My gwandpa weeds hewp

0  2019-03-17 by Lord_Myotismon

Today I attempted to insewt a whowe subway sandwich into my gwandpas anus because the wocaw shops had wun out of quiznos sandwiches (I buy a wot). Using about a gawwon of buttew, bweathing techniques and a few houws I managed to finawwy get it inside. Howevew it was too fow him uncomfowtabwe so he twied to shit it back out. This is whewe things got confusing because wathew than a sandwich swiding out hawf a quiznos did. Now thewe is a chance that he just bwacked out upon excweting the sandwich and it wowwed away somewhewe and that he happened to have a dozen ow so weft ovew quiznos sub wying awound his wectum fwom eawwiew but I cannot fow the wife of me find the sandwich anywhewe. I think I may have the powew to anawwy tuwn subway sandwiches into quiznos subs. Fuwthew expewimentation wiww be wequiwed of couwse (once his wectum has wecovewed) but if this tuwns out to be twue then I may be abwe to sowve wowwd hungew.