amirite??

This but unironically

Ironically, but this

They were already a pussy platform, tt's just that they are acting before they get bad press. Fappening, pedo-stuff, etc. got the hammer when reddit got bad press.

literal censorship. what happened to america

america is NZ's bitch now

falling to pressure from literally the most irrelevant nation on earth. sad! thought that trump was going to bring respect to this once great nation

You'll respect us when you run out of .... some varieties of KiwiFruit and/or Mutton!

it isn't "america" its a shitty american website lmao

a 'shitty american website'? where do you think you are even? this was a site that once embraced free speech and the highest ideals that we hold as americans ... this isnt just a shitty subreddit, it belongs to all of us as americans and ill be damned if some europeans are allowed to destroy it

where do you think you are even?

on a shitty american website

this was a site that once embraced free speech and the highest ideals that we hold as americans

id say that was before it got shitty but it was always shitty tbh

Now this is some quality ironically subtle trolling. Even the dramatard regulars are slurping down the bait.

that we hold as americans

is a leaf

Bravo marx.

He's a master tbh

He's gotten even better than he was just a few months ago on the enoughdramaspam campaign. I check in on his threads every once in a while and he has the chapos eating out of his hand on the regular now.

Stupid reddit, got me agreeing with commie scum. Fuck this site.

What's jannying?

The internet janitorial arts

Can you tell someone to โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ themselves on kiwifarms? I wish plebbit was more like that ๐Ÿ˜ฟ

Also, somebody fucking stole my username on that site ๐Ÿ˜’

Jannying is the act of spending long hours moderating content that retarded 15 year olds post on internet forums with 0 monetary compensation.

like a school bus driver but he can't just go over the cliff

Doing it for free then pretending you're not overdue for a date with a rope

All posts and comments should be submitted to the UN Human Rights Council before anyone is allowed to read them anyway tbqh fam.

Good luck, r/watchpeopledie has shown that bending over for the mods doesn't work.

Reddit would rather import censorship than export freedom of speech.

Fucking New Zealand? Where does reddit draw the line; and how can anyone credibly believe that $150m in capital from the developers of China's great firewall isn't going to influence reddit's decision making when they are willing to bend over for a tiny island on the other site of the globe?

What government censor won't reddit bend over for u/spez?

reeee my reddit snuff spank bank is gone all i have is LiveLeak now

You whine a lot bro. Just sayin.

fREEEEEEEdom of le speeech.


SRDines are worse than peach connoisseurs tbh

Being a chapo is worse than a srdine

imagine posting on SRD, Chapo and MurderedByWords and genuinely calling someone else retarded

le fREEEEEEEdom of spEEEEEEch


Freedom of speech is bad and you, in particular, should be censored.

And why is that?

Because your opinions are stupid and wrong, and you're annoying.

The subreddit should unironically consider an off-site bunker and start transitioning elsewhere. There's no point staying on a platform full of retards who throw tantrums and cry to mommy every time you make fun of them for being retarded.

There's no point staying on a platform full of retards who throw tantrums

Tantrums are terrible, you should take your toys and go home.

Agreed, someone set up an drama community on digg.

waaah pls let me jerk off to a video of people getting slaughtered waaah

Eh, this is a meta-sub, not an agenda pushing one. I've yet to see a meta sub getting banned.

Gallowboob doobed a roob.

This site was never a bastion of free speech, it is a cesspool of screeching idiots that can never be fully drowned out.

Oh yeah, and since it is a private entity there are no free speech laws - you're all bullshit.

I miss usenet.

wake me up when eternal september ends

I mean... I think it's still there, you can probably go reminisce with the three grandpas who still use it

I just use the binary groups. There's only 2 using the alt.* groups anymore

amen, brother

Why is the censorship so strong on this shooting in particular?

My guess is the nature of the video. Only other reference point I can think of is that prick who FB lived himself killing some poor old dude in Cleveland.

And when those Muslims sliced the heads off those white girls.

That shit was absolutely horrifying tbh

ISIS vids with go pros, the cameraman who shot the news anchor and person she was interviewing, countless cartel videos, 3 guys 1 hammer.

It also kinda reminds me about the autistic kid who was tortured on FB live.

1) it is in a first world country 2) filmed in first person which may inspire others


Makes sense. Something like the Jolo attack couple months ago never had this level because it was in a shithole country with no film in the first person

Well ISIS videos are being taken down, especially after that beheading video.

Yeah but you donโ€™t get threatened with 10 years in prison for possessing them. Thatโ€™s Soviet a Union level authoritarianism. Pretty soon itโ€™s gonna be UK level authoritarianism.

It also implicitly makes Kiwi cops look like shit. That cunt was able to take his time, casually walk to and from his car, and eventually drive off. I didn't think people could do shit like this in the developed world. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it happen.

It was like 5 minutes he was in the mosque right? It was also in a rural area. He specifically targeted a rural area because he knew it would take longer for the cops to respond. If it were an urban area maybe they could be there within 5 minutes or less, that's a lot to ask nationwide.

The police station was like 5 blocks away.

I would also put ISIS videos on the list in terms of how "strange" the western targeted ones were.

Political climate. The fact that NZ gestapo is hunting anyone who has the vid or manifesto. And because so many internetisms surrounded the shooting.

Censoring manifestos/names/kill counts/videos etc. is a good strategy to stop copycats but it can literally never be done effectively unless the government has china-level control over the press as well as people's internet usage and hardware.

I'm glad I know degenerate sections of the internet like r drama or else I wouldn't know about Kiwi Farms and wouldn't be able to find the video. It's like drugs; you gotta know a guy who knows a guy.

I don't even want drugs or to watch the video, but I'm happier knowing I have the option.

It's a PoV of someone mechanical executing 49 people including children as calmly as someone might shoot bottles of beer on a wall while meme music plays in the distance. Guy who did this was a dark triad type, and I think for a lot of people this would be a seriously disturbing video to accidentally find online.

tbh, I saw thousands of first-person shooting and bombing videos at my old job, and this is probably the most...dehumanizing?

The fact that the guy was just memeing the entire time and the literal pile of bodies shown is what does it. He did not see them as human at all. It was practically a video game to him. All it was missing was him dabbing, yelling "yeet," and bragging about noscope headshots.

Not even ISIS just laughed as they were killing people.

tbh, I saw thousands of first-person shooting and bombing videos at my old job, and this is probably the most...dehumanizing?

I'm guessing you weren't watching videos shot by pretty much any anglosphere military then? That's pretty much standard behavior for commonwealth/US/canada troops in the middle east. When they call in air support they get all excited like they just activated a killstreak reward on call of duty.

TBH I would excited too if I were able to call a drone strike on Taliban.

Literally my exact job. None of them were quite like this dude.

I think it seemed that way to you at the time because it was the baseline behavior, and seemed acceptable sheerly by being common, but anglo soldiers can't really see darker skinned people as human.

Because it was a video created to incite violence. ISIS execution videos were treated the same way here.

Hivemind. This is the something that everyone is doing when they say "someone should do something about X"

Kony 2020.

Hmm no

If tards aren't allowed to openly support gunning down cowering civilians, how will I know who to ridicule?

Autism, uh, finds a way

Am I allowed to say the shooter should have targeted (((THEM)))?


I feel like we should break all the rules one day and see how fast we can get this sub banned

No shitposting, memes, unironic or "ironic" posts supporting the shooter.

Thank god we can finally drive the PDPDF from our shores

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers, yadda yadda

Donโ€™t pray ffs ...thatโ€™s asking for it.

No edgy jokes about NZ allowed. Edgy jokes about raping kids is still fine. Phew u/darqwolff

Fuck reddit. Adblocker for lyfe.

finally "subscribe to pewdiepie" is a banned phrase

No shitposting, memes, unironic or "ironic" posts supporting the shooter.

Can I ironically or unironically support the victims?

i know it's not the fault of the mods here but god damn FUCK new zealand and FUCK admin jannies for ruining the karma harvest on my The Red Pill/New Zealand copypasta comment

not only is new zealand going to be associated with the christchurch shooting for decades (because what other international news does it make), but it's going to remind Extremely Online People of all the totally lame censorship it lead to

Maybe people will shoot up less mosques if we make it known that we'll take their memes away

More importantly, did someone turn off comment score hiding?

this but unironically

Can we tell edgy jokes about muslims that is not related to this shooting? Not that i really care because i am 100% in favor of implementing sharia law to curb western degeneracy.

Anything unrelated to it is unchanged afiak


You preferred more rules?

Iโ€™d prefer to pound your ass like your people pound the Gaza Strip goy-san uwuuuu

I know ๐Ÿ˜


no supporting the shooter

Narrative control is usually more subtle than this.

So it's pretty much going hush-hush on the whole ordeal, or we can still mock NZ and their reaction to it?

This subreddit has become a white supremacist breeding ground tbh. Ironically supporting fascism is still supporting fascism.

So no direct links or instructions for finding the manifesto, but we can directly post it now?

At least one of the jannies is removing comments from people just for saying that they have downloaded the video. I understand it's to avoid all the 'send it to me' messages, but it's still pretty lame that reddit has come to this.

What about meme comments supporting the shooter

Time to effort post in subredditcancer

man im getting antsy how long do you think until were allowed to post memes that have screenshots of the video in them

or is the sub going to be gay about this forever

w00t!!! Firemen all around! Blaze those offensive words, thoughts, and pictures off the WORLD WIDE WEB! Burning makes everything clean!

No memes?!?!?!

Oy vey, youse got a loicense fer 'at manifesto?

the absolute state of reddit moderation

He does it without any expectation of monetary compensation.

How about instructions for instructions ๐Ÿ˜