Reddit Gold to anyone who produces Original Content for r/Drama

0  2019-03-17 by Babreeeee

r/Drama is like the Austin Texas of Reddit: people come here because it has this hip vibe, even though it's surrounded by shitty gone carrying rednecks not even near a large body of water with no light rail system because the locals keep voting it down. My point is that this sub has the right vibe to post original content and write about anything and everything, and I think that's a combination of relatively intelligent subscribers as well as an idgaf theme. But like no light rail system in Austin Texas there is no original content here. So to incentivize people to take that jump and just write and create their own cage free home grown non gmo local drama on r/drama, Reddit Gold will be awarded to any original content produced for r/drama.

Disclaimer: I will not be providing the Reddit Gold. Fuckno am I paying spez to continue to host servers for T_D. Just saying, there's a chance that by posting oc someone out there might give it Reddit Gold.


This, but unironically.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. r/Drama -,,*

  3. r/drama -,,*

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This but colonically

Gold isn't shit now, its all about reddit platinum now, but don't spend money on reddit period.


Despite this (now) being a sub essentially based on posting links to things other people have done and only internal tard rousing, the conversations are surprisingly original and occasionally produces hilarious shit like the AOC foot fetish investigation.

Basically we do pretty good be happy with what you get.

I can’t post because I’m an original diamond and Reddit can’t afford me.