"I would gladly give up my gun rights not because think it will make our country safer, but because the majority of people want it." Sentiment unironically expressed by many people following the Christchurch shooting

110  2019-03-17 by Stoatermine


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Holy shit are people pushovers...

Having rights and freedoms isn't supposed to be easy.

Giving them up because some people abuse them is down right retarded.

First it's our right to keep and bear arms, then it's our right to freedom of speech, and before you know it, it's our right to bussy.

The zeroth amendment because it was so important that they couldn't waste time counting to 1.

The zeroth amendment is written in cum on the Bill of Rights and only visible today under a black light

Founding Fathers confirmed for CS grognards.

Anything butt bussy.

People have an innate distrust of each other that is at odds with a core tenant of the Enlightenment that founded our modern democracies - essentially if you give power to people that they will (eventually) learn to use it wisely. All of democracy is founded on this single general concept.

From the perspective of a citizen that distrusts their fellow man, it's clearly a lot safer to remove power from their hands than to risk that they'll misuse it, the question however becomes where do you draw the line on which powers and rights you'll revoke?

Maybe rights to weapons are too dangerous and we'll never come up with a solution where we can have that right and not randomly murder each other. I have no idea, but at it's core this is the struggle - distrust (and sometimes with good reason) of each other. It's why, for instances, that many of these rights are enshrined in the constitution - the founding fathers of America understood that people are easily scared of each other and needed a way to protect what they viewed at the time as essential freedoms from a panicked mob of voters.

The more scared we are of our neighbours and of the bad men on the news, the less scared we'll think to be of the men drafting our laws.

A large portion of modern political debate essentially are just arguments for and against enlightenment ideals.

NPR was gushing the other day about these different leaders in the community speaking up about the shooting. One of them literally was talking about how we need to re-evaluate what we think free speech means.

Is R/thereasontrumpwon on the approved pinging list?


Ought to be

You mean /u/? Yes he is. Gets pinged and shows up all the time.

Its not their fault; Kiwis are half-sheep thanks to rampant bestiality.

Looks like the scummy turbo autist killed 50 but severed the spine of the whole nation.

Remember kids: it was pewdiepie and spyro 3

but think about crying new zealanders dont you just want to capitulate entirely

I hope that if my 6 month old 10/22 is going to be taken from me, I get paid for it

Where's the snappy quote about cuck porn.

“Lol he probably likes big black tyrone dick lol typical cucklord go back to cuckistan cuck cuck cuck”

Is there any government who won't take advantage of a tragedy

Is there any fly that won't take advantage of a shit pile?

American reddit is extremely pro-second amendment

What fucking website are these mongoloids browsing?

Are you serious? Even the normie leftish subs are full 2A rights. Its the weirdest thing about US politics where the majority think every retard has a right to own an arsenal of weapons because black people might come rob them.

In fact, this sub cracked the shits when someone posted US murder statistics and FREE SPEECH and other rightoid whatabouts came out.

Lol imagine caring that gang members in Baltimore shoot each other 😂😂😂

Imagine REEEing at other nations for not wanting the same lmao

Every day I get up at 0500 and put on my running clothes, including a subcompact glock 26 in a belly band holster. I go for a 5 mile run along the river, dodging crackheads who want to suck dick for money or rob me. Near the turnaround point, I usually get attacked by a pack of loose pit bulls and have to shoot a couple of them.

After I get home, I dress my bite wounds, shower, and head down the block to the coffee shop for a cup of Joe. I carry a glock 20 with an extended mag on the chest of my plate carrier, and a glock 29 backup inside my waistband just behind my hip.

I move tactically from mailbox, to alleyway in order to dodge the early morning shootouts between convience store owners and convenience store robbers. I make it to the coffee shop and stand in line waiting for my flat white. The guy in front of me pays but doesn't tip so the barista shoots him in the thigh. I get my coffee and sprint home with it, only to discover it's all leaked out through a bullet hole by the time I've made it home.

I mount up in my up-armored Ford Raptor truck with an HK416 with underbarrel M320 grenade launcher for the drive to work. I have a go-bag with 20 magazines and 10 40mm HE rounds that I usually expend on the drive to work. Today is uneventful as I only engage in one running gun battle with a Cadillac Escalade painted entirely in a confederate flag. I refused to return their "MAGA" shouts so they opened fire on me as we passed a Church's chicken, which sparked a localized race war. I ended their pursuit with a well placed 40mm to their fuel tank.

Later, after work, I fight my way to the grocery store for my weekly provisions. The deli worker gives me my 1lb of Boar's Head London Broil and half pound of Publix Swiss Cheese. I tell him I meant to say I wanted 1 pound of of cheese. He shoots me in the chest, which is fair. I rip a quick clot bandage out of my medical kit and apply it to my chest, then limp back to my truck. As I head home with only one gunshot wound for the day, I think to myself, "not bad for an average day in America."

And this is what the left wants to deprive us of.

Gun control is such an interesting issue because either side of it comes from a different interpretation of the same worldview. Most people recognize that the world is full of pricks and retards who would happily fuck you for the slightest bit of personal gain, but while some people conclude to arm themselves against the faceless masses, others think the solution is to keep those people from accessing guns themselves. It's really interesting.

Imagine believing this unironically

Posted a link to a study from a australian college that showed there is no evidence their gun reforms did anything. Ton of downvotes, and someone else posted links to articles "refuting mine". The articles he linked were literally included and discussed in the paper I posted. I was buried, and he had people "Oh my god your sources are so good, mind if I use them in the future?"

"Oh my god your sources are so good, mind if I use them in the future?"

Who the fuck asks to use someone elses sources?

We're talking about people who think googling publicly available information is like hunting for arcane knowledge locked in a spellbound tome.

Well I'm a retard with bad memory, he said...

Thanks for finding these sources. I'll steal these for future use when debating gun control in the future.

If I may ask, because I'm not overly familiar with the procedure of the scientific method, how do I confirm these sources to also be peer reviewed?

If he had bothered to actually read any of the shit that was linked, rather than just the URL of the guy who linked them though, he would have realized the shit I posted literally included these "amazing" sources in it's analyses. I'm not bitter or caring too much about this or anything. Not at all...

i think you're expecting too much from people who drink the koolaid

Post your source, I want to check it out

FWIW I took a look at the paper you linked and I learned something from it. Used to think that the gun ban in Australia was a success for sure but I quess actually knowing that isn't so easy. The paper did look good but the paper itself went into the fact that other writers come to varying results. It at least made me rethink the supposed obviousness of the effectiveness of gun control.

I think an argument can be made that it has resulted in reducing mass shootings, but something like that is incredibly difficult to actually measure. Australia really didn't have many before the ban (and some of their large ones were people murdering the shit out of their large families).

Personally for me, if the government implements such wide ranging sweeping changes to the gun policy, the numbers would need to be crystal clear that the change had a LARGE difference in the amount of gun violence. The fact that the change was so negligible that it's still being argued 20 years later, to me personally, means it was a massive failure.

i always laugh when other australians get all smug and claim we havent had any mass shootings since gun reform and it worked 100%

Look I’m all for private Bismarck class warships but in the sake of radical centrism all guns should be banned, while providing no prison sentences for possession and ensuring that every person has easy, if illicit access to third hole AR pattern rifles.

This is the kind of compromise our political landscape needs.

All small arms are banned but everyone gets a nuke on their 18th birthday.

Alright this is dope but next time remember that no one who advocates for gun bans knows what the fuck a third hole AR is.

Is it urethra?

Meh, I'll just download and 3-D print my own.

There logo is worse than the shooting.

Not even that, I'd gladly give up my freedom to ever play around with a gun if it means that the average person feels even a little bit safer in this country.

This was posted unironically, but all the responses thought the sentiment was so retarded that it was a burger shitpost.

Just lol @ anglosphere.

Yeah most aren’t aware of the dangers of collectivism

imblying the average person even knows you exist or CARES you gave up personal freedoms for “duh bedderent of sosietyy!!!”

They remove gun rights over 1 shooting? Damn, one guy being bad can ruin the rights for everyone there?

Sadly, it's not a unique thing, what with a handful of dudes with box cutters giving the United States the Patriot Act. Western democracies talk a big game about courage and valuing freedom until real Shit actually goes down.

theres a difference between people making something become enacted and having something removed

your analogy f*cking sucks dude!

wrong and cringepilled

you suck idiot

Imagine being such a beta that you censor swear words on the internet

f*ck you! and tthe horse you rode in on!Google search for a video called, "Gangnam Style." You'll thank me later... This guy is freakin hilarious!

They're not as used to them happening as people in the US.


Yes I have and have farmers in the family. They have hunting rifles. I have no problem with hunting rifles.

Leftists talking about semi-automatic weapons and assault rifle 15s is hilarious. What does this dude think the difference between an AR and a hunting rifle is? One is made out of wood so it looks less scary?

These are the sort of people that would shit themselves if they see an AR-15 while thinking a Mini-14 is "less dangerous."

Gunfags are retarded

Seething noguns

Ironically that’s the thought process that fuels gun sales in Burgerstan.

For the life of me I can't figure out this supposed great benefit of getting to own a gun. You need that for self defense? Move out of your shit tier country (that means you americancels). You just plain enjoy shooting guns? Great, take it to a firing range and leave it locked in a safe up there so you visit your gun to play with it any time you want. You want to play soldier in case your government goes 1984? Join the army right now and fight actual evil governments right now instead of fictional ones. Why do gunfags want to prance around with guns so bad? The cost of letting citizens own guns is that you have sellers manufacture en distribute guns en masse and increasing the availability of guns for people with unscrupulous intentions. But that is worth it because..?

Is this bait

Why would it be

I think you know

I genuinely don't but I'm gonna assume your pro gun brain had a short circuited after being confronted with infallible anti gun facts and logic. Go ahead, try to poke a hole. I dare you.

Did you seriously just make the planes and tanks argument?

Is your reason for wanting guns seriously so you can LARP like a soldier boy from within the comfy confines of one of the safest part of the world in one of the safest periods in history?


Ah well we all like some escapism from time to time.

I don't believe I said I want to LARP, I collect older guns anyway. Because I like them, and there's a story to be told with each one of them. Dunno why you're so angry about not wanting to infringe on an amendment.

You said you want to have guns for the possibility you're gonna have to go rambo against your government. Maybe you Americans have watched so many movies you think that's what real life is like but it isn't. Worry more about actually building this world instead of protecting it against non existent threats please. I don't care much for the 2nd amendment either because I'm not an American.

Point to where I said that, please.

Is your reason for wanting guns seriously so you can LARP like a soldier boy from within the comfy confines of one of the safest part of the world in one of the safest periods in history?


I did exaggerate, in the spirit of this sub, what you said but in essence you said you want to own guns in case you need to go rambo against your government.

Actually, I want to own guns because I like collecting them, government has almost nothing to do with why I collect. This is my third account. I usually just delete it at some point for a fresh start if I feel I don't want to use my account anymore, or want a new name.

The fact that you think the NRA is an omnipotent boogeyman is laughable, I despise the organization because their tactics are to say "those libruls are gonna take yer guns, donate to us" and when that actually happens it they just bend over or even condone new legislation.

If you want to play the post history game, then let's play. It seems you post a lot about video games such as Star citizen and dark heart online l, and post a lot about being against right wing opinions. By your logic you must be a payed shill right? No?

Then let's look at this logically, people post and comment about their hobbies or political beliefs on a subreddit that is tailored to those beliefs and hobbies, that's quite literally what Reddit was made for.

I post on gun related subreddits that have a generally right wing userbase, and post in r/destinythegame, because I enjoy that game.

You post in chapotraphouse, which has a generally left wing userbase, and post on the darkheart online subreddits. Because you (I assume) enjoy that game.

In summary, I've used your own logic against you, and your NRA boogeyman card doesn't work because I hate the organization. So now you don't know what the hell to do.

Ehh I would say gun collection isn't a valid reason to limit gun availability but I only recently learned gun control effectiveness isn't all that it's supposed to be so I'd say keep on keeping on (that includes hating on the NRA because fuck 'em)

It was just a question that came up after I saw your account, I believe you. But I made one post on chapo and suddenly you won't recognize a fellow darmanaut :(

No idea wth darkheart is but I'll assume you mean Black Desert and it's a great game you should check it out. I also strongly advise to keep an eye on the r/starcitizen train if you enjoy drama because 2018 was just great and the best is yet to come.

I'll stand by my opinion that having citizens walk around with guns is a stupid idea but one of the better things of society is us disagreeing on that without me getting double tapped by a /pol/ psycho.

Right, black desert

It doesn't have guns though. Well it does but they sre completely useless. You could still collect them so there is that.

Listen here you retarded limpdick motherfucker. I’m going to try to explain this so that you can understand it.

You cannot control an entire country and its people with drones, tanks, jets, battleships or any of that shit that you so stupidly believe will triumph over citizen ownership of firearms. A drone, jet, tank, battleship or whatever, cannot stand on street corners and enforce “no assembly” edicts. A drone cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband materials or propaganda.

None of those things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Drones and those other weapons are for decimating, flattening, glassing large areas, killing many people at once, and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of its people and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.C. into glowing green glass, they would be the absolute rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit.

Drones are useless for maintaining a police state. Police are needed to maintain a police state. Boots on the ground. No matter how many police or soldiers you have on the ground, they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians. Which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks.

But when every random pedestrian could have a Glock jammed in their waistband and every random homeowner has an AR-15, all of that gets thrown out the fucking window because now the police and military are outnumbered and kicking down those doors becomes a lot fucking riskier, lest you catch a bullet on your way in and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.

If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has ever tried to destroy. They’re all still kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick up trucks, and improvised explosives. Because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them.

Dumb. Fuck.

Or you could avoid the state going full police state before they kick your door in by not electing people who seek to increase their power (like abusing the mechanics of an emergency state for example). This wouldn't require guns so it's like eating your cake and having it too. Sure beats LARPing like a spec ops commando.

"Just don't elect them lol"

Lmao that is pretty funny indeed for a country that recently elected Trump I'll admit.

Le tanks and planes meme

Lots of "I don't own any guns or know anything about them but ban ban ban ban ban..."

Stupid. Clearly the solution is MOAR GUNZ!